
发布时间:2019-12-29 15:10:21   来源:文档文库   


1. 定语从句的概念分类

2. 关系代词which, that, who, whom, whoseas引导的定语从句

3.关系副词where, when, why引导的定语从句 4. 同位语从句与定语从句的区分

5. 介词+which/whom的用法





(2)替代先行词。(省去从句中对应的he /she / it / they / him / her / them /…


关系代词which, that, who, whom, whoseas

关系副词where, when, why



指代人 whowhomthat 指代事物 whichthat 所属关系 whose

指地点 where=介词+which

指时间 when= 介词+which

指原因 why=for which

1. Ill never forget the days ______we worked together.

2. Ill never forget the days _________ we spent together.

3.I went to the place________ I worked ten years ago.

4.I went to the place __________ I visited ten years ago.

5.This is the reason ____________ he was late.

6.This is the reason______he gave.


1. 先行词是all ,everything,nothing,anything,something,much,little,none等不定代词,定语从句用that

All ______ can be done has been done.

There is little _____ can be believed about it .

2. 先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时,定语从句用that

This is the best TV _____ is made in China.

The first museum _____ he visited in China was the History Museum.

3. 先行词被any,some,no,much,few,little,every,all,very,the only,the last修饰时,引导定语从句用that

No sample ______ we have received is satisfactory.

Please send us any information ____ you have .

He is the only person _______ was present at the time.

4. 先行词中既有人又有事物时

The famous writer and his works ______ the radio broadcast have aroused great interest among the students.

5) 在疑问词whowhichwhat开头的句子中,要用that

Whoever that is content with a little progress cant make big achievements.

6) 关系代词在定语从句中作表语只用that

He is no longer the man that he used to be.

This is no longer the dirty place that it used to be.

This is the ring on ________ she spent 1000 dollars.

Xiao Wang ,with ________ I went to the concert, enjoyed it very much.


This is the ring on ________ she spent 1000 dollars.

Xiao Wang ,with ________ I went to the concert, enjoyed it very much.

This is the book_________________(封面是蓝色的).(whose)

The boss ______________________________(我爸爸在他的公司工作) is very kind. (whose)


1.用于the same…as…,such…as,中

Such books as you tell me are interesting.

This is the same book as I lent you yesterday.

Such book __________________________are interesting. (lend)你借给我的书很有趣。

2. as正如…”之意.

As is said/reported/known/mentioned/stressed/expected/thought,......

As sb. Says/reports/knows/mentions/stresses/expects/thinks,……

____________________(正如多次强调的)many times, serve the people is our aim. (10湖北高考)

The result of the game, ___________________(正如所料), was far from being satisfactory.

__________________(正如所料), the result of the exam is satisfying.

3. which可以指代整个句子,表示这、这一点、这一件事。

He came back late, which made his mother worried.

Conclusion :aswhich在定语从句中都充当主语或宾语,as有正如之意,它引导的非限制性定语从句可以置于句首或句末,which没有正如之意,所引导的定语从句在句末。

考点1 先行词为way的定语从句

先行词为way且定句中不缺少主语或宾语时,通常用in whichthat引导(in whichthat可省略)

如果定从中缺少主语或宾语,则用that which

All of us disliked the way_____________Tom settled the maths problem.

This is the way _____he can think of.


1.It is the library________I borrowed the book.

2.It is from this library______I borrowed the book.


He is no longer the man _________________(他以前的样子).(used)

He is no longer _____________ (他以前的样子). (used)

My mother was so proud of all ______________(我所做的) that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do) (10湖北高考)

My mother was so proud of _______________(我所做的) that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.(do)

考点4: 定语从句中

两者都不 neither of which/ whom 两者都:both of which/ whom

三者都不:none of which/ whom 三者都:all of which/ whom

In the room are lots of people, ________________________. 房间里有很多人,很多人我不认识。

He planted two trees last year, ___________________________. 去年他栽了两棵树,现在这两棵树都长得好。

1. However, be___________(care) not to go to extreme. Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both,____________ is good for the health.(2017全国卷1)

2. But my connection with pandas goes back________ my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s,___________I was the first Western TV reporters permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. .(2016全国卷1)

3. I had skipped nearby Guilin, a dream places for tourists seeking the limestone mountain top and dark waters of the Li River_ ____________are pictured by artists in so many Chinese paintings. (.(2015全国卷1)

4. My eldest son, ___________work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment.(2017,天津)

5. In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of _________purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation. 2017江苏)

6. The little problems ___________we meet in our daily lives may be inspiration for great inventions.2017北京)

7. The publication of Great Excpcatations,_ ___________was widely reviewed and highly praised, strengthened Dickens status as a leading novelist.2017江苏)

8. We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to 20, half of____________it used to charge.2017江苏)

9. Many young people, most of __________were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.(2016江苏)

10. We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, _________the weather may be better.

11. One day, mentally exhausted, I wrote own all the reasons ____________this problem could not be solved. 2016天津)

12. Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears, none of _____________has been proved.2016浙江)

调研要解决的问题:13. I made friends with the natives and their reaction amazed me. They gave me present of their favorite artworks _____________they had refused to sell to tourists.2016浙江)

DIY手工艺市场现状分析14. One important biological factor _________helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between men and women.2016四川)

15. I live next door to a couple ________________children often make a lot of noise. 2016北京高考)

16. So condors with high levels of lead are sent to Los Angeles Zoo, ___________they are treated with calcium EDTA, a chemical that removed lead from the blood over several days. 2016北京高考)


创新是时下非常流行的一个词,确实创新能力是相当重要的特别是对我们这种经营时尚饰品的小店,更应该勇于创新。在这方面我们是很欠缺的,故我们在小店经营的时候会遇到些困难,不过我们会克服困难,努力创新,把我们的小店经营好。1. In their spare time, they are interesting in planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. (2017全国卷2)

(二)上海的人口环境对饰品消费的影响2. Around me in picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time: car magazines and musical instruments. (2017全国卷2)

五、创业机会和对策分析3 My uncle is the owner of a restaurant to that I live. .(2016全国卷1)

众上所述,我们认为:我们的创意小屋计划或许虽然会有很多的挑战和困难,但我们会吸取和借鉴“漂亮女生”和“碧芝”的成功经验,在产品的质量和创意上多下工夫,使自己的产品能领导潮流,领导时尚。在它们还没有打入学校这个市场时,我们要巩固我们的学生市场,制作一些吸引学生,又有使学生能接受的价格,勇敢的面对它们的挑战,使自己立于不败之地。 错题

因此不难看出,自制饰品在校园里也大有市场所在。对于那些走在流行前端的女生来说,〝捕捉〞新事物便〝捕捉〞到了时尚与个性。1. The Chinese –American singer-songwriters Dee Hom Wang,_____________(wear) a black outfit that makes him liik like a warrior form the future, published two new songs from his coming album in Beijing ___________the afternoon of 19th Sept.

2.It has been two and a half year ____________he released his last album.

加拿大beadworks公司就是根据年轻女性要充分展现自己个性的需求,将世界各地的珠类饰品汇集于“碧芝自制饰品店”内,由消费者自选、自组、自制,这样就能在每个消费者亲手制作、充分发挥她们的艺术想像力的基础上,创作出作品,达到展现个性的效果。3.A few weeks ago, I sat in a meeting with Mr Radley,. His wife ______________a patient for the past four years.

3 心态问题4. His life was already dead.___________ person who had been the love of his life was now gone. We tried to tell him that he should move on and have a new life of his own,______________(convince) him to take a trip to relax.

5. . Not only it improve their speaking English, but also it brought them much fun.

6.. I lost interesting in my studies and I was often absent from school.


