英语人教版五年级下册unit2 我最喜欢的季节

发布时间:2019-02-02 12:13:57   来源:文档文库   

  Unit2 My favourite season

Read and Write


  1、能够掌握三会句子:I like spring because there are many beautiful flowers everywhere. I like winter because I can play in the snow.

  2、能理解句子:The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall!的中文意思。


  听、说、读、写句子:I like winter because I can play in the snow.







  Step 1 Warm-up

  1.Lets sing:

  Whats your favourite season?

  (设计意图:通过问候,拉近师生距离;通过吟唱与本课相关的歌曲,既活跃了课堂气氛, 又让学生在歌曲中初步感知fall的含义。)


  T:(承接上面的歌曲)My favorite season is spring. Because its warm. There are many beautiful flowers everywhere. How about you? Which season do you like best? Why?

  Ss: My favorite season is summer/fall/winter. Because …….


  Step 2 Pre-reading

  T: I have a good friend. Hes very handsome and he can do everything for you. If he wants to say I like spring. He will say I like- spring.(imitate like a Robot). Can you guess who is he?

  Ss: He is a robot!

  T: Yes! You are so clever!(T shows the Robot Robinsin.) Do you want to know which season does Robin like best? OK! Listen carefully and answer the question.


  Step 3 While-reading

  1General reading

  (1)让学生带着问题Which season does Robin like best? 观看Read and write的动画。

  (2)Read and circle:

  Let the students read the passage quickly and tick.

  (3)Choose the right answer:

  Q1: Which season does Robin like best?

  Q2: Why?


  2Detailed reading

  (1)Get the Ss to read Paragraph 1 and answer the question: Why does Robin like spring?

  T: Yes. The spring is very beautiful. (课件出示beautiful spring,并板书beautiful)

  (2)Read Paragraph 2 and answer the question: Whats the weather like in summer?

  T: Yes. The summer is hot.(课件出示hot summer并板书hot)

  (3)Read Paragraph 3 and answer.

  T: Does Robin like fall? How do you know? 引导学生读出句子:What lovely colours! (出示词卡lovely)I love fall.

  课件呈现动态落叶图,帮助学生理解句子:The leaves fall and fall and fall.

  T: Yes. The fall is lovely.(课件出示lovely fall并板书lovely)

  (4)Read Paragraph 4 and answer.

  T: Why does Robin like winter?

  Ss: Because he can play in the snow.

  T: Yes. And there is lots of snow.(件划出lots of,让学生根据图片猜测其含义,并出示单词卡操练。)

  TWhat colour is the snow?

  Ss: White.

  T: Yes. The snow is white. The winter is white.(课件出示white winter,并板书。)


  Step 4 Post-reading

  1Listen and repeat.

  (1)播放课文录音, 学生仔细听。





  2Task 1: Fill in the blanks.

  (1)The trees are_____and the flowers are ____ in spring.

  (2)The weather is ____ in summer. Robin likes summer but he ______swim.

  (3)What _____ colours! Robin wants to _________________.

  (4)Robin likes winter because he can____________.


  3Task 2: Retell the story.

  ( 设计意图:有意识地引导学生通过关键词来复述课文,,培养其语篇运用能力。)

  4Task 3Write a poem.

  Myfavourite season

  I like spring best.

  Spring is warm.

  Spring is rainy.

  There are green trees.

  I can fly kites.

  I can go on a picnic.

  Spring, spring.

  I love you!





  Step 5 Summary

  Enjoy a song : Seasons in the sun.

  T:What colourful seasons! Lets enjoy every season. Happy every day!


  Step 6 Homework

  1. : Retell the text.(复述课文)

  2. : Write your favourite season.(写一写自己最喜欢的季节。)


《英语人教版五年级下册unit2 我最喜欢的季节.doc》
