内蒙古鄂尔多斯市东胜区第二中学七年级英语下册 Module 10 Life history质量检测 外研版-

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Module 10 Life history 学习目标 语音
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, actor, writer, play, poem, age, at the age of, company, snow go away, marry, move, join, become, snow 名词(n.
形容词(adj. successful, rich 行为动词的一般过去时的否定句及一般疑问句 Did you listen to the radio? Yes, we did. Did you play computer games? No, I didn't. We didn't travel by car. They didn't have a computer. 英国文豪莎士比亚是英国人的骄傲,也是英国文坛的象征之一。
一、词汇:根据句意和首字母补全单词 1Bill Gates is a s________ businessman. He was one of the richest man in the world. 2The Spring Festival is in J________ or February. 3Li Bai wrote lots of great p________. I can recite many of them. 4The old couple m________ fifty years ago. 5Jackie Chen, a great a________, had lots of fans all over the world. 6His father works in a big c________. There are about 2,000 clerks in it. 7He was very r________. He could buy many things he wanted but he had no friends. 8Mary had to m________ to Shanghai because her father found a new job there. 9I hope I will b________ a teacher in the future. 10Shakespeare was a great w________. He wrote a lot of plays. 二、选择填空
st1October 1 is ________ for Chinese. AChristmas BNational Day CChildren's Day DLabour Day 2In Australia, winter is from ________ to ________. AMarch, May BJune, August CSeptember, November DDecember, February 3.— ________ were you born, Mary? th I was born on November 10, 1992 AWhen BWhere CWhat DWhat time 4.— Did you play computer games last night? ________ I did my homework till eleven o'clock. AYes, I did. BNo, I didn't. CYes, I was. DNo, 1 wasn't. 5My grandma often ________ the radio in the past. Alisten to Blistened to Chears Dheard 6He ________ to school last Monday. He lost his bike. Awalks Bwalked Con foot Don feet
7________ comes after July. AMay BJune CAugust DSeptember th8We give our cards and best wishes to ________ on September 10. Aparents Bteachers Cthe PLA Dnurses 9.— When ________ you ________ to China? In February, 1999 Ado, come Bdo, came Cdid, come Ddid, came 10We still see Shakespeare's plays ________ English and ________ many other languages. Ain, in Bin, with Cwith, in Dwith, with 11Hamlet is one of ________ in world. Athe more famous play Bthe more famous plays Cthe most famous play Dthe most famous plays 12Shakespeare decided ________ an actor when he was fourteen. A/ Bto Cto be Dto do 13John was very good at his job. He was ________. Arich Bpoor Csuccessful Dunsuccessful 14.— Did you play basketball yesterday afternoon? ________. We played football. AYes, we do BYes, we did CNo, we don't. DNo, we didn't 15.— What ________ he ________ when he was at school? He studied all day and sometimes played football with his friends. Ado, do Bdoes, do Cdid, do Ddid, did 16Televisions ________ ________ color in 1970s. Awasn't, in Bwasn't, on Cweren't, in Dweren't, on 17My father likes sports ________. He often goes to play basketball. Aa lot Ba lot of Clots of Dlot 18.—________ did you travel at that time, Grandpa? By bus and train. It was quite interesting. AWhat BHow CWhen DWhere 19Lingling was ________ than me ________ English. Agood, in Bgood, at Cbetter, in Dbetter, at 20The Greens visited England and many ________ European countries. Aother Bthe other Cothers Dthe others 三、完形填空
We arrived in Beijing at 1000 in the morning. My friend and I had already eaten our 1 on the plan. We went to the 2 by taxi and 3 off our things. After lunch and a short rest, we took a bus to the Summer Palace. We spent the whole 4 playing there. While we were on a 5 on Kunming Lake, we heard someone 6 Peking Opera on the bank. The singing 7 very beautiful. In the evening we 8 to Tian'anmen Square because it was close to our 9 . We had our pictures taken in the middle of the square. There we saw some people 10 kites. In front of the Great Hall of the People we took some photos. 1Abreakfast Blunch Csupper Ddinner
2Arailway station Bairport Chotel Dpark 3Atook Bhad Cgot Ddropped 4Amorning Bafternoon Cevening Dnight 5Aship Bboat Cover Don 6Asinging Bsang Csaid Dsaying 7Alooked Bsmelt Csounded Dtasted 8Adrove Btook the taxi Cwalked Drun 9Aairport Bstation Chotel Dpark 10Amaking Bmending Cwatching Dflying 四、阅读理解
A Laura was my best friendlike the sister I never had. We were born in the same hospital and on the same day. Laura was very nice and beautiful; she was friendly to everyone around her. We like each other so much that we did everything together: dancing lessons, movies, swimming, and walking to primary school. At primary school, we were both the teachers' favourite students, and we tried very hard to be well-behaved in class. Laura was always the top student in our class, and I was so proud to be her best friend. I lived in a house with a big pond and a lovely garden. During the summer holiday, we often swam in the pond and then had a nap under a big tree in my garden. When I was ten years old, my family moved away, because we bought a bigger house in this large city. Laura and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other during holidays when I went back to my old hometown. But we lose contact 联系)last summer, because Laura's family moved to somewhere else, too. I felt so sad for the first time in my life. She didn't send me any letters until one week ago. I finally heard from her. She will come and visit me next month! What a wonderful thing! I am looking forward to that time day and night.And I know, this time we won't lose each other again. 1What was Laura like? AThe sister I never had. BShe was nice and beautiful. CFriendly. DShe was nice, beautiful and friendly. 2What kind of house did the writer live in before? Aa house with a big pond and a lovely garden Ba small house Ca bigger house Da smaller house 3How did the writer and Laura keep in touch at first? ABy email. BWe saw each other during holidays. COn the Internet. DThrough letters. 4Why did they lose contact later? ABecause we bought a bigger house in this large city. BBecause Laura's family moved to somewhere else, too. CShe didn't send me any letters. DWe didn't have telephones. 5What is the writer looking forward to now? AThe writer is looking forward to a bigger house now.
BShe is looking forward to meeting her old classmate. CShe is looking forward to a wonderful thing. DShe is looking forward to Laura's letter. B Who is your hero? Why do you like the person? Cool looks? Money? A lot of talents (才华)? Shanghai teenagers say they look for more than that. Most of them say their heroes are hardworking and brave (勇敢的)people. This summer, Shanghai Evening News asked around 1,000 middle school students about their heroes. The newspaper put people in six different groups: leaders, young heroes, teenagers, writers, artists, and business people. Students were asked to pick one from each group. NBA star Yao Ming was the No. 1 Chinese hero with 48 percent of all the Votes. Zhang Yujiao, 15, admires Yao: "It was hard for him to go all the way to the NBA"Zhang is from Shanghai's Beijiao High School. He's a big star, but he is still kind and loves others. He also helps disabled (残疾的)children. Taiwanese singer Jay Zhou is the teen's most favourite star. Lu Fangzhou, 14, is one of Jay's big fans. In her eyes, Jay is not just a pop star. "Jay's so kind to his mother and grandma. He takes good care of them." said Lu. Lu is from Shanghai's Tongzhou Model Middle School. Zhang Shun, 14, says he likes Zhou Enlai. "He's great. He is very kind. He sees people as his own children. And he never thinks he is different from others." Shanghai students also like US businessman Bill Gates. More than a half picked him as their hero. Zhou Mo is a Junior 2 student who likes Gates: "Bill was not born rich. He worked hard. And he doesn't like to tell everyone how rich he is. He also has courage (勇气). He left school to start his own business!" Now think: Who are your heroes? Why do you like them? 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。
6Most of Shanghai teenagers like the heroes who are________. Agood-looking Brich Cstrong Dhard-working and brave 7________ ranked the top of Chinese heroes. AJay Chou BYao Ming CZhou Enlai DBill Gates 8Lu Fangzhou likes Jay Zhou very much because she thinks________. AJay Zhou is handsome. BJay Zhou sings very well. CJay Zhou is very kind to his family. DJay Zhou is a pop star. 9Zhou Enlai thinks he is________. Athe same as others Bdifferent from others Cgreat Dkind 10Bill Gates is so successful because________. Ahe was born rich Bhe is very lucky Che left school Dhe had courage and worked very hard 五、根据汉语提示补全句子

She _________________ an actress when she finished school _________________ eighteen. 2.上海是世界上最大的城市之一。
Shanghai is one of ________________________________ in the word. 350年代还没有卫星电话和因特网。
There were _____________________ satellite TV ________________ Internet in the 1950s. 4.他昨晚没做作业,因为他发烧了。
He ________________________ last night because he had a fever. 5.你过去是骑车上学吗?
________________________ school in the past? 六、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空
become, watch, write, move, enjoy, die, marry, listen to, join, travel 1We're having a party. Would you like to ________ us? 2Shakespeare started ________ plays when he was twenty-eight. 3My grandparents ________ fifty years ago. They lived a happy life. 4Professor Wang ________ Shakespeare's plays when he was young. 5My elder sister ________ a teacher last year. Her dream came true. 6Tim's grandpa ________ yesterday. Tim is very sad now. 7Did you like ________ plays at the theatre? 8We decided to ________ in Xinjiang this summer holiday. 9The old people like to ________ the radio when they are free. 10The Blacks ________ to China in 2000 because Mr. Black got a very good job in Beijing. 七、写作
假如你是Betty,请给你的朋友Samemail告诉他你们上周末去郊游的情况。 要求:60词左右;条理清楚;层次分明;下列词语供选用:last weekend, go on a school trip, climb the Great Wall, start, arrive at, return home, have a picnic, see many wild flowers and green trees, be tired, be happy ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 拓展探究
For 14 years, Michael Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls. He won "Most Valuable Player" five times. His nickname is "Air" Jordan because he jumps high into the air! He was born on 17 February 1963He has two brothers and two sisters. When he was a child, Michael played baseball. Later, he played basketball for his school. He grew very tall1.98 metres. At university, they did not put him in the basketball team. He was determined to do better. He practised hour after hour. He thought about seeing his name on the list of players. At last, they chose him for the team.
In 1984, he was college player of the year. He also won a Gold Medal in the 1984 summer Olympics. After that, he joined the Chicago Bulls. They were't a very good team then. But Michael Jordan became captain of his team, and they won the National Basketball Association NBAchampionships in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997 and 1998
He started a training camp where young people learn basketball. They have to work very hard, but they become very good at the game. Now he also gives a lot of time and money to charities for children. He is a very famous man in America. Notesvaluable adj. medal n. championships n. a training camp 训练营
Read and put these sentences in order: AHe practised a lot. BHe grew very tall. CLater, they chose him for the team. DHe gives a lot to children's charities. EHe played basketball as a child. FAt first, they didn't choose him for the university team. GMichael was born in 1963. HHe was captain of the Bulls when they won. 1 →2. →3. →4. →5. →6. →7.

参考答案 Module 10 一、
1successful 2January 3poems 4married 5actor 6company 7rich 8move 9bebecome 10writer 二、
1B 2B 3A 4B 5B 6B 7C 8B 9C 10A 11D 12C 13C 14D 15C 16C 17A 18B 19D 20A 三、
1A 2C 3D 4B 5B 6A 7C 8C 9C 10D 四、
1A 2A 3D 4B 5B 6D 7B 8C 9A 10D 五、
1decided to be, at the age of 2the biggest cities 3no, or 4.didn’t do his homework 5.Did you ride a bike to 六、
1join 2writingto write 3married 4enjoyed 5became 6died 7watching 8travel 9listen to 10moved 七、
Last weekend we went on a school trip. We went to the Great Wall. We started at 7:00 in the morning and arrived there at 9:00. While we climbed the Great Wall, we saw many wild flowers and green trees. On the top of the Great Wall there was a beautiful view. We had a picnic there and we shared each other's food. We were very tired but we're very happy. 拓展探究
1G 2E 3B 4F 5A 6C 7H



《内蒙古鄂尔多斯市东胜区第二中学七年级英语下册 Module 10 Life history质量检测 外研版-.doc》
