My Reflection on Life of Pi《少年派的奇幻漂流》读后感

发布时间:2013-06-01 15:26:56   来源:文档文库   

My Reflection on Life of Pi

A couple of days ago, I saw the film Life of Pi. Frankly speaking, its really a wonderful film and worth watching.

The whole story begins in Montreal where it also ends. A Writer seeking his inspiration hears something legendary occurring to Pi. Pi told him an incredible story: accompanied by a Bengal tiger called Richard Parker, a 17-year-old boy succeeded in sailing across the Pacific and arriving in Mexico. But things didnt end here. Then Pi told him another story, a story similar to the former one but he changed animal roles into humans.

However, there is only one truth. From my point of view, I think the second story is the truth. The first story is just the second storys metaphor. The former is fantastic but lack of evidences to support it. While, the latter is cruel but full of rationality. As we all know, the story is related to so much, such as religion, humanity, reality, nature of goodness, and social law, which make the story philosophical and complicated. In the film, Pis father once said: science can teach us more about what is out there, but not what is in there.I am a nullifidian, so I have a deep faith in science.

Just because of my belief, I choose the latter. It is cruel and disgusting. Richard Parker, the tigers name, is the name of a real person who was eaten by his fellowmen after they encountered the marine in 1884. And in the second story of the film, Pi ate his mother. In my opinion, though its immoral, its the instinct of seeking survival under the hopeless situation. While the story taken place in the cook, sailor, Pis mother and Pi is the reflection of humanity and social law. Its no denying that human have the side of goodness. However, we have the side of evil, too. A famous English poet once wrote down the words: “In me the tiger sniffe the rose. Its the best illustration of the duplicity of humanity.

As far as I am concerned, the most expressive words in the film is: All of life in an act of letting to go but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye. We should learn to cherish what we own. Besides, once starting, do not give up easily.


《My Reflection on Life of Pi《少年派的奇幻漂流》读后感.doc》
