综合英语 book3 Unit 5 learning a language

发布时间:2018-11-14 06:25:03   来源:文档文库   

Unit 5 Learning a Language

Teaching Objectives:

1. Topic: Language learning

2. Grammar Points: real conditional vs. unreal conditional sentences with on a / one condition; on condition (that); provided / providing; suppose / supposing

3. Vocabulary: in question, ultimate, embark on, a variety of, mingling, hybrid, collide with, bits and pieces, in contact with, legitimate, literal, identification, after all, convey, equivalent, to the extent that

4. Writing: expository writing

Part I Listening and Speaking Activities

1 Brainstorming

2 Listening

3. Speaking(A how I learn English/ B: prepare a speech within two minutes)

Let students share their successful learning experiences

Read to the students the script “How I learn English” in page 57 in teacher’s book


Your comments

1. It is helpful to watch an English film with Chinese subtitles.

2. The only way one can learn English well is to keep using it.

3. When speaking or writing in English, we’d better use the words or expressions we are familiar with because in this way we can avoid making mistakes.

4. The more you read, the better you write.

5. When reading, try to use the context to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words.

6. We should try to use the English language dictionary as much as possible.

7. We should develop a habit of reciting words and passages in order to learn English.

Suggested comments on the above strategies

1. Learning strategies are a very broad concept to describe learners conscious planning for learning a foreign or second language. Therefore caution the students that the list only represents part of the strategies that scholars often talk about.

1. Watching an English language movie with Chinese subtitles may not be very helpful for English language learning. It may be useful to learn a few phrases but it may not be a powerful tool to develop the knowledge of English if one relies on the Chinese subtitles to understand the story.

2. Yes. It is true. One needs to have a chance to experiment with the language to develop a feel for how it works. One can’t master a language by memorizing a set of rules. Knowledge about language has a very limited role in second language development.

3. This is called “safety strategy” employed by some learners because they felt it safe to use what they are certain about. It is an understandable strategy for some learners given the general teaching environment in China. Usually accuracy is emphasized over fluency and students are afraid of making mistakes in language practice. However, one should understand this strategy is harmful to the language development. A good learner is willing to try new words in speaking and writing. In this way, he / she can understand better how the new language items are used in communication.

4. This is partly right. The more you read, the better you will know about the way the English native speakers present their ideas, and also learn about many cultural aspects and information that are not available in Chinese classrooms. However, your writing development needs much more diverse exposure than just reading. In fact the logics of developing an argument or telling a story are more important. So good writing is not just copying the model of other writings, but results from thoughts and clever ways of presenting your thoughts.

5. Yes. Remember the purpose of reading in reading. When you read, the primary purpose is to absorb ideas and construct the story in your mind. So if your reading was interrupted from time to time by unfamiliar words, you would not enjoy the reading very much. You should give up this book and change an easier one to read. Remember the materials for your reading should be easy to understand, fun to read and instructive to think about. The number of new words should not exceed 5%. It will be very easy for you to develop the skills and ability to guess the meaning of the unfamiliar words through the context if you can control your reading materials properly.

6. Not necessary. We should choose a dictionary according to when and where we would like to use it. In our study, such as reading a passage, doing language exercises, we tend to use an English language dictionary because an English language dictionary has many benefits for our English leaning. It can accelerate our ability to understand English, snowball our vocabulary, increase the flexibility of our control of English sentence structures, not to mention the extra kick we may occasionally obtain from reading other irreverent entries that attract our attention. However, sometimes an English language dictionary is not always helpful. For instance when we travel, when we read on the train, it is not convenient to pore over an English language dictionary for long, and therefore, a pocket electronic dictionary with Chinese explanation will be a very convenient tool. Sometimes bilingual dictionary can be a big help especially when we meet the words whose meaning is very abstract, and the English explanation often makes comprehension more difficult.

7. It is partially correct. It is beneficial for language development if we can commit the language to our long term memory, and a habit of reciting words or sentences or passages is a strong method but one may not remember things very long just relying on rote-learning. A proper way is to understand thoroughly what you’re going to recite first before you do anything else.

Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities

Text Analysis

Para 1 When we talk about learning a language like English, Japanese or Spanish, we speak and think as though the language in question were a fixed unchanging thing. We expect to learn it as we learned geometry or how to ride a bicycle — systematically, and with clear ultimate success. Many people subsequently give up when they discover just what a misconception this is. They have in fact embarked on an activity that could last the rest of their lives. The experience makes them realise that they are not only going to have to work very hard indeed if they want to succeed, but also that they are — in many cases— barely masters of the language they call their own "mother tongue".


[summary] The author argues that learning a language is actually a lifelong activity contrary to the first misconception that language could be learned systematically with clear ultimate success.

1. ...we speak and think as though the language in question were a fixed unchanging thing.

in question: being talked about

[idioms] out of question: no problem

out of the question: impossible, not worth discussing

Where is the man in question?

---Would you like to go hunting on Saturday?

---Ok, out of question.

A new bicycle is out of the question---we can't afford it.

2.We expect to learn it as we learned geometry or how to ride a bicycle-systematically, and with clear ultimate success.

ultimate: a. last, furthest, basic

We should follow ultimate principles.

The ultimate responsibility lies with the president.

The sun is the ultimate store of power.

[synonyms] last final terminal eventual

last: coming after all others in order or time, e.g. the last train, last year, the last time

final: last, coming in the end; (of decision, offer, etc.) cannot be changed, e.g. final exam, final offer

terminal: of or at the end or limit of something, e.g. a terminal illness

eventual: (of event) happening at last as a result, e.g. the eventual success

3. They have in fact embarked on an activity that could last the rest of their lives.

embark on / upon: ( fig.) to start, take part in

Next week he will embark on a new business undertaking.

They have embarked on a most interesting new plan.

embark: v. ( usu. passive) to get on a ship

The soldiers were embarked quickly.

They embarked at Paris for New York.

4. ... barely masters of the language they call their own "mother tongue".

master of: person who has control or who has sth. at his disposal

He is a master of the situation.

He has made himself master of the language.


Para 2 Studying any language is, in fact, an endless voyage. Each of the thousands of languages currently used in the world is a complex affair. Many languages do have a standard form--- particularly on paper---- and this is what we learn, but they probably also have a variety of regional dialects and social styles, and many are the products of the historical mingling of other languages. The English language is just such a hybrid. It began its career just under two thousand years ago as a form of ancient German, collided with a special kind of old French, was subjected to several waves of Latin and a flood of Greek, and since then has acquired bits and pieces of every other language that its users have ever been in contact with.


[summary] The author uses the English language as an example to show that every language is a complex affair, and learning a language is thus, metaphorically speaking, an endless voyage.

1. Studying any language is, in fact, an endless voyage.

2. The English language is just such a hybrid.

[paraphrase] the English language is just such a mixture of many different languages.

3. ...collided with a special kind of old French, was subjected to several waves of Latin and a flood of Greek, and since then has acquired bits and pieces of every other language that its users have ever been in contact with.

[knowledge] Several waves of Latin, refers to the influx of Latin when Julius Caesar marched his Roman armies into England. And Latin (and also Greek) appeared again in AD 597 when Saint Augustine brought Christianity to Britain.

collide with:

1) to be in conflict

2) to come into (violent) contact with

The two vehicles collided with one another in the narrow street.

If the aims of two countries collide with each other, there may be war.


collide: to crash together

The train collided with a car at the level crossing.

crash: to hit and damage with force and a lot of noise

The car crashed into the wall.

be subjected to sth. : to cause sb. / sth. to experience or undergo sth.

She was repeatedly subjected to torture.

As a test the metal was subjected to great heat.

cf. be subject to sb. / sth.

1) to be obliged to obey sb. / sth., under the authority of sb. / sth.

We are subject to the law of the land.

2) to be liable to sth.

Are you subject to colds?

Trains are subject to delay after the heavy snowfalls.

3) to be depending on sth. as a condition

The plan is subject to the director's approval.

flood of sth.: great quantity or volume

The child is in floods of tears.

She received a flood of letters.

bits and pieces: some minor and broken things

In the process of acquiring knowledge, don't forget to accumulate bits and pieces.

be in contact with: to keep communication with sb.

Our troops are in contact with the enemy.


Para 3 A second common misconception about language is that words have fixed and clear meanings. This is — fortunately or unfortunately — far from true. Take even the apparently simple and specific English word man. It seems clear enough; it refers to "an adult male human being". Of course it does, but just consider for a moment the following sentences: 1) There are several men missing in that chess set. 2) The boat was manned entirely by women and children.

关于语言的第二种常见误解是单词意思固定清楚。这种想法无论不幸还是有幸是远远不正确的。举个十分简单和具体的英语单词"man"为例。似乎足够清楚,指的是"成年男子"。当然的确如此,但是考虑一下下列句子: 1 There are several men missing in that chess set. 那副象棋缺了几颗棋子。 2 The boat was manned entirely by women and children. 这艘船全由妇女和小孩掌舵。

[summary] This paragraph and the next one discuss the second misconception that words have fixed and clear meaning, and points out that words, beside their core meanings, are also used creatively and have extended meanings, which are what makes language so delightful.

1. A second common misconception about language is that words have fixed and clear meanings.

Cf. common, general, ordinary, usual

general: affecting all or nearly all, not special, local or particular

The price of food is a matter of general interest.

common: belonging to, affecting all or nearly all members of a group or society

It is a flower common in rice fields.

ordinary: normal, usual, average

She is in ordinary dress.

usual: such as commonly happens, customary

Tea is the usual drink o f English people.

2. There are several men missing in that chess set.

man: n.a playing piece that we can move in a game of chess

3. The boat was manned entirely by women and children.

[paraphrase] Women and children were in charge of the boat's operation.

man: v. to supply men or people needed in operational posts.

The General manned the assault troops with his bravest soldiers.


Para 4 You might argue that these sentences are somewhat unnatural; certainly, they do not represent the everyday core meaning of the word man. They are, however, legitimate extensions of that core meaning, the second being especially interesting because it is a verb and not a noun, and suggests that we expect adult male human beings to serve as the crews of ships, not women and certainly not children. Part of the pleasure and genius of language may well arise out of this slight "misuse" of words. After all, if you call a person a cat or a cabbage, no literal identification is intended, but a great deal of meaning is nevertheless conveyed.

你可能争论这些句子有点不自然。是的,它们不是单词"man"的日常用法, 而是其中心意义的合理延伸。尤其有趣的是在第二个句子中它作动词用而不是名词。这表明我们期望成年男子做水手,而不是妇女当然更不是小孩。语言中的一些乐趣和天赋很可能是由这种单词的细微差别的误用而产生的。别忘了,如果你叫一个人"""卷心菜",虽然你不是表达字面意思,但它们会被曲解成许多意思。

1. They are, however, legitimate extensions of that core meaning

cf. legitimate legal lawful

legitimate: lawful, reasonable

He is a criminal who runs a legitimate business as well.

lawful: allowed by law, according to law

Protesters must only use lawful methods of opposing the government.

legal: connected with, authorized or acquired by the law

The marriage was legal under Swiss law.

2. Part of the pleasure and genius of language may well arise out of this slight "misuse" of words.

slight "misuse" of words: slightly deviant, but probably more creative, use of words as it is not in strict accordance with the conventional, time-honored meaning of the words.

may well: reasonably, probably

[grammatical point] well can be used after can, could, may, might with the meaning of "justifiably, reasonably, probably".

I might well consider it later. ( = I'll probably consider it later. )

I can't very well leave now. ( = It's not good for me to leave now.)

After all, if you call a person a cat or a cabbage, no literal identification is intended, but a great deal of meaning is nevertheless conveyed.

after all: to introduce a reason or opinion that relates to the previous statement to state that sth. is / might be the case despite what has happened, or been said.

He can make a sensible decision. After all, he is not a boy any more.

He didn't do well in the work. After all, it was his first try.

convey: v. to express, make known to another person

Words cannot convey how delighted I was.

Please convey my best wishes to your mother.

Para 5 A third misconception about language claims that every language is — or should be — equally used and understood by all its practitioners everywhere. Certainly, users of the standard forms of English in the United Kingdom generally understand their equivalents in the United States; the degree of similarity between these two major forms of English is great. Dialect-users in these countries, however, have serious problems understanding each other, to the extent that they may wonder if they are actually using the same language. Someone from Brooklyn, New York, will have trouble with a Cockney from London; an old-style British Army colonel won't do well in discussions with a Californian flower-boy. Yet they all belong within the vast community of 20th century World English.


[summary] This paragraph focuses on the misconception that the speakers of a language speak exactly the same variety and have no problem of understanding each other. Speakers of the standard forms of English in different regions may be able to communicate with each other but the situation is entirely different with dialect speakers.

1. Certainly, users of the standard forms of English in the United Kingdom generally understand their equivalents in the United States.

equivalent: n. a. equal in value, amount, meaning, importance

be equivalent to: to be equal to

What is $5 equivalent to in French francs?

Is there a French word that is the exact equivalent of the English word 'home'?

2. ...to the extent that they may wonder if they are actually using the same language.

to a certain / some extent: partly, somewhat

To some extent I was a bit tired.

3. Someone from Brooklyn, New York, will have trouble with a Cockney from London;

Did you notice the humor of a Cockney?

Taxi-drivers in London often speak cockney, the local dialect.

have trouble with: to have inconvenience with

I have some trouble with approach to my teacher.

4. ...an old-style British Army colonel won't do well in discussions with a Californian flower-boy.


1. He was a good runner so he escape from the police.

A. might   B. succeeded to   C. would   D. was able to

Correct Answer: D be able to 能够

2. It is not much use blaming our defeat on the weather

A. preventing ....from    B. keeping ...from   

C. place the responsibility ...on   D. raise...from

Correct Answer C blame on责备,归咎于

3. Prof. Wayne came up with an idea in his lecture yesterday.

A. daunted   B. abetted   C. apportioned   D. proposed

Correct Answer: D come up with提出,产生

4. It was not until almost the end of the nineteenth century that a virus was proven to be the cause of a disease.

A. shown   B. feared   C. allowed   D. considered

Correct Answer:D prove 证实,确认

5. The table was in curious as both the top and legs were slightly curved.

A. form   B. pattern   C. shape   D. model

Correct Answer: C be in...shape呈现...形状

6. Some quite artistic ,yet inexpensive fabrics are now being from British mills.

A. turned out   B. turned over   C. turned up   D. turned off

Correct answer: A turn out 生产,制造turn over移交,转交 turn up发现,发生,开大(音量) turn off 关,关闭

7. His talents were of course well known, so he was assigned to be a staff driver.

A. forced   B. pointed   C. appointed   D. appealed

Correct Answer: C assign 指定,分配

8. If you want to get to Shanghai by tonight, you have no but to go by plane.

A. alteration   B. alternative   C. alternate   D. altercation

Correct Answer: B . alteration改动,变动,修改 alternative 替换物,抉择对象alternate 作动词用,交替 altercation口角,争论

9. The medicine the doctor gave him his headache.

A. freed   B. refreshed   C. released   D. relieved

Correct Answer: D free使自由 refresh使新鲜,振作 release释放,放开 relieve减轻,消除

10. His survival after the severe accident is a.

A. surprise   B. mirror   C. marvel   D. miracle

Correct Answer:D surprise惊奇,惊讶mirror镜子 marvel奇妙 miracle奇迹,令人惊奇的人或事

Figures of Speech


By definition, personification is a figure of speech that gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions.

[ Personification(拟人)是写作中人为地把人格赋予事物或抽象概念,使之似乎活起来的修辞格。]

1 I ran across a dim photograph of him the other day, going through some old things. He's been dead twenty-five years. His name was Rex and he was a bull-terrier.-------James Thurber

[analysis] Here a dog is personified.

2 The wind whistled through the trees.

[analysis] Here the wind is personified

3 If not always in a hot mood to smash, the sea is always stealthily ready for a drowning. -----Joseph Conrad

[analysis] Here the natural phenomena "the sea" is personified.

4 She sat like Patience on a monument Smiling at Grief. ------William Cowper

[analysis] Here an abstraction, patience, is personified.

5 The long flames sang their drumming chorus in voices of the heaviest bass.

6 The light we see coming from some far-off stars started on its journey more than a hundred years ago.

Translation Examples

[实例1] ...members of Congress --- liberty --- Bunkers Hill --- heroes of seventy-six and other words which were a Perfect Babylonish jargon to the bewildered Van Winkle.

[ ] ......国会议员——自由——本克尔山——七十六烈士以及其他许多使李伯完全莫名其妙的谜语。

[ ] 上面的译文取自傅东华的美国作家欧文的小说Van Winkle,说的是一位芬兰移民Rip Van Winkle 上山喝了仙酒,一觉睡了20年,醒来后美国已独立。他发现周围人说的话有许多他一点也听不懂的生字眼。傅译在这里把heroes of seventy-six (七六年的英雄-——1776美国独立战争中的英雄)错译成“七十六烈士”。这恐怕与中国近代史上著名的“黄花岗七十二烈士”这一先见的干扰有很大的关系。

现代文艺阐释学认为:先有(Vorhabe, 先见(Vorsieht), 先把握(Vorgriff)等等构成了我们意识中的“先结构”。成见是理解的前提,以理解为其大厦根基的翻译自然也难以摆脱种种的“先结构”,种种成见的影响。译者所处的时代,他置身其中的民族文化传统,乃至他个人的经历,性格,修养等等都不可避免地会干扰他对原文的理解。这种干扰有时候可能严重到使译者不惜牵强附会,曲解原文,以适合译语文化接受者心态的地步,如佛经的翻译。

[改译] 国会议员——自由——本克尔山——1776年(美国独立战争中)的烈士,以及其他许多使李伯感到莫名其妙、不知所云的语汇。

[实例2] Most call-boxes in London are on the STD system, which is now being extended to all parts of Britain.

[原译] 伦敦的大多数电话亭装的是STD电话系统,这一系统目前正在向全国各地推广开来。

[分析] STD系统是用户直拨长途电话系统的缩写形式。on 不能译为“装有”, STD是一种大的电话系统,每部电话机是不可能装一个STD电话系统的,而是单部的电话机装在这个系统联机上,可以利用这个系统打长途电话。on 在此应理解为“装在......上”,确切的说是“与......联机”。这个关系清楚了,后一句中extend一词的意义也就明白了,其意应是“延伸”,而不是“推广”。这个例子说明作为背景知识的科技常识对翻译也是相当重要的。

[改译] 伦敦大部分电话间都是与用户直拨长途电话系统联机的,而这一系统正在全国各地延伸开来。

[实例3] For forty years it has proved impossible to achieve any broad measure of agreement on a definition of aggression.

[原译] 四十年来证明,要就侵略定义的广泛措施取得一致意见是不可能的。

[分析] 这句的measure 也是用作不可数名词,不能做“措施”理解。在这句译文中“程度”二字可以省略。

[改译] .......要就侵略定义取得任何广泛(程度)的一致意见是不可取的。

[实例4] It draws attention to the risks of a further recession following a short recovery, or a prolonged stagnation.

[原译] 这就引起了人们的注意,随着短期的恢复或是长时间的呆滞,工商业还会有进一步衰落的危险。

[分析] 原译把 a short recovery a prolonged stagnation都看作是following 的宾语,因此把句子译错了, 后者应是与 a further recession并列。

[改译] 这就引起人们的注意,工商业在出现短期恢复之后有可能进一步衰退,也有可能持续萧条下去.


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