
发布时间:2020-03-02 17:18:06   来源:文档文库   


(2019·厦门外国语学校月考)Have you ever heard of a Cucamelon? If not, you're missing out on the cutest fruit on earth!

Cucamelons look like baby watermelons and taste like cucumbers mixed with lemon. ____1____ You can grow them in a pot, plastic bag or directly into a garden. These plants are fast growers and have a maturity of 80 days, which means you can grow them when it starts to get colder, too. ____2____ You'd have to look online and purchase them. Generally speaking, you can receive them within 7 days.

If you choose to plant them directly into your garden, you can plant them as soon as the chance of frost is gone. ____3____ You can put wood sticks into the ground for the roots to grow on, or use bamboo sticks as an alternative. After your first season of growing Cucamelons, you'll notice that the root is very long. You can dig up these roots and store them in a cool, dry place and re­pot them at the start of the next growing season. ____4____ It will be a big harvest! By the way, you can use Cucamelons in food dishes or in drinks. The thought sounds pretty excellent!

5____ Your neighbors might even feel inspired to grow Cucamelons themselves!

AThis means you can eat fruit all the year round.

BHowever, you won't find these seeds in a store.

CThey'll need a lot of water and a little support with growing.

DThey're from Mexico and are known as Sandíitas de Raton”.

EThat's because the young plants can't stand the cold weather.

FIf you're looking for a new, exciting fruit to try out, try Cucamelons!

GThis will give you ten times as many Cucamelons the next time around!


1[解析] Cucamelons look like baby watermelons and taste like cucumbers mixed with lemon. ____1____ You can grow them in a pot, plastic bag or directly into a garden.可知,作者在介绍拇指西瓜的形状、口感以及种植地点。小题1的位置,决定了小题1也是对拇指西瓜的介绍。故D选项切题。

[答案] D

2[解析] You'd have to look online and purchase them.可知,需要去网上买种子。所以小题2应该表明实体店是买不到的。故B选项切题。

[答案] B

3[解析] You can put wood sticks into the ground for the roots to grow on, or use bamboo sticks as an alternative.以及下文可知,都在说明拇指西瓜成活的条件很简单,很容易成活。所以小题3也要说明它成活的条件,意在说明它很容易活。故C选项切题。

[答案] C

4[解析] 由下文It will be a big harvest!可知,空格处要表明它的产量高,才能取得大丰收。故G选项切题。

[答案] G

5[解析] Your neighbors might even feel inspired to grow Cucamelons themselves! 可知,空格处要说明如果你想种一种新的水果,就去种拇指西瓜吧。然后你的邻居才可能被激励种拇指西瓜。故F选项切题。

[答案] F


(2019·莆田市第二十四中学期末)We all have our favourite teachers—those who treat us equally. But what about those teachers we don't know as well(for even don't like much)?

You can do lots of things to get a relation with your teacher. Firstdo the following: ____1____ Complete all homework on time. Be attentivebe respectfuland ask questions. ____2____ Obviouslyyour teachers are really interested in their subjects or they wouldn't have decided to teach them! Show the teacher that you careeven if you're not good at math or fluent in French—send the message that you are a dedicated student.

You can also schedule a private meeting during a teacher's free period.____3____ You can ask questionsinquire about a career in the subjector talk about your progress in class. You may be surprised to learn that your teacher is a bit more relaxed one on one than when lecturing in front of the whole class.

Howeverhere are some things to avoid when trying to establish a relationship with your teacher

1____4____ Teachers sense when your only motivation is to get special treatmenta college referenceor a job suggestion.

2Trying to be teachers' pet. You just attract the teachers' attention on purpose and your classmates may start to hate you.

3____5____ It's OK to offer a small sign of thanks to teachers if they've been helpful to you. But a teacher is usually not allowed to accept the wrong messageand a teacher is usually not allowed to accept anything expensive.

AGiving expensive gifts.

BShow up for class on time.

CNot being sincere.

DFind the practical value in classes.

EUse this time to get extra help.

FShow an interest in the subject.

GGet along better with your teachers.


1[解析] 根据后面的Complete all homework on time叙述的是认真完成作业,以引起老师的好感。因此Show up for class on time 按时上课与语境一致。故选B项。

[答案] B

2[解析] 根据上下文语境可知,介绍的方法是学生要想引起老师的注意,就要多问问题,本段最后一句Show the teacher that you careeven if you're not good at math or fluent in French—send the message that you are a dedicated student.向老师表示你的关注,即使你不擅长,也要传达出你是一个有专注力的学生的信息。这一切就是表达对这一学科感兴趣(Show an interest in the subject.)。故选F

[答案] F

3[解析] 根据下一句You can ask questionsinquire about a career in the subjector talk about your progress in class.你可以问问题,询问关于职业的话题,或者谈论你在课堂上的进步。分析选项可知E(Use this time to get extra help.)符合题意,故选E项。

[答案] E

4[解析] 根据上一句Howeverhere are some things to avoid when trying to establish a relationship with your teacher然而,当你试图和你的老师建立关系时,有一些事情是可以避免的。可知下面第4和第5小题是避免做的,分析选项可知,要与老师搞好关系,不可以做的只有A项和C项。分析本空后面的内容可知C(不真诚)与本题符合,故选C项。

[答案] C

5[解析] 根据第4小题的分析可知,只有AC项是避免做的,根据本段最后一句a teacher is usually not allowed to accept anything expensive.老师通常不允许接受任何昂贵的东西。可知A(Giving expensive gifts. 送昂贵的礼物。)是符合题意的,故选A

[答案] A


(2019·会宁县期末考试)You won't be able to control everything your teens do when they drive, but you can teach them about the importance of vehicle safety.

Locking the door upon entering the vehicle

Did your teens know they should lock the doors immediately upon entering the vehicle? ____1____. Teach them to lock their doors, as this could guarantee their safety when they are pulling out of a dark parking lot or stopping at a red light.

Driving a safe vehicle

Your teens will buy their car one day. They probably don't care what you consider to be a good color, or model, but you should teach them how to buy a safe car. Top safety features include electronic stability control, a rear view camera, side impact airbags, etc. ____2____.

Avoiding distractions

3____. So make sure they know that. Teenagers tend to think themselves unbeatable(无以伦比的), but if you gently explain the risks of not focusing on the road, they may decide to quit this dangerous habit.

Staying calm

You need to show that you're confident of your teens' driving skills, even if your teens' speeding up too fast or hitting the brakes too hard scares you. ____4____. They will react much better to quiet comments than cold words.


There's something about being young and learning to drive that comes with a strong wish for speed. You might not be able to stop the occasional speeding ticket, but you can help them see the importance of following the rules and keeping themselves safe.

ARespecting speed limits

BPresenting the traffic rules

CIf your teens haven't been taught this, then they probably won't do so

DInstead of yelling and stressing out on such occasions, try your best to speak calmly

ELooking at phones or controlling the radio while driving could make your teens seriously injured or worse

FYou want to keep your children safe, but you can't always stop them from doing dangerous things

GThese will help them better control the vehicle and offer protection in the event of an accident


1[解析] 根据前句的问题Did your teens know they should lock the doors immediately upon entering the vehicle? (你的孩子们知道他们应该一上车就锁门吗?)和后句 Teach them to lock their doors, as this could guarantee their safety when they are pulling out of a dark parking lot or stopping at a red light.教他们锁好车门的好处,可知,如果孩子没有接受过这方面的教育,那么他们可能不会这么做。故选C

[答案] C

2[解析] 根据前句Top safety features include electronic stability control, a rear view camera, side impact airbags, etc.(顶级安全功能包括电子稳定控制,后视镜,侧面冲击安全气囊等。)可知,这些顶级安全功能将帮助他们更好地控制车辆,并在发生事故时提供保护。故选G

[答案] G

3[解析] 根据小标题Avoiding distractions和后句中关键词this dangerous habit(这个危险的习惯)的提示可知,开车时看手机或控制收音机是危险的习惯,容易干扰开车。故选E

[答案] E

4[解析] 根据小标题Staying calm和前句You need to show that you're confident of your teens' driving skills, even if your teens' speeding up too fast or hitting the brakes too hard scares you.可知,这里指即使你的孩子超速或刹车太猛让你感到害怕的时候,你也不要大喊大叫,也不要紧张,要尽量平静地说话。故选D

[答案] D

5[解析] 这里考查小标题。根据前面4个小标题和下段中关键词with a strong wish for speed(对速度的强烈渴望)the occasional speeding ticket(偶尔的超速罚单)提示可知,这里用小标题Respecting speed limits(遵守速度限制)故选A

[答案] A


(2019·靖远县期末考试)The smell of campfires attract many people into the woods and mountains for camping trips. Especially, the start of summer or perhaps fall is the perfect time to take a camp. Here are several reasons you should consider packing up the sleeping bags and heading into the mountains.

You get closer to nature

1____. Campgrounds are about as close as you can get to some of the most beautiful places on the earth.

You get far away from technology

Communicate with nature. ____2____ so you and your children can leave the cellphones at home. You may get up close with wildflowers and the fresh air.

Food tastes much better in the outdoors

Cooking over an open fire gives meat a special taste which can't be done well on the stove at home. ____3____.

Camping is affordable

When short of cash for a vacation, many families can keep it cheap by heading into the woods for a camping trip. Camping equipment can be bought for very little money. ____4____.

5____. Most of your friends will wish they had come along with you.

AGive your friends some advice about camp

BYou may want to enjoy yourself in nature

CMost campgrounds don't have Wi­Fi or even a phone signal

DThe biggest cost is usually the gas to get to the campground

EPost a few photos of your camping trip to mountains when at home

FWhile camping, you're most likely to be in a national park or national forest lands

GCamping food is some of the best­tasting food and it tastes even better in the fresh air


1[解析] 该空引出下文,F选项露营时,你最有可能在国家公园或国家森林里切题,故选F

[答案] F

2[解析] 该空承上启下,C选项大多数露营地没有Wi­Fi,甚至没有电话信号切题,故选C

[答案] C

3[解析] 这一段落标题Food tastes much better in the outdoors意思是在户外,食物吃起来味道更好。上文Cooking over an open fire gives meat a special taste which can't be done well on the stove a home.意思是在明火上烹饪,肉有一种特殊的味道,这是在家里的炉子上做不到的。该空承接上文,且与标题相呼应,G选项露营食物是最美味的食物之一,在新鲜的空气中吃起来更美味切题,故选G

[答案] G

4[解析] 上文Camping equipment can be bought for very little money.意思是用很少的钱就能买到露营设备。该空承接上文,D选项最大的花费通常是到达营地的汽油切题,故选D

[答案] D

5[解析] 下文Most of your friends will wish they had come along with you.意思是你的大多数朋友会希望他们和你一起来。该空引出下文,E选项在家的时候,贴几张去山上露营的照片切题,故选E

[答案] E


(2019·兰州第一中学期中)Moving into a new home in a new neighborhood is an exciting experience. Of course, you want to make sure that you become an acceptable and valuable part of your neighborhood. The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should. ____1____

Perhaps one of the most important things you can do as a good neighbor is to keep your property(房产) neat, clean, and in good repair. ____2____ By choosing to keep the outside of the home in great shape, you will help to improve the look and feel of the area.

Second, take the overall appearance of the neighborhood seriously, when going for a walk. Take a small garbage bag. ____3____ This small act will let your neighbors know that you care about the area.

4____ If a neighbor is going to be out of town, offer to collect mail and newspapers. If a neighbor suffers an illness, offer to do the grocery shopping. Let them know you are there to help in any way that is acceptable, while still respecting the privacy of your neighbor.

5____ By following the basic rules of respecting others, taking care of what belongs to you, and taking pride in the appearance of the neighborhood in general, you will quickly become a good neighbor that everyone appreciate.

AIn general, keep an eye on their property while they are gone.

BA good neighbor is also one who likes to help out in small ways.

CBeing a good neighbor is more or less about considerate behavior.

DSometimes neighbors may go to the supermarket together to do shopping.

EShould you come across waste paper thrown out of a passing car, pick it up.

FPeople tend to take pride in keeping everything in their street fresh and inviting.

GHere are a few tips to help you win over everyone in the neighborhood quickly.


1[解析] 本段讲如果你想成为邻居中一个可以接受和有价值的部分,最简单的方法就是确保你的行为举止像一个好邻居。下文是具体做法,G(这里有一些技巧,可以帮助你迅速赢得邻居的信赖。)承上启下,故选G

[答案] G

2[解析] 本段介绍和邻居关系融洽最重要的是保持干净整洁的户内户外环境,F项中People tend to take pride in keeping everything in their street fresh and inviting.(人们往往会自豪于保持街上的一切新鲜和诱人。)与本段意思一致,故选F

[答案] F

3[解析] 本段主要建议要重视社区的整体面貌,出门拿上一个垃圾袋,EShould you come across waste paper thrown out of a passing car, pick it up.(遇到从路过的汽车里扔出的废纸,把它捡起来。)与上句衔接,是举例说明拿垃圾袋的作用。故选E

[答案] E

4[解析] 本段是建议用邻居可以接受的方式帮助他们,同时尊重邻居的隐私。BA good neighbor is also one who likes to help out in small ways.(好邻居就是喜欢在小的方面帮助别人的人。)符合本段内容,故选B

[答案] B

5[解析] 最后一段是总结,只要我们考虑周到,尊重他人,照顾好属于自己的东西,为周围的人感到自豪,很快就会成为一个大家都喜欢的好邻居。C项中considerate behavior是下文内容的概括,故选C

[答案] C


