深圳小学一年级英语 unit 1 goodmorning

发布时间:2011-08-03 16:07:12   来源:文档文库   

一年级Super Kids Unit1 教案

                                       Super Kids teaching plan

                                         Unit 1 Back to school




Target: Ss can point to and name book, crayon, pencil, notebook, book bag, pencil case, pen and ruler.

Materials: picture cards 23-30, classroom items (book, crayon, pencil, notebook, book bag, pencil case, pen and ruler)


Teaching procedures:

Step1 warm-up

   T greets to Ss and sings a classroom song.

   Review the number and colors.

Step2 lead—in

 1. T : I have a magic box, here are lots of lovely things in it, can you guess what they are?

 T teaches new vocabulary: book, crayon, pencil, notebook, book bag, pencil case, pen and ruler


a.   Finger game to teach words: pen, pencil, pencil case, book,

b.   Lower and higher voice to teach ruler,  bag.

Step3. Practice

Have Ss turn to SB 10-11 and look at the pictures.

  Have Ss listen and point to the items.

  1 Listen and point.

  2 Listen and repeat.

  3 Listen and number.

Step4 presentation

1.    Ss practice “It’s a ….”

T It’s a…?

Ss: pen. It’s a pen.

2.    Dialogue between teacher and Ss.

T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s a pen.


1.  Follow the tape, repeat the words.

2.  Listen the text.


Teaching Feeling:

          This is a very interesting class for Ss, because they leart 8 words and 1 sentence in many funny games, for example: Magic box, Hiding game, Voiceless game and so on. Then I

know " Playing games is the best way to scrab Ss interest", in following classes, I will pay more attention on how to let them learn in fun, learn in right way.





1. Ss can introduce themselves and ask for someone’s name using I’m …. What’s your name? I’m …

2.Ss can understand and say:

                                    Hi, (Beth). Hi (Toni).

                                    How are you? Fine, thank you.

3.Ss can ask and answer what’s this? It’s a pencil.

Materials: Picture cards 23-30, classroom items.


Teaching procedures:

Step1 warm-up

   T greets to Ss and sings a classroom song.

   Review the words: book, crayon, pencil, notebook, book bag, pencil case, pen and ruler

Step2 Lead—in

   Introduce dialogs

Dialog1: wave to a student (S1) and say I’m (T’s name).

           What’s your name? Have S1 wave back and say

            I’m (S1’name).Repeat with other Ss.

Dialog2: say to another student (S2) Hi, (S2’s name)                                                 

                                                        How are you?

S2 says "Fine, thank you." Have S2 repeat Fine, thank you. 

Continue with other Ss.

 Dialog3: Hold up a pencil and ask what this is? Have Ss repeat.

         Say it’s a pencil. Have Ss repeat.

Step3 Presentation

     1 introduces the super kids characters using picture cards 95-103.

     2 Listen to the story and point.

     3 Dialog 1 Listen and point. / Listen and repeat.

        Dialog 2 Listen and point. / Listen and repeat.

        Dialog 3 Listen and point. / Listen and repeat.




Target: Ss can understand and respond to commands to

        Stand up, sit down, open your book, and close your book,

        Take out your book and put away your book.

Materials: picture cards 23-30.


Teaching procedures:

Step1 warm-up

   T greets to Ss and sings a classroom song.

   Play “What can you see?” using student Book P10-11.

   Play fast motion.

Step2 presentation

  Introduce commands: Stand up, sit down, open your book, close your book, and Take out your book and put away your book.

 1 T say and Ss do.

 2 play “teacher says”. T say and Ss say.

 3 Listen and point.

 Introduce the sing-a-gram.

 T shows a pencil and asks: What’s this? Elicit It’s a pencil.

 1 Listen and point.

 2 Listen and point sing.




Target: Ss can ask and answer what’s this? It’s a ____

       Ss can sing what’s this? Song.

Materials: Picture Cards 23-30, CD


Teaching procedures:

Step1 warm-up

   T greets to Ss and sings a classroom song.

Step2 Presentation

 Introduce grammar

 1 T show Ss picture card 23. Have Ss say Book. Say it’s a book.

  Have Ss listen and repeat. Do the same with picture Cards 24-30.

 2 Cover Picture Card 23 with a sheet of paper.

Ask what’s this? Have Ss repeat.

   Uncover the card and say it’s a book. Have Ss repeat.

Do the same with picture Cards 24-30.

 3 Listen and repeat.

Step3 Practice

   Demonstrate how to do the exercise.




Target: Ss can recognize and say the letters

and sounds of Bb and Pp.

      Ss can write the letters Bb and Pp.

Materials: CD, book, and pencil.


Teaching procedures:

Step1 warm-up

   T greets to Ss and sings a classroom song.

Step2 Presentation

 Introduce the letters and sounds of Bb and Pp.

 1 T writes B and b on the board, saying the sound and name of the letter. Pint to b and hold up a book. Say b, b, book. Have Ss listen and repeat.

 2 The same way to Pp.

 3 Listen and repeat.

 4 Do the exercise.


《深圳小学一年级英语 unit 1 goodmorning.doc》
