How do you feel? What were your feelings? 雅思口语素材

发布时间:2014-03-12 20:41:18   来源:文档文库   

How do/did you feel? What were your feelings?

In the IELTS Speaking test, the Part 2 task card very frequently requires you to describe your feelings. Part 1 and Part 3 often have similar questions. Usually, we use adjectives to answer these questions although there are other ways to express feelings. 

Below are some adjectives that can be used in answers to these questions.

If you notice any errors in my Chinese translations, please email me at

Note 1: The words marked with * should not usually be preceded by the word very but you could use the words really or absolutely for emphasis. This is because these words are already at the extreme end of the spectrum and very means 更多. For example: goodvery goodexcellent. There is no idea of being more than excellent you cannot describe something as being better than excellent. Therefore, English speakers do not use the word very before the word excellent. Similarly, several other words such as delicious and terrible should not be preceded by the word very. (Terrible is an example of a word at the lowest point of the spectrum.) So, if you want to emphasize your meaning, you can say, really excellent, really delicious and really terrible. Or you can use the word absolutely instead of really to emphasize the strength of your feeling even more than really

Note 2:  When using verbs of  feeling, sense or perception, we use adjectives, not adverbs. It is incorrect to say I felt tiredly. Instead, we say I felt tired. Similarly: He seemed (to be) busy, She looked beautiful, It tasted good etc. Most of you already know that after the verb be we also use adjectives, not adverbs and these verbs of feeling, sense or perception are similar. For example, we don't say I am busily, but rather, I am busy.

I suggest that, for any new word, you first quickly check a good dictionary to see an example of how the word is used.

To hear audio recordings of these words being pronounced, go to either or The MacMillan Dictionary website usually has good examples of these words in sentences.

 *************************************fabulous * 美妙

fine  美好 (We don't usually use any adverb such as 'very', 'really' or 'absolutely' before this word.)

good (a commonly used but rather weak adjective.) 好 

great * 非常好

marvelous * 奇妙

sensational * 极好的

splendid * 精彩

superb * 雄伟

terrific * (美语)妙极,非常好 

well (= not ill = in good health) 身体好

wonderful * 美妙


cheerful 快乐

delighted * 欢欣的

ecstatic * 欲死欲仙

elated *  兴高采烈

glad 高兴

happy  愉快

joyful  快乐

jubilant * 欢腾

overjoyed * 极高兴的

pleased  喜悦

thrilled * 兴奋


amused 发笑

tickled 感到非常满足或高兴


proud 骄傲 

flattered 恭维 

honoured 尊敬


fortunate 幸运 

gratified 满足 

lucky 幸运 感激

thankful 感激


comfortable 确舒适

relaxed 放松

relieved 宽心的,宽慰的, 放心的

safe 安全的

secure 巩固

unconcerned (Usually preceded by quite, not very.) 不感兴趣


animated 生气蓬勃 

eager 热切 

energetic 精力充沛 

enthusiastic 热心 

excited 激动 

exhilarated * 兴奋

invigorated 鼓舞 

powerful 强有力 

refreshed 刷新 充满活力

rejuvenated 充满活力


bold 大胆

brave  勇敢

electrified * 使充电

emboldened 鼓励 

empowered 授权

encouraged 鼓励 

galvanized * galvanize = 激起某人行动起来

heartened 鼓舞了 

inspired 启发 

motivated 有动机

reassured  安心,放心

resolute 刚毅

stimulated 刺激 

uplifted 上升


calm 安静

composed 镇静的

peaceful 平安

placid 安详

relaxed 轻松的

serene 平静

tranquil 平静


buoyant 乐天的

carefree 无忧无虑

certain 确定

confident 确信

hopeful 抱有希望

liberated 释放

light-hearted 轻松愉快

optimistic 乐观

positive 正面

sure 肯定


content  心满意足的

fulfilled 因实现而满足

gratified 满足

satisfied 满意


amazed * 惊奇

astonished * 吃惊

astounded * 使震惊

attracted 吸引了

bewitched * 心醉

captivated * 着迷

curious 好奇

dazzled* 目炫

enchanted *  极喜悦,心醉

enlightened  开明的,启迪

enthralled * 迷住,被吸引的

fascinated * 迷住

interested 感兴趣

intrigued 吸引

mesmerized * 给催眠

stunned * 十分震惊

surprised  惊奇了


convinced * 被说服,确信

determined 坚定


serious 严肃

earnest 认真


apologetic 歉然

guilty 内疚

remorseful 后悔

sorry  悲伤, 惭愧, 懊悔, 遗憾


emotional 动感情,动情绪 or 情感

homesick 思乡病

moved 感动

nostalgic 乡愁

sensitive 敏感

sentimental 感伤

sympathetic 有同情心

touched 感动


apathetic 无动于衷

blasé  腻烦

bored 不耐烦

complacent 自满的

cool 凉快 (cool to the idea; or, cool in a stressful situation). There is also this meaning: 淡定,镇定

detached 超然

dissatisfied 不满意

impartial 公正的

indifferent 冷漠


arrogant 傲慢

cocky 神气活现

conceited 自负

smug 踌躇满志

vain 自负


baffled * 难倒

bewildered * 迷惑

confused 迷茫

dubious 半信半疑

incredulous * 不轻信

mystified * 困惑不解

perplexed 为难

puzzled 困惑

suspicious 可疑

distrustful 可疑


cheated 欺诈

deceived 欺骗


exasperated * 激怒

frustrated 挫败了


awkward 笨拙

bashful 害臊

shy 害羞

timid 怯懦

self-conscious 自觉

uncomfortable 难受


drained 疲惫不堪 or 排泄

exhausted * 精疲力竭 的

overwhelmed * 淹没

tired 疲乏

weary 疲倦

worn-out * 破旧


ill 不适

sick 病残

unwell 不适

weak 微弱


cautious 谨慎

wary 机警


appalled * 惊恐

disgusted 憎恶

repulsed * 击退

sickened 厌恶


agitated 鼓动

anxious 急切

flustered 慌乱

guarded 守卫

insecure 不安全

intimidated 威逼

nervous 紧张

pessimistic 悲观

tense 紧张的

threatened 威胁

unsafe 不安全

unsure 缺乏信心

vulnerable 脆弱

worried 担心


afraid 害怕

agitated 鼓动

alarmed 惊动

frightened 吓唬

scared 惊吓

shocked 冲击

startled 震惊

terrified * 害怕


angry 恼怒

annoyed 懊恼

hostile 敌对

incensed * 激怒

indignant 愤概

infuriated * 激怒

irritated 激怒了


bitter 苦涩

cynical 玩事不恭

embittered 加苦味

envious 羡慕

jealous 嫉妒

resentful 愤懑

sour 酸


ashamed 羞愧

belittled 轻视

degraded 贬低

deficient 短少

embarrassed 困窘

humble 谦逊

humbled 贬低

humiliated 欺凌

insulted 欺辱

mortified * 受辱或羞辱

offended 触犯了

silly 傻

stupid 愚笨


abysmal * 深不可测

alone 单独

atrocious * 惨酷

awful * 可怕

bad 坏

dejected 沮丧的

depressed 压下

devastated * 摧残

disappointed 失望

discouraged 劝阻

disheartened 沮丧

disillusioned 幻灭

distressed 苦恼, 困厄, 十分难过, 悲痛, 忱愁了

disturbed 干扰

dreadful * 令人恐惧

empty 空

gloomy 阴沉

ineffectual 无效果

lonely 孤独

melancholy 忧郁

miserable 凄惨

negative 阴性

rotten * 腐烂

sad 哀伤

terrible * 很糟的

troubled 麻烦

upset 忧虑, 忧愁, , , 懊恼 or 生气

worthless * 不值得

wretched * 孤苦


strange (Here, strange = I can't describe my feelings well; they were unusual or mixed feelings.)


validated * (usually not preceded by an adverb) 确认

uninhibited 不受禁令约束

lukewarm to the idea 对这个主意觉得不热烈的

uninterested 不感兴趣

********************************The following words are more suitable for the sentence, “I was very _____” rather than “I felt very _____”

aware 明白

tempted 诱惑

busy 繁忙

preoccupied 出神


《How do you feel? What were your feelings? 雅思口语素材.doc》
