高三基础知识天天练 英语课时作业19人教版

发布时间:2013-05-01 19:09:30   来源:文档文库   

(必修四·Unit 4)


1________ the company at such an evening partyhe has been choosing a suit which will ________ him best.

ARepresenting; agree BRepresented; fit

CRepresent; match DTo represent; suit

答案与解析:D 句意是:为了要在那样一个晚会上代表他的公司出席,所以他一直在挑选最适合他的礼服。不定式to represent表示目的;suit表示场合、身份等方面的适合;match意为比得上,配得上fit指尺寸方面的合适。

2—Have you finished doing all the exercises the teacher gave you yesterday?

—Yescompletely.________ is left.

ANone BNothing

CNo one DNeither

答案与解析:A 此题用none表示数量,意为一点儿都没有剩下,都做完了

3________ thousands of Chinese studentsChuck has vast experience in the Chinese class.

AHaving taught BTaught

CTeaching DTo have taught

答案与解析:A 此题考查分词作状语。句意是:教过成千上万的中国学生,查克对中国的课堂有大量的经验。从语态方面看,teach与主语Chuck是主动关系,所以要用现在分词,从时态方面看,teach应该发生在has vast experience之前,所以要用现在分词的完成形式。

4—Tom isn't so strong as he ________is he?

—Nohe is ________ his two brothers.

Athinks; no stronger than

Bexpects; as strong as

Cappears; not stronger than

Dlooks; the strongest of

答案与解析:C 句意是:汤姆不象他看起来那样健壮,是不是?”“是的,他不如他的两个哥哥健壮。appearlook指外表给人的印象,而实际情况也可能不是这样;第二个空应用比较级。

5—I would never come to this restaurant again.The food is terrible!


ANor am I BNeither would I

CSame with me DSo do I

答案与解析:B 考查倒装和习惯句型的用法。答语是想说明我也不会再来这家餐馆了,相当于:I would never come to this restaurant again either.B正确。还可用Nor would IThe same with me.

6In some casesdifferent approaches ________ the same scientific problem lead to conflicting theories.

Ato Bin

Cof Dfor

答案与解析:A approach此处意为方法,与介词to搭配。

7They were hidden in the forest to avoid ________ by the enemies.

Ato find Bto be found

Cbeing found Dfinding

答案与解析:C avoid后接名词或动名词作宾语,主语theyfind为逻辑上的动宾关系,故C项正确。

8Students are warned of not being too ________ about things they are not supposed to know.

Astrange Bcurious

Cconscious Damusing

答案与解析:B 本题考查be curious about的用法。

9I think immediate action should be ________ to prevent people from being affected by the Bird Flu.

Amade Btaken

Cpaid Dkept

答案与解析:B take action to do sth.意为采取行动干某事,该结构中宾语被提前,故用被动结构。

10It was ________ by the railway board that the cost of rail fares would be increased by ten percent.

Anoticed Bstated

Csuggested Dnoted

答案与解析:B state在此处意为宣布,通告,声明(口头的或书面的)suggest建议,从句中要用虚拟语气;note(notice)注意到

11The peace talk broke down with no agreement ________.

Areaching Bto reach

Creached Dto be reached

答案与解析:C 句意:和谈破裂了,没有达成任何协议。在with复合结构中,reachagreement为动宾关系,故用过去分词,表示被动意义。

12The newcomer is from Tibetwhich I can tell from his


Aappearance Bimpression

Ctemper Dtalent

答案与解析:A 句意:从他的外表我可以判断,这位新来者来自西藏。appearance是名词,意思是外貌,外表

13Nowadayswithin a short walk along a busy streetyou are ________ to find a chain store ________—a fast­food restauranta bakeryor a supermarket.

Aprobable; some kinds

Blikely; of some kind

Cpossible; some kind of

Dunlikely; some kind of

答案与解析:B 句意:现在在繁忙的街道上走不多远你可能就会发现某种连锁商店——一家快餐店,一家面包房或一家超市。sb. be likely to do sth.意思是某人有可能做某事of some kind为后置定语,修饰a chain shore

14—My best friend's in a bad mood.

—How about ________ her some flowers?

Agiving Bgiven

Cto give Dgive

答案与解析:A 句意:我最好的朋友心情不好。”“给她送些花怎么样?how aboutwhat about后面要跟动名词。

15________people in the south like rice while people in the north like wheat.

AIn general BIn common

CTo be honest DWorse still

答案与解析:A 句意:一般来说,南方人喜欢大米,北方人喜欢小麦。in general一般来说,符合语境。in common共同地to be honest诚实地worse still糟糕地


Even at the age of 75Thelma was still very energeticattractive and full of life.When her husband passed awayher children __1__ that she move to asenior living communityAs a(n)__2__ and lifeloving personThelma __3__ to do so.

Shortly after moving inThelma became a selfappointed activities __4__coordinating(协调)all sorts of things for the people in the community to do and quickly became very __5__ and made many friends.When Thelma turned 80her __6__ friends showed their __7__ by throwing a surprise birthday party for her.When Thelma entered the dining room for __8__ that nightshe was __9__ by a standing welcome and one of the coordinators led her to the head table.The night was __10__ with laughter and __11__but throughout the eveningThelma could not take her eyes __12__ a gentleman sitting at the other end of the table.

When the __13__ endedThelma quickly __14__ from her seat and __15__ over to the man.Pardon meThelma said.Please __16__ me if I made you feel __17__ by staring at you all night.I just couldn't help myself from looking your __18__.You seeyou look just like my fifth husband.

Your fifth husbandreplied the gentleman.Forgive me for asking__19__ how many times have you been married

With that a smile __20__ Thelma's face as she respondedFour.

They were married shortly after.

1A.demanded Brequired

Cpersuaded Dsuggested

2A.hopeful Belegant

Coptimistic Dattractive

3A.refused Bpromised

Cdecided Dsuspected

4A.official Bdirector

Cmanager Dconductor

5A.famous Bpopular

Csmart Dfamiliar

6A.new­found Bnew­born

Cnew­come Dnew­fashioned

7A.satisfaction Bthanks

Cappreciation Ddinner

8A.fun Bparty

Cceremony Ddinner

9A.provided Baccepted

Cgreeted Doffered

10A.arranged Bfilled

Cspent Ddesigned

11A.relaxation Binterest

Centertainment Dfantasy

12A.off Baway

Cover Dupon

13A.birthday Bcelebration

Cconference Dceremony

14A.stood Blifted

Craised Drose

15A.wandered Bwalked

Crushed Dcrashed

16A.inform Btell

Cforgive Dremind

17A.uncomfortable Bunusual

Cunbearable Dunfortunate

18A.seat Bway

Cposition Dlocation

19A.and Bhowever

Cso Dbut

20A.went through Bmet with

Ccame across Dturned up



1D 孩子们建议自己母亲改变一下环境,所以demand(急需;迫切需要)require(需要)persuade(说服)都不符合句意。

2C 由第一句对她的描述energeticattractive and full of life.以及下文对她的描述可以看出她是一个乐观向上的(optimistic)人。

3C 由下文Shortly after moving in,可以看出:她决定按孩子说的去做。decide to do决定……”

4B 由下文的协调社区内人们的各项活动可知:她成了一个自己任命的活动指导员。director主管,这里指协调指导员。

5B 由下文made many friends可以看出,她深受新社区人们的欢迎。

6A 句意为:Thelma(来到新社区后)新交的朋友们为了表达他们对她的感激之情为她举办了一个令她惊喜的生日聚会。

7C 由下文对他们举办的聚会盛大的规模、隆重的气氛的描述来看,appreciation(感激;感谢)更符合他们的心情。thanks(谢意;感谢)普通用语,不符合语境。

8D 由上文的entered the dining room可以看出,她是来吃饭的。

9C 主角来到派对现场,其他人应向她致意greet意思是……致意

10B 这是对生日聚会的描述,整个夜晚充满了笑声和欢乐。be filled with意思是充满……

11C 由上文的laughterand可以看出,只有entertainment符合语境,与laughter相匹配。

12A 由17空后by staring at you all night,可以看出,她的眼睛一直没有离开这位先生。off意思是离开……”

13B 聚会是发生在生日那一天的一个活动,显然是一次庆祝会

14D rise用作不及物动词,意思是起身rise from her seat意思是从她的座位上站起来。而liftraise是及物动词,stand表示站起时要和up连用。

15C rush意思是/冲过去,由上文可知,整个晚上她对这个人产生了浓厚的兴趣,她的眼睛一直没有离开这位先生,一直盼着晚会结束和他聊聊,所以聚会一结束她就冲了过去,与前面的quickly相对应,表达出迫切的心情。

16C 很显然,因为她盯了那个男士一整晚,所以要请求他原谅。

17A 很明显,长时间被别人一直盯着的感觉应该是不舒服的(uncomfortable)

18B 我只是忍不住向您这边看。way方向

19D 冒味问一下,那你已经结过几次婚了?but(用来引入新话题)那,可是

20C Thelma脸上带着微笑。come across出现于,出现在


Do you like sitting on the edge of your seatHow about falling off it laughingIf soRush Hour 2is the perfect movie for you.Although it didn't get the best reviewsit is perfect for those who like a good comedy.

Just as in the firstRush HourInspector Lee(Jackie Chan)and LAPD Detective James Carter(Chris Tucker)are partners.This timethey are on vacation in China and Carter is looking for a good timebut they are on the job again when a bombing at the American Embassy kills two Customs agents.Lee and Carter go to look for a suspect named Ricky Tan.For Lee this is a serious case because Tan killed his father.Will Carter and Lee be able to capture Tan?

Another reason to see this movie perhaps is for the thrilling actionwhich includes karate fights with Jackie Chan.One of my favorite scenes shows Carter and Lee in a massage parlor(按摩院)when everything goes crazy.

Rush Hour 2isof coursereally funny with Chris Tucker in the lead role.Chan and Tucker have many clever jokes and remarks.Some of the jokes aren't enjoyed by the criticsbut most will find them entertaining.

With no doubtthe movie was great.I was filled with anxiety what was going to happen next.Many critics say that sequels(续集)are not as good as the original but this one is great.I especially enjoyed it because the special effects are minimal so everything looks as though it actually happened.The lighting effect is great as well as the sound.

Soif you are looking for a great action movie that leaves you at the edge of your seat and makes you laugh quite a bityou should rush to seeRush Hour 2

1According to the authorRush Hour 2is a perfect movie particularly ________.

Afull of special effects Bwith the best actors

Cfull of humors Dwith great lights

答案与解析:C 推理判断题。由文章最后一段可知,这部电影很幽默,能让人笑翻天;由倒数第二段最后两句可知A项错误。

2InRush Hour 2the two leading roles are on duty again because ________.

Atheir vacation in China is limited to a short term

BInspector Lee doesn't want to have a good time

Cthe American Embassy in China was attacked

Da suspect named Ricky Tan killed Lee's father

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。由文章第二段第二句可知。

3In Rush Hour seriesthe following are usually included EXCEPT ________.

Athrilling actions Bmaximal special effects

Ckarate fights Dclever jokes and remarks

答案与解析:B 细节理解题。文章倒数第二段中提到I especially enjoyed it because the special effects are minimal so everything looks as though it actually happened.可知,这部电影的特技微乎其微(minimal 最小的,极微的),而不是maximal(最大的,最强的),故B项为正确答案。

4IfRush Hour 3is shotwhat kind of movie will it be?

AStage tragedy. BAction movie.

CSoap opera. DSituational comedy.

答案与解析:B 推理判断题。文章提到了推荐这部电影的原因:幽默(能让你笑翻天),惊险的动作,智慧的台词,逼真的特技等可以推知,接下来的尖峰系列仍将是动作片。A舞台悲剧;C肥皂剧;D情景喜剧。


《高三基础知识天天练 英语课时作业19人教版.doc》
