
发布时间:2019-02-26 04:31:33   来源:文档文库   



class=txt>1 感谢信(thanks-letter)

2 致歉信( letter of apology)

3 通知/布告/海报(notice; poster; announcement)

4 邀请函(invitation

5 请假条(asking for leave

6 失物招领 lost and found

7 留言条(leaving a message / memo

8 个人简历(resume)

9 名片(name card)

10. 贺卡/明信片(post card)

11. 祝贺信(letter of congratulations )

12. 求职信(application letter


1.《实用英语写作》(胡文仲,2002 外语教学与研究出版社)






5. 《应用文实例汇编》(秦世福主编,2000 复旦大学出版社)



key points:

1. expressions of your thanks

2. reasons and details

3. expressions of your thanks again.

2.致歉信(a letter of apology)

1. expressions of thanks/pitty

2. reasons/what happened

3. further actions/

4. expressions of pity/apologies again

3.通知/布告/海报(notice; poster; announcement)

title: notice

1. what

2. time

3. place

4. people involved

5. requirements

6. -------will be held in ----- at 3:00 in the afternoon, on friday, dec.15, 2005.

7. it includes ---------

8. all are expected to ---------------

9. all are warmly welcome.

10. there is a basketball match at---------

11. it is organized by ------------

【篇二:21实际大学实用英语综合教程 第三册 课后作文】

are going to hold a graduation party at your house on sunday, june 27. the party will

start after your graduation ceremony, at about 4:00 p.m. write an invitation letter to your


dear wu ji,

you are invited to attend a graduation party at my house on sunday, june 27. the party will

start immediately after our graduation ceremony, at about 4:00. your parents and friends are

welcome, too.

i do hope you can come.


wang jun


1. how to start your letter:

? thanks for the invitation, and i am delighted to take part in the discussion

on web security.

? i gladly accept your invitation to speak at the upcoming health care


? i appreciate your invitation to the product presentation on december 15.

2. how to end your letter:

? thank you again for the invitation. see you on the 15th!

? thanks again for the invitation, and i look forward to meeting you at the

auto exhibition.


1. thank the recipient for inviting you.

2. say that you are delighted to accept the invitation.

3. confirm the date and other details about the meeting or visit.

4. ask for more information if you need to.

5. express your appreciation again at the end of the letter.

kind invitationwill be pleased to attend

be held at the holiday inn

they are unable to attend due to a previous engagement

an informal letter of acceptance

june 24, 2004

dear wang jun,

after graduation is a great time to have a party. being at your house is always lots of fun.

my boyfriend, tom, will be coming, too.

thanks for the invitation.


wu ji

an informal letter of refusal

june 24, 2004

dear wang jun,

i wish i could attend your graduation party. i know it will be lots of fun. unfortunately, my

parents have already invited some of our relatives over for a celebration. i wonder if you could

come by on monday evening so you can tell me all about the party. let me know if you can.


wu ji


how to write a request for a leave of absence

an employee or a student who is going to be absent from his/her duties because of planned

hospitalization or other personal affairs must make his/her request for leave in advance. the

request should be made in writing by letter or on an appropriate form, as required. the written

request for leave should explain the reason for the request, and be forwarded to his/her supervisor


things to include in a request for a leave of absence

the date that you are actually writing the letter/note, the name and title of the recipient of

the note, the name of the student/employee, etc.:

to: robert stone, manager

from: rainy zeng, sales department

date: july 2nd, 2004

subject: casual leave of absence

ask for leave at the beginning of the letter/note, stating clearly the time for leave:

mr. stone, i would like to ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on july 4th, this


explain the reason for the request and apologize for any inconvenience your absence might


this morning i received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to go for

immediate treatment of my teeth. i have been experiencing a severe pain, depriving me of my

sleep during the past nights. the situation could worsen, should infection occur.

concerning my workload: as wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, i think a

one day leave this wednesday may be the best solution. i apologize for the inconvenience my

absence from work may cause.

express your wish for approval at the end of the letter/note:

i’m looking forward to your kind answer.


june 5, 2004

dear mr. smith,

i’m sorry to tell you that i’m not feeling well today and had best not come to work. the doctor has told me that i have caught a bad cold and has advised me to stay in bed for a few days. now i’m writing to ask for several sick leave days. i’ll come back to work as soon as i feel better.

i appreciate your understanding.



wang ying


how to take a telephone message

when a telephone is answered on behalf of another person, a clear and concise message should be written. most organizations have a message pad specifically designed for that purpose.

often it is possible to simply write down the caller’s name; the person for whom the message is intended; and fill in the caller’s telephone number. sometimes it is important to write down a specific direction or message. this falls into the category of a short message and must express clearly and briefly what the caller wishes to communicate.

if the caller wants the person to take some action based on his/her message, it may be good to number the points to help clarify the instructions.

for example, if the message is something like:

would you tell him that i can’t meet him until 1:30? if that’s okay, tell him not to ring me back but just to be there. also we can’t have lunch at g

erald’s. they’re full. it will have to be at george’s around the corner. actually he’d better ring me back or else i won’t know whether to wait or not. thanks. bye.

or if the message is like this:

ask mr. smith to ring me back please. the name is potter. i’m at 3212-3212. i will be out at lunchtime, but it is important that i speak to him as soon as possible. i have left this message on his mobile phone as well, so you may not need to give him the message at all. see what you can do… but it is quite urgent. i should be back by 2:00 at the latest. he could try my mobile phone but it will be turned off while i’m actually eating lunch. my assistant will be there and he hates to be disturbed by the sound of the phone while we are trying to get some work done and eat lunch. thanks very much.

forpetertaken bygerald

dute: 7/3/2004time: 4:40 p.m.


jim rang about the training course you are interested in. it’s called “managing people” and the next one is on july 13th. if you’re interested, call joanna little at 032-4388-7762.



编写 蔡懿 胡娇 游颖

适用专业:护理专业 适用层次:专科



编写:蔡懿 胡娇 游颖


第一部分 课程的学习目的及总体要求




中本学期要求掌握大约250个单词和60个短语;语法重点掌握句子从句的语序、名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句、分词短语、.虚拟语气、强调句, 省略句与倒装句.等内容;积累英语国家文化等方面知识;并在英语听力、阅读、翻译及写作能力方面初步有所收获。

第二部分 课程学习的基本要求及重点难点内容分析

. 课程学习计划

本期学习《新编实用英语》(综合教程)和《新编实用英语》(学学.练练.考考)第二册第1, 2, 3, 5 6课。

. 课程学习基本要求:


2.既要有时间看书,也要保证有足够时间进行语言实践活动,作到动口, 动耳、动眼、动


3.最好能和一个同学搭档进行语言实践活动, 尤其是学习教材第一部分的 ―talking face to

fact 口若悬河的时候;

4.学习阅读部分―maintaining a sharp eye 火眼金睛时,要勤查词典, 最好把生词和



本期学习大学英语(2)课程使用第二册,本期学习第二册第一、二、三、五和六课。 综合教程每课的五部分中,着重掌握 “being all ears洗耳恭听听; maintaining a sharp eye 火眼金睛读;trying your hand试身手三部分。要求通过语言实践的方法来学习,作到动嘴、动耳、动眼、动手与动脑并举。



1.本期要求掌握约生词250个和短语约60个,并能在听说读写译的实践中学会使用。每课阅读部分练习“read and complete — 4”是仅有的纯粹词汇练习,应该全作。本册书第193 – 202页对全书的词汇与短语作了总结,应安排一定时间学习。 2.要求重点掌握的短语见下: be supposed to 期望,应该

bump into sb. 偶然遇到 commit oneself 全力投入 in terms of 而言 pine for 渴望;思念

have sth in common 共同之处 merge with 融合 check out 结帐 hang up 挂断电话 in combination 混合,组合 follow through坚持到底 lay down制定

project oneself into设想自己处于 refer to谈到;参考 log into 登陆进入 make a transaction 交易 shipping charge 运费

make allowance 留有余地

be prepared to do sth.准备干...;愿意干in many instances 在许多情况下 get along with 相处

be in a position to do sth /of doing 有能力做… allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 go ahead 开始,进行

make compromise 做出妥协,做出让步 on the way to的路上 go dutch各付各的帐 settle the bill结帐 due to 由于,因为 browse through 浏览

save the bother ofdoing sth)免于做的麻烦

make a scene在众人面前出丑

have the pleasure of (doing) 有幸(做) in one‘s opinion依照??的看法



1 英语句子语序指主语和谓语在句中的位置顺序。


e.g. the girl is inviting the boy for a meal on her birthday. (陈述句语序) is the girl inviting the boy for a meal on her birthday? (部分倒装语序) 2 英语从句语序

2.名词性从句 (详见《学练练考考》p47-49)


1 that 引导的名词性从句。that在从句中不作任何语法成分,只起连接作用

that引导主语从句时,通常用it is … that-clause 结构

2 wh-引导的名词性从句。如:what, who, which, whom, where, when , why, how, how many,

whatever, whichever, whoever 等。wh-在从句中担任语法成分,而且常保留其本身含义。从句要用正常语序,不可用疑问句语序。

3 whether/if引导的名词性从句。

e. g. i don‘t know whether/if he will come.我不知道他是否要来。

whether she comes or not is not important to me.(这里只能用whether)

3.定语从句:(详见《学练练考考》p80-82 1)定义:在句子中作定语的从句称为定语从句。

e. g. a man (先行词) 关联词 (定语从句) (一个不向别人学习的人是不能指望他有多大成就的。) 2)关联词可以分为两类:

a. 关系代词:在定语从句中可以用作主语、宾语、表语、介词宾语和定语等。

who 代替人,在从句中作主语(在口语中偶尔可作宾语)。 whom 代替人,在从句中作宾语 whose 代替人或物,在从句中作定语

which 代替物,在从句中作主语,宾语或介词宾语。作宾语时,通常可省略

that 代替人或物,在从句中作主语或宾语,但不能作介词宾语。作宾语时,通常可省略 b. 关系副词:在定语从句中只能作状语。

when 表时间;where 表地点;why 表原因 3that which 的用法区别;


a. 限制性定语从句与先行词关系紧密;如果去掉从句,句子意思会表达不完整。从句前不用逗号。

e. g. you cant answer the question which he put forward. 你回答不了他提出的问题。

b. 非限制性定语从句与先行词关系松散,一般只起补充作用;如果去掉从句,主句意思的完整性不会受影响。从句前常用用逗号分开,关系代词不能省略。

e. g. helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, which of course made others jealous. 海伦对最小的孩子比别的孩子体贴的多,这当然使得别的孩子妒忌。


用作状语的从句称为状语从句;它在句中位置比较灵活,可放在主句之前或之后,偶尔也可以插在主句之中。状语从句由从属连词引导,按照不同的连词引出不同的状语从句,可分为: 时间、地点、条件、原因、结果、比较、方式、目的及让步状语从句。

e. g. (由从属连词when引起的表时间的状语从句) e. g. 由从属连词however



通过对本书的学习,学生可以基本听懂日常生活和社会生活中内容简单, 语速较慢的对话和短文,并且能够熟悉有关日常生活和社会生活英语对话的普通模式, 类型和特点;掌握听力中常用的提问方式,掌握一定英语词汇极其配搭和其中涉及到的语法结构特征及用法。

1 在英语听力中,常用的提问方式就是一般疑问和特殊疑问两种方式。特殊疑问的方式中即以

wh-开头 (who, when, where, what, which, why) how (how many / much / long …)引导的特殊疑问句。

2 听力中的对话是本书听力练习的重点之一。就提问的方式归结出几种题型:(1)地点类型题

(where);(2)因果类型题 (why);(3)计算类型题 (how many / much);(4)时间类型题 (when);(5)关系类型题 (what‘s the relationship between the two speakers?);(6)态度类型题 (how does / did the man / woman feel about / like it)7)谈话主题题 (what)等。 3 听力技巧:抓关键词、预测问题、猜测大意以及采用排除法。


英语交际用语有很强的实用性, 也是本科?大学英语课程统考科目之一. 交际用语的运用不但要求在一定语境中用语和应答在语法上正确, 尤其要求用语符合英语国家人民的交际礼仪和用语习惯, 要求语言得体‘, 这涉及到语用学以及跨文化等多方面知识. 大家应该在自己的涉外实践活动中和平时的英语学习中不断积累总结, 大家应该在自己的涉外实践活动中和平时的英语学习中不断积累总结, 才能熟悉并掌握大量的英语交际用语.下面以三个实例来说明交际用语的一些特点和解题的一般技巧.



