
发布时间:   来源:文档文库   
1. __________ She is a rich woman is known to all in the city. A.
B. That
C. Who
D. Because 2. My cous in asked me ___________ I could lend him the Chin ese no vel. A.
B. /
C. that
D. which 3. The difficulty lies in _______ we have no money. A. that 4. The fact A. that 5.
B. which
C. the fact D. the fact that he was successful proves his ability. B. what
C. which D. why Robert asked. B. Robert asked Joa n what she was doing there. D. Robert asked Joa n she was doing what there. What are you doing here, Joan? A. Robert asked Joa n what she is doing there. C. Robert asked her what was she doing there. 6. A. There
Is a fact that En glish is being accepted as an intern ati onal Ian guage. B. This
C. That
D. It 7.
They have no idea at all A. where has he gone B. which place he has gone C.
where he has gone D. where did he go 8. The reas on he has bee n such a success __________ he n ever gives up.

B. is what D. is A. is because C. is that
Mathematics is the base of all other scie nces.9.

A. This is because B. This is that C. It is
that 10. China is beco ming stron ger and stro nger. B. what it was A. what it used to be C. what it used to being 11. The reas on why he has n
D. Because
used to being D.
what it was used to be

A. because his mother is ill C. that his mother is ill It is no Ion ger _
t come is .B. because of his mother D. for his mother is illbeing ill

12. The man asked A. what was going on there C. B. what it was going on there D.
what ' s going on there what going on there leaves the room last ought to turn
off the light.

A. An yo ne B. The person

14. It was possible, but not probable A. he will be elected

C. Whoever D. Who
man ager of the firm. B. he must be electedD.
that he must be electedC. that he would be elected 15.lt ' s uncertain A. if
the experime nt is worth doing.
D. how
C. Whatever
D. That C. whether B. that
I have will be yours sooner or later.
B. No matter whatever
A. No matter what

you give me. 17.I ' ll eat A. no matter what B. no matter whatever 18. I can ' t understand is B. Which; what C. whatever D. what he wants to cha nge his mind. C. What; what
D. What; why
A. That; that
19.1 won der how much _______________ . A. cost these shoes C. these shoes cost B. do these shoes cost D. are these shoes cost 20. _______ I will accept the gift is none of your bus in ess. A. If B. Whether C. What D. Which 21. We could see the tower clearly from _______________ we were sta nding. A. where B. there C. which D. it 22. __________ there is life on another planet is almost impossible. A. How B. That C. Why D. Whether 23. The dema nd ___________ the workers ask for higher wages seemed reas on able. A. what B. that C. which D. whe n 24. __________ was a well-known fact. A. That their team was weak C. Their team was weak B. That their team being weak D. If their team was weak 25. Has it bee n announced _____________ the pla nes are to take off? A. whe n B. what C. where D. who 26. Nobody knew ____________ . A. where he comes B. where he was from C. where he is from D. where does he come from 27. Father asked __________ . A. what was wr ong with me C. what wrong was with me B. what ' s wrong with me D. what wrong is with me 28. The trouble is _________ we are short of tools. A. what B. that C. how D. why that 29. It is possible ______ he misun derstood _________ I said. A. that; that B. what; what C. what; that D. that; what 30. The fact ___________he is an orpha n is well known. A. what B. that C. which D. / 31. __________ I was free that evening. A. It happe ned to B. It happe ned that C. That happe ned D. It was happe ned that 32. _______ in the n ewspaper that the Japa nese Mini ster will arrive n ext Mon day. A. It says B. It is said C. It has said D. He is said 33. Comrade Wang is to give us a talk on ________________ he saw and heard in Britain. A. what B. all what C. that D. which 34. The problem is ____________ will go. A. that B. that who C. who D. whoever 35. __________ nothing to do with us. A. What he did is B. What he has do ne 36. The reas on i __________ I missed the bus. A. that B. whe n C. why D. what C. What did he do D. What he has do ne has 37. That is ___ we were abse nt last time. A. that B. whe n C. why D. what 38 __________ is announ ced, all the schools will reope n soon.
A. It B. That C. As D. When 39. _________ is announced that all the schools will reopen soon. A. It B. That C. Which D. As 40. She will give __________n eeds help a warm support. A. what B. which C. whoever D.whom 41. ____________ she needs is to have a good rest. A. That B. What 42. They couldn A. what B. why C. Whoever D. The things what ' t understand I refused. C. that D. where 43. ______ I am anxious to know is ______________ we can visit the Museum. What; that 44. B. What; whe n
C. That; where

D. Where; whe n
was lyi ng.

A. Those who told you that C. Whoever told you 45. A man ' A. that; what 46.. A. What we B. Anyone told you

D. Whoever told you that he is. D. what; that

s worth lies not so much in he has as in
B. what; what
C. that; that
shall finish the work before May Day is possible.
B. That we
C. Because we D. We 47. I have not found my bike yet; in fact, A. where B. whether C. how

48. It is doubtful _____ he knows it or not. A. whether B. what C. whe n he said disappo in ted me most. 49. It was A. what, that B. that, that I could have done with it I ' m not sure D. what D. that

C. what, what

D. that, what 50. ---I rang you at about ten, but there was no reply. ---Oh, that was probably A. whe n The an swers: 1-5 BADAB 21-25 ABBAA 41-46 BBBDB

I was see ing the doctor. B. why C. what

D. that 6-10 DCCAA 26-30 BABDB

11-15 CACCC 31-35 BBACD

16-20 CCDCB 36-40 ACCAC
46- 50 BBAAA


