Terrible Storm

发布时间:2013-12-27 19:59:11   来源:文档文库   

A Terrible Storm

Few years ago, I experienced a terrible storm. It was extremely hot and suffocating that afternoon, so all the people in the village chose to take a nap instead of going out, and so did I. however, a fly kept buzzing around me, annoying me all the time and I can't stand any more, therefore, I dressed myself, and went out. Few minuets later, I found a shade place, and I took out my walkman to listen to music. The soft melody made me fall asleep soon. When I woke up, I felt a cold shivering all my body and I found that the sky became very dark suddenly, and a strong wind began to blow through the trees. Then, the sky started to rumble. The rain is coming! So I ran as fast as I could toward home.

The wind was howling, and the leaves from the trees were rustling. I was scared because the flash of the lighting bolted down from the sky, which broke the darkness abruptly. And I could hardly breathe because of the strong wind, which made me could not run farther. Suddenly, I heard a cracking sound of thunder, and my heart was pumping quickly, so I can't help shouting. The lighting kept bolting, liked to be a furious demon to me. And I was too frightened to open my eyes, and just squat on the ground, crying. I thought that I would be caught in the storm for a long time.

is that you?, I suddenly felt a thrill in my heart when I heard the familiar voice. My father was looking for me! He held my hand tightly, and ran through the strong storm. Upon we came in the house, I found the rain was pitter-pattering loudly, and it beat against the windows and doors like sharp swords. The downpours battered the plants and houses indifferently. And the rainwater converged into a small river soon, mixed with soil, which looked like espressos. The strong wind blew over some trees, which hit power lines and blacked out the whole village, so my mother had to cook in a faint light. After dinner, the rain stopped. The wind died down a bit, and the sky cleared a lot, and everything outside was in a mass. I looked down at my watch, it was only 7 o'clock.


《Terrible Storm.doc》
