
发布时间:2019-03-26 23:17:37   来源:文档文库   


The term feature is generally applied to a long list of materials, which are not considered straight news, ranging from comic to columns. It is also used to apply to a story that is based wholly on human interest—the story falls somewhere between straight news and pure fiction. At its heart are facts representing solid reporting techniques, just as in a straight news story. But the stories differ in style. The news article is timely and written in a straight-forward, concise, unemotional style. The feature, on the other hand, may not be particularly timely and it is marked by a blending of imagination and creative use of the language that can touch a reader's curiosity, amazement, skepticism or humor. No standard form or style is used for feature articles. They follow no set rules for leads or the body or the end of the story, as news stories generally do. Some conform to the straight news style with a 5 W's summary lead but use of the novelty lead is more common. They may be narrative, descriptive or expository. They tell stories, paint pictures, explain conditions—but are facts, not fiction.


The term 术语feature特写 is generally通常 applied to 应用于a long list of materials, which are not considered straight news, ranging from 从。。到。。comic to columns.


It is also used to apply to a story that is based wholly on human interest兴趣—the story falls somewhere between straight news and pure fiction纯粹的虚构.

就像一个直接的新闻故事那样,它的核心是通过可靠的报道方法来描述事实 。但是在故事风格上有所不同。

At its heart are facts representing呈现 展示 solid 可靠的reporting techniques, just as in a straight news story. But the stories differ in style.


The news article is timely and written in a straight-forward, concise, unemotional style.


The feature, on the other hand, may not be particularly timely and it is marked by a blending of imagination and creative use of the language that can touch a reader's curiosity, amazement, skepticism or humor. 


No standard form or style is used for feature articles. They follow no set rules for leads or the body or the end of the story, as news stories generally do.


Some conform to the straight news style with a 5 W's summary lead概括性导语 but use of the novelty新奇的 lead is more common. They may be narrative叙事的, descriptive 描写性的or expository说明性的. They tell stories, paint pictures, explain conditions—but are facts, not fiction.


  高贵是大庇天下寒士俱欢颜的豪气与悲悯之怀,高贵是位卑未敢忘忧国的壮志与担当之志 高贵是先天下之忧而忧的责任之心。







