
发布时间:2021-02-04   来源:文档文库   
说唱摇滚 Rap-Rock ; Rock ; these kids
另类说唱 Alternative Rap ; forever denio ; Alternative Hip Hop 说唱音乐 rap music ; Hip Hop Rap RNB ;
黑帮说唱 Gangsta Rap ; Mafioso Rap ; Gtensiona Rap ; Gangster Rap 南方说唱 Southern Rap ; Southern Hip Hop 即兴说唱 Fergie Freestyle Fergie ; Freestyle Rap
说唱艺人 rapper ; Talking Rapper ; hugurci narrators ; singing artists 南部说唱 southern rap ; Dirty South
1. Her favorite music was by Run DMC, a rap group. 她最喜爱的音乐是RunDMC说唱组合的音乐。
2. New Yorkers rap about parties and clubs, I rap about car chases and guns.
纽约人在说唱音乐中表现晚会和俱乐部的情景,我则说唱飞车追逐和枪战的情景。 3. Every member contributes to the rap, singing either solo or as part of a rap chorus.
4. Rap groups have been barred from large musical events because they are associated with vandalism.
说唱组合被禁止参加大型的音乐活动,因为他们使人联想到肆意破坏公共财产的行为。 5. Anthrax have hooked up with Public Enemy for a metal/rap version of "Bring On The Noise"
6. For some people, rap the music of the hip-hop generation is just so much noise.

对某些人来说,说唱乐——嘻哈一族的音乐——简直就是噪音。 7. He said such violence represented everything rap was against. 他说暴力是说唱音乐所反对的东西.
8. The fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappers. 事实上我宁愿养精蓄锐,然后炸死一群说唱歌手.
9. I just shit it better than 90 % you rappers out can. 我无疑比90%的说唱艺人放屁放得更响亮.
10. B I like lots of different styles rock, rap, whatever. B我喜欢各种不同的风格——摇滚 说唱, 无论什么. 11. They didn't say I can't rap about coke no more. 他们没说我不能再对可乐说唱.
12. I told her I'd grow up to be a famous rapper. 我告诉他我将会成为一个有名的说唱人.
13. Rap music: spoken words over simple music with a strong beat. 说唱音乐: 在很强的节奏下,简单的音乐配以说出的词.
14. Perhaps the most difficult music type for English - learners is hip - hop and rap.
15. Stephen Foster wrote almost thirty songs for minstrel shows. 史蒂芬?福斯特为滑稽说唱团演出写了将近30首歌.
龙,是中国十二生肖之一,虽然它是人们想象出来并不存在的动物,但是它在中国传统文化中有着吉祥的含义。还记得上一个故事中,Amy老师给大家讲了鸡妈妈和鸡宝宝的故事吗?糊涂的鸡妈妈分不清楚,哪些动物是生出来,哪些是从蛋里孵出来的。在人们想象中,龙也是从蛋里孵出来的。今天的故事中,龙妈妈也下了好多个蛋,其中有一个金光闪闪的蛋golden egg,一不小心翻到了,滚出了洞穴,展开了奇妙惊险的旅程。我们一起去看看吧! Dragon Egg

by Mallory Loehr
illustrated by Hala Wittwer Dragon eggs in a nest. Dragon mama takes a rest. 龙妈妈的巢里有许多龙蛋。 龙妈妈在休息。 One egg tips. Then it rolls.
The egg rolls out of the nest! 一个蛋翻到了。 它滚动起来。 它翻滚出了龙的小窝。 The egg rolls down the hill. The egg rolls along the road. 龙蛋滚下了小山坡。 龙蛋沿着小路一直滚下去。 The egg rolls past a castle. The egg rolls through a town. The egg rolls off a cliff. BANG!
龙蛋滚动着经过城堡。 龙蛋滚动着穿过小镇。 不好,龙蛋滚下了悬崖。 !
The egg cracks open!

The baby dragon opens his mouth. Piff!
Out comes a little fire! 龙蛋裂开了!
小龙宝宝张开了它的小嘴。 !
The baby dragon flies through the town. The baby dragon flies past the castle. 小龙宝宝飞过小镇。 小龙宝宝飞过城堡。
The baby dragon flies along the road. The baby dragon flies up the hill. 小龙宝宝沿着小路往回飞。 小龙宝宝沿着小山坡往上飞。
The baby dragon flies into the cave. Look who is waiting ! 小龙宝宝飞回到洞穴里。 看,谁在等着它呢!



