
发布时间:2011-04-11 23:35:03   来源:文档文库   



I’ll be working for my exams next month. 下个月我将用功看书准备考试。

By this time tomorrow, I’ll be lying on the beach.


When will you finish these letters? (如上司对下属)

When will you be seeing Mr. White? (如下属对上司)

Mary won’t pay this bill. (她拒绝付帐)

Mary won’t be paying this bill. (将来的事实)

Won’t you join us for dinner? 你来和我们一起吃饭好吗?(邀请)

Won’t you be joining us for dinner? 你会和我们一起吃饭吗?(将来的事实)

Special Difficulties



在单数名词及不以 -s 结尾的人名后加 -'s

在以 -s 结尾的单数名词后加 -'s

在规则的复数名词的 -s 后面加所有格符号 '

在以 -s 结尾的人名后面即可以用 's 也可以用所有格符号 '



My brother’s neighbour’s sister is a nurse. 我兄弟的邻居的姐姐/妹妹是一名护士。


in twenty minutes' time

3 minutes' walk(drive) 走路或开车三分钟的路程

a month’s salary


I want ten pounds' worth of minced meat. minced meat 碎肉)

How much damage was there? 哪儿有多大的损失?

There was a hundred pounds' worth of damage.

Lesson 14 Do you speak English?

New words and expressions】(7

amusing adj. 好笑的, 有趣的The story is amusing. (好笑的)

amused adj. 感到好笑的(要笑出声)I am amused.

amuse v. 使发笑,使愉快 The story amused me.

funny adj. 好笑的(不一定要笑出声可以指贬义),开心的,令人开心的

同义; interesting / funny /entertaining/pleasing /hilarious /humorous

experience 经历(可数);经验(不可数)

He has a lot of experiences. (经历,可数名词)

They want someone with a lot of experience /rich experience for this job. (经验,不可数名词)

Does she have any experience in teaching?/shipping ?

vt. 经验,体验

Have you ever experienced anything like this?

The village has experienced/witnessed great changes since 1980.

experienced adj. 有经验的,经验丰富的

He is an experienced doctor.

By experience : 凭经验= as a matter of experience

Experience teaches, experience does it. 经验给人教训,经验给人智慧。

wave v. 招手

wave to sb. 向某人招手 wave good morning /goodbye/hello to sb.

kiss Sb hello/goodbye /good morning

make wave make trouble

wave /海浪 ripple 细浪,涟漪 surge 惊涛骇浪

lift n. 搭便车

have/ take a bus/taxi/lift 乘公共汽车/乘出租汽车/搭便车

Sb wants to take a lift. 某人想搭便车

I want to take a lift.

Give sb a lift. 让某人搭便车The student gave me a lift.

ask for a lift Thumb a lift (向过路车辆竖起拇指表示要求免费搭车)

reply v. 回答


作为不及物动词是一样的 :

He answered/replied.

作为及物动词就不一样了 :

answer sth. answer the letter 回信

reply to sth. I will reply to the letter. 回信

in reply to :作为报答

language n. 语言

native language 母语 The native language is Chinese.

mother tongue 母语(口语中用) My mother tongue is Chinese.

Foreign language spoken language/oral language written language

journey n. 旅行

journey n. 所有的旅行,偏重于陆地旅行

go on a journey

2 hours' journey3 days' journey(三天路程)

trip n. 短距离旅行或出差(时间或距离上较短)

go on a trip = go on business

travel n. 周游(长途旅行)

tour n. 游玩(为了玩)

tourist n. 游客

voyage n. 旅行(海上)

flight n. 空中飞行

excursion 短途(徒步旅行) expedition 有特定目的的远征


过去完成时:由had+过去分词构成,它表示过去某时或某动作发生之前已经完成的动作或情况,即较早的过去。过去完成时一定要以一个过去时态作铺垫, 这个动作一定要发生在had done之后。

在用过去完成时态的句子中,常用连词whenafteras soon asuntilby that time等。常与现在完成时连用的副词如alreadyjustnevernever…before也常与过去完成时连用,以强调事件发生的先后次序:

I didn’t know that she was a famous actress until you had told me.

The boys loved the zoo. They had never seen wild animals before

2On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift.

on the way 在路上, 在途中(lesson 5)

wave to sb. 冲某人挥手

3As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.

as soon as ==hardly/ barely/scarecely …when= =no sooner …than = …………,后面一定要加一个句子(时间状语从句), 强调两个动作几乎是连在一起的,后面的先发生

As soon as I had entered the room, I took off my coat at once.

As soon as I had received the letter, I ringed/called him back.

只要是状语从句, 一旦遇到将来时, 变为一般现在时

As soon as you arrive, you must call me. 你一到就打我电话


I speak English. I say a word in Chinese.

That book is written in German.

reply 要想加宾语要加 to (+要回答的内容),而in the same language 在句中作状语, 不是replay所应回答的问题(宾语), 故用in

4Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.

apart from… ……以外=except for // except // besides /in addition to

not … at all 一点都不,表强调 not the slightest/ not the faintest

I don't like it.

I don't like it at all.

5I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, "Do you speak English?'

nearly 将要

when的翻译要看当时的具体情况, 在这里译为就在此时

I had nearly reached home when I found my mother standing there.

Do you speak English? 你说英语吗? 你是说英语国家的人吗?(问的是一个事实,不是问会说英语吗) 

Do you swim? 你去游泳吗?  

Can you swim? 你会游泳吗?

6As I soon learnt, he was English himself!'

I learn 我得知; I know 我知道(我本来就知道)/I got it

As+主语+动词,从句 As my mother said/As I heard/ As I learnt 正如……

As we know,the New Concept English is very good. 正如我们所知……

As I think,it is the coldest day in the year.

As he said, English is easy to learn.

himself反身代词单独放在句尾, 起强调作用

I read English myself.

Special Difficulties

AskAsk For

ask v. 问,询问;请求,要求,邀请

ask a question/ask sb. 问(一个问题)/问某人

I asked (Mary) a question.

They asked Tony to sing a song.

They asked her to spend the weekend with them.

ask for 要,要求(某样东西)

ask for the answer

I asked for a cup of coffee, but they gave me a cup of tea.

You are always asking for help.

Except, Except forApart from

三者都表示……以外,有时可以互换,但except不用于句首,except forapart from则可以。

Everyone has helped in some way apart from/except for/except you.

Apart from/Except for you, everyone has helped in some way.

apart from习惯上喜欢放句首, apart from=except/besides

如果认为整体之中做这件事情的人除了整体之外,还有这个人也做了(包括),是加号=besides;如果认为整体之中做这件事情的人除了整体之外,这个人没有做(排除),是减号=except;如果放在句首,统一用apart from代替except/besides

All the passengers are millionaire except us. (减号)

I invited everyone except George. / Except for George I invited everyone.

Except for/apart from this, everything is in order.

except for含有对整体中的某一个方面不满意,except for 可以不放在句首, 强调整体当中某一方面除外, 剩下的整体都不错

The article is very good except for his handwriting.

Except for his height, he is very excellent.

Which ofEither ofNeither ofBoth of


either of 两者当中的任何一个

neither of 两者都不

which of 那一个

both of 两者都


I like both of these bags. Which of the two do you prefer?

eitherneither都是对两个人或物而言(后接单数名词)。eitherone or the other(不是这个就是那个),eitherneither后跟of时则指两个事物中的每一个

either of sb. ……当中的任何一个

neither of sb. ……当中的任何一个都不(neither of [ ](注意英音与美音的读音)两者之间都不, 一旦出现, 这句话里面不会再出现not

I don't like the book. My sister doesn't like it either.

Neither of us likes it. (注意要用单数)

Which bag shall I use?

Either of them. It doesn’t matter which. 哪个都行。用哪个都没关系。

Neither of them. Use a suitcase. 哪个都不行。用个手提箱吧。

both只指两个人或物。当它用在名词前时,of 可有可无;当用在代词前面时,其后必须加of

Both books/Both of the books are interesting.

Both of us/them left early.

none of 三者或三者以上之间都不

Lesson 15 Good news

secretary n. 秘书


secret n. 秘密(注意发音与secretary的不同)

secretary-general =general secretary 秘书长 the secretary of the State 国务卿

mistress 小秘/ 情人

nervous adj. 精神紧张的

adj. 神经质的,神经紧张的

She is a nervous woman. Do you see that nervous smile on her face?


He had never spoken in public, so he was very nervous.

Be nervous about /of she is nervous about the interview.---vs --- she is upset abot the interview.

nervous adj. 精神紧张的(事情发生时)

worried adj. 担心的(为以后的事情)

upset adj. 不安的 (对以前的事情)

irritable= edgy adj. 易怒的,急躁的

Our teacher is an irritable old lady. She gets angry easily.

Restless : 坐立不安的 He has spent a restless day.

安慰别人: relax! == take it easy /don’t be nervous / let your hair down / let off steam /easy your mind.

afford v. 负担得起

vt. 买得起(常与can/can’t连用)

afford sth.

I can afford the coat.

vt. 担负得起(损失、后果等),花得起(时间)(常与can/can’t连用)

afford money/time

I can afford the holiday. (有时间去)// she cannot afford 3 days from work.

I can afford a buick, but not a Benz.

I can only afford one week for the trip.

afford to do sth.

I can’t afford to be ill again. 我不能再病了。

I can afford to buy the book.

Affordable : cheap

interrupt v. 插话, 打断interruption n. 中断,打断

interrupt v. 打断某人的话

disturb v. 打扰某人


Sorry to disturb you.

sorry to butt in/barge in/ cut in / put in a word


把某人所说的话告诉另外一个人时,应该使用间接引语。间接陈述句的时态往往受引述动词的影响。引述陈述句时最常用的动词是saytelltell后面必须跟表示人称的间接宾语(tell sb.),而say后面则可跟或不跟to+讲话对象。

1、主从一致 : 主句和从句的时态一致

主句的动词为一般现在时, 从句为任意时态

主句的动词为一般过去时, 从句为相对应的过去时态(时态倒移)

一般现在时——> 一般过去时 现在进行时——> 过去进行时

现在完成时——> 过去完成时 将来完成时——> 过去将来完成时

一般过去时——> 过去完成时


3、只要属于宾语从句, 引导词that可以省略

Special Difficulties

Nervous and Irritable

nervous adj. 紧张不安的

Examinations make me nervous.

irritable adj. 易怒的

He is such an irritable person, you can hardly speak to him.


Office, Study, Desk

office n. 办公室

study  n. 书房

I often read in the study when I want peace and quiet.

desk n. 课桌

Lesson 16 A polite request

New words and expressions】(9

note n. 便条

area n. 地段

reminder n. 提示

fail v. 无视,忘记

park v. 停放(汽车)

parking area 停车场 parking ticket parking lot =car park parking metre 停车计时器 no parking area

stop the car 车在运动中停下来

traffic n. 交通

traffic police 交通警 traffic warden 交通协管员

traffic lights 交通灯,另义为拐弯口, 红绿灯, 十字路口

traffic jam 交通堵塞

traffic accident

I spend a lot of time in traffic jam

heavy traffic 繁重的交通

I was ordered to drive in heavy traffic. in heavy traffic 交通拥挤)

crossing/turning 叉路口, 拐角 flyover / oerpass/underpass /tunnel zebra line sidewalk pedestrain行人

ticket n. 交通违规罚款单 speeding ticket single ticket /return ticket=round ticket film ticket admission ticket 入场劵

note n. 便条

note n. 纸条, 纸钞make notes 做笔记 =take notes bank note 钞票 a pound note 一鎊的钞票 lecture note演讲稿 love note 情书

message n. 消息

area n. 地段

area n. 场地, 地段(一块对方), 大地点, 小地点都可以 Tianhe area NewYork area Playing area landing area

District 行政区 Hankou District Haizhu District Dongshan ~

region n. 地区(强调地貌特征) the mountain region desert region war region forest region industrial region the tropical region

sign n. 指示牌 The sign before the building says “ No Parking”.

He made a sign for me to follow him. (示意)

There are no signs of life in this house.

Red is the sign of good luck in China.

Sign v 签署 sign in /out sign on 签约,受雇 sign away 签字放弃 sign off 停止某项活动

reminder n. 提示(可以指人,也可以指物,

remind v. 提示, 提醒remind sb. of sth.

An older photo can remind me of my childhood.

You remind me of your mother.

remind sb. to do sth.

Remind sb. that

fail v. 无视, 忘记,失败

fail+宾语 做某事失败 fail the exam /test

=fail (in) doing sth. 在某些方面失败 in可省略)succeed in doing

I hope I haven’t failed in passing French test.

vt. 使……不及格

The teacher said he would fail me if I don’t work harder.

vt. 未能……,不能……,忘记……(后接不定式)

fail to do sth. 没有能够做某事,忘记做……

He failed to swim across the river.

He failed to finish his work in time.

Don’t fail to past the letter for me.

not fail to do sth. 一定能够某事

I can not fail to pass it.

You can not fail to drive it. 你一定能够驾驶

If you arrived in Beijing, you cannot fail to find the Great wall

obey v. 服从 ~ the law/order disobey obedient

条件句(Conditional sentences


If he is sleeping, don't wake him up.


You can post these letters if you want to.

If it’s fine tomorrow, we can/may go out.

Please let me know if you can’t come.

2You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.

let (sb.) go 放开,释放,使自由,让(某人)去

The man won’t let go (of) my arm. 那人抓住我的胳膊不放。

He is very angry now. He won’t let you go easily.

without a ticket=without giving you a ticket

If 引导的叫条件句, without后面的名词也叫条件

without+n. 如果没有……

Without water, fish cannot live.

Life will be meaningless without family bondings.

I will die without work.

The society will be in disorder without the police.

3However, this does not always happen.(用于解嘲)

however==nevertheless =nonetheless = but 然而,however常常放在句首或句子中都可以,but习惯放在两个句子之间;but转折性语义比较强,however转折语义比较弱

4During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.'(用于提醒或威胁)

on my car 指车的外面

welcome sb. to+地点 欢迎某人来某地

enjoy v. 享受

I have enjoyed my stay here. 我已经在这儿很快乐了

Enjoy your stay here. 祝你玩得开心

only a reminder==not a ticket

“No Parking”在句中作area的定语,由若干个词合成的词组型定语有:

a never-to-be-forgotten day 一个永远也不能忘掉的日子

a well-to-do family 一个富裕的家庭

Special Difficulties

Police and Traffic Police

traffic police 交通警

police n. 警察

n. 警察部门,警方(与the连用)

Ring the police if there is a burglary. 如果发生入户盗窃就给警方打电话。


The police are questioning a foreign tourist. 警察们正在盘问一名外国游客。


There is a traffic policeman over there. You can ask him the way to the station.

Pay attention to, Care, Take care of, Look after

pay attention to (思想上)注意

pay attention (to sth.) 注意……

notice (眼睛上的)注意

care 关心, 在意

I don't care. 我不在乎。

Who cares 我不在乎(谁在乎!)

I don’t care if he breaks his neck! 他就是折断颈骨,我也不在乎!

take care of==look after 照顾, 照料

Please take care of/look after the children for me when I am out.

Remind and Remember

remind v. 提醒

remind sb. of sth., remind sb. to do sth.

I reminded him to post my letter.

remember v. 记起, 记得

Do you remember? 你想起来了吗? remember sth.

Remember? 记得吗?(可以单独用)

remember to do sth. 记得要去做……

Remember to send the letter.

remember doing sth. 记得已经做了

I remembered sending the letter.

remember sb. to sb. 前者向后者表示问候

Remember me to your mother. 代我向你母亲问好

Lesson 17 Always young

appear v. 登场,扮演

stage n. 舞台

bright adj. 鲜艳的

stocking n. (女用)长筒袜(棉的, 绒的, 并不是现在的丝袜)

sock n. 短袜

appear v. 登场, 扮演

vi. 出现,显露(反义词是disappear

The plane appeared.

The plane disappeared.

vi. 当众露面;登场(演出等)

The actor appeared.

I can’t appear in this dress at the party.

appear as 扮演……角色

He appeared as a prince. (prince n. 王子)

appear on the stage as… (扮演的确切表达)

My aunt appeared on the stage as a young girl.

vi. 似乎,看起来好象(与seem同义),显得(系动词,后面直接加形容词)

He appears nervous. 他显得很紧张(看起来)

She appears to know you.

Now it appears you are wrong.

stage n. 舞台

on the stage 在舞台上

in the stage 在某一阶段(时期)

bright adj. 鲜艳的

bright red 鲜红色;

bright yellow 明黄色;

bright blue 宝蓝色


Must译为必须,可以表示必要,命令或强制,邀请,决心,不可推卸的责任等多处含义。它没有时态和人称变化,通常只用于现在时和将来时。在其他时态时,must的有些含义可以用have tohave got to。这三种形式一般可以互换,但用于第一人称时,have to(have got to)强调客观的要求或外在的原因,must则强调主观的要求或表示说话的人认为自己有权做某事。

have tohave got to往往可以互换,但与alwayssometimes等频度副词连用时,用have to往往比用have got to好。have got tohave to更口语化。

在过去时的句子中, 要用have to 来表示必须have to可以有任意时态

She will have to… She had to… She has/I have had to…

have to作为实义动词, 否定式为don't have towill not have todidn't have to

在表达难道你不能不(做……时,一般用“Must you…?”,而不用“Do you have to…?”

Must you leave now? 难道你非得现在就走吗?

I’m afraid so. I have to study for an exam.

must可以表示推测,must do表示对现在的推测;must have done表示对过去的推测

He must be mad.

I think…/he thinks…的从句中,一定要用事实说话. (不能说成 “I think he must be a fool.” )

must be的否定式为can’t be(不可能):

Someone’s using the phone, it must be John.

It can’t be John. He promised me he wouldn’t use it today.

Special Difficulties



In this film, he appeared as a policeman.

As a mechanic, he can’t always keep himself clean.


You must take care of the bady tomorrow as I am going to London.(因为,由于)

As we were talking about him, he knocked at the door.(正当……时候)

Do as you are told. 叫你怎么做就怎么做(按你被告知的那样去做)(以……方式)

As I learned, … (如同……那样)


I work as an engineer.

Dress, Suit, Costume

dress n. 裙子,晚礼服,连衣裙(女式)

suit n. 套装(男式)

My brother never wears ready-made suits. 我的弟弟从来不穿成衣。

costume n. 演出服,民族服装,某一年代所穿的服装

All the actors wore fifteenth-century costumes. 所有演员都穿着15世纪的服装。

Grow and Grow up

grow vi. 生长,成长,发育

Trees of the kind don’t grow in our country.

How tall you’ve got! You’ve grown a lot.

grow up 长成,成熟(其被动态表示长大成人)

Lucy has grown up a lot since I last saw her.


What do you want to do when you’re grown up?

Some people never grow up. 有些人总是成熟不起来。

Lesson 18 He often does this!



2have还可以作完全动词,当作具有、拥有讲时,它和have got通常可以互换。have, 患病概念时, 可作为实义动词, 也可作为非实义动词。在英国英语中的疑问句和否定句中have(具有)的用法与be相同,即可以不用助动词dodid;在美国英语中,常用do助动词和have一起构成疑问句和否定句。

I don’t have a pen/a headache.

I haven’t a pen /a headache.

三种情况have 可以用 have got取代

I have a pen. I have got a pen. “

I have a headache. I have got a headache. “得病

 have to== have got to

have具有,拥有讲时是状态动词,不能用于进行时态或被动语态,通常用于一般现在时。在其它时态中,一般用have而不用have got

You can have these apples if you want them. I’ve got a lot more.


He must be very fond of animals to have five dogs. 他一定非常喜欢动物,才会养五条狗。


have dinnerhave a cigarettehave coffeehave a holidayhave a good timehave a swimhave a rest

Special Difficulties



I lent him some books last month and he has given them back to me this morning.

gave away 赠送

He gave away all his books to the library.

give in 上交,呈交;屈服,让步,投降

Give in your examination papers after you’ve finished.

You can do what you like. I will never give in.

give up doing sth. 放弃,抛弃

He gave up drinking a few years ago.

give up 交出,让出

Jack has given up the watch he stole last week.

Three of our officers gave themselves up to the enemy. 我方的三名军官向敌人投降了。

Beside and Besides

beside pron. ……旁边,在……附近

Come and sit beside us.

besides adv. 而且,并且,此外;pron. ……之外(还)

She has so much else to do besides. 此外,她还有许多其他事要做。

I’m quite busy today. Besides, I’ve got a bad cold.

There were a lot of people at the party besides us.

Lesson 19 Sold out

hurry v. 匆忙

ticket office 售票处

pity n. 令人遗憾的事

exclaim v. 大声说

return v. 退回

sadly adv. 悲哀地,丧气地

★hurry v. 匆忙

① vi. 赶紧,赶快,匆忙

When he saw that it was already eight o’clock, he hurried to the office.

② n. 急忙,匆忙,仓促

In his hurry, he dropped some coins on the floor.

in a hurry 匆忙

If you are not in a hurry. 如果你不急(时间、动作上的紧急)

If you are not busy. 如果你不忙(行为上的匆忙)

in no hurry 不匆忙

I am in no hurry. 我不急

hurry up 快点

hurry to 匆匆忙忙地去

 He goes to school. = He hurries to school.

come in 进来

hurry in 匆匆忙忙地进来

go out 出去

hurry out 匆匆忙忙地出去

★pity n. 令人遗憾的事

What a pity! 真遗憾!

It is a pity to be grown up. (it做形式主语)

It is a pity to steal a bicycle.

I am sorry. 我感到很遗憾.

I am sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很遗憾

注意 sorry pity 词性上的区别

★exclaim v. 大声说


When she saw the gift, she exclaimed in delight.

② vi.(表示抗议等)大声叫喊

She exclaimed against the rudeness of the young man.

shout =cry =call out 大声喊

★return v. 退回

① vi. 回,返回

Tim has just returned from Australia.

return to 回来

return to China/Beijing 回到中国/北京

② vt. ……送回,归还,退回

He returned the books to the library.

return to you 退回你

return money pay back =repay 还钱

★sadly adv. 悲哀地, 丧气地


Can and May


Can I use your phone please?/Could I use your phone please?

May I use your phone please?/Might I use your phone please?


肯定:Of course you can/may.

否定:No, you can’t/ may not.


may/might +动词原形:表示对现在或未来事情的推测

He may come tomorrow./He might come tomorrow.

may/might +have 动词过去分词:表示对过去事情的推测

He may have telephoned last night, but I’m not sure.

He might have telephoned last night, but I’m not sure.

3may/might as well+动词原形:还是……(无可奈何),不妨……

Do you think he’ll pass that exam?

He’ll never pass. He might as well give up.

Lesson 20 One man in a boat

catch v. 抓到

fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民

boot n. 靴子

waste n. 浪费

realize v. 意识到

★catch v. 抓到

① vt. 捉住,逮住,捕获

The police have caught the thief.

Have you caught any fish today?

② vt. 抓住,握住

Can you catch the ball?

③ vt. 及时赶到,赶上

catch a bus 赶车

I want to catch the eight nineteen (train) to London.

④ catch的一些固定用法

catch a cold 染上感冒

catch one's breath 摒住呼吸

catch sight of = see 看见

catch fire 着火

catch one's eyes 吸引某人注意力

★boot n. 靴子

a pair of boots 一双靴子

give sb the boots =give sb the sack =fire=discharge /

sleep in the boots 醉了

be I sb’s boots 设身处地的为别人着想

beat sb out of one’s boots 彻底打败某人

★waste n. 浪费 waste water waste resources

① n. 浪费

a waste of… 浪费……

It is a waste of time/money/food/water.

② vt. 浪费

You are wasting time.

I don’t want to waste my breath.

You are wasting your words, for he won’t listen to you.

The work is a dead end, don’t waste your life doing it.

★realize v. 意识到

① v. 认识,知道,明白,意识到

I went into the wrong room without realizing it. 我无意中走错了房间。

I realized that I was wrong.

② v. 实现(希望、目标、愿望等)

realize one's dream 实现某人的梦想

She has realized her hope to be an actress.


This plan can never be realized.




Watching television is my favourite pastime. 看电视是我最喜爱的业余爱好.


I am very keen on cycling. 我非常喜欢骑自行车.

He is capable of doing anything. 他能胜任任何事情.

3. 动名词作表语:

His job is keeping the company running.

My hobby is listening to music.

The story souds convincing.


1. 弹吉他是有趣的。

2. 和他分手时间伤心的事情。

3. 做这件事情简直就是浪费时间。

4. 为这件事情做出努力是应该的。

5. 隐瞒真相没有好处。

6. 他承认犯了错误。

7. 他否认知道我的计划。

8. 我们已完成了对机器的检测。

9. 我不介意他的到来。

10. 我的爱好是闲暇时听听音乐。

11. 这个故事视乎很令人兴奋。

12. 我的工作就是教书。

13. There is no … There is no knowing what will happen. (无法知道。。。)

14. It is a waste of time/money….

15. It is worth …

16. It is no use/good /harm /useless/harmless

17. couldn’t help, 忍不住、禁不住come near, 差点make a point of….make a point of

18. There is no point…毫无意义

19. There was some trouble /difficulty ….

20. Have a good time/fun…

21. Have trouble/a hard time…

22. Spend time /money/energy….

23. What do you say to …. 你认为

24. When it comes to …/as for…///mentioning… speaking of …

25. Do some …

26. Come + doing

27. Go + doing

28. No + doing

29. Prevent/stop/keep sb From doing prohibit /ban sb from doing protect sth/sb from being done

Lesson 21 Mad or not?

mad adj. 发疯

reason n. 原因

sum n.

determined adj. 坚定的,下决心的

★mad adj. 发疯

sb. is mad


be mad/nut/crazy about…be really into //be hooked on //be fascinated with ….

I'm mad about English.

be crazy about…

go insane adj. 患精神病的,精神病患者的,极愚蠢的)

I slowly go insane/go crazy/go mad/go bananas.

go bananas go+adj. 变得……)

They are going bananas. =go crazy=go mad (变疯了)

Be as mad as a wet hen :be very angry.

Drive sb up to the wall ,

★reason n. 原因 cause :事前原因

for this reason 由于这个理由、原因

For this reason,I was late.

It stands to reason :合乎常理,有道理

Listen to reason : I only listen to reason.(服从道理)

Beyond all reason : 毫无道理

as+句子 由于……

because+句子 由于……


★sum n.

a sum of +不可数名词  一笔……

a large sum of  大笔的…… (large 指数量的大)

a large sum of money 一大笔钱

a great many + 可数名词复数

a great number of + 可数名词复数

plenty of… 足够多的……

loads of /tons of /a flood of /a galaxy of /a colony of

★determined adj. 坚定的, 下决心的

be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事

make up one's mind 下定决心

decide to do sth. 决定做……

make a decision to do sth. 决定做……

determine v.下定决心

resolute to do /make a resolution to do sth



He may have been told the news.

The shops must have been closed now.


Mary was told to meet us. = They told Mary meet us.


Sam was given a gold watch. = A gold watch was given to Sam.


