
发布时间:2020-08-07 10:06:55   来源:文档文库   


A 1. - Are you free t om orrow?

- No. I'm afraid I'm not.

A. Right B. Wrong

B 2. Could you ring them up please? I 'm s om etim es q uit e n erv ou s on

- Are yo u? I am fine.

A. Right B. Wrong

A 3. - How about g oin g to an esta te agent?

Yes t hat' s a g oo d idea.

A. R ight B. W rong

B 4. - Wha t' s t he weather like in y our city?

Yes t he sun is s hini ng.

A. R ight B. Wrong

A 5. Could you tel l me yo ur car number , p lease?

- No , s orry.

A. Ri ght B. Wrong

A 1. -Why don' t we h ave a barbecue?

- That ' s a g oo d id ea.

A. R ight B. Wrong

A 2. - Are you free on F ri day?

- Yes ,Friday is fine.

A. Ri ght B. Wrong

B 3. - Wha t's t he weat he r like in Beijing ?

- That 's all rig ht.

A. R ight B. Wrong

A 4. - Is t here a bank near h ere?

-Yes. The bank is on the co rn er.

A. Ri ght B. Wrong

B 5. - H ow much oil do you need?

- It co sts about 50 po un ds.

A. Ri ght B. Wrong

A 1. - Where are y ou from?

I am fro m Pari s.

A. R ight B. W rong

A 2. -Would you l ike a cup of t ea?

- No , I'm fine , thanks.

A. Right B. Wrong

B 3. Lo nd on is a b it less modern t han Sh an gh ai .

I agree wit h you . I think Lon don is just as mod ern as Shanghai.

A. Right B. Wrong

A 4. -Shall we ask my friend s to play guitar?

- Yes , le t's.

A. Right B. Wrong

A 5. -He llo , co uld I s peak to Doctor Brad Jennings , pl ease?

This is Bad J ennings s peakin g.

A. Right B. Wrong

A1. -- What do you do?

I work as a t eacher.

A. R ight B. Wron g

B2. -- Wou ld you lik e so me cris ps?

-No, I'm s orry .

A. R igh t B. 飞凡Trang

A3. - How do I get to the bus stati on?

- You t ak e the number 38 bus .

A. Ri ght B. Wrong

A4. - How lon g wi ll the meal tak e?

It'11 t ake two hours , I th in k.

A. Rig ht B. Wron g

B5. - What d oes you r En glis h t eacher l ook lik e?

She likes s ingin g.

A. Ri gh t B . Nrong

A 1. - How do 1 get t o the bu s s tation?

- Yo u tak e the number 38 bus .

A. Right B. Wrong

A 2. - What d oes he do?

He works in a pos t o ffice.

A. Ri ght B. Wrong

B 3. -Wha t t ime do es the s wimm ing poo l cl ose?

On Tu esday .

A. Ri ght B. Wrong

A 4. -S hall we ask m y fri en ds t o p lay count ry mu sic?

Yes let's.

A. Right B. Wrong

A 5. -Wha t does h e lo ok like?

He is very tall and strong.

A. Ri ght B. Wrong


6. She works in schoo l near my office. C

A. I B. a

C. the

7. Maria o ften has a walk with parents in t he mo rn ing . C

A. s he B. her

C. their

8. Have you got lychees? B

A. some B. any

C. I

9. Mr Green is now

A. in

C. Qn



wi th


I' d like to

A. send

C. leave


to a party t his S at urday. B

B. inv ite

1 1.

How m any

A. coffee

C. oranges

wou ld you

like to

buy? C

B. oil


Hurry up.

A. m any

We don't h av e B



en ou gh


t oo m any

13 . 一一一一time do y ou h av e lunch? B

- I u sual ly have l un ch at 12.

A. Where

C. When





I' m a deput y manager.

A. for

C. with

Thi s rad io is A

A. more exp en siv e

C. as e~pensive

I work

than that on e.

an I T co mpany. A

B. about

B. v ery ex pens ive

16. The

second b edroo m isn 't big en oug h. B


Yes , I agree.

It is

to o sm all




not that s mall

en ou gh s mall

any comp ut ers in

your office?




There A


A. Are t here

C. Have t here

I hav e two brothers .

A. on e

C. the other

One is

a driver ,


is a pol iceman. C

ot her


19. -




I don 't have tea in

Nei ther

h ave



the m ornin g.




1ark is

A. in

C. of

res pon sib le B

the internat ional market.

B. fo r

21. T he I T Departme nt is on

A. twent y

C. the twenty

the top floo r.

That ' s B

B. the t we nt ieth

flo or.

(C) 22. Does "am"

-No , it

A. means , mean

C. m ean, m eans

A 23. -I'm tired.

afterno on ?

mo rn in g.


means , means



t aking a ho liday?

W hat about

Would you li ke


Why don 't you


My a unt

A. en joy cook ing

C. enjo ys cook ing


her friends


ho me


enjo ys cook


25.- 一一一_ >w:i ll t he mealtake?

It'11 take two hours , I th in k.

A. H ow many

C. How lon g


(B) 6. I work in o ffice in Sh an gh ai .

A. a B. an

C. the

(B) 7. There four chi ldren in the p icture.

A. is B. are

C. have

(B) 8. We often have s upper at hom e.

A. us B. our

C. ours

(B) 9.





Ch ris worried about the presentat ion l ast week?

B. Was


Thi s is

A. with

C. to

my n ew wat ch .

It was a present 一一一一_ my

B. from



I d on't clean my so n's b edroo m.

A. hi m

C. h ims el f

He has to do

B. his



I don 't need

A. some

C. /

coffee, t hanks .




Sh e

A. is

C. were

a teacher in Sh ang hai las t y ear.

B. was

(A)14. Does "a m"

N o it

A. mean , m eans

C. m eans , means


mo rnin g.


means , mean



like s wimm ing, but I





do n't


doe sn' t



Pol ly enjoy s

A. play

C. p lay ing

I' d like to

A. in vite

C. leave

t he gui tar in a band in her free time.

B. to p lay

you to a pa rty this Satu rday.

B. send


I am not feeling v ery wel l.

A. need



see t he do ctor.



wou ld


s houl d

(B)19. ~



you like a drink? Wi ne? Beer ?

A beer, please.

Could B.




Rose is

A. a l ot

C. more

easy-going than Frank.




I am

bad at s pelling, but he is

than me.







C22. are you from?

- I ' m from Nanjing.

A. What

C. Where

C23. - will the meal




It'II t ake two hours , I think.

A. How m any

C. How long


How much

A24. -



I'm enjoying t he long summer evenings.

am I.



Nei ther

(A)25. -I'm tired.

taking a holiday?


Why don 't you



What about

Would you like

A6. Thank you for reply ing myema il.

A. to B. of

C. fro m

B7. I like sit ting in the cafes , t he newsp apers and 一一 -一一 _ peop le.

A. read , watch B. readin g , watchin g

C. read , watchin g


B8. I can

A. in

c. at

hear the nois e fro m cars


ev ening

B. a t nig ht

C9. You can

ask q ues tio ns about any de tail -_ to


meet ing .

A. rel ate

C. relat ing

B. to


the superm arket.

C10. Do


need an y rice? I can get some 一一一一_you

A. to , fro m

C. fo r , fro m

A11. -D o y ou com e here


B. for , to


Yes , I' m a m ember of the healt h clu b.

I co me twice a week to


A. m uch

C. so on

A12. -L ook, I'm gett ing too


I must do

B. many

more ex ercise.

A. Yes , you

C. Yes , you

should work ou t.

shoul d run ou t.

B. Yes , yo u should watch ou t.

C13. -Would y ou l ike s om ething to

, pl ease.

A. Two cups of waters

C. Two cu ps of wat er

A14. I do n't lik e t he weather here.

A. depress ing

C. depress ive

dri nk?

It ' s often

B. Two cup

B. d ep ressed

of wate rs

B15. I

when I read t hem .

readi ng

no vels

watchin g

mov ies.


lik e m y o wn

i magi nati on


A. wou ld ra ther ,

C. p refer , than


B. p refer , to

A16. I usu ally hav e breakfast

A. at

C. on

A17. I h ave a res ervatio n for

A. d ou ble

C. p air


about a quarter pas t sev en .

B. for

ro om.

B. co uple

A18. The microwav e ov en is n't working at

A. it

C. some

B19. -Ho w l ong d oes the bus ?

-About half an h ou r.

A. s pend

C. use

A20. Can I use the co ok er in the ki tchen ?

Sorry yo u

A. cannot

C. cant

the moment , but I' ll rep air

B.on e

B. take

B. can no t

soon .

C21. How

A. m any

C. much

ti me are yo u goi ng to

spen d with me?

B.lo t

B22. You n eed to

A. t ests

C.l ooks

A23. Who's g oing

A. do

C. make

make an


appointme nt wit h a doctor b efo re the doctor 一一一一_you.

B.ex am ines

the wash ing -up ?


C24. They will m eet again

A. t he m

B. thems elv es

C. each other tonight.

A25. Banks op en

A. fro m , to

C. fro m , andM onday Frid ay.

B. bet ween ,to

B6. He 一一一 for an IT co mpany .

A. work B. works

C. worki ng

A7. 1 us ually have coffee breakfast time.

A. at B. in

C. on

c8. nam e is J celyn.

A. She B. Sh e's

C. Her

c9. She is o nly acco un tant in my son' s com pany .

A. a B. an

C. t he

(B)10. 1 think t here will 一一一→_ 5 0 peop le at t omorrow' s part y.

A. be B. being

C. are

C11. Car\o s serve the drinks and t ake the o rd ers.

A. have to B. h as

C. h as to

(B)12. Hurry up. We d on't have t11.

A. a 10t B. en ou gh

C. too m any

C13. It heavi1y here at thi s mo men t.

A. rain B. rain s

C. is rammg

A1 4. - 1 ha ven't got a flat.

Neither 1.

A. have B. d o

C. am

A1 5. He can 一一一 French v ery wel l.

A. s peak B. ta1k

C. say

C16. l' m s orry she' s n ot i n. W ou1d you like t o a mes sage?

A. keep B. rest

C. 1eave

C17. He g oes to work foo t but comes back hom e taX1.

A. on, b y B. by , on

C. by , by

B18. -Can 1 use the coo ker in t he k itch en1

-Sorry, l ' m afraid y ou

A. can no t B. can no t

C. cant

C19. 1 h ave t wo brot hers . One is a manager , and is a do ct or.

A. o ne B. other

C. t he ot her

A20. Jane is q uit e out going an d ←一一一_ -very friend ly.

A. talk ativ e B. t al kin g

C. t alked

C21. 1 hav e an Englis h class _一一一一

A. three

C. three t imes a week.

B. t hree ti me

C22. C hris u su al ly go es to the gym 一一一一一the week en d.

A. from

B. in than me

C. at

B23. l'm b ad at dancin g , but J ane is

A. bad B. wo rs e

C. less

B24. 1 don' t n eed mi neral wa ter , but l ' d like tea , thanks.

A. any , any

B. an y , s ome

C. s ome , s om e

C25 . How about out fo r a wal k?

A. g o

B. to go

C. g oing

C6. name is Wan gh ua.

A. He B. H e's

C. Hi s

A7. I work in IT Depart ment of larg e bank.

A. t he , a B. a, t he

C. a , a

A8. I go swim min g on Tuesdays two h ours.

A. for B. at

C. wi th

B 9. Thisismy newwatch. Itwasapresent my wife.

A. with B. from

C. to

A 10. I'minterested cooking.

A. in B. to

C. at

C 11. TheITDepartmentisonthetopfloor. That's floor.

A. thetwenty B. thetwentyth

C. thetwentieth

B 12. anyyogaclassesintheevenings?

A. Isthere B. Arethere

C. Have

B 13. Idon'twant cabbage.

A. some B. any

c. /

B 14. He foran ITcompany.

A. work B. works

C. working

A 15. Howlongdoesthebus ?

It aboutan hour.

A. take,takes B. takes,take

C. takes,takes

B 16. Iam aboutmyexamsnextweek.

A. worry B. worried

C. worries

B 17. - you likesomethingto eat?

Prawnfried ricewithpeas,please.

A. Should B. Would

C. Could

B 18. Wewouldlikeyou to yourideasforanewwebsitefor ourcompany.

A. pretend B. present

C. prevent

o F ,

vdou n T·-GaV

A 19. Welookforward

B φ

nUm '


A. tomeeting L

C. meet

B 20. Roseis moreeasy-goingthanFrank.

A. many B. much

C. lot

C 21. How timedidyouspendinFrance?

A. many B. lot

C. much

B 22. Youneedto makean appointmentwithadoctor,beforethedoctor一一一一_you.

A. tests B. examines

C. looks

A 23. Who'sgoingto thewashing-up?

A. do B. go

C. make

C 24Wearemeeting forthefirsttimetonight.

A. us B. ourselves

C. eachother

A 25. Thispostofficeopens fonday Friday.

A. from,to B. between,to

C. from,and


Sheusuallygoesto workbybus. (改为一般疑问句)

Does sheusuallygoto workbybus?

Thereisafaxmachineintheoffice. (改为一般疑问句)

Is thereafaxmachineintheoffice?

Ineedto buysomeapples. (改为否定句)

Idon'tneedto buyanyapples.

Hegoesto workbybus. (how对划线部分提问 )

Howdoeshego to work?

HerparentslikelivinginHaikoubecauseitisverygree (Why对划线部分提问)

Whydo herparentslike livingin Haikou?

Xiaoyan sometimes goes to the pub after work. (改为一般疑问句)

Does Xiaoyan sometimes go to the pub after work?

They will go to the wedding reception. (改为否定句)

They won' t go to the wedding reception.

I have to work every evening. (改为否定句)

I don' t have to work every evening.

They are waiting for Mary. ( who对划线部分提问)

Who are they waiting for?

His parents like living in Shanghai because it is very exiting. (why对划线部分)

Why do his parents like living in Shanghai?

26. Shelikesswimming.(改为一般疑问句〉


27. Heistalkingto acustomer.(改为一般疑问句〉

Is hetalkingto acustomer?

28. My brotherhasacar.(改为否定句〉


29. Themana~eris40yearsold.(howold对划线部分提问)


30. Theyeatin thecanteenat lunchtime.(where对划线部分提问)

Wheredo theyeatat lunchtime?

26. Does thenursehavelunchbetween12.00and1.00pm? (改为肯定陈述句)


27. Ihave togotoworkthatday. (改为否定句)

Idon't have togotoworkthatday.

28. He is keenonlearninglanguages.(What对划线部分提问)


29. Janewillnotgotoworkfor atleastfivedays.(howlong对划线部分提问)


30. Youcan'tsmokehere.(改为祈使句〉

(Please)Donot smokehere.

26. Shelikesswimming.(改为一般疑问句〉


27. Heistalkingto acustomer.(改为一般疑问句〉

Is hetalkingto acustomer?

28. My brotherhasacar.(改为否定句〉


29. Themana~eris40yearsold.(howold对划线部分提问)


30. Theyeatin thecanteenat lunchtime.(where对划线部分提问)

Wheredo theyeatat lunchtime?

26.Thenursehas lunch between12.00and1.00pm.(改为否定陈述句〉

Thenursedoesn'thavelunch between12.00and1.00.

27.Ihaveto gotowork thatday.(改为一般疑问句)

Doyouhavetogo toworkthatday?



29.Janewillgo toJapanondutyforaboutfivedays.(howlong对划线部分提问)

HowlongwillJanego toJapanonduty?

30.You can'twaithere.(改为祈使句)


26. He was doing his homework yesterday aftemoon. (改为否定陈述句)

Hwasn't doing his homework yesterday afternoon.

27. Jack will go to the post office soon. (改为一般疑问句)

Will Jack go to the post o[fice soon,?

28. He' s currently working on TV ad vertisemen [5. ( Whal对划线部分提问)

What is he currently working on?

29. Jane will stay in ]311311 on duty [or about five days. (howlong 时划线部分提问)

How long wiU J3ne stay in Japan on duty?

30. Y ou can' t ;;moke ìn the bedrooms. (改为祈使句)

(Please) Don气, srnoke in the bedrooms.


41. The living room is not large enough but very comfortable.

42. 1 feel worried about my exam tomorrow.

43. She is less interested in computers than 1 am.

44. The temperature in summer here doesn' t go below 25 degrees.

45. My brother is doing a tour in London next week.


42. 我担心我明天的考试。

43. 她没有我对电脑感兴趣。

44. 这里夏天气温不低于25度。

45. 我哥哥/弟弟打算下周在巴黎参观参观。

41.Johnismoreinterestedin readingthanIam.

42.Ihavean Englishclassfourtimesamonth.

43.Whatabout takingaphoto?


45.Thebedis notcomfortableenough.







41. JohnismoreinterestedincomputersthanIam.

42. Ihavean Englishclassonceaweek.

43. Whatabouttakingataxi?

44. Thetemperaturedoesn'tgo below5degreesinspringhere.

45. Theroomisnotcomfortableenough.







41. Sheisn'tanurse. Sheisadoctor.

42. Henevergoes toworkbybike.

43. CanIgotohavelunchbefore120'clock?

44. How manydaysdidyoUstayinBeijing?

45. Ittakesaboutfortyminutes togetfrom theairporttothecitycenterbytaxi.


41. 她不是护士. 她是医生.

42. 他从来不骑自行车上班.

43. 我能在12点前去吃午饭吗?

44. 你在北京呆了多少天?

45. 从机场到市中心,坐出租车大约需要四十分钟。

41.I goswimmingonceaweek

42. He'stalkingtoacustomerright now.

43. Sheislessinterestedincomputers thanIam.

44. Wewillmakeadecisionbeforethe30thSeptember.

45. Theshowerisn'tworking at themoment. I'llcalltheplumbertoday.


41. 我一周去游一次泳。

42. 他正在同一个顾客谈话。

43. 她没有我对电脑感兴趣。

44. 我们将在9 30号之前做出决定。

45. 淋浴器现在坏了。 今天我会叫一个水管工来。

41. I always write personalletters by hand.

42. I feel worried about my exam next week.

43. I often go to the gym at off-peak hours.

44. They are speaking to each other on the telephone now.

45. The shower isn't working at the moment. I' ll call the plumber today,

4 1. 写私人信件

42. 下周 考试

43. 常在人 时候去健身

44. 他们 现在正在通 电话

45. 浴器现在 用不 了,今天 我会 一个水 管工来。





45.TheweatherinBeijin,gisthesameas theweatherinNewYork.


41. 会议室在一层。

42. 他正在同一个顾客谈话.

43. 银行在报刊亭对面.

44. 这个工作职位有4个候选人。

45. 北京跟纽约的天气一样。


Franco: Is this your calligraphy, Xiaoyan?

Xiaoyan: Yes. Do you like it?

Franco: It' s beautiful.

Xiaoyan: 1 think I'm good at art because my father is an artist.

Franco: l' m not. My handwriting is terrible, but I always write personal letters by hand

1 don' t like using the computer for that.

Xiaoyan: Neither do 1. But my family only send emails, 1 don't get realletters anymore.Franco: Me neither - l'1 1 write you a real letter!

Xiaoyan: Thank you! But 1 like using the computer for some things. l' m keen on

researching my family history and I love surfing the Internet for information

about that.

F ranco: Really - me too!

B 31. Franco' s handwriting is beautiful.

A. Right B. Wrong

A 32. Franco doesn't like using computers for personal letters.

A. Right B. Wrong

B 33. Xiaoyan doesn' t like using computers for personal letters.

A. Right B. Wrong

B 34. Xiaoyan enjoys surfing the internet for information about her family history.

A. Right B. Wrong

B 35. Franco is not interested in researching his family history.

A. Right B. Wrong

Let me tell you about my new job. It' s great. 1 work for Centre Company. They havean office in London. 1 am the Deputy Marketing Manager. 1 am in charge of newspaperadvertisements. Currently I am writing advertisements for the local newspapers, and I amvisiting our customers to introduce myself.

1 like working here, but 1 don't like travelling by tube. It's too busy! We start work at

871nine 0' clock. There are some very nice colleagues, and 1 often eat 1 nch with them in thecanteen. Lunch is from one 0' clock to two 0' clock. Then 1 finish work at 6 0' clock. Mybrother works near my office. He is in insurance, and sometimes we have a drink in the pubin thevening-butat the moment he is having a holiday in Scotland.

B 36. The writer一一一一_new job.

A. doesn' t like his B. likes his

c. is looking for a

B 37. The writer works in

A. insurance B. marketing

C. computers

A 38. The writer works for about一一一 onweekdays.

A.8 hours B.9 hours

C. 10 hours

C 39. The writer thinks the tube is too

A. noisy B. slow

C. busy

B 40. The writer and his brother

A. sometimes see each other B. never see each other

C. see each other every day

  Hi Rob!

  You want to know about my new boyfriend.

  His name is David Manning. He lives in London and he's British. His parents are from

  London , but they live in Oxford. He is 34 years old. He's an IT manager and he works for

  ABHK Bank.

  He' s lovely , of course.

  See you on Thursday.

  Love , Polly

  (B31. Rob is Polly' s new boyfriend.

  A. Right B. Wrong

  (A32. David is British.

  A. Right B. Wrong

  (B33. David' s parents live in London.

  A. Right B. Wrong

  (B34. David works at a school.

  A. Right B. Wrong

  (A35. Polly will meet Rob on Thursday.

A. Right B. Wrong


Youwanttoknowabout mynewboyfriend.

HisnameisDavidManning. HelivesinLondonandhe'sBritish. HisparentsarefromLondon,buttheyliveinOxford. Heis34yearsold. He'sanITmanagerandheworksforABHKBank.




(b) 31. RobisPolly'snew boyfriend.

A. Right B. Wrong

(a) 32. DavidisBritish.

A. Right B. Wrong

(b) 33. David'sparentsliveinLondon.

A. Right B. Wrong

(b) 34. Davidworksataschool.

A. Right B. Wrong

(a) 35. Pollywill meetRobonThursday.

A. Right B. Wrong


Polly: So,whataboutseeingthisflat?Doyoulike it? Whydon'tyoucall them?Xiaoyan:Well, Idon'tknow- yes, it is thebest. Polly, couldyouringthemup, please?

I'm sometimesquitenervousonthephone. I'm okaywithbusiness,but Idon't



Polly:Yes,ofcourseI'llphonethem. Buthowaboutgoingtoanestateagent,thenyou're


Xiaoyan: Whatdoyoumean?

Polly: Whydon'tyougotoanestateagent?Theysellflats. butthey'veusuallygotflatsto

rent. Talktothemaboutwhat Y9uarelookingfor. I'IIhelpyoufindagoodestate


Xiaoyan: Yes,that'sagoodidea.

(a) 36.Xiaoyanwants_一一_abouttheflatinthenewspaper.

A. Pollytophone B. tophone

C. Pollytotalk

(C) 37.Xiaoyanis thephonewhenshedoesn't understandthingsverywell.

A. interestedin B. happyon

C. nervouson

(C) 38.PollyhopesthatXiaoyantalkstoanestateagent

A. onthephone B. throughemail

C. facetoface

(B) 39.Anestateagenthasgotflatsto

A. paint B. sell

C. design

(B) 40.Xiaoyanis toanestateagent.

A. happytogo

B. nervoustogo

C. notinterestedingoing

Xiaoyan: So,I'dliketo comeandseetheflat.

Franco: Yes, whenis convenient? Howabout duringthe day? I usually work in the


Xiaoyan: Well,Iworkduringtheday,butperhapsin theafternoon?

Franco: Well,whydon'tyou comeat about5o'clock?

Xiaoyan: That'sagoodidea.

Franco: AreyoufreeonThursday?

Xiaoyan: No,I'mafraidI'mnot. Wealways haveameetingon Thursday. Whatabout


Franco: No,I'msorry. I'm busyon Wednesday. I'minCambridge. Are you free on


Xiaoyan: Yes,Fridayisfine.

Franco: Okay. Seeyou onFridayat50'clockat theflat.

Xiaoyan: Thanksverymuch. Goodbye.

Franco: Goodbye.

(b) 31. Francousuallyworksduringtheday.

A. Right B. Wrong

(a) 32. Itisconvenientfor bothofthemto meetin theafternoon.

A. Right B. Wrong

(a) 33. Xiaoyanisfreeon Wednesday.

A. Right B. Wrong

(b) 34. Francoisnotfreeon Wednesdaybecausehehas ameeting.

A. Right B. Wrong

(a) 35. Theyaregoingto meeton Fridayat theflat.

A. Right B. Wrong

Tom: CanIparkinthestaffcarpark?

David:No,I'mafraidyoucan't.αllymanagerscanparkthere. Youcanparkbehindthebuilding.

1039Tom: Okay. WhencanIhavelunch?

David:Youcan'tgobefore12:30becauseweareverybusy,butafter1:00o'clockyou can

go whenyou like. Youcan eatanddrinkin theoffice, but you can'tsmoke,here.

Everyonegoesto thecoffeelounge,becausetheycansmokethere.

Tom: CanIusethephone?


B 36. Whycan'tTomparkinthestaffcarpark?

A. Becausehedoes notworkhere.

B. Becauseheisnotamanager.

C. Becauseheisanewcomer.

A 37. Whichofthefollowingis true?

A.Tomcan parkhis carbehindthebuilding.


C.DavidcanhelpTomtoparkhis carin thestaffcarpark.

C 38. WhencanTomgo to havehis lunch?

A. Before12:30. B. After12:30.

C. After1:00.

A 39. WhatcanTomdointheoffice?

A. Eatanddrink. B. Smoke.

C. Phoneabroad.

B 40. Wherecanveryonegoto smoke?

A. In thecarpark.

B. In thecoffeelounge.

C. In thecafneartheofficebuilding.

Xiaoyan: Okay,Polly,what TVprogrammesdoyoulike?

Polly:Well,Idon'tlikeseriousprogrammes,but Ialwayswatchthelatenews.

Xiaoyan: Yes,thenewsisOkay,butIlikeseriousprogrammes. Ilikedocumentaries.

Idon'tunderstandEnglishcomedy. Doyou likenatureprogrammes?

Polly:Yes. Ido. Isthereanatureprogrammethisevening?

Xiaoyan: Yes. AustralianNatureathalfpastseven.

Polly:OK. Whendoesit finish?

Xiaoyan:Athalfpasteight. IlikewatchingLondonLives. It'sstartingnow. There's


Polly:Okay,I'11 turniton.

a 31.XiaoyanandPollyaretalkingaboutTVprogrammes.

A.Right B. Wrong

b 32. Xiaoyanlikessports.

A.Right B. Wrong

a 33. Pollylikesnatureprogrammes.

A.Right B. Wrong

b 34. AustralianNaturelastsan hourandahalf.

A.Right B. Wrong

a 35. Xiaoyanwantsto watchLondonLivesbecauseshecanlearnrealEnglishfromit.

A.Right B. Wrong

IamCarlos. Iam from America, but IloveItalian food. Ihaveto taketheordersandservethefood. Ihavetwofree eveningsaweek. But Ialways haveto workon FridayandSaturdayeveningswhen the restaurant is busy.The wagesare not good, butIamnice tocustomers so Igetalotoftips. Iam permanentso Igetholiday pay-threeweeksayear. Igo back to AmericaandIsee my family. ThereI don't haveto servefood -mymotherservesme!

c 36.Carlosisa

A.bigrestaurantowner B.chef


a 37.Carloslikes food.

A.Italian B.British


b 38.Carlosworks

A.in thedaytime B.in theevenings

C.at lunchtime

b 39.Therestaurantisusuallybusy

A.onFridayandSaturdayafternoons B.onFridayandSaturdayevenings


a 40.Carlosgets

A.holidaypay B.no tipsfrom thecustomrs


Franco: Isthisyourcalligraphy,Xiaoyan?

Xiaoyan: Yes.Doyoulikeit?

Franco: It'sbeautiful.

Xiaoyan: IthinkI'mgoodat artbecausemyfatherisanartist.



Xiaoyan: Thank you! But I like using the computer for some things.-l' m keen on

researchingmyfamilyhistoryandIlove surfingtheInternetforinformation


Franco: Really-metoo!

B 31.Franco'shandwritingisbeautiful.

A.Right Wrong

A 32Francodoesn'tlike usingcomputersforpersonalletters.

A.Right B.Wrong

A 33.Xiaoyandoesnlikeusingcomputersforpersonalletters.

A.Right B.Wrong

A 34.Xiaoyanenjoyssurfingtheinternetforinformationaboutherfamilyhistory.

A.Right B.Wrong

B 35.Francoisnotinterestedinresearchinghisfamilyhistory.

A.Right B.Wrong


WhatdoIdoat theparty?

Youshouldalwaysoffertoget drinksforotherpeoplewhenyougotoget adrinkforyourself.You should introduce yourself to new people in the group.You should avoidpersonalquestionsaboutfamilyuntilyouknowthembetter.Goodtopicsofconversationare£ilms,books,televisionprogrammes,holidays,jobs,thetownyouare in,etc.

957 Youshouldaskforpermissiontosmoke; say"Isit alrightifIsmoke?"Or,better,youshouldgooutsidetosmoke.Manypeopledon'tlikethesmellofsmokeinside.

Youshouldn'tdrinktoomuch! Andnevergetdrunk.


1£youare not aclosefriendofthehosts,youshouldn'tbethelasttoleave.


B 36.Whenyougotogetadrinkfor yourse旺,youshould




C 37.Youshouldnot talkabout withnewpeople.

A.thetownyouarein B.televisionprogrammes


B 38.Peopledon'tlikethesmellofsmokeinside,soyoushould

A.notsmokebeforeyougotoaparty B.gooutsidetosmoke


A 39. getdrunkataparty.

A.Youshouldnever B.It'sOK to


B 40.Yousay"Itwasveryniceto meetyou"whenyou

A.meetotherguests B.leaveotherguests


Franco: Is this your calligraphy, Xiaoyan?

Xiaoyan: Yes. Do you like it?

Franco: It' s beautiful.

Xiaoyan: 1 think I'm good at art because my father is an artist.

Franco: l' m not. My handwriting is terrible, but I always write personal letters by hand

1 don' t like using the computer for that.

Xiaoyan: Neither do 1. But my family only send emails, 1 don't get realletters anymore.Franco: Me neither - l'1 1 write you a real letter!

Xiaoyan: Thank you! But 1 like using the computer for some things. l' m keen on

researching my family history and I love surfing the Internet for information

about that.

F ranco: Really - me too!

b 31. Franco' s handwriting is beautiful.

A. Right B. Wrong

a 32. Franco doesn't like using computers for personal letters.

A. Right B. Wrong

b 33. Xiaoyan doesn' t like using computers for personal letters.

A. Right B. Wrong

b 34. Xiaoyan enjoys surfing the internet for information about her family history.

A. Right B. Wrong

b 35. Franco is not interested in researching his family history.

A. Right B. Wrong

Let me tell you about my new job. It' s great. 1 work for Centre Company. They havean office in London. 1 am the Deputy Marketing Manager. 1 am in charge of newspaperadvertisements. Currently I am writing advertisements for the local newspapers, and I amvisiting our customers to introduce myself.

1 like working here, but 1 don't like travelling by tube. It's too busy! We start work at

871nine 0' clock. There are some very nice colleagues, and 1 often eat 1 nch with them in thecanteen. Lunch is from one 0' clock to two 0' clock. Then 1 finish work at 6 0' clock. Mybrother works near my office. He is in insurance, and sometimes we have a drink in the pubin thevening-butat the moment he is having a holiday in Scotland.

b 36. The writer一一一一_new job.

A. doesn' t like his B. likes his

c. is looking for a

b 37. The writer works in

A. insurance B. marketing

C. computers

a 38. The writer works for about一一一 onweekdays.

A.8 hours B.9 hours

C. 10 hours

c 39. The writer thinks the tube is too

A. noisy B. slow

C. busy

b 40. The writer and his brother

A. sometimes see each other B. never see each other

C. see each other every day


