
发布时间:2011-11-15 22:14:15   来源:文档文库   


admiration for 赞赏 affection for 喜爱 ambition for 雄心 anxiety for 渴望

appetite for 欲望 application for 申请 budget for 预算 charge for 要价

compensation for 补偿 contempt for 轻视 consideration for 顾及 demand for 要求

desire for 欲望 excuse for 借口 fancy for 喜爱 outlook for 展望

passion for 热爱 pity for 怜悯 preference for 偏好 request for要求

sympathy for 同情 talent for 天才 for good 永久的 for example 例如

for the better 好转 for the moment /present 暂时 for the sake of 为了---的利益

for the time being 暂时,眼下


1. I don’t like white roses, but my wife has preference _____ them.

A. of B. for C. to D. in

2. He has no sympathy ______ the suffering of the poor.

A.for B. to C. of D. at


Absorption in 专注 advance in 进展 belief in 相信 confidence in 信心

defect in 缺陷 degree in 学位 delight in 欣喜 difficulty in 困难

faith in 信仰 increase in 增长 perseverance in 坚持 point in 意义

pride in 自豪 proficiency in 精通 progress in 进步 skill in 技能

success in 成功


We need a chairman ________. (CET-4: 1998.6 Q-62)

A. for whom everyone has confidence

B. in whom everyone has confidence

C. who everyone has confidence of

D. whom everyone has confidence on


advocate of 提倡 care of 注意 correction of 改正 description of 描述

dislike of 厌恶 doubt of 怀疑 expectation of 期望 grasp of 掌握

habit of 习惯 horror of 恐怖 intention of 目的 note of 记笔记

possibility of 可能性 quality of 质量 sample of 样品 way of 方法


1. He gives people the impression _____ all his life abroad. (CET-4: 1998.6 Q-46)

A. of having spent B. to have spent C. of being spent D. to spend

2. I make notes in the back of my diary _____ thing to be mended or replaced.(CET-4: 1996.6 Q-39)

A. by B. in C. with D. of


Attack on 攻击 authority on 权威 comment on 评论 dependence on 依赖

discussion on 讨论 effect on 效果 emphasis on 强调 expert on 专家

impression on 印象 impact on 冲击 influence on 影响 judgement on 判断

lecture on 讲授 mercy on 怜悯 operation on 手术 outlook on 观点

pressure on 压力 revenge on 报复 stress on 强调 tax on 征税


1. Professor Taylor’s talk has indicated that science has a very strong _____ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.(CET-4: 1998.6 Q-65)

A. motivation B. perspective C. impression D. impact

2. In recent years much more emphasis has been put ______ developing the students productive skills. (CET-4: 2001.6 Q-39)

A. onto B. on C. in D. over


access to 进入 adherence to 坚持 adjustment to 调整到 answer to 回答

appeal to 请求 application to 应用 approach to 方法 assent to 承认

attention to 注意 attitude to 态度 claim to 要求 clue to 线索

coach to 教练 concession to 让步 contribution to 贡献 damage to 破坏

disgrace to 耻辱 exception to 例外 exposure to 暴露 immunity to 免除

incentive to 刺激 indifference to 漠不关心 introduction to 引导 key to 答案

limit to 限制 obedience to 遵守 preface to 前言 preference to 优先权

prelude to 前奏 reaction to 反应 reference to 涉及 resistance to 阻力 response to 响应


1. A _____ to this problem is expected to be found before long. (CET-4: 1998.1 Q-48)

A. result B. response C. settlement D. solution

2. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no _____ to the health service.(CET-4:1998.6 Q-63)

A. assessment B. assignment C. exception D. access

3. Does everyone on earth have an equal right _____ an equal share of its resources? (CET-4:1998.6 Q-55)

A. by B. at C. to D. over


acquaintance with 相识 accordance with 一致 association with ---有关

combination with 结合 conference with ---讨论 conflict with 冲突

connection with 有关系 consultation with 协商 contact with 接触

keep pace with 保持一致 patience with 容忍


In a time of social reform, people’s state of mind tends to keep ______with the rapid changes of society. (CET-4:1999.1Q-44)

A. step B. pace C. touch D. progress

第四节 介词与名词的搭配

除了第三节名词与介词的搭配比较重要外, 介词与名词的搭配在英语考试中也占有一定的地位, 需要加以掌握. 介词与名词搭配在句中一般表示某种状态.

at+名词 这类短语主要有:

at a loss 困惑 at a time ---时候 at all times 无论何时 at all costs 不惜任何代价

at best 充其量,至多 at hand 近在手边 at heart 在内心里 at intervals 不时,每隔---时间

at length 最后,终于 at the cost of ---为代价 at one’s disposal --- 支配,---使用


Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular ______ . (CET-4:1997.1 Q-23 )

A. gaps B. rate C. length D. intervals

Under +名词 这类短语主要有:

Under arrest 在押 under attack 受到攻击 under control 在控制之下 under consideration 在考略之中 under construction 在建设之中 under discussion 讨论中 under investigation 在调查之中 under medical treatment 在接受治疗 under repair 在修理之中 under threat 受到恐吓 under way 在进行之中


1. What he said just now had little to do with the question _____ discussion. (CET-4: 1998.6 Q-61)

A. on B. in C. under D. at

2. The survival of civilization as we know is ______ threat. (CET-4: 1995.6 Q-63)

A. within B. under C. towards D. upon

In +名词 这类短语主要有:

in danger 在危险之中 in debt 负债 in despair 绝望 in detail 详细的 in difficulty 困难之中 in disorder 无秩序 in effect 有效 in honor of 为庆祝 in jam 遇到麻烦 in mood ---情绪 in supply 有存货, 供应 in tears 流着泪 in trouble 遇到麻烦


1. My father seemed to be in no _____ to look at my school report. (CET-4: 1999.1 Q-63)

A. emotion B. attitude C. mood D. feeling

2. In previous times, when fresh meat was in short _____, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food. (CET-4: 1999. 6Q-61)

A. store B. provision C. reserve D. supply

Out of +名词 这类短语主要有:

Out of balance 失去平衡 out of breath 上气不接下气 out of comparison 无可不拟 out of control 失去控制 out of doors 户外 out of doubt 毫无疑问 out of focus 偏离主题 out of job 失业 out of mind 忘记 out of practice 久不练习 out of question 没问题 out of reach 够不着 out of repair 发生故障,失修 out of sight 在视野之外 out of step 不协调 out of stock 脱销 out of the question 不可能


When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of _____. (CET-4: 1995.6 Q-53)

A. reach B. hand C. hold D. place

Beyond +名词 这类短语主要有:

Beyond belief 难以置信 beyond doubt 毫不怀疑 beyond one’s dreams 做梦也没有想到 beyond one’s expectations 出人意料 beyond one’s power 无能为力 beyond one’s understanding 无法理解 beyond recognition 无法认出 beyond repair 无法修理


1. We take our skin for granted until it is burned _____ repair. (CET-4: 2000. 1 Q-66)

A. beyond B. for C. without D. under

2. Finding a job in such a big company has always been _____ his wildest dreams. (CET-4: 1997. 1 Q-30)

A. under B. over C. above D. beyond

On + 名词 这类短语主要有:

On behalf of 代表 on business 因公 on duty 值班 on fire 着火,起火 on guard 值班, 站岗 on purpose 故意,有意 on sale 待售,甩卖 on the attempt of 企图 on the point of 刚巧,正要做 on the spot 在现场


1. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _____. (CET – 4: 1996. 6 Q-36)

A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. desire

2. I was _____ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived. (CET – 4: 1999. 6 Q -65)

A. to B. on C. at D. in


有些形容词与介词之间存在着较为固定的搭配用法, 常见的有以下几种.

形容词+ 介词about

anxious about 担心 careful about 当心 cautious about 谨慎 certain about 有把握 concerned about 关切 curious about 好奇 enthusiastic about 热心于 excited about --激动 happy about 高兴 optimistic about ---表示乐观 particular about ---讲究 pleased about 高兴


He is _____ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympic next year. (CET-4: 2000. 1 Q-57)

A. optimistic B. optional C. outstanding D. obvious

形容词+ 介词at

angry at 生气 amazed at 吃惊 annoyed at 烦恼 bad at 不擅长于 clever at 擅长于 good at 擅长于 quick at 敏于 ready at 敏于 slow at 不擅长于 weak at 不行


1. I feel annoyed _____ what he said. And I left without words.

A. about B. at C. with D. for

2. These twins are very alike. Both are clever _____ mathematics.

A. at B. in C. about D. upon

形容词+ 介词for

adequate for胜任 appropriate for ---适合 competent for 胜任 convenient for ---方便 crucial for 决定性的 fit for适于 good for---有益 greedy for 渴望 liable for负责 proper for适合于 renowned for ---- 而出名 responsible for 负责


It does not alter the fact that he was the man _____ for the death of the little girl. (CET-4: 1995. 1 Q-52)

A accounting B. guilty C. responsible D. obliged

形容词+ 介词 of

afraid of 恐惧 ashamed of感到羞耻 aware of 觉到 capable of能够 careful of 当心 composed of ---组成 confident of ---有信心 conscious of意识到 considerate of---体贴 critical of苛求的 doubtful of怀疑 envious of羡慕 fearful of 害怕 fond of 喜欢 guilty of 负疚 hopeful of ---希望的 ignorant of不知道 independent of独立 innocent of无辜 jealous of妒忌 lack of缺乏 short of 缺乏 tired of 厌倦于 typical of典型 weary of疲倦 worthy of值得


The director was critical _____ the way we were doing the work. (CET-4: 2000. 1 Q-59)

A. at B. in C. of D. with

形容词+介词 from

absent from 缺席 different from 不同于 distant from 远离 distinct from 有差别 divorced from 离婚 isolated from 脱离 safe from 未受---危险 secure from 安全的


1. Seeing the national flag on the navy ship, the people in danger felt secure ______ the shipwreck.

A. to B. off C. from D. away

2. Isolated _____ the society for so many years, he felt uneasy when saved by the tourists.

A. by B. from C. to D. away

形容词+介词 in

absorbed in 致力于 accurate in 精确 concerned in ---有牵连 confident in 信任 constant in 坚定的 disappointed in ---失望 employed in 从事于 engaged in 从事于 experienced in ---有经验 interested in ---感兴趣 skillful in 善于


She was so _____ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door. (CET-4: 1996. 1 Q-25)

A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrate

形容词+介词 to

adjacent to 邻近 apparent to 明显的 applicable to 适用的 beneficial to ---有益的 comparable to 比得上 crucial to ---重要 deaf to不听 devoted to 致力于 equal to等于 essential to---很重要 fair to---公平 faithful to忠实于 familiar to(sb.) 熟悉 harmful to---有害 helpful to---有帮助 hostile to敌对 indifferent to---冷漠 inferior to劣于 junior to年轻于 loyal to 忠诚于 peculiar to特有的 proportional to ----成比例 prior to先于 related to---有关 resistant to抵抗 rude to---粗鲁 sensitive to---敏感 similar to相似于 strange to---生疏 superior to 优于 suitable to适合


1. Agriculture was a step in human progress ______ which subsequently there was not anything comparable until our own machine age. (CET-4: 2001. 1 Q -64)

A. in B. for C. to D. from

2. Some plants are so sensitive _____ pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean environment. (CET-4: 1995. 1Q-51)

A. from B. against C. to D. with

形容词+ 介词 with

acquainted with---相识 angry with恼怒 annoyed with---烦恼 associated with---联系 busy with忙于 concerned with 关心 content with 满足于 crowded with拥挤 delighted with高兴 disappointed with失望 frank with---坦率 generous with慷慨 identical with---相同 patient with---有耐心 popular with---欢迎 satisfied with---满意 wrong with出故障 familiar with(sth.)熟悉


1. You should have been more patient _____ that customer; I’m sure that selling him the watch was a possibility. (CET-4: 1998. 1Q-32)

A. with B. of C. for D. at

2. Tony was very disappointed ______ the results of the exam. (CET-4: 1999. 6Q-51)

A. with B. for C. toward D. on

3. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular _____children as Coca-cola. (CET-4: 1997. 6 Q-59)

A. for B. in C. to D. with

4. A healthy life is frequently thought to be ______ with the open countryside and homegrown food. (CET-4: 1996. 6 Q-23)

A. tied B. bound C. involved D. associated


