
发布时间:2023-01-19 16:44:43   来源:文档文库   

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:职场英语 克服拖延症 快来尝试一下这4个步骤

How will I ever start this project?" This question may lead you to carefully consider and think through the steps of accomplishing a pressing task. This deliberation be very useful in the workplace, since it permits a worker to complete tasks more successfully. However, there is a big difference between an occasional delay due to deliberation and a regular habit of procrastinating on work tasks. “我该如何着手这个项目?”这个问题也许会引发你的思考并考虑完成一项紧急任务的步骤。这种深思熟虑的习惯在职场中非常有用,因为这样能使员工更出色地完成每项任务。而,出于考量的偶尔延迟,与习惯性的工作拖延之间也是有很大的差别的。
Procrastination is a common human weakness, and all of us have fallen prey to it at one time or another. Maybe you are even procrastinating right now by reading this article instead of working on a project! 拖延症是常见的人性弱点,并且我们都会常常深受其害。也许你当下正在拖延症发作,因为你在阅读这篇文章而不是完成你的工作任务!
The following steps can help you to stop procrastinating now: 下面的几个小步骤能够帮助你马上停止拖延:
Understand why you are procrastinating. Have you found yourself putting off tasks at work until the very last possible minute? Try to determine why you procrastinate.

Perhaps you think you work better under pressure, you don't enjoy certain tasks or you just get distracted with other things during the day. Maybe you like to wait for your boss to remind you, so you are sure it's an important enough task and high on her priority list. Perhaps it is fear, because you are not sure you can complete the task alone or feel that you don't have the needed skills to complete it successfully. 了解拖延症的原因。你是否已经发现自己一直把任务拖延至最后的限期?尝试确定自己拖延的原因。也许你认为在压力之下完成任务的效果更好,或者你并不喜欢某些任务,又或者你一直被其他的事情分散你的注意力。也许你喜欢等待你的老板过来提醒你,这样你就能确定这一项任务非常重要,以致老板也把它排在的优先顺序表的前列。也许出于恐惧,因为你并不确定你是否能够独自完成这项任务,或你认为自己并不具备成功完成这项任务的必备技能。
Action tip: Ask yourself why you procrastinate. If you are unsure, keep a daily log of your activities at work to discover where you are spending (or wasting your time. This will help you uncover why you are procrastinating. Until you discover the why, it will be harder for you to combat the habit. 行动指南:问问自己拖延的原因。如果你并不肯定,把你的日常工作活动记录下来,然后你就能发现你把时间利用(或浪费)在哪些方面。这样就能帮助你找出自己拖延症的原因。如果你无法找出拖延症的原因,那么解决这个坏习惯的难度将会更大。
An important note: Some people do work better under pressure, and if you're one of them, that's OK! Just realize the difference between a reason (your performance is better under pressure across the board or on certain tasks versus an excuse (procrastination.


