人教版英语四年级下册《Revision 2》Lets Spell教学设计

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Revision2 Let’s Spell教学设计

【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)四年级下册 Revision2

【主 Revision2

【课 】第2课时:Let’s Spell


1. 能够比较准确地识别字母y以及字母组合ngoo的发音,并能根据发音规律,拼读、拼写单词。

2. 能够在教师的指导下制作与字母y以及字母组合ngoo有关的单词书(wordbook)


A. Look, listen and number.

1. 热身活动。

教师播放第四至第六单元Let’s SpellD项的小韵文,请学生有节奏地跟唱,帮助学生回顾字母y、字母组合oong的发音规律。可以进行男女生比赛,激发学生说韵文的兴趣。

2. 看一看,读一读。

(1) 教师引导学生观察A项图片,供参考的问题:What do you see in the picture? What is he/she doing now? 等,引导学生简单描述图片内容。

(2) 学生尝试朗读每组图片中的单词。

(3) 对水平高的学生可以要求他们试着用图里的单词和图中描述的场景造几个句子,让他们感受到学习的乐趣。

3. 听一听,写一写。

(1) 教师播放A项录音,学生在圆圈里写出相应的序号。

(2) 再次播放录音,核对答案,并引导学生进行自我评价。

Tip: 活动后教师将这部分的听力文稿复印发给学生。课余时间学生可以独自朗读这些朗朗上口的语句,培养他们的语感。如果学生愿意,还可以借助词典查查里面出现的生词,了解句子的含义,这样更有利于他们有感情地朗读。

(答案:king 1fishing 2things 3; songs 1, ping-pong 2; noodles 1, schoolbag 2, balloon; book 1, cookie 2, July 1, fly 2; candy 1, study 2)



1. When a bell rings or tinkles we may say that it goes “ting-a-ling” .

2. Tom is playing and Mr King is singing a rousing song.

3. A cuckoo said, “You fools who live in rooms would do better off living in the woods. There’s good food to be had. Fruit is good for cuckoos. There are roots too, for those of you who like roots as food.’

4. In this pretty city live three simple, silly sisters: Kitty, Cindy and Betty. Sister Kitty sits and knits and knits. The things she knits never fit, but with a strong will still she knits and knits. Silly Kitty, says Cindy, shes pretty, isnt she? Its a pity she’s so silly.

“Indeed it is,” says sister Betty. She thinks Kitty is the silliest sister in the family.

B. Listen and write.

1. 观察图片,猜测单词。

教师引导学生观察B项图片,根据图 片推测这是什么单词。

2. 学生两人一组,可以按照次序一一 朗读每个单词书页面上的单词,注意它们 的发音。如果有问题,同伴间相互帮助。


3. 听一听,补全单词。

(1) 教师课前准备好每个单词的录音。课上播放录音,示范一个单词的填写。

(2) 教师播放录音,学生根据所听到的读音,将单词补充完整。如果要增加活动的难度,教师不一定按照课本的顺序播放录音,这就要求学生注意力高度集中,才能完成补全单词的活动。

(3) 教师再次播放录音,全班一起核对答案。

(4) 学生同桌一组,相互朗读并检查单词拼写。


教师找一些含字母组合oong和字母y 结尾的单词,朗诵给全班。学生完全按照发音规则,在没有图片的帮助下拼写单词。



C. Let’s make a word book.

1. 教师示范。


2. 独立朗读单词。


3. 同伴讨论交流,两人一人一词,互相纠音。

4. 制作单词书。

学生独立完成含有字母组合ng, oo和以字母y结尾的例词的单词书。

为了降低活动难度,教师和学生们一起集思广益,首先回忆含有这些字母或字母组合的单词,再让学生思考单词书的版面设计,不但单词要找对,单词书也要设计得赏心悦目。 .

5. 全班交流



活动1: 制作东南西北。


活动2: 读故事,练习拼读。

建议教师为学生提供有关字母组合oo, ng和以字母y结尾的单词的小故事,鼓励学生尝试根据所学习的发音规律自己朗读故事,体会成功的快乐。


(1) A long, long song

Ringring, ring the bell.

The king is going to sing a song.

It’s a long, long song.

Sha la la, Sha la la,

“Dear King, the song is too long.” “Maybe the song is a little too long.” But the king really likes this long, long song.

Sha la la, Sha la la,

The king sings the song all day long. “Maybe the song is too long.”

(2) A wolf and a cook The wolf pushed the door open and looked into the room. When the cook saw the wolf, the cook shook with fear and tried to push the door, too. But the wolf put his back to it and pushed and pushed until the cook couldn’t hold out.

Then the cook took a panful of soot and threw it in the wolfs face. The wolf took to his heels and ran up hotfoot back to the woods, where he took a dip in the brook, and then sat in a nook at the foot of a tree and cursed the cook. That wolf wouldn’t have gone for the cook if he’d known about the panful of soot.

Tip: 教师可以将这些有趣的故事大意告诉学生,也可以提供整个故事中含重点字母组合或字母的单词卡片,让学生能在故事情节中感受语音。或者让学生以故事为蓝本,制作自己的单词书。



《人教版英语四年级下册《Revision 2》Lets Spell教学设计.doc》
