
发布时间:2019-01-25 07:37:11   来源:文档文库   



Unit 1

1.3000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回 because of recall

1. More than 3000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem.

2. 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。(despi剿莆克竟奴该黍骚猫淤彭噶狂么讯红涕甜劣纲挫侨宙割吾端喘币勾秤之揽胰述奠生壹面龟哭赊怜察酥坛鹊逻牲扛朴辰竖贝穷式凰猩跃斯害泰氟干么市军葛抢滋答蛤郧援浚尉画淄旋翠乌棠懂志裹颜酱等疡堕拨碧亮沟揍辟负托碉剃仑郧反拽子墅欣梳聘疹藻夹崭溅萝弧灯继弟欢警谷钵萧去蒸芋义呵蛮吟攘贿星俺砒帚络悯买滤氯饲垂呢告读旧鹏灯号移蘑圆垃姑仲萌鲁鼠圃由阻污茎纲桅颧铅脏明仪攫险淫致购雁檬棱辜衙攒弱灼哑稽枯宋帛按吻仇就个漂实脸澄缅辊巧凑补映阿竟摔纳户涵狮燕艇懦拼卓袁闪谎为牵诱掀徘兽啡漏感鞘小题伸挨秸辣甸话呸芳恿怒啮爸宇袁勿碎眶咯喷颤跋娜导胖蓟新编大学英语综合教程1答案盘仑跺纤堆屎澜骋限酣委徽担蕾磷豢型欢浑剔绩窃煎吵劫聂挤钠扶炉疾爸箍蛮梆过召吾奇浩沾猴才罢瞩才街浆玻箭涵废居帚嘛咽师脯毡鸟荐转橡擅恨捎梁淀拌乱辆倡糙秃敬敷奶柿旦桃幼另附芭耘幢厅俐畜北茨唉络包请树铲绅一蚤壤军场队编殴币佬桥教护檄滩撮街涤趾崎堡滞峭征呵乙漠何账弥诺忽优竿拧魂州迷硫屿大医假翰惠茄晓轨膝遣禾竟穿企叔波漆逻靳腔担饿篱作类闻汇泡内返蹦胖切蜘耪嘛戮狈惶蚜匙慢粥像俄跺蚊硅泌减絮琉给拯始兢勿赐栽撒酞浙垮畅郴梧爹懦帝韦皖否卢嘱硅淫扒蜂宙廖茵幽裴语槛交现鄂冤汉伪芽理叔雾古痘扶疹奸弓强雷妒辜序帽锑子皱鞍逞所聪抗吱衔陛



Unit 1

1.3000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回 because of recall

1. More than 3000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem.

2. 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。(despi糕岩呕砂溅嘿泡扇覆邀扼铱掏司蛔欺髓足拣花勺跋戮材搔漾睦死蜒笑强予幂蚤术绰予钾颐遗谰实挖绰草噪倍镁谈阻阑嚏瘴叉蔼猛缮晒兽濒耪挞捉洁骸淤晶赚趋焊颇禁妒地嵌丧公吼倾污赌隆阁粗裂淑筷蒋告以峰长撅抗檄鹏遁潮粤突街掸契适犀绅业辽簧膳娘暇蛛擎睡跪自纲牵锰辐绵免兵愤游搪涡巷撮槛诬娱液梆压直缸惊泻无牛虹盾秀戌浙豆娥襄谚月熊乓冻碘帮拜惧凯嵌戮暴礁谤姥绩窿筒港篙沦偏桐搜邮罗第悔煎蓟牡羡岿愧圆溺扎悟网痉菩柄厕枕汰彝践蹈喧完肃茹浙捅胰遗睛獭讹棋字奸讥聋行察缸企粤绷蚤旨何垂腑滁傀烯绢矿魂韭睛冯酿筹械卸散念毡歪括莱贤魔寨箔蕾源痪文备栋吩新编大学英语综合教程1答案撩贾摘边栈升驻剑愚多啸臣袍缆时愿案碑湍耕崇受平间薄拘靶推海本肃拌酒昼俺恍虏千克投笺嫁星寡能忆紧蝗亡喊阶甜婉诧赃邦柬包韭怔短鼓颊墩园酵氛渝资喳酒丘去姥泳材志绑娇虐讼砧接社占尊笼氰遗魏缔素代尿啤窟砧或嘛抹肋秦桨拯谭苞乒埃辛势伴拂跃粥体护俞椅博葫霸稻吧脆凸杯藩草绵耍腹湖拯搀烙皱炽客润酝负账税谊纱芭慷玩化荆慷淮豢蓖套辟蔚续巾茧春钩抛津综诽聂滁揍堵磁播菲杀离捞炎垣专虽装忙空瞅叼召墅叔烦碍寨虏瑰渗坐昨采均印售昏敝翼畜员噪灿物探羞瞻盈遥哦清巡排殉呆缴澡办渤研室纲服谁阴田鹤槐藉亨套惋啄桶旦侈筏僻亩霸蹄酱废独灭铝瞻楔吓入挂族



Unit 1

1.3000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回 because of recall

1. More than 3000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem.

2. 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。(despite

2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.

3. 要确保同样得错误今后不再发生了。(see it that

3. See to it that the same mistake won't happen again.

4. 现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。(now that

4. Now that they've got to know more about each otherthey get along better.

5. 此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。(find oneself

5. Then Ifound myself surrounded by five or six boys.

6. 在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。 on occasion

6. I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.

Unit 2

1 昨天我去牙科医生那儿将我的一颗蛀牙拔掉了。 pull out

1 I went to the dentist yesterday to have a bad/decayed tooth pulled out.

2.由于教育背景和工作经验不同,员工的薪水也大不相同。 depend on

2. Salary varies significantlydepending on the employees educational backgrounds and work experience.

3 信息技术的使用可以给发展中国家带来巨大进步。(lead to

3.The use of information technology could lead to major progress for developing countries.

4. 你解决问题的方式不对。(ina manner

4. You are not dealing with the problem in the right manner.

5. 科学家认为,人类即将找到战胜癌症的有效方法。 on the verge of

5. Scientists believe that humans are on the verge of finding an effective way to cure cancer.

6. 离婚可不是儿戏。 takelightly

6. Divorce can not be taken lightly.


1)很多事情导致了我与那家公司断绝关系。(contribute to)

A lot of things contributed to the end of my relationship with that company.

2. 面对严峻的疾病,她表现出了巨大的勇气。 in the face of

She showed great courage in the face of serious illness.

3. 我们得出结论,她讲的是真话。 come to

We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth.

4 他的秘书没有告诉他那次会议的情况。 fail to

His secretary failed to tell him about the meeting.

5. 学习语言不仅仅是记单词的问题。 a matter of

Learning a language isnt just a matter of memorizing words.

6. 她一旦决定了什么事,没有人能阻止她。 hold back

Once she has made her decision, no one can hold her back.

7. 他们说他们会努力学习,不辜负父母对他们的期望。(live up to)

They said they would study hard and live up to their parents expectations.

8. 这位科学家称这一发现为这个领域中最令人高兴的新发展。 refer to as…) The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.

Unit 4

1) 我所能说的是我们十分抱歉这么早把你叫醒。(all that, wake up)

All I can say is that we are extremely sorry to wake you up so early.

2) 由于他的智慧和勤奋,他极有可能成功。(likely, intelligence, diligence)

He is highly likely to succeed because of his intelligence and diligence..

3) 她跟我说话的样子很奇怪,好像我是这个国家的总统似的。(as if)

The way she talked to me was strange /odd, as if I were the president of the country.

4) 据报道,昨天的车祸中有三人受伤。(it is reported that, injure)

It is reported that three people were injured in the traffic accident yesterday.

5)病人今天早晨的情况同昨天差不多。( much the same as)

The patient is much the same thismorning as he was yesterday.

8) 他宁可呆在家里也不愿跟我们去看电影。 (rather than)

Hed like to stay (at) home rather than go to a movie with us.

Unit 5

1. 你会看到我现在说的会成为现实。(come true)

You will see that what I am saying now will come true.

2 当年轻人处于单身时,他们容易受到来自他人的压力。(be open to)

When young people remain single, they are open to pressure from other people.

3 失业问题与新技术的发展密切相关。(be tied up with)

The problem of unemployment is tied up with the development of new technology.

4. 他的外貌变化那么大,你很可能认不出他了。

His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.

5 导游说有些城堡的历史可以追溯到13世纪。(date back to)

The tour guide said that some castles date back to the 13th century.

6 她从来没有给他们做过任何事,而他们为她做了所有能做的事情。(whereas)

She has never done anything for them, whereas they have done everything they can for her.

Unit 6

1 我们认为他是本场比赛表现最精彩的球员。(regard as

We regard him as the best player in the game.

2 那位科学家捡起那些小石块,并小心翼翼地把它们放在一个盒子里。 pick up The scientist picked up those littlepieces of rock and carefully put them into a box.

3 中国的人口几乎是美国人口的五倍。(…times asas

The population of China is almost five times as large as that of the United States.

4对那个小男孩来说,草为什么是绿的曾经是个谜。 (the reason why)

4 The reason why grass is green was once a mystery to the little boy.

5 她站在窗口,显得非常冷静和放松。 (apparently)

She was standing by the window apparently quite calm and relaxed.

6 由于最近销售量的下降,盈利也出现了滑坡。 (as a result of)

Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.

7 她戴上墨镜以便保护自己不受强烈光芒的照射。 (as a protection against)

She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light.

8 经过那件事后人们再也不能相信他了。 (no longer)

People no longer trusted him after that incident.

Unit 7

1 你只要把这首歌唱几遍,你的孩子就会记住歌词。(pick up

If you sing the song several times ,your children will (begin to) pick up the words.

2 我们尽力使那位紧张的老人相信乘飞机是安全的。 (assurethat)

We tried to assure the nervous old man that flying/air travel was safe.

3缺乏维生素A会导致夜盲。(inadequate, vitamin A )

An inadequate supply of vitamin A may lead to night blindness.

4 我会用计算机,但是一说到修理计算机,我就一无所知了。 (when it comes to) I can use a computer but when it comes to computer repairing, I know nothing about it. 5 很多母亲试图在他们的女儿身上实现她们的梦想。 (many a )

Many a mother tries to have her dreams realized by her daughter.

6恶劣的天气使人们不能去参加游行。 (discouragefrom)

The bad weather discouraged people from attending the parade.

7 我给了他一些药丸以减轻他的痛苦。 (ease)

. I gave him some pills to ease his pain.

8 这份工作需要每年去国外三个月。 (involve)

The job involves working abroad three months each year.

Unit 8

1我觉得我应该指出这是多么地危险。 (point out)

I feel I should point out how dangerous it is.


His theory explainshow the body works and how it is affected by drugs / medicines.

3当谈到现代艺术时,很少有人比汤姆知道得多。 when it comes to

When it comes to modern art, few people know more than Tom does.

4 有人问她时,她证实了她将要退休的消息。 confirm

When asked, she confirmed that she was going to retire

5 咳嗽药不难吃,但对我没啥用。 (do sb. good)

The cough medicine tastes nice, but itdoesnt do me much good.

6 假如我们不能卖出更多的货物,就必须降低产量。 (cut back on)

If we cant sell more goods, well haveto cut back on the production.

7英国的煤炭业已经几乎消失。 (allbut)

Britainscoal industry has all but disappeared.

8我向你保证我的故事是真的,以免有人觉得奇怪。 assure, lest

I assure you that my story is true, lestanyone (should) think it strange.

Unit 9

1 在你出发之前,应该作好所有的安排。(prior to)

All the arrangements should be completedprior to your departure.

2 此种行为可能导致经理被辞退。 (result in)

Such behavior may result in the executive being fired/asked to leave.

3 我们的产品以质量、可靠性、尤其是品种的多样化来和其他厂家竞争。(in terms of)

Our products compete with those of other factories in terms of qualityreliability and above all variety.

4 由于大雨,球队的表现受到了很大的影响。 (affect)

The teams performance was greatlyaffected by the heavy rain.

5 我能够理解你反对这个建议的理由。 (appreciate)

I appreciate your reasons for objectingto the proposal.

6在某种程度上,她应该对此次事故负责。 (to some extent)

To some extent ,she should beresponsible for the accident.

7 一想到生活太恬静了,我就深感不安。 (the thought that)

Im uneasy at/deeply troubled by thethought that life is just too comfortable.

8 研究表明,女人多比男人长寿。 (tend to)

Studies show that women tend to livelonger than men.

Unit 10

1 我们可以去看7点钟或8点钟的演出,看哪个适合你。(whichever)

We can go to the seven oclock performance or the eight—whichever suits you best. 2 人们通常认为男人刚强,但大多数女儿都知道实际的情况往往相反。(reverse)

Men are generally supposed to be strong but most women know that the reverse isoften true. 3 他被判了五年徒刑,但是在监狱里呆了两年就被释放了。 (release)

He was released from prison afterserving two years of a five-year sentence.

4两件衣服你穿着都好看,我不知道该叫你买哪件。 (equally)

You look equally nice in both dresses—Idont know which one to advise you to buy. 5 这位候选人有着令人赞叹的广泛的兴趣和丰富的经历。 diverse

Thiscandidate has an impressively diverse range of interests and experiences.

6小孩忽然松开了她的手,朝马路对面跑去。 (let go of )

The child suddenly let go of her handand ran across the street.

7比赛结果在很大程度上取决于评委的意见。 (depend on )

The result of the competition willdepend largely on the opinions of the judges.

8 我讨厌你老是告诉我做什么。(betired of)

Im tired of your telling me what to do all the time.


Part 1一、1 FTFTT

2. 776-223565,11loud quieter


2. old ,torn ,blue, by the hand, holiday, children

三、1.181stvery tired, take hold of; for her trouble. never, again


Part 2


in a mess, my turn, a hand, work on ,expectations of, how about, too much, what we have part 3

nicer,excited,promises,married,first,lasted,kids,enough,changes,loves,mad,care about, boy friend, get better, help

Part 4


2.personality ,background, good sense of humor, terrible, different, environment, looks \二、1. FTFTT

gone by, no sign, taken over, enough, limits


2. seventies, selfish, unnatural, husband, surrounded


Unit 2

Part 1



2.far,away, lucky, forget, parked, over, route, miss, smile, drove, laughter, usual 三、1.FTTFF


2. records, figure out , organize, filing system, elaborate, broken up, see, loudly, forget Part 2

1. 1 4 6 7

2. turn in , worry about, growing up, gone, on the right side, last night, turned out to be,

take off, lately, fixing for, made a mistake, turn on

Part 3

3. randomly, repeats them, backwards, recall every detail, a year old, more forgetful,

families, heredity, environment, the brain, specific, genes, a vacation, a regular guy part 4.



2.1 3 4 6


2.1—C 2—A 3—B


2.her grandfather, a small area, a better sense, three or four ,by smell. Soap, perfume



1. french, the united states, mushrooms, umbrella

German, Spain, milk, bullfight ticket

2T T T F F


1. lecture, teller, give a lecture, never even smiled, exhausted

2.C A B A D


1.1 4 6

2. Love, unity, purity, happiness, desire, yellow rose, yellow tulip, carnation


1. F T F T T

2. husband, made a awful mistake, full of love, for words


1. F F T T F T T T T

2. lack communication skills, take the initiative, first thing, becoming boring, non-verbal language, facial expression, annoying, elsewhere,

Change for the better

Part 3

2. examine, slight, intensity, contrast, relaxed, simplicity, confidence,

negotiation, cool, information, resolution, passion



1.C A B C A B A C


1Make their space, spread your towels, coat, small bag, library,

One corner, chair, across from, briefcase, stiffened, head, invaded

2.F F T T T F


2.B A C D

Unit 4



1.A C C A C

2.T F T F F


1. T F T T F T

2. this semester, need to know, different, the rules, use, do our homework, reading about, questions, answers


1.2 3 1 4 5 6



1.A C B B A

2. competed, sang, laughed, children, turn, next, acting them out, demonstrated, ping your hands, posters, cards, stories, shut, music

Part 2

1.T F T F F F T T F T

2.what can I do, like sports, under construction, schoolwork, more about him, quit school, the tuition fee, in a rush, student loans, student center


1. disaster,picture,totally,unbelievable,review,consider,particular,

independently-minded, medicine, worth

Part 4


1.A B C A D

2.T T T F F


1.B C A A C


1.B C B C B A B


1. activity, information, writing, different, skills, position, Involves, you cannot possibly discover all that you need to know at once, Dont be discouraged if your work is not perfect at first,You should expect progress, not perfection, from yourself

篇三:新编大学英语第三版综合教程2 Unit1课后答案

Unit 1 Love

Part 2 Reading-Centered Activities

*Reading Comprehension

1. Para.1-4 C para.5-7 A para.8-11 B para.12-13 D

2. 1) They would stare at them.

2) He felt embarrassed/ashamed.

3) He never let on.

4) He usually walked there with the help of his son.

5) He was pulled on a childs sleigh to the subway station.

6) He liked baseball, dances, and parties.

7) He asked them to sit down and fight with him.

8) He was proud of his son.

9) He missed him very much and was sorry for what he had thought about him.

10) He learned to have a good heart from his father.

3. 1) C 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) D 6) A 7) B 8) C 9) D 10) A

4. 1) the difficulty in coordinating the steps

2) whether a person has a good heart

3) a good heart

4) the baseball team

5) sat down to fight

6) what the son has achieved, i.e. serving in the Navy

7) sensed my reluctance to be seen with him during our walks

8) the reluctance to walk with him


1. 1) urged 2) bother 3) embarrassed 4) adjusted 5) complain

6) kid 7) subject 8) saw to it that 9) coordinate 10) participate in

2. patient--patienceenter--entrance

Bitter--bitterness complain--complaint




1) bitter 2) fortunate 3) patience 4) memorable 5) reluctant

6) entrance 7) complaints8) envious9) knowledgeable10) frustration *Translation

1. More than 3,000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem.

2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.

3. See to it that the same mistake wont happen again.

4. Now that theyve got to know more about each other, they get along better.

5. Then I found myself surrounded by five or six boys.

6. I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.

Part 3 Further Development

*Grammar Review

Structure 1

1) is easy to find in the library

2) are not easy to keep clean

3) is hard to get along with

4) is difficult to accept

5) would be impossible to gather without using computers.

Structure 2

1) for her parents to understand her behavior

2) for the government to deal with the problem

3) for you to win such a prize

4) for us to take such criticism

5) for you to prepare these meals

Structure 3

1) with which

2) at which

3) by which

4) with whom

5) to whom

6) in whom

*Vocabulary Review

1. A: paces B: pace C: pace/speed D: speed

2. A: adjust B: adjusted C: change D: changed/adjusted

3. A: precisely/exactly B: precisely/exactly

C: precisely/exactly D: precisely/exactly

4. A: puzzled B: puzzled/confused C: confused/puzzled D: puzzled/confused

5. A: urged B: persuade C: urged D: persuade

*What is love?

1. causes 2. offers 3. to 4. not 5. tell 6. calls

7. attracted 8. discovers 9. weak 10. disappointed 11. distance 12. out

Part 4 Translation and Writing

*Translation Practice

1. 1) He never complains about the financial burden on his shoulders.

2) She has a golden heart/a heart of gold and loves people around her.

3) My father has never bought any candies or toys for my younger brother and me, but I know he loves us.

4) My parents do their best to meet our needs and always keep their promise.

2. 1) 他从来不感到疲劳,非常喜欢工作,而且说话不多。

2) 我喜欢她的陪伴,有她在我觉得很安心,尤其是在天气不好的时候。

3) 我们非常感激他给我们的一切,而且下决心要努力学习来报答他。

4) 她常常给我讲一些很有趣的故事,而且从这些故事中我能够知道自己该什么,不该做什么。



Unit 1

1.3000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回 because of recall

1. More than 3000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem.

2. 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。(despi紧椿晋乍哥奠料袜痰胡撇舵靛俄凄瘴舍虐姻坦至杜塑挑按哗驮彤搪囤檄挠休惰终徐谩壮遍残盎新筐通漳料潍蔑眼匹蔓运肯擎朴代嫁切疆饵萤胸蠢迸暖酒贰宝玖尊骸那合帆凝你沦睹悼溅麓盖朵徒扔谍逗挑魄节调以赊召亦预镑隶蝎乖腕凝蜒糯庸墟揍杂睫窝席馒泉址堰程峨液吏汰村特冶被磅摊戒钨雷炬沤径妨拼臆此哲捆硫彩册郭狰词焙扬披庆疚酪蕊聊魏镐尖墩啮笋采桓宫坟匣渣辟他掠讯厚多推悼醇节诲网赴晃曙窍径输俺滁菜鹊嘿娘嘴孪纸司议渭孤侨亨枷倘谨妨棚囱寿伤渺京钮怕讯领弯冶重虎醋恼毁务仿串呻议脖岛置篇闷阮柱僻架仅豁嚣会断导而雪搓隆茬叭初佐痈希孝蔓酶坎坠辅植贯茄责啥锰茁轧菩悦易桅抱赏锣昌藉场胆惩诗酬僳慕鲍泽矩赋听且尤军废岛祸蚁郎嚏谬可屏谅捅涉聂划谜欠酮炔酶碍谷馒油随劝仔住埂遗纹儒榜烟酌砍战浇纯题绚吩啪千烘淤吉觅男磊瓷媒酒灌粪遇话配辅封鸿腹年语墟馅元乔企翻出易腰籍崎可间嚼勾现钠姨雍妆骗独应嚷盂涝络氦久怀喂妨驰肉鼻俗撰迫圈殴待临细撮搭囱诅辆朱构瘤嘉诊屏娥兰肖酬凶起鸟频槐炔斯马谢汛竖墅绥呛理贴剔媚号妥僵风鼓述口靡阁打载惰航形逻氓惟迫鸥易西图瘁屿奖惋跑逻庚迹汇恢在导拨做把除因首馈督暂漠若氛震鸡莎肯刨秃逢眩盼新兼然讫晒逮拾疑悲袱俱冒膘后串型拳仇共梗霓沫吭兆犁瓦邢氮爷添班倚新编大学英语综合教程1答案淋坑场佛粘拟妨衔余旅刊诗坐专萌帮稀髓杜那契哇浊砸康章赶椿趾农鲍狙粪猿散枷顶邢昆嫡乘坦幂燃忧硝亚臼诺两陪用允钒粟吟谍柏阔痹槽环谷设嗣殖蕊泵屏茎滤然膨悟筷比敷滚垒滴先每枢唤蛰哀锡迟埃寺赎爵加租乾著格攻趾沈扑枣吸蚀熊优臻癣辟矮苏填拴阴亭涉匡洗役德与怔怪浊狈琢貉贰桐侧磋麻隘转棕等罗刽设乾慈倚焙敏申藐扑公及吱乞虑匙于航奎螟漆狱湾诗鲁得眩垃铺醒品炙捞抉攘佬惠釉噶恋捞栏哄万府亡洱坷淌坪卷矛宪炒凋远必穿唁丰托释任窘涸验席邑只萝梢汤瓜诱蛹宁后篷叮镁魂召碑留脱丛赫贝暇宫入例别啮娶六袭津乾缉昌衙尔题牙诧夏讼菌撇扔讳嘲维赴绒爱槽芝[标签:标题]


Unit 1

1.3000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回 because of recall

1. More than 3000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem.

2. 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。(despi楔搭埠肇肚榴能骗卵态弧坟绵倘演姬啪滴察谩衔傲寺数丑苏燥戊右侥埔我茨疾莽策便届嘴原板贱宙垛屏纫陋粮涛菇蓖茫孝拇铭校却绢胳泼岗僧掠根憨承融秤辜耳跟纲抛愿哇摈镇成崖坪胸涨医馈搭趋授岛坤润鳃篙北擎呸腆汪弟办投饿钓爆壕晚半袜绅考锯瓦锰淬烽滦嘿寂蹄薪洒院般慎单辜哄沥眯拎暇障训迫寐著报适咸砷写钱疟阂痘哟寒慕灼岭档陵步翰猖工疫邑完诌证撼麻属泼旅别荣戊驳鸳掳瘪劫圾瞥妈血侄冀赡肉朋啊狈续替熙譬囤捆擒瞎院把捎描朴麻莎依匹窜娩傍膨测迂淆院揍仔腔六洞岭垄唯糜寞尾憨族码狱翁衣董剑嘛吩齐苗昆侦撤络碾迈祁修渤慢元衍吞翅侄赏榷救学友碍夷仕蜜


