
发布时间:2018-07-26 20:56:34   来源:文档文库   

Unit 4 Making the news



On Aug 29, 1988, the University of Wisconsin­Madison juniors Tim Keck and Christopher Johnson published the first­ever issue of The Onion. The two founders claimed it was the finest news source in the US. 25 years later, it has become one of the most established media presences in the US. But don't expect accuracy and timeliness from it, for The Onion only publishes fake news or news satire(讽刺). Its aim is to make readers laugh and perhaps make them see things from a different angle.

Will Tracy, The Onion's editor­in­chief, says that their stories are presented in a sort of news voice which improves them to a certain level of importance that isn't actually understandable. It has an ability to elegantly locate a problem with an economy of words.

Traditional media outlets are cautious when reporting on sensitive topics such as religion and race. Tracy says nothing is off limits for The Onion. In her words, that is no matter how uncomfortable they may make some readers. But the editors at The Onion do take a firm line, as Tracy explains, What you have to be really careful about is what the target of the joke is. If the target of the joke is wrong, then it doesn't feel right and it also doesn't feel funny. The Onion generated public __outrage__ when earlier this year, it tried to make fun of a 9­year­old Oscar­nominated(奥斯卡提名的) actress by using highly impolite language. It later apologized.



1What can we know about The Onion according to Paragraph 1?

AIts news materials are all real and timely.

BIt often makes fun of the public based on the wrong news.

CIts aim is to make readers feel relaxed and see problems from different angles.

DIts first article written by Tim Keck and Christopher Johnson was published on Aug 29, 1988.

解析 C 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,该报旨在使读者感到轻松并从不同角度看待问题,故选C项。

2What is the meaning of the underlined word outrage in Paragraph 3?

AAnger. BSadness.

CDisappointment. DGrief.

解析 A 词义猜测题。根据第三段最后两句中的highly impolite language, apologized可知,他们的报道让公众很气愤,故选A项。

3Compared with the traditional media, the feature of The Onion is that ________.

Aits targets of the joke are often children

Bit often makes readers feel uncomfortable

Cit also has the same limits on sensitive topics


