
发布时间:2016-03-09 09:46:04   来源:文档文库   
第8卷第1期2016年01月物理可视化技术在聚合物模塑成型分析中的应用杨磊,姜开宇,王龙飞(大连理工大学模塑制品教育部工程研究中心,辽宁大连116024)摘要:为了克服传统注塑成型过程的不可见性,在模具或者注塑机的料筒上人为添加视窗,在视窗位置用石英玻璃代替传统的金属材料,使用摄像机来记录聚合物的填充或塑化过程。主要介绍了物理可视化技术在模塑成型中的应用:利用高速摄像机拍摄得到熔体的充模过程,选取一定数量的图片,根据图片的时间差和流动前沿的位置变化,可以获得熔体流动前沿的填充形态和填充速度;利用椰果壳活性炭颗粒作为示踪粒子,可以得到熔体内部流场的流动轨迹和流动速度等重要参数;利用物理可视化技术结合模具关键位置的温度压力传感器,可以直观地解释填充不平衡现象产生的原因和规律。关键词:注塑成型;可视化;流变特性;成型分析DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1674-6457.2016.01.001中图分类号:TQ320.66文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-6457(2016)01-0001-06Application of Physical Visualization Technology in Polymer MoldingAnalysisYANG Lei ,JIANG Kai-yu ,WANG Long-fei(Molded Products Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education ,Dalian University of Technology ,Dalian116024,China )ABSTRACT :In order to study the flow behavior of polymer melt in the cavity of mold and overcome the invisibility of conventional molding process ,windows were designed on the mold or the barrel ,with quartz glasses inserted in the location of windows ,realizing the visualization of injection molding.This paper mainly introduced the applications of physical visualization in molding forming technology :high speed camera was used to capture the filling of the polymer during injection ,and then a number of pictures with same time interval were chosen to be used for data handling ;the morphology and speed of the melt front were acquired according to the time interval and the changes in the position of melt front.Important parameters ,such as flow trajectory ,injection speed and so on ,could be acquired using active charcoal particle of coconut shell as tracer.Filling imbalance has been a difficult problem for research fellow ,but combining with temperature and pressure sensors ,physical visualization could be used to explain the reason for this phenomenon and the law.KEY WORDS :injection molding ;visualization ;rheological properties ;molding analysis收稿日期:2015-09-30基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51475071)作者简介:杨磊(1990—),男,硕士生,主要研究方向为聚合物复合材料成型的可视化。通讯作者:姜开宇(1971—),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为模具设计与制造、材料成型加工技术。模塑成型可视化技术,是利用摄像机通过特殊设计的模具或者注塑机的视窗,使本不可见的聚合物填充和塑化过程,通过影像数据呈现出来[1—4]。聚合物熔体在型腔中的填充过程的影响因素比注射成型技术专题1


