
发布时间:2011-07-07 22:10:58   来源:文档文库   



Text Organization

1. Eugene Linden wants to tell the reader that animals do have, at least, some limited intelligence, and

the personal experiences of those who are in close contact with animals are more convincing

evidence than any experiment can provide.



.1.1)maintaining 译文 虽然竞争激烈 微软公司依然在软件市场保持领先地位

解析 maintain 保持某种状态

2 intelligent 译文 智能电脑能够适应在编写程序所能处理的情况发生变化

解析 Adjust to 适应 调节

3 go (very) far 译文 他们从当的政府争取到的财政援助对问题的解决起不了很大作用

4 has expanded 译文 自从二十世纪九十年代 他们在亚洲的零售业就迅猛的发展起来

解析 since引导的时间状语 时态用现在完成时

5 make a deal 译文 科林斯先生对约翰说 我愿意同你做交易--------我让你住在我家里


Subheadings main ideas

Let’s make a deal some animals are intelligent enough to know

how to bargain with people

Tale of a whale animals like whales can assess a situation and

act accordingly.

Primate shell game animals sometimes can be tricky

解析 be willing to do sth愿意做

6 In the interest(s)of 译文 为了世界和平 我们必须增进不同社会体制下国与国之间的相


7 wiped out 译文 天花在过去流行性极强 现在已被彻底根除

解析 used to do sth 为过去常常做某事

8 surrounding 译文 尽管有财政困难 他们还是继续他们的实验

解析 In spite of 为介词短语 后接动名词形式

9)convince 译文 她妈妈用了整整一天的时间来说服她 手术对她没有任何伤害 解析

It takes(took)sb some time to do sth 意为 做某事花费某人多少时间

10 figure out 译文 我不能理解他为何突然离开办公室 甚至他的秘书也不知道他要去哪

解析 Figure out: 理解 弄懂

11 encountered译文 在火车上 我偶遇一位老夫人 她碰巧是我女儿住在落山基时的一位


解析 Encountered: 偶遇 碰巧

12)has cooperated 译文 在过去的几年里 我们公司已同美国几家公司进行合资

解析 for the past few years:为典型的现在完成时时间状语标志

13 assessed 译文 菲利四周打量了一下其他竞争对手 估计自己胜利的机会

14 (had) switched 译文 警察认为他们之所以没有从那个男子的包里查处可疑物品是因为其


15 envy 译文 我羡慕她能与从为谋面的人侃侃而谈的能力

2 1 There used to be a long/long-running controversy over whether the book should be published or


译文 这本书应不应该发表曾经是人们争论很长时间的话题

2 Kate felt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly.

译文 凯特出次与汤姆见面很顺利 这使她感觉很放松

3 Something suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay.

译文 当我正在写文章的时候 我的电脑突然出了毛病

4 It’s a miracle that she survived the air crash when it brought about 109 deaths.

译文 这场空难夺去109 条生命 但是她却奇迹般的活了下来

5 She is determined not to give in until they give her a pay rise.

译文 她坚持要加薪 否则她辞职

3 1 obvious ;so intelligent; would deceive

译文 很明显休蔓从来没想过梅拉蒂会如此聪明以致于欺骗她

2 have undertaken;original;to explore

译文 科学家已经采取了各种原始的实验来探索动物智能 但是动物智能到底存不存在 他们


3 evidence convinced us/them/me/him/her;underneath;extending

译文 许多的证据另我们相信这条离失的古代地道一定是在城下穿行 延伸至海岸

.Confusable Words

1. firstly 解析 在演讲和写作中 first, firstly都可以用来引出一系列原因 想法等 但是要

前后一致 此句后文中提到secondly 所以前文中用firstly

2. first; first 解析 first come ,first served 是成语 表示 先来后到

3. at first 解析 当你对比两种心情或行为时 提到开始阶段时 一般用at first

4. first/firstly 解析 first, firstly都可以用来引出一系列原因 想法

5. first 解析 first 在这里是副词 表示先于其他行为发生

6. first 在演讲和写作中 first, firstly都可以用来引出一系列原因 想法等 但是要前

后一致 此句后文中提到second 所以前文中用first

7. at first 解析 3

8. first 解析 first在这里表示 当初


Phrases in the phrase, the attributive noun indicates:

1.animal intelligence whose

2.zoo keeper where

3.eye contact through what

4.money supply of what

5.killer whale what kind

6.baby whale how old

7.family member of what

8.sea turtle what kind/where


1. 1 only to find that someone has got there before him

译文 118 日斯科特到达南极 结果发现已有人在他之前到达那里

2 Only to get fired

译文 他们为了加薪花费了很多时间来谈判饿 结果却被辞退

3 only to find that I had left the ticket at home

译文 我到达戏院 却发现将票忘记在家中了

4 Only to discover that everyone there was my mother’s age

译文 我去参加这次情人节晚会 原以为会很快乐 结果却发现那里都是我母亲般大的人

2 1 Why pay so much for such a coat? You could have it at half of the price in the supermarket near

our house.

2) The central heating system seems to have gone wrong. Why not call the repairman to check.

3) Why argue with him any more? He’s made up his mind not to undertake this task..

4) I called and left a message for him several times but he never called back. why not try his

mobile phone, then?”

Comprehensive Exercises



1.emergency 2.evidence

3.original 4.sizing up

5.negotiates 6.reveal

7.intelligent 8.make a deal

9.dominant 10.in their interest(s)

11.deceiving 12.controversy

13.judgment 14.explore


1.or 2.How

3.from 4.However

5.behavior 6.when

7.doesn’t 8.example

9.But 10.attention

11.Another 12.that

13.a 14.every

15.associate 16.when

17.food 18.Learning


When I was young I developed a keen interest in animals. So I often visited the zoo in my

hometown. There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers, especially the male. They were kept

in a huge iron cage at first, but later was released from it ands put in a place called Tiger Hill. The

hill was separated from the visitors by a very wide and deep ditch. What’s more, it was also

surrounded by a high iron fence along the ditch.

Twenty years later, I revisited the zoo and was relieved to find the Tiger Hill was still there but

greatly extended. Moving around now were six tigers, old and young, instead of two!


