高考英语广西专用考点规范练22(必修5 Unit+2)+Word版含解析

发布时间:2020-05-16 23:21:25   来源:文档文库   

考点规范练22(必修5 Unit 2)



When I revealed that I was planning to travel around Britain by public transport,everyone I saw said,Gosh,youre brave!But it never occurred to me to go any other way.Driving in Britain is such a dull experience these days.There are far too many cars on the road,nearly double what there were when I first came here,and in those days people didnt actually drive their cars.They just parked them in the driveway and cleaned them once every week,or so.About twice a year they would get the car out for a pleasant drive to visit relatives or take a trip.

Now everyone drives everywhere for everything,which I dont understand because there isnt a single feature of driving in Britain that has even the tiniest measure of enjoyment in it.Just consider the average multi-storey(多层的) car park.You drive around for ages,and eventually find a space that is exactly two inches wider than the average car.Then,because you are parked next to a pillar(柱子),you have to climb over the seats and end up squeezing out of the passenger door,in the process transferring all the dirt from the side of your car to the back of your smart new jacket.Then you go hunting for some distant pay-and-display machine,which doesnt give change.

And thats just one tiny part of the driving experience.There are all the other annoyances of motoring,like traffic lights on busy roundabouts(环状交叉路) that never let you advance more than 20 feet at a time,and motorway service areas where food is much more expensive.Motorized vehicles are ugly and dirty.They occupy every pavement,turn ancient market squares into disorderly and untidy groups of metal,and cause petrol stations and other discouraging places to appear in great numbers.They are horrible and awful and I wanted nothing to do with them on this trip.

1.Why did the author decide to travel by public transport?

A.Because he didnt have a car.

B.Because he hated driving in Britain.

C.Because he wasnt familiar with roads in Britain.

D.Because he was inspired by how people used to travel.

2.What did the author mainly complain about in Paragraph 2?

A.The inconvenience of parking cars.

B.The unreasonable parking fees.

C.The uncleanness of car parks.

D.The improper use of cars.

3.How is the last paragraph developed?

A.By providing examples.

B.By making comparisons.

C.By following the order of time.

D.By following the order of space.

4.What would the author probably talk about in the paragraph that follows?

A.The terrible places caused by vehicles.

B.The bother caused by driving cars.

C.His travels by public transport.

D.His past driving experience.


London is a real treat for museum lovers and museums are a popular destination among Londons many attractions.There are hundreds to choose from.Below is a list of Londons top museums.

London Transport Museum

This is a great,child-friendly museum which combines education with activities.Housed in huge iron and glass structure,the museum posses a wonderful and colorful collection of more than 80 vehicles spanning 200 years of Londons history,including a red Routemaster bus and the worlds first Underground steam train.There are some great posters and artwork too!Tickets from 16.

The Science Museum

From the future of space travel to asking that difficult question:who am I?,the Science Museum makes your brain perform Olympic-standard mental gymnastics.See,touch and experience the major scientific advances of the last 300 years;and dont forget the awesome Imax cinema.Free entry.

The Natural History Museum

As well as the permanent(and permanently fascinating!) dinosaur exhibition,the Natural History Museum boasts a collection of the biggest,tallest and rarest animals in the world.See a life-sized blue whale,a 40-million-year-old spider,and the beautiful Central Hall.Free entry.

Museum of London

The Museum of London is the worlds largest urban museum,packed with historic objects and exhibitions telling the story of Londons past.Discover prehistoric London,the city under Roman rule,and the grandeur of medieval London.Dont miss the new Galleries of Modern London,from 1666 to the present.Free entry.

5.What does London Transport museum look like?

A.An old castle.      B.An old church.

C.A modern building. D.A big cottage.

6.Which museum will you visit if you are interested in the history of London?

A.London Transport Museum

B.The Science Museum

C.The Natural History Museum

D.Museum of London

7.What does the Science Museum offer kids?

A.Chances to make films.

B.Hands-on experience.

C.Some Olympic events.

D.Great posters and artwork.



Is there a best way to pack clothes?The following ideas are of great help to those who are always on the way.

Where to start?

 1  Once you see how much you lay in front of you,be brave and reduce about a third.Because the truth is like your wardrobe,you never seem to use as much as you take. 

How to deal with clothing?

Start with your shoes.Put underwear or socks inside them to hold the shape of your shoes.Thus,you can make use of every square inch of space.Once your shoes are firmly in place,fill small gaps with very soft items. 2  

Lay out the first clothes with one end inside the suitcase and the other end dropping over the edge.Put the next clothes on top of this,but place them the other way around. 3  In this way,youll get another flat layer soon.Finally,one by one,fold the clothes back in. 

Where to put non-clothing?

 4  These awkward shaped items are difficult to pack.Youd better put them towards the middle give maximum protection.Remember to double bag your toiletry kit(洗漱袋) to avoid spotting your clothes. 

Top tips:

If you take a belt,slip them along the inside of your case. 5  That will take more space.Next,use the hard shape of the case to offer protection.Leave your toiletry kit in your suitcase,when you return home.Its ready for the next time you travel. 

A.Dont roll belts up.

B.Be sure to put away socks.

C.This idea will create a flat first layer.

D.And then continue laying other clothes.

E.That will make the job a whole lot easier.

F.Lay everything you want to take with you on the bed.

G.Non-clothing items are things like books,toothbrushes and cameras.


I give my pink hat to an elder friend.She loved one!I treated her to the lunch and then,we saw an animated feature Inside Out.With my blanket wrapped around her shoulders or the hat still on,my dear friend sat beside me.We laughed loud than any other two kids!Im grateful for the opportunity enjoy our time together.She is such a happy lady,whom has certainly lived through much sadness.It reminded me from a movies messagethrough our sadness we are transformed into the beings that we meant to be.We cannot deny sadness,so face it,find supports,learn the lesson,move on and let it go.

考点规范练22(必修5 Unit 2)


1.B 细节理解题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中的Driving in Britain is such a dull experience these days.”,第二段中的“...there isnt a single feature of driving in Britain that has even the tiniest measure of enjoyment in it.”及第三段中的annoyances,horrible and awful可知,作者决定乘坐公共交通工具旅行是因为他讨厌在英国开车。

2.A 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,作者抱怨停车的种种不便:找停车位费时间、停车位狭窄、停车场收费机器不仅远而且不提供找零。

3.A 写作手法题。根据最后一段中的“...like traffic lights...and motorway service areas...”They occupy...appear in great numbers.”可知,作者通过举例说明开车是件令人厌烦的事情,以及机动车对城市面貌的破坏。

4.C 篇章结构题。根据本文最后一句中的“...I wanted nothing to do with them on this trip.”,及文中作者运用大量笔墨证明在英国开车是件令人厌烦的事情可推测,下文最有可能描述的是作者这次乘坐公共交通工具旅行的经历。


5.C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的Housed in huge iron and glass structure,the museum posses a wonderful and colorful...”可知,该博物馆属于现在建筑。

6.D 细节理解题。根据最后一部分的“...packed with historic objects and exhibitions telling the story of Londons past.”可知,对伦敦历史感兴趣,要参观伦敦博物馆。

7.B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的See,touch and experience the major scientific advances of the last 300 years...”可知,该博物馆给孩子们提供动手的机会。


1.F 根据下文的Once you see how much you lay in front of you,...”可知,F把你想带走的东西都放在床上可引出后面的具体做法。

2.C 根据上文的Once your shoes are firmly in place,fill small gaps with very soft items.”可知,一旦把鞋子固定好,用非常软的东西来填补小的空隙。C项这个想法将创造一个平坦的第一层。符合语境。

3.D 根据上文的Put the next clothes on top of this,but place them the other way around.”可知,在这上面放下一批衣服,但是把它们放在另一边。D之后继续放置衣服同样是介绍放衣服的步骤。

4.G 根据本段的小标题Where to put non-clothing?可知,本段介绍的是怎么放置非布料类的物品的技巧。G项中的Non-clothing可构成同词复现。

5.A 根据上文的If you take a belt,slip them along the inside of your case.”以及下文的That will take more space.”可知,A不要把皮带卷起来和下文构成因果关系。其中belt为同词复现。

.  I my pink hat to an elder friend.She loved !I treated her to the lunch and then,we saw an animated feature Inside Out.With my blanket wrapped around her shoulders the hat still on,my dear friend sat beside me.We laughed than any other two kids!Im grateful for the opportunity enjoy our time together.She is such a happy lady, has certainly lived through much sadness.It reminded me a movies message through our sadness we are transformed into the beings that we meant to be.We cannot deny sadness,so face it,find ,learn the lesson,move on and let it go.


《高考英语广西专用考点规范练22(必修5 Unit+2)+Word版含解析.doc》
