
发布时间:2020-11-21 02:51:54   来源:文档文库   







法定代表人 负责人 质量管理人

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序号 检查项目 检查方法 结果评定 《医疗器械经营企业许可证》的合法性。 1 查看证件 经营无产品注册证书、无合格证明、过期、查看现场 2 失效、淘汰的医疗器械情况。 查阅记录 从无《医疗器械生产企业许可证》、《医疗器3 查看现场 械经营企业许可证》的企业购进医疗器械情 查阅记录 况。

企业名称、法定代表人或者负责人及质量管4 查看证件 理人员变动情况。

擅自变更注册地址、仓库地址情况。 5 查看现场 擅自扩大经营范围、降低经营条件情况。 6 查看现场 涂改、倒卖、出租、出借或者以其他形式非查看现场 7 法转让《医疗器械经营企业许可证》情况。 查阅记录 监督检查中隐瞒有关情况、提供虚假材料或查看现场 8 者拒绝提供反映其经营情况真实材料情况。 查阅记录 应当设置专门的质量管理机构或专职质量管查看现场 9 理人员,行使质量管理职能。必须在职在岗。 查阅记录 每年应当组织直接接触医疗器械的人员进行10 查阅记录 健康体检,并建立健康档案。

应定期对各类人员进行法规政策、专业技术、11 查阅记录 医疗器械知识等教育或培训,并建立档案。


库。适宜医疗器械分类保管和符合医疗器械储查看现场 存要求。

tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe


施和符合安全要求的照明、消防、通风设备。查看现场 具备必要的防火、防潮、防尘、防鼠、防虫、


医疗器械按储存要求分类存放,不同性质的产14 查看现场 品不能混放,商品标识清楚。


(绿色)、不合格(红色)、待验区(黄色)、查看现场 退货区(黄色),并按批号顺序存放,标识清


医疗器械验收入库应符合规定程序,操作规查看现场 16 范,记录完整,符合时限要求。 查阅记录




审核管理制度;3.医疗器械购进、验收、储存、查阅记录 储存、养护、出库等工作质量管理制度;4.




对制度的执行情况进行记录,并定期自查、考18 查阅记录 核,记录应保存完整。

企业的购销记录真实完整,票、账、货相符。 19 查阅记录

具有对经营产品进行培训维修保养等售后服20 查阅记录 务的能力,并有记录。

建立用户访问及定期联系制度,收集用户对医21 查阅记录 疗器械产品和服务质量的评价意见。




23 对《医疗器械召回管理办法》进行宣贯。 查阅记录 违法事实说明:

检查结论:?合格 ?整改后合格 ?整改 ?立案调查

检查人员签字: 执法证号: 年 月 日



见 负责人签字(公章):

年 月 日


vation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeg excatration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction durinant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture peneseal and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links orminimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection w theent location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and beloand protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurem coverlp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pu tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless2




联系人: 电话:

是否整改措施 自查内容 合格 1(企业变更许可事项和登记事项应当按《医疗器械经 营企业许可证管理办法》向食品药品监督管理部门申报并办理变更手续。

2(医疗器械经营企业应当设置专门的质量管理机构或 专职质量管理人员,行使质量管理职能。必须在职在岗。 3(每年应当组织直接接触医疗器械的人员进行健康体 检,并建立健康档案。

4(医疗器械经营企业应定期对各类人员进行法规、规 章及专项规定、专业技术、医疗器械知识等教育或培训,并建立档案。

5(医疗器械经营企业应当具有与经营规模和经营范围 相适应的仓库,实行专人专库管理。具有适宜医疗器械分类保管和符合医疗器械储存要求的库房,库房内墙壁、顶棚和地面光洁、平整,门窗结构严密。

6(仓库应有温湿度测定仪、货架或底垫、避光设施和 符合安全要求的照明、消防、通风设备。具备必要的防火、防潮、防尘、防鼠、防虫、防污染等设备、设施。 7(医疗器械按储存要求分类存放,不同性质的产品不 能混放,商品标识清楚。

8(医疗器械的储存实行分区分类管理,划分合格(绿 色)、不合格(红色)、待验区(黄色)、退货区(黄色),并按批号顺序存放,标识清楚。

9(仓库保管员要熟悉商品的质量、性能及储存条件, 对质量异常、包装损坏、标识模糊的商品应拒收,对库存商品有疑问应及时抽样送检,并做详细记录,保证库存商品的质量完好。

10(企业应当根据有关法规,结合本企业的实际情况, 制定医疗器械质量管理制度,应当包括以下主要内容:

to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipection event the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly pr1) c ubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize r . (3)egular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5Mwater gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a r 10.5.9al set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. ping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the fintape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqi—3—









11(对制度的执行情况进行记录,并定期自查、考核, 记录应保存完整。

12(购进的医疗器械应符合以下基本条件: (一)合法企业所生产和经营的医疗器械;



13.企业应做好医疗器械购进验收、出库复核、销售记 录。记录应有:购销日期、购销对象、购销数量、产品名称、生产单位、型号规格、生产批号、灭菌批号、产品有效期;经办人、复核人、负责人签名等(根据产品选择记录项目)。购销记录必须保存到产品有效期满后一年,但不得少于三年。

14(具有对经营产品进行培训维修保养等售后服务的能 力,并有记录。

15(建立用户访问及定期联系制度,收集用户对医疗器 械产品和服务质量的评价意见。

16(建立产品质量跟踪制度,对用户的意见、投诉及时 处理,并认真做好产品质量问题的查询、退换货,有记录。

17.建立医疗器械不良事件监测制度,按要求上报医疗 器械监测数据。


vation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeg excatration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction durinant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture peneseal and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links orminimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection w theent location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and beloand protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurem coverlp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pu tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless4

















年 月 日 本承诺保证书一式二份,一份由食品药品监督管理部门存档,一份由企业保留。

to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipection event the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly pr1) c ubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize r . (3)egular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5Mwater gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a r 10.5.9al set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. ping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the fintape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqi—5—


