
发布时间:2023-01-19 16:44:44   来源:文档文库   

美联英语提供:职场英语 出差的确累 试试这7个办法会更轻松
Traveling for business is widely misunderstood: To those who don't go often, it sounds like a vacation with a little responsibility a break from your regular life, enhanced by free meals, sightseeing, and the opportunity for an out-of-town hook-up. 商务旅行常常被人误解:对于那些不经常出差的人来是说,出差听起来像是带点小任务的旅行,是你正常生活的一次小憩。吃饭,观光,去市区外结识更多的人,这一些都用不着你买单。
But those who do it often know that work travel is really just work, but with more organization, more fatigue, and more face-to-face meetings. 但是对于出差是家常便饭的人来说,出差仅仅是工作的一部分。这其中还需要包含认真的规划,许多面对面的会晤,还伴随着更多的疲惫。
Here, a few ways to make your life easier when you're on the road for work. 下面的几个贴士可以你的出差生活变得跟轻松。

1. Pre-packing 1. 事先打好包
For frequent, short-trip travelers, think about keeping a ready-to-go carry-on bag in your closet. A pre-packed bag will keep you from stressful last minute packing, plus you'll be less likely to forget something important, like your phone charger. 对于经常需要短途出差的人来说,应当考虑随时在橱柜里你准备好一个已经预备好一切的背包。把需要的物品预先打包好,免得到最后手忙脚乱。这样做的好处是,你也不太容易忘记一些重要的小东西,比如说手机充电器。
It should contain travel necessities: A fresh shirt, pajamas, tech cords, toiletries (just the stuff hotels don't offer, a change of underthings, pens, a note pad, Altoids, band aids and Advil, and a fold-down umbrella. At the end of each trip, restock and freshen the bag, add a drier sheet to keep the clothes smelling nice, and leave it in your closet. 包里面应该包含一些旅行必备用品:干净的衬衫,睡衣,数据线,化妆用品(只带那些宾馆不提供的),备用的内衣裤,笔,笔记本,薄荷糖,创可贴,镇痛剂,折叠伞。每一次出差结束后都要清理一下包,在包里放一些干燥的纸放在柜子里,这样才不至于让你的包闻起来有股的味道。
Then, when it's time to go, you only need to make day-of, trip specific add-ons.


