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学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________

1. 请选出划线部分发音不同的一项,并将其标号填在答题卡的相应位置。 【小题1 Athere Bbeer Cappear Dreally 【小题2 Acomplete Bbee Cteacher Dlittle 【小题3 Apour Bexplore Cfloor Dcure 【小题4 Aperson Bruler Cterm DGerman 【小题5 Asure Btour Cshoe Dpoor

2. Do you know ______ girl under ______ tree? Of course. She’s my sister. She likes playing ______ violin. Athe, the, the Bthe, the, / Ca, a, the Da, a, /
3. In many countries, Mother’s Day is celebrated _______ the second Sunday ______ May. Ain, on Bon, in Cin, in Don, on
4. Have a good rest, _______ you won’t get well soon. Aor Band Cso Dbut
5. The man _______ white is my father and the lady _______ long hair is my mother. Ain, in Bin, with Cwith, in Dwith, with
6. Though he is always busy with his work, he always remembers _______ his mom a phone call every day. Agive Bgives Cto give Dgiving
7. Besides Chinese, Li Hua can speak English and Spanish _______.
Beither Cneither Das well 8. My mother makes me ______ my bedroom every day. Aclean Bcleaning Ccleaned Dto clean
9. I don’t like sports, but ______ I will run with my classmates after school on the playground. Asometime Bsometimes Csome time Dsome times
10. You must be very tired. Why not _______ a rest? Dto stop to Astop to take Bto stop taking Cstop taking take
11. I hope _____ each other soon. Aus meet Bus to meet Cwe meeting

12. Linda Evans was my best friend like the sister I never ______. We did everything together: piano lessons, movies, swimming, horseback riding. When I was 13, my family ______. Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special time like my wedding and Linda’s. Soon we were busy ______ children and moving to new homes, and we wrote ______ often. One day, a card that I sent came back, stamped “Address Unknown.” I had no idea ______ to find Linda. Over the years, I missed Linda very much. I wanted to share ______ of my children and then grandchildren. ______ I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died. There ______ an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda ______ fill. One day I ______ a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked very much like Linda and ______ last name was Wagman Linda’s married name. “There must be ______ Wagmans,” I thought, but I still wrote to her. Dwe will meet
She called as soon as she got my letter. “Mrs. Tobin!” she said ______, “Linda Evans Wagman is my mother.”
Minutes ______ , I heard a voice that I knew very much, even after 40 years, laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives. Now ______ empty place in my heart is filled. And there’s one thing that Linda and I know for sure: We won’t lose each other again! 【小题1 Ahave Bhas Chad Bmoved 【小题2 Amoved in Cmoved back around 【小题3 Aon Bwith Cabout 【小题4 Alittle Bleast Cless 【小题5 Awhen Bhow Cwhat 【小题6 Ahappiness Bhappy Chappily 【小题7 ABut BHowever CAnd 【小题8 Ais Bwas Care 【小题9 Acould Bmust Cshould 【小题10 Aread Breads Chave read 【小题11 Awhich Bwho Cwhose Aone 【小题12 Bthousand of Cthousand thousand of 【小题13 Aexcitedly Bexciting Cexcited 【小题14 Alatest Blater Clate 【小题15 Athe Ban C/
Dhaving Dmoved away Dat Da little Dwhich Dhappinesses DSo Dwere Dought to Dwas reading Dwhere Dthousands of Dexcitingly Dlately Da 13. A student and his teacher are walking past a field. They see an old pair of ______. The shoes are the old man’s. He’s ______ on the other side of the field. The student says, “Let’s ______ the shoes away. It will be funny when he can’t ______ his shoes.” The ______ says, “Don’t play a trick on others. It may be ______ for you, but what will he do without shoes?” Then the teacher puts some money into the shoe ______ says, “Let’s go behind the tree.” A few minutes later, the old man comes to ______ his shoes. When he finds the money, he looks around. No one is there. He cries and ______, “Thank you very much for the money! My wife is ill and my children have nothing to ______.” 【小题1 Aglasses 【小题2 Astudying 【小题3 Aask 【小题4 Afind 【小题5 Adoctor 【小题6 Afunny Bshoes Bplaying Bput Bclean Bstudent Bdifficult Cshorts Cworking Cbring Cshow Cteacher Ceasy Dtrousers Dshopping Dtake Dmake Ddriver Dboring
【小题7 Aif 【小题8 Aput on 【小题9 Atells 【小题10 Abuy
Bor Blook after Btalks Beat Cso Clook at Csays Clearn Dand Dwait for Dspeaks Denjoy 四、阅读单选

14. Are friends important to you? Anyway, they are really important to me. My name is Phil and I’m 13. I’m from London. I have a very good friend. His name is Max. Max and I have a lot of things in common: our birthdays are on the same day, we are in the same class, we both love dogs; we both do well in sports and soccer is our favourite. We always have a good time together. But these days I’m not happy. Max will leave England, because his father gets a job in Shanghai. Max’s family will go there. I have a lot to talk with Max, and I want to give him an album. There are a lot of our photos in it. Today is Monday. There are only three days before Max leaves. I will go to his home to give him the album this evening. 【小题1Who is Max? A.Phil’s friend. B.Phil’s cousin. C.Phil’s teacher. D.Phil’s student. 【小题2What animal do Phil and Max like? ATigers. BMonkeys. CCats. DDogs. 【小题3Why will Max go to Shanghai? ABecause his mum gets a job there. BBecause his elder sister will study there. CBecause his dad will work there. D.Because his family don’t like to live in London. 【小题4What does Phil want to give Max? BA book with a collection of AA photo. photographs. CAn old book. DA phone. 【小题5When will Max leave for Shanghai? ANext week. BThis evening. COn Thursday. DOn Tuesday.

15. It was one week before Teachers’ day. Tom’s mother was very busy. But she didn’t forget to buy cards for her son’s teachers. She drove to a gift store on her way home from work. When she came back, she put the cards on the table in the living room. When Tom came home from school, she said to him, “Here are the cards for your teachers, and here are some stamps, a pen and our book of addresses. Can you write the cards when I am cooking the dinner?” Tom did not say anything. He walked out of the living room and went into his room. Tom’s mother was a little unhappy, but she did not say anything. She knew that her son always talked little. She was just thinking how to teach Tom to be thankful and make him write the cards. A few minutes later, Tom came back with a box full of cards. All of them had addresses and stamps on them. Tom’s mother was very surprised and asked, “Oh, what are these?” “Mum,” Tom answered. “I bought the cards and wrote all of them a few days ago.” Hearing this, his mother was very moved and said, “___△___”
【小题1】How did Tom’s mother go to the gift store? ABy boat. BBy ship. CBy car. DBy train. 【小题2】What did Tom’s mother want Tom to do when he came back home? ATo cook the dinner. BTo find some stamps. CTo clean the living room. DTo write some cards. 【小题3】In the eyes of Tom’s mother, her son was ________. Aquiet Bsilly Cfunny Dclever 【小题4】How did Tom’s mother feel about Tom? AUnhappy-moved-surprised. BMoved-unhappy-surprised. CUnhappy-surprised-moved. DSurprised-unhappy-moved. 【小题5】Which of the following can be the best for “___△___”? A.Don’t be afraid, dear. B.You’re really great, dear.
CMany thanks for helping me, dear. DI think you did something terrible, dear.

16. When I lived in another country, I m________ my family most.

17. My mum is p________ with me. She always spends time reading books with me.
18. The old man looked c________ and happy after he heard the good news about his son.
19. It’s rude to l________ at others. You should say sorry to them.

20. My classmates always help me and give me s________ when I am in trouble.
21. All the family m________ get together on New Year’s Eve.

22. We r________ good friends though we argued last night.
23. My teacher always e________ us to read more. She says it is good for us.
24. What a s________ boy! He can solve such difficult problems.
25. Tom f________ to turn off the light when he left the office.

26. 我们校长严抓规章制度。
Our headmaster ________ ________ ________ school rules.
27. 那个戴眼镜的小男孩喜欢戏弄别人。
The little boy ________ ________ likes ________ ________ ________ others.
28. 我讨厌每天没完没了地工作。
I hate working ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

29. 她的哥哥很会讲笑话。
Her brother is ________ ________ ________ ________.
30. 当妈妈住院的时候,小女孩把家照顾得很好。
The girl ________ ________ ________ the family while her mother was in hospital.


