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听句子S对话和短文.(每小题1分,共15分)第二节听句子,从每小题ABC选项中选择能对 句子做出适当反应的答语.(每个句子读两遍)
6. 1分)人・ SOrryt SheWOn,t. B.
No, She hasn't. C. Yes, I have 71 A. GO ahead. B.
It doesn't matter.
C. 8.
I agree With you. 1 分)A I COUld do it. B. My PleaSUre
C Thank you Very much
1 A SPeaking, PleaSe B. C.
NiCC to meet you. Yes, Γm DaVe
101 分)A You're WelCOme
B. C.
It,s interesting
Me, loo. 第三节听对话,从每小题ABC选项中选择能回答所给问题的最佳选项.(每个对话读两遍)
11. 2分)听第5段对话,回答以下小题. 1 A. B. C.
What WaS the man doing When the WOInan came? SmOking OrdCringihCfOod HaVing the CheCk
What Will be SerVed for free? 2 A. B. C.
CheeSe pizza. Fried ChiCken. FrUit Salad
12. 3分)听下而一段对话回答第下列小题. 1 A. B. C.
What,s the Inatter With the woman? She doesn't feel Well and COUghS She failed the exam
She IOSt her dog.
HOW IOng has the WOman been Iike this? 2 A. B. C.
FOr about SiX hours FOr about a day. FOr about a week.
3 What,s the most PrObable relationship between the two speakers? A TeaCher and StUdent B. DoCtOr and Patient C Father and daughter
13 5 )(1 HOW Often do they have b∞k shows?
A. OnCe a InOnth B. TWiCe a month. C.
TwiCe a year
2 What do they found in every classroom? A. A book COrner B. A book CIub C.
A bookshelf. 3 WhCn do they have a IiStening book PrOgram by SChOOl radio? A EVery TueSday afternoon B EVery ThUrSday afterno on C EVery ThUrSday morning
4 What ShOUId StUdentS do after reading books? A COPy SOnIe Of them B.
Tell them to OtherS
C Write reading reports
5 What kind Of books does the SPeaker Want to read this term? A EngIiSh StOrybOOkS B ChineSe StOrybOOkS C.
EngIiSh fair>r tales. 三、听短文,填表格.(毎小题10分,共10分)第五节听短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空一词.
14. 10 分)
PCPPa Pig ThCmC ParkS

BaCkgrOUnd The CartOOn is SO POPUlar in (1 180 COUntrieS and it WaS translated into 40 (2 _________
Tinle & PlaCe PePPa Pig WOrld OPened in ( 3 in the UK. ACtiVitieS TOUriStS Can ViSit Pcppa,s house and SChOol. Park WOrkerS dress UP ( 4 Peppa,s family, Say hello to ViSitOrS , and Shake hands With them. The COmPany PlanS to ( 5 Plan UP another two theme ParkS in China next year

.完形填空(完成下列小题,每小题10分,共10阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从AS BC. D四个选项中选择最佳选项. 15(10 MWere going to CUt SCienCe CIaSS today. I know you Want to COme With us. Lefs go!,,Maybe you,ve (1 ________ One Of the POPUlar kids at SChOOl Say SOmething Iike this SO What do you do? DO you just give in and do What the Other kids (2 ________________, Or do you go to ClaSS no matter What they say?

SitUatiOnS Iike this Often COme up. And it is not easy to Inake your OWn (3 _______________________ When your friends Want to do SOmething you're not quite Sllre about. Sometimes, you feel you ShOUld do SOmething because everyrone else is doing it, and it is (4 _______________________________________ to go against the majority ThiS is CalIed MPCer (同龄人 PreSSUreH because PeerS are PreSSUring you to do What they Want
SOme PeOPle give in to Peer PreSSUre because they Want to be more POPUIar SOIne WOrry that OtherS Will make fun Of them (5 ________________________ they don,t go along With the group The (6 _________________ that MeVeryOne is doing itπ makes them follow the CrOWd SOmetimeS PCer PreSSUre Can be (7__________________ if your PeerS encourage you to be a better PerSOn BUt most Peer PreSSUre PUSheS you to do SOmething you don't really Want to do. And it affects almost everyone WithOUt exception SO What Can you do to (8 ______________________________ it? FirSt Of all, you ShOUld follow your OWn feelings and beliefs and be Self - COnfident When you are SeIf - COnfident, you Can Say HnOH to the PeOPle (9 ___________________ to PreSSUre you. It also helps to have a good friend WhO respects your beliefs That Way you won't be (10 ___________________ WhCn YOU Stand UP to Peer PreSSUre
(IA (2 A. (3 A. (4 A. (5 A. (6 A. (7 A. (8 A. (9 A. (10 A. made COnIPlete friends SIOW UnIeSS doubt good free failing alone B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. helped COntrOl πιles hard UntiI idea COmmOn show trying IUCky C. C. C. felt SUggeSt SearCh D heard D avoid D decision D USefUl D although D PrOnliSe D StrOng D talk about D refusing D
POPUlar C Clear C if C hope C SeriOUS C deal With C Iearning C
quiet S阅读理解(完成下列小题,每小题1(分,共30阅读短文,从每小题所给的入BS C. D四个选
项中,选择最佳选项. 16. (10 The traditional ChinCSe IUnar Calendar CliVideS the year into 24 SOlar terms. Grain Rain (谷雨as the IaSt term in spring, StartS On APril 19 and ends On May 4.

Grain Rain COmeS from the Old saying, HRain brings the growth Of hundreds Of grainsJ WhiCh ShOWS that this PeriOd Of rainfall is Very important for the growth Of crops. Here,s SOmething that you Inay not know about the Grain Rain. 1 Grain Rain falls between the end Of SPring and the beginning Of SUInIner, and the CemPeratUre rises much higher than it does in MarCh With dry SOil and heavy WindSt SandStOrnlS may happen InOre Often. 2 There is an Old CUStOm in SOUthern China that PCOPle drink tea On the day Of Grain Rain. SPring tea during Grain Rain is good for the eyes It is also Said that drinking tea On this day WOUld PreVent bad IUCk 3.
MPCOPle in northern China have the tradition to eat the Vegetable toona SinenSiS during Grain Rain An Old ChineSe Saying goes IOOna SinenSiS before the rain is as tender as Silk”. The Vegetable is good for the StOnlaCh and skin. The Grain Rain FeStiVal is Celebrated by fishing VillageS in northern China Grain Rain marks the Start Of the fishcrmen,s first 4.
VOyage Of the year The CUStOm dates back to more than 2, (XX years ago. (1
When Grain Rain ends, _____________ stars.

A SUnlmCr B. C. SPring


Winter (2 The UnderlinCd WOrd HCrOPSn refers to

flowers in the garden

B. C.
trees in the forest

fishes in the Sea

PlantS in the field (3 The PeOPle in SOUthern China A eat t∞na SinenSiS

On the day Of Grain Rain

B. fly a kite

drink tea

Start the first VOyage (4 We Can infer that HtOOna SinenSiSH InUSt be a kind Of VeSetable WhiCh
Can bring good IUCk

B. is delicious and healthy C. grows at the SeaSide D
is a type Of InediCine 5 The right Order Of the IitIeS from 1 to 4 ShOUld be ____________

a. b. Eating toona SinenSiS SandStOrmS happen C Grain Rain FeStiVal d. A. B. C. D. Drinking tea b - d - c - a b - a - d - c b - c - a - d b - d - a - c 17 10 分)Today, the WOrld,s diversity (多样性)Of food CrOPS is quickly decreasing BUt SCientiStS around the WOrld are taking action They are building Seed banks At Seed banks. SCientiStS StOre the SeedS Of Inany different CrOPS
There are now 1, 400 Seed banks around the WOrld HOWeVerf SOme banks are in Wann COUntrieS If the electricity fails the SeedS Will get too hot and die. Other Seed banks are in COUntrieS troubled by War SOmetimeS PeOPle damage the Seed banks If this happens, ValUable SeedS Can be IOSt forever! The OrganiZatiOn GlObal CrOP DiVerSity TrUSt decided they Wanted to deal With this PrObIem So, they decided to build a global Seed bank ThiS Seed bank WOUld COntain a back - up, Or extra copy, Of all the world's SeedS Smaller Seed banks WOUld Stin COlIeCt and keep IOCaI SeedS But they WOUld also Send COPieS Of their SeedS to the global bank
SCientiStS from the GIObal CrOP DiVerSity TnlSt ChOSe the cold, SnOWy InOUntainS Of SValbard, NOrWay to build the global Seed bank - Ihe SValbard GlObal SCed VaUIt OrganiZations, farmers, Or IOCal Seed banks StOre their extra SeedS there And the PeoPle WhO PlaCe their SeedS in the VaUIt are the Only PeOPIe WhO Can take them out. They Pay to ShiP their SeedS to NOrway> but it does not COSt them any money to StOre their SeedS The GlObal CrOP DiVerSity TrUSt PayS for this
CarJf FOWler is a SCientiSt WhO heads the GlObal CrOP DiVerSity Tnist. He said, HIf the Seed VaUIt SinIPIy SUPPlieS Seed banks With COPieS Of SeeS that those banks IOSt by accident, the Seed VaUIt Will be WOrth Way more than it cost. (1 A. B.
Seed banks are built to ____________ research On SeedS PrOdUCe new SCedS C PrOteCt CrOP CliVerSity D increase the number Of SeedS (2
What is the author,s PUrPOSe in ParagraPh 2? _______________

A. B.
SCientiStS StOre the SCedS Of many different CrOPS at Seed banks If Seed banks are destroyed. ValUable SeedS Will be IOSt forever
C SCientiStS Want to build a global Seed bank
D The PeOPle WhO PlaCe their SeedS in the VaUlt are the OnIy PCOPle WhO Can take them out. (3 A.
COmPared With Other Seed banks, the global Seed bank ________________
WaS built by the government B is more WeICOmed by farmers C.
is mainly USed by great SCientiStS D Can PrOVide a good environment for SeedS (4 A.
What Can We Iearn about the SValbard GlObal Seed Vault? ________________ It helps to Pay the ShiPPing cost. B NO One Can take SeedS OUt Of there C.
There are no fees to StOre SeedS there
D It Inainly receives SeedS from farmers (5 A. B. C.
What is Cary FOWlerS attitude towards the Seed Vault? _________________ HC feels it is Very important
HCiS SuiPriSed at it. HC thinks it COStS too much
D HC is UnCertain about it. 18 (10 Dear NanCy,s ParCntS, My daughter had a bullying (欺凌PrOblenl a COUPle Of YearS ago. It WaSn,t easy, but I ended it. When things are a SeriOUS as you describe» it is no time to be SiICm. TheSe kids PrObably know each Other from SChOOL SO take the Hide text messages Sent by the bully directly to the headmaster and ShOW him DeSCribe to him bow it is affecting your 13 - year - Old daughter Tell him you Will not Stand it and you Want him to Put an end to it now. BUlIying is a dangerous and SeriOUS OffCnSC these days, and any good headmaster Will take your ChargeS SeriOUSly. HC WiIl PrObably address the issues With the ParentS If they are CraPPy parents, Ihen they may do nothing to their Child YOU may have to repeat this PrOCeSS SeVeral times but you need to keep a CheCk On those text messages and don't allow your Child to

delete them
NOW is the time to draw your ChiId CIOSe and take Care Of her, because She needs i(. My daughter did not Iike me being involved (参与的either, but you are the Only hope She has Of SOIVing this PrOblenK SO do it and mean business AlWayS be POlite but StraightfOrWard The headmaster and the ParentS InUSt know you mean business
If repeated meetings With the headmaster (and parents, if he allows it does not SOIVe the problem, then I WOUld COnSider hiring a IaWyer That Will Send the message across IOUd and Clear WhCn you are talking about financial loss, most ParentS Will Stand UP and take notice and act to keep their kid IIndCr control! GOOd IUCk - I WiSh you the best in this terrible SitUatiOn
YOUrSf RaChCl (1
You ShOUld ShOW the text messages to the headmaster to ______________
A. find WhiCh kid Sent the IneSSageS B ICI him know you IOVe your ChiId C. ask him to force the bully OUt Of SChOOl D ask him to StOP the bullying (2 A. B. C. D. (3 A. B. C.
What does the UnderIined WOrd HOffenSen in ParagraPh 2 PrObably mean in Chinese? ____________________ 职责 冒犯行为 经验 警惕
What do We Iearn from the third paragraph? _______________ ParentS shouldn't be involved in a bullying PrOblem Children Can deal With bullying PrOblemS themselves IrS necessar>r for ParentS to be involved in a bullying PrOblenK D NOt all bullying PrOblemS Can be SOlVed 4 ____________________________________________________________________________________ What ShOUld you do if the bullying PrOblem is not SOlVed by the headmaster? _______________________________________________ A.
Meet the ParentS Of the bully in PerSOn

ASk the ParentS Of the bully for payment. C PUt your ChiId Under Care D ASk a IaWyer for help
5 _________________________________________________________ What is the author,s PUrPOSe in Writing the letter?
A. TO Offer advice
B TO describe a PerSOnal experience C. D.
TO Seek help TOaSk for advice
19. 10 1VloSt Of US USe alarm ClOCkS Or mobile PhOneS to Wake UP at the right time for sch∞l Or WOrk We IOOk at OUr WatCheS to know the right time for the bus Or train. However, there is also a right time to eat, sleep, exerciset and take medicine We can,t IOOk at a ClOCk for the right time for these activities We must IiSten to the CloCk inside OUr bodies> the biological ClOCk
Barbara WellS exercised everjr morning She WOke UP at 6 OO a. m. She ran about IWO miles before She Went to WOrk BUt Barbara's IegS and back Started to hurt. She did SOme exercise before She ran. BUt her IegS and back Still hurt She ran SIOWert but the Pain didn't StOP Barbara talked to her doctor The doctor said, MDOn,t run in the InOrning Try to exercise Iater in the day. That is the time When your body is at the right temperature for exercise after WOrk Her IegS and back didn,t hurt any more
Today, doctors are ICarning more ShOUt ChrOnObiOlOgy 生物钟学),the StUdy Of biological clocks. They are Iearning about the importance Of time for OUr bodies FOr example it is best for PeOPle to go to SIeeP On time every right and to eat Only When they,re hungry. AlSo» doctors discovered that SOme illnesses, SUCh as heart attacks• OCCUr v. 发生most Often in the morning ThiS information tells them that the best time to take heart medication may be at night. When PatiCntS take heart medication at night∙ they may PreVent a heart attack in the morning
Many doctors believe ChrOnObiOlOgy Can help US IiVe healthier IiVeS
these doctors!
It may be the right time to IiSten to 根据短文内容,请用完整句子回答下列问题. (1
What ClOCkS do you all have inside your bodies?

HOW far did Barbara WenS run every morning? (3
What are the doctors Iearning about for OUr bodies? (4
What is the right time for the PerSOn WhO has a heart attack to take heart medication? (5
What Can We Iearn from the passage? 20. (10 There are IOng rivers> and there are famous rivers The Nile is the world's IOngeSt and most famous river Il runs 6, 650 kilometers CrOCOdileS and hippos IiVe in its WaterS PyranlidS built by ancient EgyPtianS rise along its banks
The main branch Of the Nile, the White Nile, StartSjUSt above Lake Victoria, the world's SeCOnd IargeSt fresh - Water lake, in east Central AfriCa Then it flows to the nortli At Sudan's CaPitaL another great river Called the BlUC Nile joins the White Nile TOgeIher, they form One Very POWerfUl river Then it goes through Egypt,s famous Nile Valley before reaching the MCditerranean Sea
AnCient EgyPtf the first great AfriCan CiViliZatiOn (文明Started along the banks Of the Nile more than 5» Ooo years ago. AnCient EgyPt ruled the Nile Valley for thousands Of years Great PyramidS and temples Were built On the banks and We Can Still ViSit them today. WithOUt the rich farmland along the banks Of Nile, there might be no ancient EgyPt CiViIiZatiOn EVery year, the Nile flooded its banks The floodwaters COVered the banks With a rich SOil The Nile,s banks Were easy to farm and PrOdllCe CrOPS
The Nile also made a PerfeCt highway for boats The river runs north, but the Wind On IhC river blows SOUth TO go south, boaters PUt UP Sail to CatCh the Wind TO go north, they took the SaiIS down AnCient PeOPle traded along the river for hundreds Of InileS
The Nile - the IOngeSt and most famous river in the WOrld

Where does the NiIe flow? The Nile,s IOng and rich banks. The White NiIe is the main branch Of the Nilc It StartS above Lake ViCtOria and then (1
_______ to the north The BIUe NiIe joins the White Nile at the (2 Of SUdan. They form a POWeifUl river. Then the Nile goes through the NiIe Valley. Finally it(3 _____________ Ihe MediterranCan Sea. AnCient EgyPt Started along the banks Of the Nile more than 5, OOO years ago ItS PeOPle built PyramidS and temples We Can

Still ViSit today. EVery year the NiIe flooded its banks
floodwaters COVered the The banks With a rich SOil RiCh farmland ( 4 this ancient CiViliZatiOn great The NiIe made a PerfeCt highway for boats TOgO SOUth, boaters PUt UP SaiIS to CatCh
Wind TO go north, they took the
SailS the down. AnCient PeOPle ( 5 and SOld goods along the river for hundreds Of miles. . 完成句子(完成下列小题,每小題2分,每空1分,共10分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空一词•
21. 2分)我们必须及时上交作业. We InUSt ________________ OUr homework in time. 22. 2分)疫情爆发后,我们政府立即起草了计划.

WhCn epidemic SitUatiOn __________________ > OUr government drew UP the Plan at OnCe 23. 2分)钟南山被认为是中国最好的医生之一. ZhOng NanShan is __________________ One Of the best doctors in China 24. 2分)海洋塑料已随处可见. OCean PIaStiC has __________________ everywhere. 25. 2分)回想起过去的三年,我懂得了要想成功,就必须努力学习. ________________ On the PaSt three years, I have Ieamed that if I Want to succeed, I must StUdy hard
26. 20分)英语有句俗语:"Ten thousand IineS Can PUn a boat.',从这句话中我们深刻体会到团队协作重要性,请你分享一次团队协作的经历,如:体育运动,小组合作学习,团队游戏等, 并谈谈你对团队协作的看法. 要求:1.思路淸晰,语句通顺,书写规范. 2. 文中不得岀现与考生本人相关的校名和姓名等真实信息. 3. 词数:80词左右的短文. TeamWOrk







8. 9. 10.


11. 12. 13. 14.

(1 D. (2 (3 (4 (5 (6 (7 (8 (9 (10 16.
(1 A. (2 (3 (4 (5 17.
(1 C. (2 (3 (4 (5
C D. C A. D. C. B D. C. D. B. C B A. C B
A. 18.
(1 D. (2 (3 (4 (5
C. B. C D

(1 The biological clock. (2 (3 (4 (5 IiVes. 20.
(1 flows. (2 (3 (4 (5
capital. reaches made. bought. She ran about two miles every morning
They arc Iearning about the importance Of time for OUr bodies At night
EVeryOne has his OWn biological CloCk and Iearning SOme about ChrOnObilOgy Can help US IiVe healthier 21 hand in> 22. broke out. 23 COnSidered as 24 been Seen. 25 think back 26书面表达


