(全国)2017年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars课时作业 新人教版必修3

发布时间:2019-03-22 15:04:25   来源:文档文库   

Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars


体裁:夹叙夹议 话题:器官捐献 词数:309 时间:18

I am the receiver of two heart transplants.My second was last year and now that I'm __1__I spend much of my free time giving speechesdoing interviewsand meeting with people in order to __2__ others about organ donation.

I had my first transplant when I was six months oldwhen transplants were __3__ and nobody was sure what would happen next.In fact10 years latermy body __4__ my heart.

After two years of treatmentsthe doctors decided to give me a second __5__Last summerbecause someone was kind enough to be an organ donoranother __6__ was given to me.It is because of that __7__ person that I'm alive to write this.

There arehoweversome people who do not __8__ organ donation.They are not against itthey just say no because they lack of __9__One of the reasons people decide against being a donor is they say __10__ will not work hard to save their life.Not only is there no __11__ of thisbut it also goes against the Hippocratic oath(医生誓言)

When people are in the hospital __12__ the death of a loved onethey may be asked to __13__ donation and it is easier to say no than to __14__ anything other than their terrible loss.This is why people need to think about __15__ before they're dealing with a crisis.

They must understand that __16__ save thousands of lives each year and one person can __17__ at least eight organssuch as heartlungsliverand so on.That's eight lives saved.

I hope this article can help this cause that has __18__ my life twice.Organ donation is __19__ important.To everyone considering donating remember this“Don't take your __20__ to Heaven; Heaven knows we need them here

1A.fatter Bhealthier Chigher Dweaker

答案 B [由下文I spend much of my free time giving speechesdoing interviewsand meeting with people可知,作者能够参加这么多的活动,是因为他/她经过第二次心脏移植后身体变得健康起来。故选B]

2A.direct Bcheat Creplace Deducate

答案 D [作者giving speechesdoing interviewsand meeting with people的目的是为了教育其他人做器官捐献。从下文作者对器官捐献的认识中可以得出答案。]

3A.new Bfamiliar Ccommon Dsuccessful

答案 A [根据and nobody was sure what would happen next可知,当作者做第一次器官移植时,器官移植还是新兴事物,没有人知道移植后会发生什么事情。故选A]

4A.accepted Bproduced Crejected Dprotected

答案 C [根据下文After two years of treatmentsthe doctors decided to give me a second...可知,作者需要再次做心脏移植,也就是说他/她的身体拒绝第一次移植的心脏。故答案为C]

5A.invitation Binterview Csignal Dtransplant

答案 D [上文I had my first transplant when I was six months old提示了该空的答案。]

6A.heart Bliver Clung Deye

答案 A [短文第一句I am the receiver of two heart transplants.说明作者移植的器官是心脏。故选A]

7A.clever Bbrave Cgenerous Dhumorous

答案 C [将自己的心脏捐献给别人的人是慷慨大方的人。其他选项不符合语境。]


《(全国)2017年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars课时作业 新人教版必修3.doc》
