2019-2020同步译林英语必修四新突破讲义:Unit+1+Section+ Reading+

发布时间:2019-10-07 10:35:20   来源:文档文库   



Advertising is only part of the total sales effortbut it is the part that attracts the most attention.This is natural enough because advertising is designed for just that purpose.

The simplest kind of advertising is the classified ad.Every day the newspapers carry a few pages of these ads; in the large Sunday editions there may be several sections of them.A classified ad is usually only a few lines long.It is really a notice or an announcement that something is available.

Newspapers also carry a large amount of display advertising.Newspapers generally reach an audience only in a limited area.To bring their message to a larger audiencemany who want to put out their ads use national magazines.Many of the techniques of modern advertising were developed in magazine ads.The use of bright colorsattractive picturesand short messages is all characteristics of magazine ads.The most important purpose is to catch the eye.The message itself is usually shortoften no more than a slogan which the public identifies with the product.

The same techniques have been carried over into television advertising.Voices and music have been added to colors and pictures to catch the ear as well as the eye.Television ads are repeated over and over again so that the audience sees and hears them many times.Commercial television has mixed entertainment and advertising.


1classify v.     分类

2section n. 部分

3characteristic adj. 特色

4identify v. 确认,识别

5commercial adj. 商业的

6entertainment n. 娱乐



1What is advertising designed for?

Attracting the most attention.

2According to newspaper adswhat's the advantage of television ads?

Voices and music have been added to colors and pictures.

Section  Reading ()(Welcome to the unit & Reading)


(  )1.innocent     Avt.& vi.欺骗;作弊


(  )2.cure Badj.清白的,无罪的;无恶意的;


(  )3.cheat Cvt.治愈;解决 n.药物,疗法;


(  )4.mental Dvt.& vi.……为目标;瞄准 n.目


(  )5.aim Eadj.心理的;思想的,精神的;


(  )6.consult Fn.座右铭;格言,箴言

(  )7.nationwide Gvt.咨询;请教

(  )8.motto Hn.杂货店

(  )9.grocery Iadj.&adv.全国范围的(),全国


(  )10.comprehension Jn.理解力,领悟能力;理解练习

[答案] 15 BCAED 610 GIFHJ


A.旨在,目的是 B.应付 C.意识到 D.欺骗;捉弄 E.受……的骗,上……的当

(  )1.His work experience equipped him to deal with all kinds of people.

(  )2.We must be aware of the importance of confidence.

(  )3.We were hoping to keep the party a secretit was meant to be a surprise for Jane.

(  )4.If you tell him that it'll make him earn a lot of moneyhe's bound to fall for the idea.

(  )5.Do you like being played tricks on in public?

[答案] 15 BCAED


Nowadays, we can find advertisements almost wherever we go. We are so used to them that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day. I did some research on advertisements, and have some very important information to share with you.

What is an advertisement?

An advertisement uses words and pictures to persuade(说服) people to buy a product or service, or to believe in an idea.Newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio and television are the most common places to find them. There are two main types of advertisementscommercial advertisements and public service advertisements (PSAs). A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product or service. PSAs are often run for free, and are meant to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare(福利).





[助读讲解] wherever we gowherever引导的地点状语从句。用wherever不用where是表示强调。so...that...是固定句式,that引导结果状语从句。定语从句which someone has paid for...修饰one定语从句that affects public welfare修饰problem

Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth?

There are laws to protect people from advertisements that cheat people. However, we still must be aware of the skilful(有技巧的) methods used in ads to try and sell us things. Even if(虽然) an ad does not lie it does not mean it is altogether innocent. One toothpaste ad declaresBright­Teeth fights bad breath(口臭)This statement tries to fool you into assuming that the toothpaste cures bad breath, yet it does not say that! All it says is that it fights it, and that is not the same thing at all. One grocery tells customers, You are proud of your cooking, so shouldn't you buy the very freshest food This ad is very clever, because it tells customers they are good cooks. However, it never says that this grocery has the freshest food! The grocery just hopes that when you read the ad, you will feel pleased with the nice comment(评论)remember the words freshest foodand make a mental connection with the food in the grocery. We must not fall for this kind of trick



[助读讲解] that cheat peoplethat引导的定语从句,修饰advertisements过去分词短语used in ads to try and sell us things 作后置定语,修饰methodsEven if an ad does not lieeven if引导的让步状语从句。

Public service advertisements

Not all ads play tricks on us though. PSAs use some of the same methods, like attractive pictures and clever language, but they are made to serve the public.PSAs aim to teach us and help us lead better lives. Our government understands this and has been using PSAs to educate people for many years. China began a nationwide public service advertising campaign(运动) in 1996and since then various types of PSAs have appeared around the country. You have probably seen or heard some of them yourself, such asYes to life, no to drugs(毒品) and Knowledge changes life. These ads deal with widespread social concerns. There are also PSAs that encourage people to support public service projects such as Project Hope.Its motto is Project Hope—educating every child. There are even PSAs to teach us how to live healthy lives. One of these is, When you smoke cigarettes(香烟)you are slowly killing yourself. All of these ads are meant to benefit(使受益) the public, and you can often learn a lot by following the advice they give.

Finally, I wish to tell you this: think about why you should do the things the ad suggestsor buy the product or service the ad promotes(推动)When it comes to advertisementswe must all use our intelligence(才智) and not be a slave(奴隶) to them




[助读讲解] notallbotheverything等连用,表示部分否定。定语从句that encourage people to support public service projects修饰PSAswhen it comes to...当涉及……,当谈到……”,是固定句式。

第一步 速读——了解文章主题和段落大意


1The author wrote this article in order to help us get a comprehensive understanding of advertisements

2According to the textthe two main types of advertisements are commercial advertisements and PSAs

第二步 细读——把控文章关键信息


1What do advertisements encourage people to do?

ATo buy something that they don't need.

BTo buy a product or serviceor to believe in an idea.

CTo tell people to do something beneficial to them.

DTo cheat people.

2What are PSAs meant to do?

ATo ask people to help others.

BTo make people think they are useful.

CTo educate people about healthsafetyor any other problem that affects public welfare.

DTo tell people not to smoke.

3What is NOT the difference between a commercial advertisement and a PSA?

AA commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for while a PSA is often for free.

BA commercial advertisement promotes a product or service while a PSA is intended to educate people about issues which affect public welfare.

CA commercial advertisement aims to gain benefit from the receivers while a PSA aims to educate people.

DA commercial advertisement appears almost everywhere while a PSA only appears on TV.

4If a consumer doesn't want to buy a false producthe needs to

Abelieve in the shopkeepers' words

Bbe educated about techniques used by advertisers and not blindly accept everything that is said in advertisements

Caccept everything that is said in advertisements

Dbargain with the shopkeepers

5Why should we follow the advice in PSAs?

ABecause they use attractive pictures and clever language.

BBecause they educate us to make an effective decision.

CBecause they have definite aims.

DBecause they are meant to be helpfuland by following the advice in PSAswe can often learn a lot.

[答案] 15 BCDBD

第三步 研读——能力升华 接轨高考


Advertisementswhich often use words and pictures to persuade people 1.to buy(buy)a product or serviceor to believe 2.in an ideaplay an important part in our lives.There are two main 3.types(type)of advertisements.One type 4.is called(call)commercial advertisements

5.which are meant to promote a product or service.But they don't tell customers the complete 6.truth(true).7.The other type is called PSAs.They use attractive pictures and clever language8.but they are made to serve the public.They aim to teach us and help us lead 9.better(good)lives.Our government 10.has been using(use)them to educate people for many years.


《2019-2020同步译林英语必修四新突破讲义:Unit+1+Section+ Reading+.doc》
