美剧中英台词脚本字幕 - 纸牌屋第一季第十一集(01-11)

发布时间:2018-09-30 08:10:48   来源:文档文库   







[01:22.23]第一季 第十一集


[01:33.89]我是罗素 请留言 This is Russo. Please leave a message.

[01:35.73]他不接我电话 He's not answering my calls.

[01:37.57]都结束了 他肯定明白 It's over, and he must know it.

[01:39.79]你认为他不可能卷土重来了 You don't think there's any way he can recover?

[01:42.96]共和党会在每个电台和电视台 The Republicans will play that interview

[01:44.78]反复播放那段采访 on every radio and television station

[01:46.40]从现在直到115 from now until November 5th.

[01:46.40]美国大选为11月第一个星期二 2012年大选是116

[01:49.46]我同情那个孩子 I sympathize with the kid,

[01:50.59]但我从一开始就担心这个 but this was my concern from the beginning.

[01:52.24]我该听你的 先生 And I should've listened to you, sir.

[01:54.74]我以为他能顶住压力 I thought he could handle the pressure.

[01:57.40]好吧 他退出了 Okay. So he withdraws.

[01:59.63]我们要找人代替他 We need to replace him.

[02:00.98]你有人选吗 You have any ideas?

[02:03.43]只剩不到两个月 With less than two months to go?

[02:07.22]如果总统让我参与之前的讨论 If the President hadn't shut me out of the early discussions,

[02:09.39]我没准能提出些好人选 I could've come up with some good options,

[02:10.84]但我想不出有谁 but I don't know anyone

[02:12.33]同时拥有知名度和金主捐款 who's got the name recognition and donor base

[02:14.49]能够在七周内从零开始发起竞选 to start a campaign from scratch just seven weeks out.

[02:19.03]让我想想 Let me think.

[02:22.74]接下来的几分钟将决定一切 Everything hinges on the next few minutes...

[02:25.82]我数月来的谋划 我走的每一步 all my months of planning, every move I've made.

[02:32.37]-有一个人选 - - There is one person. - Who?

[02:37.97] 副总统先生 You, Mr. Vice President.

[02:41.34]如果你重新竞选州长 If you ran to reclaim your seat,

[02:43.78]一定能获得压倒性胜利 I think you'd win by a landslide.

[02:45.34]辞去副总统职务 Resign the vice presidency.

[02:46.94]赢了的话 Only if you win.

[02:49.35]沃克2016年的大选需要我 Walker needs me for 2016.

[02:52.98]你敢打包票他还会留着你吗 Are you entirely certain he's gonna keep you on the ticket?

[02:55.76]你们二人的不和已不是秘密 I mean, it's no secret the two of you don't exactly get along.

[03:01.97]他说什么了 What has he said?

[03:06.23]你这不是让我难办吗 副总统先生 Oh, you're putting me in a very awkward position, Mr. Vice President.

[03:09.28]他有说我坏话吗 Has he been bad-mouthing me?

[03:12.06]他的原话是 Well, the exact phrase he used was

[03:15.40]"讨厌鬼" "Pain in the ass."

[03:22.36]那个混蛋 That fucker.

[03:23.51]他缺乏领导力 He's got no idea how to lead,

[03:25.46]不懂尊重 no sense of respect.

[03:27.29]-是他的主意吗 - - Oh, is this his idea? - No.

[03:30.01]-他想借机摆脱我 - 是我昨天想到的 - His way of getting rid of me? - No. It struck me yesterday,

[03:32.37]我觉得值得商榷 and I just thought it was worth suggesting.

[03:34.13]但我还没和其他人讨论过 But, no, I haven't discussed this with anyone.

[03:35.97]那就好 And you shouldn't.

[03:37.17]没有人会傻到离开白宫去当州长 People don't leave the White House to become a governor.

[03:43.84]我能问你个私人问题吗 先生 May I ask you a personal question, sir?

[03:46.62]你真的想做副总统吗 Do you want to be the Vice President?

[03:50.04]彼得说 你在帮他竞选拉票时 Peter said that when you were out on that campaign trail,

[03:52.67]充满激情与活力 you had so much enthusiasm and energy

[03:55.32]他以为你也许怀念做州长的日子 that he thought you maybe missed being the Governor.

[04:02.53]的确 I do miss it.

[04:03.62]那为什么不回去呢 Then why not go back?

[04:06.47]你会成为这次竞选的英雄 You could be the hero of this election

[04:08.91]2016年大选中保住民主党在宾州的胜利 and secure Pennsylvania for the Democrats in 2016.

[04:14.06]加勒特不可能同意的 Garrett would never go along with something like this,

[04:17.25]就算他恨我入骨 even if he hates my guts.

[04:18.87]这会让他显得无力 It would make him look weak,

[04:19.81]好像他控制不住自己的政府 like he's lost control of the administration.

[04:23.31]如果这是双方的决定呢 Not if it was a mutual decision.

[04:26.86]让我去找加勒特 Look, let me talk to Garrett.

[04:29.27]我不会提及我们今天的谈话 I won't mention that we've spoken.

[04:33.58]知道他怎么想也算有益无害 I suppose there's no harm in finding out what he thinks.

[04:37.13]谢谢 副总统先生 Thank you, Mr. Vice President.

[04:43.12]-四百分口号 -1976 他再次让我们骄傲 - Slogans for 400. - "1976. He's making us proud again."

[04:47.62]-D.J. -卡特 - D.J. - Who is Carter.

[04:49.25]- 约翰 -福特 - No. John. - Who is Ford.

[04:51.52]彼得 Peter?

[04:53.31]六百分口号 Slogans for 600.

[04:54.23]1888 爷爷的帽子很适合本 "1888. Grandfather's hat fits Ben."

[04:54.88]彼得 在吗 Peter, are you here?

[04:58.81]-克劳迪娅 -本杰明·哈里森 - Claudia. - Who is Benjamin Harrison.

[05:00.82]-正确 -八百分总统竞选口号 - Yes. - Presidential slogans for 800.

[05:03.83]1990 晚餐吃得饱 "1900. The full dinner pail "

[05:05.49]在火车上 On the train ride down,

[05:06.44]我差点就要叫警察闯进来 I almost called the police to have them break in

[05:08.28]看看你有没有伤害自己 and make sure you hadn't hurt yourself.

[05:11.32]我不想问你发生了什么 I'm not gonna even ask you what happened.

[05:13.71]现在无关紧要了 It doesn't matter right now.

[05:16.24]现在要紧的是... What matters right now...

[05:16.66]1964 "你心里知道他是对的"

[05:18.44]-要紧的... -戈德华特 - What matters... - Who is Goldwater.

[05:22.26]-克劳迪娅 -戈德华特 - Claudia - Who is Goldwater.

[05:23.59]巴里·戈德华特 正确 Barry Goldwater. Yes.

[05:28.69]拜托 我正在看呢 Oh, come on. Hey, I'm watching that.

[05:34.92]要紧的是公寓外面的50个记者 What matters is the 50 reporters in front of your building

[05:38.06]还有150名竞选工作人员 and the 150 campaign staffers

[05:39.91]还不知道自己是否已经失业 who don't know if they still have a job.

[05:41.65]都结束了 It's over.

[05:44.84]我知道 I know.

[05:47.14]让他们都走吧 So, tell them to go away.

[06:03.77]怎么 你打算就这么窝在这儿 What, are you just gonna hole yourself up in here

[06:05.59]希望一切都消失吗 and hope it all goes away?

[06:06.48]差不多就是这样了 Yeah, that's pretty much the plan.



《美剧中英台词脚本字幕 - 纸牌屋第一季第十一集(01-11).doc》
