浙江嘉兴市2018-2019年初二第一学期期末考英语试卷(含答案 无听力)

发布时间:2019-10-31 14:32:35   来源:文档文库   


八年级英语 试卷

第二部分 读写做部分



Betty is the tallest student at school, but she doesnt like being tall. The students in her class make ___16____ about her. Betty, Betty, long as spaghetti(意大利面条)! They always sing to her.

Ella is one of the cool students. She can play the guitar and sing very well. Wherever she goes, other students ___17__ her, and they do everything she does. Although Ella doesnt like it when the students sing to Betty, she __18__ tells them to stop.

One weekend, Ella went to stay with her grandfather on the farm. She saw a chicken in the corner by itself. It didnt have many feathers(羽毛) and was much __19__ than the others.

Whats the matter with the ___20__ chicken?” she asked.

Grandfather told her __21__ chickens could act. If one chicken is different from the others, they __22__ it away, and sometimes it’s so bad that the chicken dies! he said.

Ella__23__ the chicken and was lost in thought. “I want to take it home, she said.

After several weeks, the chicken looked healthier. Ella was very happy. “It’s fatter and the feathers are __24__, she told her friends.

Then she was Betty sitting __25__. Im going to talk to Betty, she said.

Betty, Betty, long as spaghetti? one of her friends asked, Why __26__

Ella didnt answer.

Ella soon found out that Betty could play the drums. “I can play the guitar, Ella said, __27__ can start a band(乐队).

Betty smiled and Ella felt like her smile was as __28__ as the sun.

They decided to call their band Chicken Beat. The band became very popular and all the students wanted to be __29__ it. Betty and Ella let everyone join and __30__ makes up silly songs now. They are busy making up beautiful songs.

16. A. jokes B. changes C. mistakes D. reports

17. A. miss B. warn C. describe D. follow

18. A. still B. even C. never D. often

19. A. ruder B. taller C. smaller D. stronger

20. A. poor B. lucky C. noisy D. beautiful

21. A. why B. how C. when D. where

22. A. put B. take C. push D. wash

23. A. thought about B. picked up C. agreed with D. cheered on

24. A. rising B. missing C. lifting D. growing

25. A. close B. alone C. safely D. happily

26. A. me B. us C. her D. them

27. A. so B. but C. because D. if

28. A. far B. large C. red D. warm

29. A. in B. for C. against D. without

30. A. everybody B. nobody C. somebody D. anybody

解析 16-20 ADCCA 21-25BCBDB 26-30CADAB




There are millions of different animals in the world, but some are in danger, and some may soon die out. People can never see them again. Mark and David wanted to find some of these rare animals, so they climbed mountains crossed rivers, and waked through rainforests.

A Bat, a Cat or a Squirrel?

Mark and David found the aye -aye. The aye-aye has bright eyes. It has ears like a bat, a body like a cat and a tail(尾巴)like a squirrel. Some people think the aye-aye brings bad luck. They killed(杀死) many of them, and cut down a lot of trees where the aye-aye lives as well.

A Stranger Parrot

Mark and David found the biggest parrot in the world that cannot fly. Many years ago, some animals came to the place he parrots lived in, and killed many of them. Now there are only a few left.

Another Special Animal

Mark and David went looking for a manatee. A manatee looks like a seal and a hippo. In some places where manatees live, the water in the river gets low. Then he manatee swims to the place where there is more water. Many get stranded(搁浅 ), and some are killed by other animals and people, too.

After Mark and David returned, they made a film about these animals. They want to show the world these strange but interesting animals. They want the world to know there are not many of them left, and they all have a place in our world.

31. The underlined word “rare” in Paragraph 1 means“__________”.

A. unusual B. fantastic C clever D. dangerous

32. The strange parrots are in danger now because_____________.

A. people cut down the trees where they live

B. other animals came and killed many of them

C. people think they bring bad luck and killed them

D. the water in the rivers got low and they got stranded

33 .Mark and David made the film to____________.

A. make further studies of these animals

B. share the problems they met in the trips

C. tell people to loot after rivers and forests

D. let more people know about these animals

【解答】31-33 ABD


When you borrow books from a library, you should return them so that others can read them later. However, some libraries allow people not to return anything. Unlike most other libraries, these libraries don’t lend books; they lend seeds(种子)!

   In a seed library, people can borrow and donate(捐赠) seeds. It is different from a seed bank which only keeps seeds. It advises people to plant and share seeds. Seeds in a seed library are often kept dry and cool in small packets. People can read the name of the plant on the packet.

 If you want to grow your own plants, such as potatoes or tomatoes, you can borrow seeds from a seed library. You can first choose the seeds you’d like to plant. Then, you can borrow the seeds and take them home. Some libraries also offer gardening books to teach you how to plant the seeds.

  Now, there’s only a small group of seed libraries in the world, but the number is growing. People build these seed libraries want to protect plant diversity(多样性) and they want others to know more about plants and planting. They believe that protecting plant diversity is not only the job of scientists, but all of us.

34. What is the right order if you want to grow tomatoes with seeds from a seed library?

a. take the seeds back home b. grow the tomato successfully

c. choose the tomato seeds in the library. d. return your tomato seeds to the library.

A. A-b-d-c B. c-a-b-d C. a-c-b-d D. c-d-a-b

35. From the passage we know seed libraries are built to

A. produce the best seeds for farmers B. keep seeds in dry and cool places

B. Protect as many kinds of plants as possible D. help scientists with their researchers.

36. Where is the passage most probably from?

A. A notice board B. A newspaper C.A story book D. A guidebook

【解答34B 35C 36. B


Many people are afraid of taking risks. Me too. Girls in my village usually get married at a young age, but I think this way of living is too boring. I finally chose to do something different to take some risks.

After leaving school, I gave myself a different present-a three-day trip to Thailand (泰国). It was my first trip to another country and I kept thinking about the worst things that could happen.

But the trip was very different from what I thought. Late on July 2, the plane arrived in Bangkok, the capital of the country. That evening became the most unforgettable moment in my life. Bangkok looked truly wonderful. The lights gave the city a fantastic look. It's very different from my hometown.

The next morning, I woke up early. I couldn’t wait to visit Bangkok. Many people say the best way to understand a culture is to . So I did that first I found lots of interesting things and tried different kinds of tasty street food at Chatuchak Market.

Bangkok is also famous for its temples(寺庙). There’re temples everywhere. I visited some of the best-known ones. I was so surprised when I saw these special and beautiful buildings.

On the third day, I took the sky train to go through Bangkok. The trains were excellent. I had never seen such things in my life. I stopped by Siam Square to do some shopping and to watch a Thai movie.

After flying back home, I started changing in many ways of my life. For sure, I will go back and further visit this exciting city next time!

37. In the first paragraph the writer mainly tells us .

A. why she got married so early B. how she liked taking risks

C. why she took a trip to another country D. how boring her village life was

38. Which of the following is the best for “ ” in the passage?

A. see the local old houses B. enjoy the traditional food

C. watch a movie in a local cinema D. walk through a local market

39. We can infer (推断) from passage that the writer is .

A. friendly B. serious C. helpful D. confident

40. What can be the best title for the passage?

A. A Special Gift B. A Wonderful City

C. An Exciting Moment D. A Different Culture

【解答】:37. C 38.D 39. D 40. A


A. 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每空限用一次。

41. People all over the world love____________.

42. Look out! The ice is too____________ to stand on.

43. They ____________ money for a new science lab at the school gate now.

44. I ____________ my glasses onto the floor when I was getting on the bus.

55. It is hard for the foreigners to use the chopsticks in a ____________ way.

解答41.peace 42.thin 43.are raising 44.dropped 45.correct

B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

Growing up in a bad home, I learned to protect myself by not speaking up. When I was a _____46_______(孩子), I didnt want to say anything about my bad life.

I’ll finish my______47______(大学) this year, and want to be a popular writer. Then I will start speaking up. How did I get to where I am today? What helped me? Thats the friends with care and love______48______(围绕)me. They taught me how to slow down, to live on, to be_____49______(勇敢的),and be thankful for what I got. They also taught me to turn my past experiences into power.

Now my_____50_______(希望) is to help others to see what is possible even in the darkest of times. I dont know I’m special in any way. I am just a_____51_______ (普通的)man and have no difference with anyone ______52______(其他). I dont know what tomorrow might bring. But one thing I learn is that if we can hold on, and find ways to get through the_____53_______(麻烦), well not only live on, but become strong______54______(足够的).

And with love of my friends, I’m looking forward to so much more than completing my education in the_____55_______(将来). I believe my dreams will come true.

【解答】46.kid/child 47.university 48.around/round 49.brave 50.hope 51.common

52.else 53.trouble/difficulties 54.enough 55.future



Once there was a man named Tom. His eyes were in great pain. He visited the best doctors in the world. He also tried different kinds of medicine. _____56_______nothing helped. One day, Tom met a famous eye doctor. He advised the man to look _____57_______ only green things for a long time.

It was a very strange______58______suggest, but Tom wanted to try it. He ______59______buyboxes of green paint and painted everything green in his house. To his surprise, it_____60_______realworked! The pain was starting to go away.

Several weeks later, ______61______friend in white visited Tom. While he______62______walktowards Toms house, Tom came running with a box of green paint and poured(倾倒)all the paint on him. The friend was very angry. Tom first said sorry to______63______he, and then said that he had to do this---because he needed______64______seegreen things only.

The friend laughed(大aloud after hearing that. Why did you paint everything green? he asked. It would be much______65______(easy) if you put on a pair of green glasses! You can paint all things green, but you cannot paint the whole world green!

解答56.But 57.at 58.suggestion 59.bought 60.really

61.a 62.was walking 63.him 64.to see 65.easier

6. 任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分;共计5分)


A. Watch a comedy(喜剧) B. Talk with someone

C. Get out of the house D. Eat your favorite food

When youre feeling low, helping yourself is the best thing to do. It may be the hardest, but no one can do that but you. Here is some advice for you.


This is the clear answer, but thats only because it works. When you talk about your feelings and someone understands you, it helps you to see yourself in the other ways. So you can get back to being who you want to be.


Getting out can be hard if you feeling you dont want to be with people. Thats OK for now, but at least make yourself walk to a place with a nice view and fresh air. It will help you become feel better.


Allow yourself to eat whatever foods you love. Maybe the foods you love are good for you. Some foods are able to help change low feelings. For example, eating dark chocolate can make you feel happier.


A famous writer cured(治愈)himself of a serious illness by laughing at old movies. When youre sad, you may not want to laugh. But the sadness you have must be broken, and this is a very easy way to start.


The act of smiling makes you feel better. Look at yourself in the mirror(镜子)and practice smiling at home first, then go to a public place with that smile. People will smile back, and that will make you feel happier.


66-69. BCDA 70. Smile(at yourself)/Practice smile

7. 书面表达(共1题;满分15分)

71. 你的英国笔友Steve下个月打算来中国游学,假设你是李华,请给他写封电子邮件,给他提一些建议,以便他更好地了解中国。

要点:stay in a Chinese family; make dumplings; enjoy Beijing Opera; ...


1. 短文必须包含以上所有要点,并做适当补充;

2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;

3. 词数:80~100;

4. 短文首句仅供参考,不计入总词数。

Dear Steve,

Im glad to hear youre coming to China next month.



LI Hua


Dear Steve,

I’m glad to hear you’re coming to China next month. I do hope youll have a good time to visit China. In order to help you have a better understanding of China, Ill give you some advice.

To begin with, stay in a Chinese family. Chinese people are very friendly; you can easily make friends with them. They will help you with the language and introduce you about the Chinese traditions. In addition, you can also learn to make dumplings. Its a traditional food in China, and it tastes delicious. Moreover, if you go to Beijing, we can go to Lao She Teahouse and enjoy Beijing Opera together. It will be really interesting. Finally, you can visit some places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and Mount Tai. Ill be along with you if necessary.

Hopefully my suggestions will help you. Im looking forward to you reply. Best wishes!


Li Hua


《浙江嘉兴市2018-2019年初二第一学期期末考英语试卷(含答案 无听力).doc》
