
发布时间:2013-11-19 22:12:30   来源:文档文库   

One-child Policy Should Be Changed to Two-child Policy in China

I. A brief introduction to the family planning policy in China

Family planning policy is a basic state policy in China. It is stated in Constitution of the People’s Republic of China that both husband and wife have the duty to practice family planning which advocates late marriage, late childbirth as well as fewer and better births, in order to reduce the large population pressure in China. This policy is also called “one-child policy”, because it restricts each couple to have only one child, while they can get an additional child in some particular cases, such as twins, rural couples with a female child, ethnic minorities and couples without siblings, etc. Since 1949, the family planning policy in China can be divided into three periods: encouraging birthrates before 1970s, proposing birth control in 1970s and implementing birth control officially and thoroughly after 1970s.( Tang, 5-6) Recent years, this policy becomes controversial for the problems it has caused. Some state that this policy should be banned, while others still insist on it. It’s reasonable that each couple should be allowed to give birth to two children according to their willing regardless of their backgrounds.

II. Family planning is still necessary in China.

After about thirty years since the China implemented one-child policy, population pressure has not been solved and still causes social problems which include a shortage of social resources and environment deterioration. Tourist sites and roads are crowded of people especially in National Day holiday, Labor Day holiday and Spring Festival each year. Due to the large population, housing tension leads to high housing prices. Lots of graduates are facing unemployment at the moment of graduation. Beijing, the capital of China, has suffered seriously the shortage of water for many years. All these problems cannot be solved if the population remains so large. < http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1325769/hazardous-air-pollution-beijing-disrupts-traffic; http://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/article/avoiding-travel-dates.htm >

III. The previous birth control policy has caused social problems.

Officials in China state that one-child policy prevents about 250 million births since 1980, which is a great success. However, the problems caused by one-child policy should not be neglected. Many couples in China hold the value of son-preference, so they tend to make an abortion if they know their child will be a girl. This leads to the imbalance between men and women. Whats more, the decrease of birthrate causes the society to face aging population which means the time of population bonus is gone and the young are suffering great pressure to support the old (Yi, 24-33). This will become the barrier to the development of economy in China.

IV. Family with two children has a great advantage

Different from the theory of banning family planning and one-child policy, two-child policy is more practical considering the reality of China. If couples are allowed to hold two children, the abortions will decline because they have another chance to get a boy. It will contribute to the balance of men and women and thus prevent the sharp decrease of population. Furthermore, two-child policy can hold the population steadily or help the population decrease gradually, because there are some people who do not want a child in China. Two children in a family are good for their growth compared with the only one child who can be lonely and inconsiderate(Liang, Li, 35)

V. Conclusion

Extremes may lead to destruction. Its not wise to recognize family planning as a failure. Family planning is still necessary in China. Good policy can be adjusted accordingly and meets the need of most people. Its no doubt that two-child policy is the proper policy for China at least in fifty years, because it meets needs of both sides of population pressure and economy development.

Quote works:

Jiangzhang, Liang., and jianxin, Li., Too Many People in China? Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press2012.

Zhaoyun, Tang. 《当代中国人口政策研究》Beijing: Intellectual Property Publishing House2005.

Fuxian, Yi. 《大国空巢》, Hong Kong: The wind press.2007.




