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发布时间:2023-01-19 16:44:42   来源:文档文库   

1. Search in your spare time: There is nothing wrong in searching for employment in your after-office hours. Use the weekends or try getting up a little early so you can use an hour or two to do the searching. 在空余时间里找:下班后找工作肯定不会错,同时也可以利用周末或者早起一两个小时找。
2. Don't use you work email: This is a common blunder a lot of job seekers make. It can show that you are applying in your office-hours. Also, it may lead your office email ID password to be changed by the office. 不要用你的公司邮箱:这是很多想换工作的人在找工作时犯的大忌,同时也能看出你是在上班时间申请。更何况,公司可以改掉你工作邮箱的密码。
3. Submit carefully: A lot of companies post anonymously. So make sure to research the company you are applying to. You never want to end up applying to the same company you are presently employed to! 仔细审核:很多公司是匿名发布招聘信息的,所以你要好好调查下你申请的公司的情况。你也不想到最后又被现在的公司雇佣吧!
4. Ask but keep silent: This is a difficult thing. While it is necessary not to discuss with your colleagues that you are looking for a new job, it is also recommended that you ask close and trustworthy acquaintances for any references they

may have for you. 悄悄询问可信赖的人:这个并不容易办到。你不必告诉同事你正在找另一份工作,不过你可以问信得过的熟人,他们可能会提供你一些意见。
5. Network: You can mingle with different social groups, follow companies and update your profile regularly to show that you are a knowledgeable person in your job. 利用网络:你可以加入和你求职相关的小组,关注各种公司并且经常更新你的信息,样可以表明你在自己工作的领域还是颇有见识的。
以下8种信号告诉你是时候辞掉你的工作了 1.You aren't learning anything new 你没有学到新的东西
2.You never have a day when you wake up excited to go to work 你从来没有一醒来就能积极地工作
3.You spend more time surfing the web than doing your job 你花在上网上的时间多于你工作的时间 4.You don't like most of your coworkers 和你共事的多数同事你都不喜欢
5.You aren’t making enough money to pay your bills 你没有赚到足够多的钱来支付日常开销
6.You haven't gotten a raise in the last two years 最近两年你都没有涨薪水
7.The company isn't doing well


