高三基础知识天天练 英语课时作业28人教版

发布时间:2013-05-01 19:09:42   来源:文档文库   

(选修六·Unit 3)


1We always consider ________ a great personality that no matter how many sufferings one has experiencedone's original pursuit of love and truth is still not moved.

Ait Bthis

C that Done

答案与解析:A it作形式宾语,that从句为真正的宾语。

2________ doesn't matter much whether he'll come to the party.

AThis BIt

CThat DWhat

答案与解析:B it作形式主语,whether引导的从句为真正主语。

3Since our country has so many good table tennis playerswe have to ________ the best ones to take part in the game.

A rely on Bdepend on

Cjudge on Ddecide on

答案与解析:D decide on相当于determine on,意为……做出决定rely ondepend on意为依赖;依靠;无judge on 结构。

4Why don't you bring ________ to his attention that you are too busy to go skating with him?

Aone Bthat

Cit Dyourself

答案与解析:C it在此用做形式宾语,指代后面的that从句。当宾语为一个句子或短语特别长时,可把该宾语从句放在句子后面,而用it来代替。

5They couldn't run the ________ of letting an incredible person take charge of the factory.

Arisk Bdanger

Cchance Dtrouble

答案与解析:A run the risk of...……的危险,其余选项不与动词run搭配。

6The new survey shows that the number of students ______ computer games has been on the increase in recent years.

Adevoted to Brelated to

Cconnected to Daddicted to

答案与解析:D be devoted to致力于be related to……有联系be connected to……相关联be addicted to……上瘾的

7The old man said the accident happened ________ careless drivingso a large sum of money ________ be paid by the driver.

A was due to; was due to

Bdue to; was due to

Cis due to; has due to

Dis due to; was due to

答案与解析:B due to后接名词,意为因为;由于be due to意为应该是;应当是

8Some people ________ land because they regard it as a commodity belonging to them.

Aemploy Badopt

Cabuse Dinstruct

答案与解析:C 句意:一些人滥用(abuse)土地,因为他们把它当作属于自己的商品。employ利用,是褒义词。adopt采用,收养instruct指导

9Jim was ________ to have troubled me with so many questions.

Aguilty Bcrazy

Cmiserable Dashamed

答案与解析:D ashamed惭愧的。句意:Jim问了我很多问题,感到很不好意思。be ashamed to do sth.为做……而感到羞耻;be guilty of犯有……罪,过失;crazy疯狂的,狂热的;miserable痛苦的,凄惨的。

10When I began to singhe laughed and made me ________.

Aconfused Bnervous

Cshameful Dembarrassed

答案与解析:D embarrassed窘迫的,困窘的。句意:我开始唱歌时,他大笑起来,使我感到很窘。confused困惑的,烦恼的nervous紧张的,不安的shameful不体面的

11Accustomed to ________ the steep mountainshe had no difficulty reaching the top.

Aclimbing Bclimb

Chaving climbed Dhave climbed

答案与解析:A be accustomed to(doing)sth.be used to(doing)sth.习惯()某事。

12She recommended this product to me so ________ that I was not able to resist her ________ arguments.

Astrongly; powerful    Bhardly; strong

Cgreatly; dynamic    Ddesperately; reliable

答案与解析:A 第一空和recommend搭配为强烈推荐,可在AD两项中选;recommend...strongly意为强烈推荐powerful argument意为强有力的辩论,故选A

13Her mother ________ the girl to leave the house before she had finished her homework.

Aprevented Bbanned

Cforbade Dprohibited

答案与解析:C 句意:母亲不许女儿做完作业之前离开家。forbid sb. to do sth.禁止某人做某事,其他选项后不能跟不定式作复合宾语。

14The book on health has ________ on the children as ________ as the old.

Aa good effect; good    Ba positive effect; well

Ca good affect; well    Daffect; well

答案与解析:B have an effect on……有影响as well as……一样。句意:这本关于健康的书对儿童和老人都有积极的影响。

15In her ________we shouldn't change our plans.

Aideal Bguesswork

Cjustice Djudgment

答案与解析:D in one's judgment照某人看来。句意:在她看来,我们不应改变我们的计划。guesswork猜测,justice正义,公正,ideal理想。


Picking tomatoes

For as long as I can rememberGrandma's plentiful tomato garden has been a sign of summer's end.Each Septemberjust as the decreased heat of the sun suggests cooler daysGrandma requests my help in her tomato garden.She convinces me she cannot pick tomatoes without my youthful eyes and quick mind.She says we need to examine each tomato and agree on its readiness for picking.While Grandma's request for my help in the tomato garden is always the sameher desire for my help seems to increase each year.

Grandma has eyes for finding even the tomatoes hidden by undergrowth and other tomatoes.Ihoweverjust turn circles looking for the ones I think Grandma will like.I spot what looks like a ripe tomatohead in its directionand then get sidetracked by another that appears to be equally ripe.I usually end up watching Grandma and trying to stay out of her waywhich seems the only way my eyes and mind are useful.

There we arelost in the tomato vines()Grandma's eyes are always knowingand they are no different in the vegetable garden.From afar she spots what looks like a ripe tomato.As she walks toward the gardenshe evaluates the tomato for a second timebut from a different angle.I already know it will end up in the basket with the pile of others Grandma has carefully chosen.HoweverGrandma acts as if she needs final look to be sure.She calls me to her sidekneels beside the vine while enjoying the warmth of the fading sunlight on her faceand grasps the tomato in her hand.She turns each roundred ball toward the sunlight before disconnecting it from the vine with a half­hearted smile.

She then looks at me.I nod my head and smile.Grandma assumes I smile in agreement with her tomato selection.I know I smileinsteadat her.

1Why does Grandma ask the author to go to the tomato garden with her?

AHe can help pick more tomatoes.

BHe can learn the hardship of labor.

CShe enjoys staying with him while working.

DShe tries to share the happiness of harvest with him.

答案与解析:C 本题从第一段可知奶奶要我和她一起摘西红柿。理由是我的youthful eyes and quick mind.但从第二段又可知奶奶找西红柿比我快多了,因此可知奶奶的真正目的是为了和孙子在一起。

2The second paragraph shows that the author ________.

Ais an inefficient tomato picker

Breally has youthful eyes and quick mind

Chas spent a lot of time gardening with Grandma

Dis a naughty child trying to be out of Grandma's sight

答案与解析:A 第二段我找奶奶可能会喜欢的西红柿,找到一个熟的,伸手去摘,却摘回另一个。因此可知他很不善于干这个活。

3In the last paragraphthe author smiles to Grandma because he ________.

Arealized her true intentions

Bfelt very happy to pick potatoes for her

Cconfirmed that her choice of tomato is great

Dappreciated her skill in finding ripe tomatoes

答案与解析:A 奶奶要求作者陪她摘西红柿,说不能确信西红柿是否已经成熟于是两人一起商量,摘的时候,很明显奶奶明明很在行,却仍然要征求作者的意见,作者明白了奶奶的真实意图(只为有机会与孙子呆在一起)就朝奶奶笑来回应奶奶。

4What can we infer from the story?

A. The grandchild will become more skillful at gardening than Grandma.

BGrandma will develop more patience in working with the grandchild.

CThe grandchild will gradually become more independent of Grandma.

DGrandma's need for the grandchild's company will grow over time.

答案与解析:D 此题可用排除法孙子也没用心学习摘西红柿,排除A项奶奶只为孙子能陪在身边就行了,没提耐心的事,排除B项。孙子现在也没依赖奶奶,因此没有涉及独立的事,排除C项。文章第一段最后一句,奶奶的要求(我陪她摘西红柿)越来越强烈。故选D项。


Ancient Rome was one of the world's most powerful empires more than 2 000 years ago.The Romans' ideas about roadslawsgovernment and buildings still influence us today.Italy is shaped like a boot.

The Colosseum in Rome was built during the time of the Roman Empirein the first century AD.__1__It is a popular tourist attraction today.

Italy is well­known for its designerswho create carshandbagsclothesshoes and other items that are in demand for their style and fine workmanship.

Todaythe economy of Italy is stronger than in the past.__2__Todaymanufacturing and tourism are the main sources of income.There are some big companiesbut Italy has many smaller companiestoo.

__3__The southern part does not offer as many manufacturing jobsso it is not as prosperous.

Italy is a member of the European Uniona group of countries that join together for better trade.The currencyor moneythey use is called theeuro

Food and eating good meals are important to Italians.__4__

Popular foods include pastarisottominestrone and pizza.McDonald's is also popular there.

Many families still eat their main meal in the middle of the day.__5__ Families spend a lot of time together.

AThe family is very important to the Italian way of life.

BThe country used to depend on agriculture.

CMountains cover about three­fourths of the country.

DIt could seat about 50 000 peoplewho went to see fights between animals and people.

EWhile there are some supermarketsmany people shop at smallneighborhood markets.

FItaly has several islands off the coast.

GThe northern part of the country is the main manufacturing center.

答案:1.D 2.B 3.G 4.E 5.A


Dear Michelle

I'm very excitingToday is my first day at a new school in Australia.The school I study at is a government school.Although I'm new to my classmatesthe teacher asks me to introduce me to them is class.I tell them I come from Hong Kong and I like to play with computer gameslisten to music and do sports in my spare time.I also like the Australia way of life.Australia is big country.The shopping malls are big.There are mainly six public library and museums in Sydney.Just a few minutes' walk from which I livethere is a huge park.Around my housethere is plenty of space.

MichelleI miss you very much.I'll never forget the days we spend together and the fun we shared all our old classmates.

Best wishes.




Dear Michelle

I'm veryToday is my first day at a new school in Australia.The school I study at is a government school. I'm new to my classmatesthe teacher asks me to introduce to them is class.I tell them I come from Hong Kong and I like to play with\ computer gameslisten to music and do sports in my spare time.I also like the way of life.Australia is big country.The shopping malls are big.There are mainly six public and museums in Sydney.Just a few minutes' walk from I livethere is a huge park.Around my housethere is plenty of space.

MichelleI miss you very much.I'll never forget the days we together and the fun we shared all our old classmates.

Best wishes.




《高三基础知识天天练 英语课时作业28人教版.doc》
