
发布时间:2011-11-13   来源:文档文库   
Unit 2 近年来,西方国家的传统工业日趋萎缩,而以新兴技术为基础的工业蓬勃发展。人们普遍认为,目前世界正在经历着一场新的技术革命,而新技术革命的物质基础是新兴技术群。
In recent years, traditional industries in Western countries increasingly shrinking, and the emerging technology-based industries to flourish. People generally believe that the world is experiencing a new technological revolution, and the material basis of the new 光纤通信改变了传统的通信条件,并将成为未来社会的动脉 加快信息社会的进步。
Optical fiber communication has changed the traditional communication conditions, and will be the future society "artery" to speed up the progress of the information society.
technological revolution is the emerging technology group.
The material basis of the new technological revolution is a new technology group
t is based on electronic technology, biological engineering, space technology, ocean development, optical fiber communications, materials technology, and to the leading technology, which constitute the system of emerging technologies
Emerging technologies in microelectronics technology as the central group, constitutes a profound impact on social and economic structure of industrial technical factors.Development of the fifth generation computer, marking the technology has entered a new historical phase, the technical means can be used in part to reduce and replace human mental work.
Ocean Engineering will develop the so-called fourth resources to solve the world crisis of resources.

In short, emerging technologies and social and economic lives of the meaning and impact of any previous technology has none.

Unit3 爱因斯坦理论所提出的基本观点是,宇宙间最大的速度是光速,质量似乎随着速度 增加而增加;在空间移动的钟表的速率将随其速度的增加而减慢,而能量和质量则是相等而又可以互相转换的。
Einstein proposed the theory of the basic point is that the universe is the maximum speed of light, the quality seems to increase with speed; clocks in space move with the speed the rate of increase will be slowed down, while energy and mass are are equal to each other but can be converted.
This latter argument is based on a formula • • • • • (energy equals mass times the speed of light squared,
It was later confirmed by the phenomenon of splitting of the atom and become the basis for an atomic bomb.
在他晚年时,当爱因斯坦应邀向一群青年学生解释相对论时,曾这样说: In his later years, when Einstein was invited to explain the theory of relativity to a group of young students when he said:
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当你和一漂亮的女孩子坐在一起两个小时,你会以为才过去一分钟;而当你坐在坐在酷热的火炉上哪怕只有一分钟,你会以为已经两个小时,这就是相对论 When you sit with a pretty girl for two hours, you would think only the last one minute; and when you sit on a hot stove sitting even if only for a minute, you will think I have To 80 years, the computer began to use a large scale integrated circuit VLSI, they are often called the fourth generation of computers, although they are compared with the third generation of computers, the difference is not very obvious.
two hours, this is the theory of relativity

Unit4 人们有时候用来为现在计算机分类,每一代都以某种重要技术为特征。 People sometimes use the "generation" to the current computer classification, each generation technology in some important features.
第一代计算机使用真空电子管作为逻辑门。著名的第二代计算机中包括UNIVAC 1建成于1951年。第二代计算机于1962年前后开始出现。当时CDCIBM公司成功的推出第一台采用晶体管的商业性的计算机。
The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes for logic gates. The famous second-generation computers, including UNIVAC 1, was built in 1951. The second generation of computers began to appear around 1962. IBM, CDC, and the success was the launch of the first commercial use of transistor computer.
60 to 70 years late, the use of integrated circuits marked the birth of the third generation of computers. It enables the construction of higher speed at lower cost, more reliable performance of the computer possible.


Highlights the fifth generation computer artificial intelligence, focuses on reasoning and logic programming machine language. It is different from previous generations of computers, because, so far, their research has not yet produced the commercial computer market, any direct significant impact.

Sometimes people divide computers by "generation",and each generation take some important techniques as a characteristic.Vacuum tube is used for logic door in the first generation.The second generation included UNIVAC which setted up in 1951,appeared about 1962.The CDC and IBM company released the first transistor computer successfully .Between late 60's and 70's , the usage of the integrated circuit symbolized birth of the third generation .It maked lower in cost, higher in speed and more dependable in function computer possible.Till 80's, the computer made of large scale integration and super large scale integration. They usually called the fourth generation, though there were little difference between the thirth generation and the fourth .The fifth generation's advantage is artificial intelligence, and that's differents arelogical machine and assemble language . So far, its research hasn't brought any direct important influence on business computer market.

Unit 5 我们可以制造出比其他设计更轻的探险卫星。
We can create designs and lighter than other adventure satellites.
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The shape of the satellite can produce a great aerodynamic lift. When this light aircraft in the process returns to the atmosphere began to slow, you can at a relatively high altitude hovering. In this altitude, thin air that vehicle heating slowly
因此,与航天飞机这类致密的飞行器相比,它从轨道返回时所产生的突发热量较少。 They also point out that no one knows for sure, that the future of these plants and animals which may be useful to us.

Unit 8 根据光射线电话的设想,著名发明家贝尔通过实验,开创了现代光通信技术。 According to phone-ray vision, the famous inventor Bell experiment, and created a modern optical communication technology. Thus, these compact vehicles than the space shuttle, which returned from orbit less heat generated by the burst
When the re-entry, in the formation of shock waves around the fuselage, and its shape helps to bear the extreme heat of the surface area to a minimum. This reduces the need for protective cover insulator body needs, enables engineers to develop a longer life, lighter weight insulation.

Unit 6 环境科学家们说,如果地球要继续供养人类,最重要的就是要保护野生生物和生态环境。
Environmental scientists say that if the Earth to continue to feed people, the most important thing is to protect wildlife and the environment.
These experts say that we must recognize that support system in this environment, between humans and wildlife have important contact.

Ray Bell Telephone experimental method is as follows: the sending machine, or a strong light from the sun's light reflected by the mirror first and then the second mirror by the lens focus.
当向接有一根橡皮管的话筒讲话时,第二面镜子发生振动,并改变反射光。 When there is a hose connected to the microphone to talk, the second mirror vibrate and change the reflected light
The modulated light into a parallel beam, and was launched out. In the receiver, the light is concentrated in the focus of a concave mirror. Placed the focus on the selenium (light resistance of the battery with the light intensity changes, and to the battery current in the circuit change.
In this way, the sound on the phone's receiver to get restored.

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Unit 9 在各个工业领域,人们需要实现自动化节省人力。这种需要正朝着一些更为复杂和不同的应用领域扩展,比如类型各异和数量不等的各类生产。
In various industrial fields, people need to automate labor-saving. This need is moving some of the more complex and expansion of different applications, such as the type and
Many theorists believe that superconductivity in such isolated particles plays an extremely important role.

quantity of different kinds, ranging from production.
In order to solve these problems, a new generation of sensors is necessary to child data processing technology, the traditional technology has been improved.
Nearly a decade, it has been in the microprocessor, program design, power electronics and communications technology has made remarkable improvements.

Unit 10 电子是如何从一个高分子链跳到另一个高分子链的,这仍是个尚未解开的谜。 Electronics is how a polymer chain to another polymer chain, which is still a mystery not yet solved.
Some scientists believe that one possibility is that exists between two adjacent chains isolated particles overlap.
hey also said the existence of isolated particles, physicists attracted great interest.The physicists are trying to develop a theory to explain the new family of high-temperature superconductors.
Indeed, the discovery of isolated particles caused the attention of theoretical physicists around the world, because the polymer reached this unique phenomenon for the study provides an excellent method
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