
发布时间:2011-09-09 08:09:32   来源:文档文库   


Thailand supports the establishment of a link between prices of raw materials and primary commodities exported by developing countries and manufactured and semi-manufactured goods and capital equipment imported by them.

Such activities as investigating the strength and uses of materials, extending the findings of pure mathematics to improve the sampling procedures used in agriculture or the social sciences, and developing the potentialities of atomic energy, are all examples of the applied scientist or technologist.

It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting, and that the so-called division between the pure scientist and the applied scientist is more apparent than real.

Applied science, on the other hand, is directly concerned with the application of the working laws to life, and to increasing man’s control over his environment, and leading to the development of new techniques, process and machines.

Products will be built to be more durable, and, in addition to having low-maintenance qualities, they will be multifunctional, modular, designed for easy assembly and breakdown and will be able to be readily moved and set up in different locations when necessary.

Being able to receive information from any one of a large number of separate places, carry out the necessary calculation and give the answer or order to one or more of the same number of places scattered around a plant in a minute or two, or even in a few seconds, computers are ideal for automatic control in process industry.

In this way the distinction between heavy current electrical engineering and light current electrical engineering can be said to have disappeared but we still have the conceptual difference in that in power engineering the primary concern is to transport energy between distant points in space, while with communications systems the primary objective is to convey, extract and process information, in which process considerable amounts of power may be consumed.


The radio valves which contained a gas at very low pressure are now being replaced by solid-state semiconductor devices which are called transistors which are much smaller and have a longer life than gas valves.

The man, as is seen in the picture, who is going up a high mountain is using a supply of oxygen which is stored in those devices which he is carrying on his back.

The rusting of iron is only one example of corrosion, which may be described as the destructive chemical attack of a metal by media with which it comes in contact, such as moisture, air and water.


The difference between the work of the physicist and that of the engineer can be described as follows: the scientist is primarily concerned with the study and understanding of basic principles and relationships, whereas the engineer is mainly concerned with the application of these principles to the solution of problems.

Instead of soldering bits of wire to join separate components, such as resistors and capacitors sometimes in the most intricate networks, designers can now produce many connected circuits in one unit which involves no soldering and, therefore, no risk of broken joints at all.

Metal workers learned how to change earthy minerals, called ores, into materials, by smelting them with charcoal in a fire or furnace, and they found out which ores could be smelted and how many operations were needed to change them into metal.


It also holds strongly that each nation has the right to control its own natural resources and that any sharing of this control with multinational corporations, or with any other body which may be more responsive to factors other than the national interest should be done voluntarily and only after the most careful consideration, and is unacceptable if imposed from outside.

It will oppose attempts to detach the national liberation movements from their natural ally, the community of socialist States, and will never accept the fallacious concept of dividing the world into poor and rich countries, a concept that places the socialist States on the same footing with certain other Sates which extract so much wealth from countries under their colonial yoke.

A computer consists principally of a central processor, where certain operations can be carried out, and a store, which can be regarded as a set of pigeonholes which we can number.

The two-electrode tube consists of a tungsten filament, which gives of electrons when it is heated, and a plate toward which the electrons migrate(move) when the field is in the right direction.

As to the problem of energy, Canada favors an orderly framework for world trade in oil that would provide stable prices at a reasonable level and which reflects the costs of bringing in new environmental and non-conventional sources of energy to meet rising demand.

Such observations as these lead to the discovery that there can be rapid corrosion when a metal is non-homogeneous and when it is in contact with water in which some gaseous, liquid or solid substances is dissolved.

Chemists, who are well-acquainted with the properties of metals, have been able to develop processes for separating metals from substances with which they are combined in nature, and to convert them into forms which can be used in the manufacture of serviceable articles.


It is doubtful if the farmers of the Federal Constitution could have been any more surprised by the changes from the common-law position of women which took place during the century and a half after their day than they would have been by man other features which have developed during that time.

In fact, there are two ceilings in the sky, not solid ceilings like the ceilings in a room, but more like nets which allow some radio waves to pass through them and reflect others.


Marconi’s experiments in 1901, in which he successfully transmitted the first messages by radio across the Atlantic, had demonstrated that radio waves could be used for telecommunications, but it took some time to develop the first working radio systems.

The engineer’s interest in fluid mechanics developed from hydraulics, which is concerned with water movement, through hydrodynamics and aerodynamics to the modern fluid mechanics, which is so closely linked to thermodynamics as to be virtually the same subject.


Human rights had never appeared more precious and more sacred than at the end of that period of unbridled barbarism which had swept away the human and spiritual values on which all civilizations had until then been based.


