
发布时间:2015-11-12 08:20:20   来源:文档文库   


主谓宾 主系表 双宾语 复合宾语



主语 谓语



主语(subject 谓语(predicate
宾语(object 定语(attribute
状语 (adverbial) 补语(complement

考点1. 基本句型一:S (主+谓)


It is raining now. ( )

We’ve worked for 5 hours. ( )

The meeting lasted half an hour. ( )

Time flies. ( )

练习1. 分析下列句子成分,并在后面括号内标明属于五种基本句型中的哪一种。

1. Dark clouds hung overhead. ( )

2. Gradually a smile appeared on her face. ( )

3. He is smiling all over his face. ( )

4. I did well in English. ( )

5. He talked loudly in the classroom yesterday. ( )

考点2. 基本句型三: (主+谓+宾)


She likes English.

We planted a lot of trees on the farm yesterday.

练习2. 分析下列句子成分,并在后面括号内标明属于五种基本句型中的哪一种。

1. People all over the world speak English.

2. Jim cannot dress himself.

3. All of us believe that Jack is an honest boy.

4. He did not know what to say.

5. He just wanted to stay at home.

6. He practices speaking English every day.

考点3. 基本句型四:SVoO(主+谓+间宾 +直宾)


一般的顺序为:动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语

如:He gave me a cup of tea. ( )
She bought me some books. ( )

不能说 Bring me it, please.而要说Bring it to me, please.

动词 + 直接宾语 + 介词(tofor+ 间接宾语。
He gave a cup of tea to me.
She bought some books for me.
Show this house to Mr. Smith.


间接宾语放后面时前面要加to的动词allow, bring, deny, give, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, permit, promise, read, refuse, sell, send, show, teach, tell, wish, write等。

间接宾语放后面时前面要加for的动词:buy, choose, fetch, get, make, order, paint, play(演奏), save, sing, spare等。

一般用to多些,用for的记住常用的三个就行:get, buy, make

He got an English-Chinese Dictionary for me.
She bought a book for John.
My uncle made a kite for me.

练习3. 分析下列句子成分,口头说出间接宾语和直接宾语。

1. She ordered herself a new dress.

2. She cooked her husband a delicious meal.

3. He brought you a dictionary.

4. He denies her nothing.

5. I showed him my pictures.

6. I gave my car a wash.

7. I told him that the bus was late.

8. He showed me how to run the machine.

考点4. 基本句型五:SVOC (主+谓+宾+宾补)




He asked me to lend him some money.

me”是宾语,“to lend him some money”是宾补,宾语和宾补合一起意思为“我借给他一些钱”。从意思上看,这像一句话,“我”是主语,“借给他一些钱”是谓语部分,但在英语原句中,它们却不是真正的主谓关系,而是逻辑上的“主谓关系”,即:从意思上看像主谓关系,而实际上不是。




练习4. 判断下列句中画线部分是否是宾语补足语。(是的填T,不是的填F)

1. I want him to come at once. ( )

2. He lent me some money. ( )

3. He made the boy cry again. ( )

4. The teacher found him cheating in the exam. ( )

5. Don’t leave the door open at night. ( )

练习5. 分析下列句子并划分成分,在后面的括号内标明是什么充当句子的宾语补足语。

1. They appointed him manager.

2. They painted the door green.

3. He pushed the door open.

4. They found the house deserted.

5. What makes him think so?

6. We saw him out.

7. He asked me to come back soon.

8. I saw them getting on the bus.

9. We all think it a pity that she didn’t come here.

10. I’ll have my bike repaired.

11. We elected him monitor.

12. Don’t keep the lights burning.

考点5. 基本句型二: (主+系+表)


A. 如何辨别系动词


1 She looks beautiful. (looks变为is之后,她是美丽的,句意没有大的变化,looks是系动词。)
Look at the picture.(look不能换为be, 为实义动词。)

2 He felt the book with his right hand.(feel“摸”的意思,不能换为was, 是实义动词。)
The silk feels soft.(这种丝绸摸起来很柔软,feels换为is之后,句意变化不大,因此是系动词。)


练习6. 辨别下列斜体动词是系动词还是实义动词。

1. The door stays open at night.

2. He tasted the food, and the food tasted delicious.

3. The book still lies open on the desk.

4. What he said proved true.

5. He can’t proved his theory(理论).

B. 常见的系动词

i 状态系动词
He is a teacher. 他是一名教师。

ii 持续系动词
用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, remain, stay, lie, stand。如:
He kept silent at the meeting. 他开会时保持沉默。
This matter remains a mystery. 此事仍是一个谜。
The food stays fresh in the fridge.
The house stood empty for years.房子空了数年。
He lies awake in bed.他躺在床上,醒着。

iii 表“像”系动词
用来表示“看起来像”这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look。如:
Something seems wrong. 好像出差错了。
He appears young. 他看起来很年轻。

iv 感官系动词
感官系动词主要有look“看起来”,feel“摸起来”, smell“闻起来”, sound“听起来”, taste“尝起来”。
This kind of cloth feels very soft.
This flower smells very sweet.

v 变化系动词
这些系动词表示主语变成什么样。变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run
He became mad after that. 自那之后,他疯了。
She grew rich within a short time.
He fell ill yesterday.他昨天病了。
Eggs go bad easily in summer. 蛋夏天容易变坏。
His face went red.他的脸变红了。
What he had dreamt of came true.
Still waters run deep.静水流深。

vi 终止系动词
表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, turn out, 表达“证实”,“变成”之意。如:
The rumor proved false. 这谣言证实有假。
His plan turned out a success.
他的计划终于成功了。(turn out表终止性结果)
What he predicted turned out (to be) wrong.

练习7. 用下划线画出下列句中的系动词。

1. His advice proved right.

2. The shop stays open till 8 o’clock.

3. The machine went wrong.

4. All these efforts seem in vain.

5. These words sound reasonable.

6. The room soon became crowded.

7. The days are getting longer and longer.

8. He fell ill yesterday.

9. Trees turn green in spring.

10. What you said sounds great.

C. 系动词不能单独作谓语,要和表语一起作谓语

He is a student. ( )

Your idea sounds great. ( )

D. 在一个英语单句中,一般情况要有谓语动词



Our school very beautiful and we like it very much.

Your book on the desk.


Our school is very beautiful and we like it very much. (句中没有谓语动词)

Your book is on the desk.(句中没有谓语动词)

考点6. there be 句型

此句型是由“there + be + 主语 + 状语”构成,用以表达“存在有”。它其实是倒装的一种情况,实义主语位于谓语动词 be 之后,there 仅为引导词(也有看作形式主语的),并无实际意义。

A. be 要与其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致,如果be后实义主语是多个并列项时,要按就近一致原则,与第一项保持一致。

There is a bird in the tree.
(主语a bird是单数,所以用there is)
There are many apples on the tree.
(主语many apples是复数,所以用there are)

There is a pencil and two rulers on the desk.
(第一项是a pencil,单数,所以用there is
There are two rulers and a pencil on the desk.
(第一项是two rulers,复数,所以用there are

B. 可用 live, stand, come, go, lie, remain, exist, arrive等词代替be动词。


There lived an old man at the foot of the mountain.

There exists no air on the moon.

There lies a book on the desk.

There stands a tree on the hill.

1 ______ a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work.
A. It existed B. There existed
C. They had D. There had

2 ______ a beautiful palace ______ the foot of the hill.
A. There stand; at B. There stands; under
C. Stands there; under D. There stands; at

答案:B, D

C. there seem/ happen/ used to bethere live/ lie/ stand句型的否定句和疑问句的变法。


1. 下周将有两场会,不是吗?
There ______ going to be two meetings next week, ______ there?

2. 不会再有流血冲突,是吗?
There will be no blood, ______there?

3. 似乎出了问题,不是吗?
There seems to be something wrong, ______ there?

4. 似乎有误解,是吗?
There appeared to be a misunderstanding, ______ there?

5. 碰巧那时附近有辆公交车。
There ______ happen to be a bus nearby at that time.

6. 过去这里有条小河,不是吗?
There used to be a river here, ______ there?

7. 过去这个森林里生活着一只老虎,不是吗?
There lived a tiger in the forest, ______ there?

答案: are; aren’t won’t doesn’t didn’t
happened didn’t/usedn’t didn’t

D. there be have 的区别

there be …“某地有某物,某时有某事”;have 表示“某人拥有某物”。


1 There has a book on the desk.

2 There will have a meeting this evening.

答案:has改为is; have改为be
提示:没有there have这种表示“有”的方法。

考点7. 双重谓语(仅供了解)


1 He left this morning very gay.

2 She left a shy girl and returned a young mother.



I. 单句改错

1. 2007辽宁】Three plates were already on the table when the man closest to me pointing to one plate and asked me the name of the fish on it.

2. 2005全国Ⅰ】For the most part, students working to earn money for their own use.

3. 2014大纲卷】So real friendship should able to stand all sorts of tests.

4. 2008天津】I felt sadly. I learnt a lesson from this experience.

5. 2013 四川】I’m sorry that I am abroad and can’t send your flowers, so I’m writing to you.

6. 2008安徽】We thought the biscuits were great.  “Let’s got some more,” I said, “They’re cheap and they really taste well.” (两处错误)

7. Others, however, against staying at home.

8. Exams should neither too difficult nor too easy.

9. There are many taxi drivers are women.(可改多处)

10. There has a big tree in front of our school.

11. They often lonely.

12. Eggs go badly easily in summer.

II. 语法填空(每空至多填三词)

13. There ______ (exist) many problems with the project.

14. There ______ (be) going to be three meetings tomorrow.

15. The shop stays ______ (open) at night.

16. My mother bought a birthday cake ______ me.

17. There happened to ______ a bird flying above.

18. There ______ (lie) a swimming pool over there.

19. 2014湖北】The Public Square is an eye-catching sight of the city. There______(stand) many stone sculptures of famous historical figures.

III. 写作技能提升

A. 不要忘了使用系动词。

20. 那食物很可口,我吃了很多。(the food, delicious

21. 那个电影好极了。(the movie, fantastic

22. 不过呢,一些人反对这个计划。(however, against, the plan

23. 他们的意见如下。(their opinion, as follows

24. 就我而言,我赞成这个主意。(as far as I’m concerned, in favor of

B. 活用双宾语句式,用两种方法翻译下列句子。

25. 他给我提了一些建议。(offer, some advice

26. 我欠他很多钱。(owe

27. 在我生日那天,母亲给我买了一件很特别的礼物。(buy, a special giftQQ329950885

28. 他给我做了一个纸飞机。(make, paper plane

29. 他给我们读了一个有趣的故事。(read, an interesting story

30. 他的叔叔留给他很多钱。(leave, a lot of money

31. 他让我们看了一张世界地图。(show

32. 请把熊猫的照片寄给我一张。(send, a photo of the panda

C. 正确利用两个“有”there behave

33. 我有许多好朋友。

34. 今天晚上将有一场电影。

35. 公园内有许多人。

36. 树上有许多小鸟。




练习1. 分析下列句子成分,并在后面括号内标明属于五种基本句型中的哪一种。

1. Dark clouds hung overhead.(SV)

2. Gradually a smile appeared on her face. (SV)

3. He is smiling all over his face. (SV)

4. I did well in English. (SV)

5. He talked loudly in the classroom yesterday. (SV)

练习2. 分析下列句子成分,并在后面括号内标明属于五种基本句型中的哪一种。

1. People all over the world speak English. (SVO)

2. Jim cannot dress himself. (SVO)

3. All of us believe that Jack is an honest boy. (SVO)

4. He did not know what to say. (SVO)

5. He just wanted to stay at home. (SVO)

6. He practices speaking English every day. (SVO)

练习3. 分析下列句子成分,口头说出间接宾语和直接宾语。QQ329950885

1. She ordered herself a new dress. (SvoO)

2. She cooked her husband a delicious meal. (SvoO)

3. He brought you a dictionary. (SvoO)

4. He denies her nothing. (SvoO)

5. I showed him my pictures. (SvoO)

6. I gave my car a wash. (SvoO)

7. I told him that the bus was late. (SvoO)

8. He showed me how to run the machine. (SvoO)

练习4. 判断下列句中画线部分是否是宾语补足语。

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T

练习5. 分析下列句子并划分成分,在后面的括号内标明是什么充当句子的宾语补足语。

1. They appointed him manager. (名词)

2. They painted the door green. (形容词)

3. He pushed the door open. (形容词)

4. They found the house deserted. (形容词)

5. What makes him think so? (省略to的不定式)

6. We saw him out. (副词)

7. He asked me to come back soon. (动词不定式)

8. I saw them getting on the bus. (现在分词

9. We all think it a pity that she didn’t come here.(名词)

10. Ill have my bike repaired. (过去分词

11. We elected him monitor. (名词

12. Don’t keep the lights burning. (现在分词)

练习6. 辨别下列斜体动词是系动词还是实义动词。

1.系动词 2. 实义动词;连系动词 3.连系动词
4. 连系动词 5.实义动词

练习7. 下划线画出下列句中的系动词。

1. His advice proved right.

2. The shop stays open till 8 o’clock.

3. The machine went wrong.

4. All these efforts seem in vain.

5. These words sound reasonable.

6. The room soon became crowded.

7. The days are getting longer and longer.

8. He fell ill yesterday.

9. Trees turn green in spring.

10. What you said sounds great.

1. pointing改为pointed; closest to me是形容词短语作the man的后置定语,pointed在这里是谓语。

2. working改为workwork是谓语,后面是目的状语。

3. able前加beshould后跟动词原形,而able是形容词,需要和be连用。

4. sadly改为sadfeel是系动词,后跟形容词作表语。

5. you改为youryou“你”,your“你的”;send后跟双宾语。

6. got改为get, 这里是省略to的不定式作宾补;well改为goodtaste这里是系动词,后跟形容词作表语。

7. against前面加areagainst是介词,不能作谓语。

8. should后加be形容词不能单独作谓语。

9. 去掉There are, many改为大写;一个主谓结构不能有两个谓语。

10. has改为is存在有用there be句型。

11. often前加are形容词不能单独作谓语。

12. badly改为badgo是系动词,后跟形容词作表语。

13. exist;后面实义主语是复数。

14. are;后面three meetings是复数。

15. openstay是系动词“仍然处于”,后跟形容词作表语。

16. forbuy sth. for sb.

17. bethere happen to be,碰巧有。

18. lies;后面是单数。

19. stand主谓一致看后面名词。

20. The food was delicious and I ate a lot.

21. The movie is fantastic.

22. However, some people are against the plan.

23. Their opinions are as follows.

24. As far as I’m concerned, I am in favor of the plan.

25. He offered me some advice. /He offered some advice to me.

26. I owe him a lot of money. /I owe a lot of money to him.

27. My mother bought me a special gift on my birthday. /My mother bought a special gift for me on my birthday.

28. He made me a paper plane. /He made a paper plane for me.

29. He read us an interesting story. /He read an interesting story to us.

30. His uncle left him a lot of money. /His uncle left a lot of money to him.

31. He showed us a map of the world. /He showed a map of the world to us.

32. Please send me a photo of the panda. /Please send a photo of the panda to me.

33. I have many friends.

34. There is going to be a film tonight.

35. There are a lot of people in the park.

36. There are lots of birds in the tree.

A dog has four legs and a tail.


