江苏省东台市唐洋镇中学九年级英语下册《Unit 1 Living on Mars(第1课时)Comic Strip》学案

发布时间:2014-01-06 10:40:13   来源:文档文库   

Unit 1 Living on Mars(第1课时)Comic Strip》学案

【学习目标】To understand the context of a future life on another planet.

2) To recognize and understand vocabulary about life on Mars.

3) To recognize and list differences between life on Earth and life on Mars .

Activity One Preview

. New words (写出下列单词的划线部分的音标、词义和词性)

1.robot ________________________________

2.pill ________________________________

3.net ________________________________

4.guitar ________________________________

5.sunglasses ________________________________

6. tent________________________________

. New phrases (翻译下列短语)

1.be cared for by robots ____________________________________

2. a pair of sunglasses ________________________________

3. play the guitar ________________________________

4. in the form of pills ________________________________

. New sentences (翻译下列句子)

1.We will be cared for by robots. _________________________________ 2.We must wear space helmets to go outside.__________________________

3. Food will be in the form of pills. ________________________________

Activity Two Learning about the life in space

Step One Preparation checking

Spell the words in pairs

helmet, robot, pill, net, guitar, sunglasses, tent

Step Two Talk about the life in space

A: Are you interested in space?

B: _______________________________

A: What’s in space?

B: _______________________________

A: How about the life there?

B: _______________________________

A: Can we eat hamburgers there?

B: _______________________________

A: Daniel is dreaming about camping on the moon. What food should he take with him?

B: _______________________________

A: What else should he take?

B: _______________________________

Activity Three Learn something about Mars

Step One Talk about Solar system

Question. We live on the earth. But scientists think the earth has more and more problems and man will have to live in space. Which planet is suitable for us to live on? Why?

____________________________________________________________ (小组讨论-展示答案)

Step Two Talk more about Mars

A: What do you know about Mars?

B: _______________________________

Activity Four Experience about the exciting life in space

Listen and answer

1. What are they doing on Mars today?


2. How does Eddie like life on Mars? Why?

____________________________________________________________ (小组讨论-展示答案)

Activity Five Discuss about the life in space

Daniel is thinking about that. He wonders whether life on Mars will be better than that on Earth.

What is life on Mars like?

____________________________________________________________ (小组讨论-展示答案)

【重点难点】Comic Strips

1.pill n药片( small round medicine) in the form of pills

medicine n take the/some medicine 服药 make medicine 制药

2.guitar n. play the guitar/ violin/piano

play football/basketball/volleyball

play Chinese chess/ play cards

3How do you like life on Mars?I hate it.你觉得火星上的生活怎么样?我讨厌它。

How do you like? 你觉得……怎么样? 主要用来询问对方对某事的印象,也可以改为What do you think of …”这一句型。

Eg. How do you like this book? I think it’s a good book.

How do you like China? I like it very much.

What do you think of China?

hate 讨厌,不喜欢,后可跟名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式。

Eg. I hate Monday morning.

He hates her because she always plays tricks on him.

I hate watching TV, I prefer to read.

She hates to drive at night.

hate 的同义词是dislike, 反义词是like/enjoy

4I thought you liked Mars. 我原以为你喜欢火星。

I thought …“我原以为…”,是指过去曾有这样想法,但事实却不是这样。

I think …是指现在这样认为,往往与事实是相符的。

Eg. I think he is a thief.

I thought he was a thief.

5We will be cared for by robots. 我们将由机器人来照顾。

care for 照顾、照料,相当于look after / take care of

Eg. The sick must be cared for.

We care for one another here.

care for 还可表示喜欢愿意

Eg. She doesn’t care for skating.

6Food will be in the form of pills. 食物将是药丸的形状。

in the form of 呈现形状,处于某种形式,form形状,形态。

Eg. The cakes are all in the form of stars.

He saw a strange form in the fog.

7Make people feel very ill. 使人们感到很不舒服

Unit1 Lift on Mars Comic strip1课时)·课时检测


1.你认为火星上的生活怎么样? __________________________

2.我原以为_______________ 3.伸手够到我的食物 ________________

4.太空生活_________________ 5.把…和…作比较__________________

6.关心,照顾 _________________ 7.以药片形式____________________

8.太空旅游__________________ 9.使人感到很不舒服 _________________

10.鱼网_________________ 11.弹吉他_____________________


1. R __________will help us with our homework in the future.

2. You’d better wear a ____________when you re riding a motorcycle.

3. I think we need a___________(帐篷) when we are camping.

4. He likes music very much and he can play the____________(吉他) very well.

5. If you don’t feel very well, please take the p_________.

6. She likes wearing a pair of s_________ to keep off the sun.

7. My father often goes fishing with a fish n .

8. Space t will make people feel very ill.

9. The beautiful girl has a tall graceful(优雅的) f .

10. (污染) does harm to our health.


1. Why you (hate) it? I thought you liked Mars.

2. I think many people will be able (travel) in space.

3. Space travel will make people (feel) very ill.

4. I want (find) out more about living on Mars.

5. We must wear space helmets (go) outside.


1. Will you please ring me up as soon as you the factory.

2. On Sundays I often to play with my friends.

3. Our maths teacher my maths this evening.

4. The old must by their children.

5. Now students have too much homework to do. It .


( )1. How do you life on Mars?

A. think B. fond C. find out D. think about

( )2. Please what I told you yesterday.

A. think about B. think of C. think over D. think for

( )3. We will be cared robots.

A. for with B. for by C. to with D. to buy

( )4. —Where’s Lucy? —I’m not sure. She in the library.

A. maybe B. must be C. may be D. may

( )5. delicious the food is!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a



you like the film.


do you Daniel?


There is in our city.


Space travel will us very ill.


《江苏省东台市唐洋镇中学九年级英语下册《Unit 1 Living on Mars(第1课时)Comic Strip》学案.doc》
