成功之都 魅力之都

发布时间:2016-08-17   来源:文档文库   
成功之都 魅力之都
A City of Successes and Charms 成都,四川省省会,中国西部特大中心城市,总面积1.24万平方公里,中心城区面积283.86平方公里,1045县,总人口约1500万。成都具有3000多年建城史,历史底蕴深厚,旅游资源丰富,拥有包括都江堰青城山世界自然与文化遗产在内的众多景观,分别被联合国世界旅游组织和教科文组织授予中国最佳旅游城市世界美食之都成都生态环境良好,是大熊猫的主要栖息地,有熊猫故乡的美誉。
Chengdu is the provincial capital of Sichuan and a megatropolis of western China that covers 12,400km2 in area, including 283.86km2 of central urban coverage, with 10 districts, 4 county-level cities and 5 counties under jurisdiction, and houses a total population of approximately 15 million. With a rich history of more than 3,000 years, Chengdu boasts a vast selection of distinguished tourism resources including World Cultural Heritage and World Natural Heritage of Dujiangyan Irrigation System and Qingcheng Mountain. The city itself has been awarded numerous honors, including China’s Best Tourism Destination by the UN World Tourism Organization and City of Gastronomy by UNESCO. Chengdu is blessed with an outstanding ecological environment and is renowned as the “home to the pandas” for its natural habitat of the giant pandas. 2015年,全年实现地区生产总值10801.2亿元,同比增7.9%;实现固定资产投资7007.0亿元,同比增长5.8%社会消费品零售总额4946.2亿元,同比增长10.7%;城镇居民人均可支配收入33476元、农民人均可支配收入17690元,分别增长8.0%9.6%;实际利用外资75.2亿美元。 In year 2015, Chengdu’s total GDP stood at 1080.12 billion yuan, up by 7.9%, other economic figures are as followed: fixed asset investment 700.7 billion yuan, up by 5.8%, total retail sale of social consuming goods 494.62 billion yuan, up by 10.7%, per
capita disposable income for urban residents 33,476 yuan, per capita net income for rural residents 17,690yuan, up respectively by 8% and 9.6%, and practical use of foreign capitals $7.52 billion.
崛起之城 机遇之城
A Rising City, A Land of Opportunities 成都是国务院确定的西南地区科技、商贸、金融中心和交通、通信枢纽,综合经济实力居中国中西部城市之首。先后荣获全国文明城市、国家环境保护模范城市、国家园林城市、中国最具经济活力城市、中国内陆投资环境标杆城市、中国大陆最具软实力城市、灾后重建发展范例城市等称号。被《福布斯》评为未来10年全球发展最快城市,被《财富》评为中国最佳商务城市。
With the strongest overall economic strength among cities in mid and western China, Chengdu is endorsed by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China as the technology, commerce and financial center and transportation and telecommunication hub of southwestern China. Chengdu has received various honors, including National Civil City, National Demonstration City of Environmental Protection, National Garden City, China’s Most Dynamic Economic City, Benchmark City for Investment Environment in Inland China, China’s Top Soft Power City and Role Model in Making Cities Resilient Campaign. It was also named as the next decade’s fastest growing city in the world by Forbes and China’s Best City for Business by Fortune.

开放之邦 世界舞台
An Open Land, a Global Stage 成都对外开放步伐不断加快,国际化水平明显提升,在国际舞台上的影响力不断扩大。
The opening of Chengdu is accelerating and the level of
internationalization and influence around the world has been elevated substantially. 截止2015年底,成都双流国际机场已开通至巴黎、东京、阿姆斯特丹、阿布扎比、法兰克福、多哈、伦敦、旧金山等国家及地区航线86条,国际及地区通航城市72个,年旅客吞吐量超过4224.5万人次。已有美国、德国、韩国、法国、泰国、新加坡、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、斯里兰卡、澳大利亚、以色列、新西兰、波兰、捷克等国获批在蓉设立领事机构;法国、奥地利、日本、美国、加拿大、斯洛文尼亚、意大利、韩国、印度尼西亚、瑞典、德国、英国、俄罗斯、比利时、澳大利亚、泰国、丹麦、以色列、印度等国家的31个省市先后与成都结为友好城市;2000年以来,成都先后加入世界历史都市联盟、世界科技城市联盟、亚太旅游组织、世界城市和地方政府联合组织、世界城市和区域电子政府协议组织等国际组织;英国渣打银行、美国花旗银行、法国巴黎银行、荷兰银行、新加坡大华银行、香港东亚银行、韩国友利银行、澳大利亚澳新银行等外资银行纷至沓来,英特尔、摩托罗拉、丰田、爱立信、诺基亚、IBM、拜尔、神户制钢、马士基、德州仪器、戴尔、联想、SK集团、富士康、仁宝、纬创等知名企业,以及沃尔玛、家乐福、伊藤洋华堂、麦德龙、宜家等世界著名零售巨头纷纷落户成都,目前,落户成都的世500强企业增至268家。
Up till October of 2015, Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport offers 86 international air routes reaching 72 international and regional cities including the likes of Paris, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Abu Dhabi, Frankfurt, Doha, London and San Francisco with a yearly passenger throughput of over 42.245million. The United States, Germany, South Korea, France, Thailand, Singapore, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Australia, Israel, New Zealand, Poland and Czech Republic have been approved set up consulate-generals here, and 31 provinces or cities of France, Austria, Japan, the US, Canada, Slovenia, Italy, South Korea, Indonesia, Sweden, Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia, Belgium, Australia, Thailand, Denmark, Israel
and India have signed sister city agreements with Chengdu. Since the turn of the millennium, Chengdu has become a member of the League of Historical Cities, World Technopolis Association, Pacific Asia Travel Association, World Organization of United Cities and Local Governments and World e-Governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments. Currently, a growing number of foreign funded banks including Standard and Chartered from the UK, Citi Bank from the US, BNP Paris from France, ABN from the Netherlands, United Overseas Bank from Singapore, Bank of East Asia from Hong Kong, Woori Bank from South Korea, ANZ Bank from Australia as well as world renowned companies such as Intel, Motorola, Toyota, Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Bayer, Kobe Steel, Maersk, Texas Instrument, Dell, Lenovo, SK Group, Foxconn, Compal, Wistron, Wal-Mart, Carrefour, Ito-Yokado, Metro Group, Ikea and other global retailer giants have operated in Chengdu. At present, a total of 268 enterprises of the Fortune Global 500 have built presence in the city. 当前,成都正深入实施改革创新、转型升级总体战略,以提高发展质量和效益为中心,以抓好创新驱动、融入一带一路为主线,加强结构性改革,提高供给体系质量和效率,加快培育新的发展动能,整体提升社会生产力水平,促进发展成果共享,为建设国际化大都市奠定坚实基础。 At present, Chengdu is implementing its overall strategy of “reform and innovation for transformation and upgrading”. With the improvement of its development quality and efficiency as the core, and its integration into the One Road and One Belt Initiative through innovation-driven growth as the main thread, Chengdu strengthens its structural reform, improves the quality and efficiency of its supply system, accelerates its cultivation of new driving motors, enhances its overall social productivity, and promotes the sharing of development fruits, aiming to laying a solid foundation for Chengdu to be an international metropolis.


《成功之都 魅力之都.doc》
