
发布时间:2023-01-19 16:44:40   来源:文档文库   

If you're running short on time to prepare for an interview, one question you should definitely be ready to answer is what you're most proud of accomplishing. 如果你能准备面试的时间非常短,但是有一个问题你一定不能忽略,那就是“你最大的成就感是什么?”
This is a tough one, because there are a lot of ways in which you can answer it. 这个问题不容易回答,因为你可以从不同的角度来回答。
The worst thing you can do is to answer the interviewer with a blank stare. 最不能接受的回答就是光瞪着面试官不说话。
First, brainstorm as many things you're proud of as possible. 首先,尽可能头脑风暴出最多的让你感到自豪的事情。
Unless you're in sales or a metric-oriented field, you are probably going to come up with vague statements.

Below are questions to ask yourself about each accomplishment you've listed. This will help you refine them, and in turn, determine which is your best example and the one to use in an interview. 下面这些自我检测的问题,你可以把每个成就都对照一遍,有助你提炼和改善措辞,那么最后就能分辨出最佳的例子以及能够在面试过程中加以运用的一个。
You can only answer this question with one achievement. The interviewer has asked what you are most proud of, so you must pick only one example. 你只能使用其中的一个例子来回答这个问题。面试官只问你最自豪的事情,那么你只能回答一个例子。
Is this a specific example? 这是一个具体的例子吗?
You may have written down that you're proud of the teams you've built or process improvements you've made. These are too general. You need to get into details. For example, what is the best team you've built and how did you go about it? Give a specific example with information to support it. 你可能写下了的是,你以自己成功地建立起团队而自豪,或者你为过程改进所付出的


