
发布时间:2011-05-06   来源:文档文库   
Paper Keywords: Machinery automation; the status quo; Development

Abstract: In this paper, machinery automation of generation and the status quo in our country have done a overview on this basis to explore our machinery automation development.
Machinery automation, mainly referring to the application of automation in the mechanical manufacturing Technology to realize the object of continuous automatic production process to achieve an efficient automatic optimization of production process, speed up the processing of production inputs, transform and flow rate. Machinery automation technology application and development of the machinery manufacturing Industry the technological transformation of the primary means of technical progress and technological development of the main direction. Machinery automation technology standards, not only affects the development of the whole machinery manufacturing industry, but also the various sectors of national economy, technological advances have a great direct impact.
1, mechanical automation of the production
Machinery automation technology from the last century, 20 years first in the machine during the cold mass production began to develop the application of the last century, after 60 years to meet the market demands and changes, in order to enhance the mechanical manufacturing industry to market flexible and rapid response capacity to begin the establishment of the variability of automated production systems, that is around the Computer technology of the flexible automation. It is the same or change in manufacturing systems is relatively small, equipment or production management process by automatically detecting, Information processing, analysis to determine automatically achieve the desired operation or some kind of process, and can automatically create a part from the switch to create a different parts. Social practice has shown that this definition of manufacturing systems automation and is incompatible with the contemporary reality in most businesses. At present, the standard of the world except for a few industrial machinery automation of certain production sectors in developed countries, most still in the operational phase of automation. China is no exception, step by step, and constantly strive to create conditions for high-level vision stage to the automated forward.
Second, the status quo of China's machinery automation
Machinery automation technology from the last century, began 20 years since the development of applications, has been a rapid development, especially in recent years, the computer's highly integrated, have started using the computer integrated
manufacturing system, greatly accelerated the development of automated machinery, but China still in the initial operational phase of automation. At present, the standard of the world except for a few industrial machinery automation of certain production sectors in developed countries, most still in the operational phase of automation. China is no exception, the low level of China's industrial structure. China's machinery manufacturing industry is currently 11.4 million businesses, development is very uneven, there are a large number of lagging behind the modern level of industry, most of the enterprises is still relatively backward, and manual labor, a considerable proportion of China's independently developed technology, modern machinery automation companies can that there is no; China's machinery manufacturing enterprises in the automation equipment, less low-level, not only in quantity with a wide gap between the world's advanced countries, but also in variety, the quality, use with the advanced world level there are periodic gaps. For China's machinery automation technology is a long-term process, not overnight. Need step by step, and constantly strive to create conditions for high-level vision stage to the automated forward. At present, China is still in the primary stage of socialism, economic, financial, productivity standards, the quality and so on, with the world's major countries is a big gap; China has abundant labor resources, an annual urban Population of more than 2000 new jobs 10000, and the future employment will increase each year. Machinery automation to maximize labor productivity, labor, the transfer of excess and division of labor is a reality.
Third, China's development road machinery automation Exploration
(A combined with the actual development of production machinery automation technology
Advanced manufacturing technology is all about is to apply. The development of machinery automation technology, should be the production and technological development and the specific conditions of the actual needs-oriented. Only the right products are compatible with the automation of production, in order to receive a good technical and Economic benefits and social and economic benefits. China's development of machinery automation technology, should be combined with practical, focus on practical, that is, have a real benefit to the national economy. Engage in the kind of blindly automating engage in the practice of automatic line, annual production tasks only 1 ~ 2 months to complete the production of the low loading rate, too, must the tendency should be corrected, the national economy does not produce a significant promotion, should be slow and inefficient engage. What we want is results rather than simply speed. Domestic production line shape due to poor product quality, reliability and low availability is poor, the operating rate in general only 50% ~ 60%. The long-term service in the main production lines rarely, such as First Automobile Works of the 01 lines, the second car factory BMD lines started with a full-year performance of the line are even scarcer. This phenomenon is not a casual or in part, but rather with the universal. According to the survey, China's introduction of arc welding robot, fully operational, fully effective only 1 / 3; another 1 / 3 at a load of grievances or can not be fully functioning state; there is 1 / 3 can not be used normally, a direct impact on the user to use more robots confidence. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download

(B the development of less Investment and quick returns, low-cost automation technology
The development of low-cost automation technology, potential, prospects for broad, low investment and quick returns, increased degree of automation, you can have a multiplier economic effects, at the present stage of development suited to China's needs and circumstances. Massachusetts Institute of Technology proposed by Lean Production LP mode, that is, the minimum input to obtain a concrete expression of the maximum output. Toyota uses in-time production JIT, total quality management TQC and group technology GT, the number of flexible work and respect for humanity as a pillar of Lean production methods, so that the factory is not high degree of automation achieved good results. Finland NOKOA Data machine factory assembly workshop has a PC capable of producing 286,386 and 486 of the flexible production line, it is not composed entirely of automation equipment, punctuated by the use of the computer manual to guide the participation of the high-tech technology with the original ingenious combination of a flexible base, so that the lower cost of such production lines, while it has a flexible manufacturing system performance. Lean production itself actually means from the national conditions and the actual situation of enterprises, drawing on overseas development machinery manufacturing low-cost automation technology Experience is beneficial. China's machinery manufacturing enterprises a large number of general-purpose equipment, machinery automation in the development of modern technology, if the existing facilities-based, rationally adjust the machine layout, add a small amount of numerical control equipment, the introduction of CAD / CAM technology, will be able to fully managed to play the advantages of computer automation and human creativity, together constitute a human-centered automation of information as a guide, to establish an autonomous cell-based production systems for China's machinery manufacturing automation technology provides a development of applications with less investment, quick, effective, in line with China's national conditions of mechanical application of new ways to the development of automation technology. (C a focus on supporting the development of machine automation technology
Modern automation technology in machinery manufacturing is the application of control theory under the guidance of production logistics and of the role of a comprehensive study related to mechanical technology, microelectronic technology, automatic control theory and computer technology. The development of machinery automation technology, must be primarily concerned about the electronics, computer technology, part inspection and machine loading automation, numerical control machine tool widely used program, as well as development of efficient and reliable automated production lines, computer Information Systems used in the production and automation control system. Development and Application of mechanical automation technology, automation technology to be really good grasp of the basic work application projects and from the reality of the popularization and application of the work, both to develop the host, but also supporting the development of automation components and control systems. Programmable controllers, microprocessors, various sensors, the new tool, the control system and system software, computer, etc. All these will be the next major technical basis for machinery automation.

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