秋八年级英语上册 unit 3疑难解析(新版)冀教版

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Unit 3 疑难解析

1. In the story,a beautiful lady named Chang lives on the moon.


named 是过去分词作后置定语修饰lady。此处也可以用called。例如:

Yesterday we ate in restaurant named / called Beijing House.


2. We will have seven-day holiday!我们将有七天的假期!(L13)

seven-day 是由基数词和名词构成的合成词,在句中作定语,两个词之间用“ ”隔开,且这个名词只用单数形式。例如:

They have ten-minute break between two classes.


3. The best thing about autumn,however,is my birthday.


however 表示转折时,意为可是;仍然等,可放在句首、句中或句末,通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。例如:

However,my father did not agree. 但是,我父亲不同意。

My room is small,however,it comfortable. 我的房间很小,却很舒服。

We tried our best;we lost the game,however. 我们尽力了,但还是输了比赛。

however 和but 辨析:however 放在句首或句中后面用和其他句子成分隔开;however 用的场合比较正式,多用于书面语,而but 常用于口语。

4. Family celebrations,such as holidays and birthday parties,are always

lot of fun. 家庭的庆祝,诸如节日和生日聚会,总是______________。(L14)

such as 表示列举,意为例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的,相当于likefor example。例如:

There are few poets such as Shelly.像雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。

Animals such as rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter.


5. It never too late to start an album of family photos.


tooto意为_____________________,too 后接形容词或副词,to 后接动词原形。

too to …结构表达否定意义。例如:

He is too young to join the army. 他年龄太小,还不能__________

当too前面有表示否定意义的词not,never,nothing 等时,tooto结构表达肯定意义。例如:

One is never too old to learn._________________________

6. Everyone can make video from their own point of view.


point of view 意思是观点;角度。例如:

Try to see the matter from _____________________


7. If you can attend family celebration,don worry about it.


attend 意思是出席,参加。例如:

have an important meeting to attend this afternoon.


worry about 意思是“担心,担忧”。例如:

Don’t worry about your son. = Don’t be ______________ your son. 不要担心你儿子。

8. You can even talk to your family members face to face over the Internet.


face to face 意思是“面对面;相对”。例如:

once saw the president face to face. 我有一次当面看到总统。

9. Never forget to stay in touch with your family.


forget to do 意思是“忘了做某事(该做却没做)”;forget doing 意思是“忘记做过某事(实际上做了)”。辨析:

forgot ___________ you about my plan. 我忘记告诉你我的计划了。(未做)

forgot ___________ you about my plan. 我忘记我已经告诉你我的计划了。(已做)

类似用法的词还有remember,regret 等。

stay in touch 意思是“保持联系”,本句也可以用keep in touch 代替。

10. Jenny wants to buy present for Li Ming birthday.


buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth. 意思是“为某人买某物”。


serve,show,take,teach,tell,throw,write 等。


pick,prepare,save,sing,play 等。

11. What can do for you?我能为你做什么呢?(L15)

What can do for you?Can / May help you?Is there anything can do for you?是口语中极为常用的句子,广泛用于商店、饭店、旅馆、邮局、办事处等场所,作为对顾客的招呼用语。意思是“要我帮忙吗?我可以帮你吗?我能替你做点什么吗?”

12. think he the same size as Brian.


(1)size 在这里是“身材”的意思。例如:

What size is your friend?你朋友的身材(高低、胖瘦)如何?

它还表示“(服装等的)尺码”。例如:My sister size is “L”.我妹妹的尺码是L。

(2)the same…as 的意思是“和……一样”。例如:

She is the same _________ as you. 她和你同岁。

13. Try on this jacket,please. 请试试这件夹克衫。(L15)

try on 的意思是“试穿”。当宾语是名词时,可放在动词或介词后;当宾语是代词时,只能放在动词之后。例如:

He tries it on. 他试了试(它)。

已学过的类似短语还有:put on,take off,wake up 等。

14. Does it fit?它合身吗?(L15)

fit 的意思是“(服装等)合身,合……的身”。例如:

This dress fits you well. 这件连衣裙你穿着很合身。

The jacket fits me very well. 这件夹克衫我穿着非常合身。

5 don think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway.


(1)I don think 这是一种否定前置(否定前移)的句型。只有第一人称需要前置,二三人称依然在从句中否定。这是英语的一种习惯表达方式,与汉语不同。用于这种句型的常见动词有think,believe等。在这种句式中,not 从宾语从句谓语动词的前面,转移到了主句谓语动词think,believe等的前面。例如:

sorry,but don think know you. 对不起,我想我并不认识你。

______________________________________ 我相信他是不会来的。

(2)anyway 是副词,意思是“无论如何;不管怎样”。例如:

not tired,but ll go to bed anyway. 我不累,但不管怎样我该上床睡觉了。

didn want to go to the party.Anyway,I went and had fun.


6 He gets another jacket. 他拿了另外一件夹克衫。(L15)

another 的意思是“再一;另一”。例如:

Don lose heart.Have another try.别灰心,再试一次。

表达两个中的“另一个”时,要用the other;表达“另外的一些,还有的”时,要用

others;表达“(除一些外的)其余的”时,要用the others。例如:

have two rulers.One is long,and ______________ is short.


After class,some play basketball; ______________ play football.


There are twenty girls in our class.______________ are boys.


7 Happy Thanksgiving!感恩节快乐!(L16)

(1)Happy ___________+名词意为“祝……快乐”。例如:

Happy New Year!新年快乐!

Happy birthday to you,Li Ming!祝你生日快乐,李明!

(2)在美国,感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)定在每年十一月份的第四个星期日,而在加拿大,把它定在十月份的第二个星期一。感恩节庆祝活动(the Celebration of Thanksgiving Day)便定在这一天。感恩节庆祝模式许多年从未改变,不同宗教的人都在这一天团聚(fami

lies getting together),通常有一顿丰盛的感恩宴(the big family dinner),其中最吸引人的大菜是烤火鸡和南瓜馅饼(roast turkey and pumpkin pie),它们一直是感恩节中最富于传统意义和最受人喜爱的食品。感恩宴后,一家人一般围坐下来看感恩节橄榄球赛(American Football Match),这是现在感恩节的一个典型的活动。另外一个主要活动是感恩节游行(the Thanksgiving Day Parade)。

8 Let me give you big hug. 让我紧紧地拥抱你。(L16)

give sb.a big hug 意思是“紧紧拥抱某人”。

hug 的意思是“拥抱”,它既可作名词又可作动词。例如:He hugged her.他拥抱她。

19. Are my cousins coming tonight? 我的表兄妹们今晚会来吗?(L16)

come 在此是用其进行时表示将来,有类似用法的动词还有go,leave 等。例如:

Were going out for walk. 我们要出去散步了。

Hurry!The bus is leaving. 快点儿!公共汽车______________了。

0 As usual,the family gathering was exciting.


as usual 意思是“照例;像往常一样”。例如:

As usual,she had bread and egg _______ breakfast.


21.Best wishes to you on your thirteenth birthday.


best wishes to sb. 意思是“向……致以最美好的祝愿”。

22.Danny and Jenny put the presents and cards into box.


put into 意思是“使……进入”。例如:

accepted his advice and put it into practice. ______了他的建议并付诸行动。

23.He writes Li Ming address on the top of the box.


top 是“(物的)上面,上边,上部,上端”的意思。top 还有“顶,顶部,高位”的意思。例如:

We are at the top of the hill. 我们在_______________

Your grandfathers and grandmothers go at the top.


24.They mean the same thing. 它们都表示同样的东西。(L17)

mean 作动词,意思是“意思是;打算;导致;意味”。例如:

“Ancient”means very,very old. “Ancient”的意思是非常非常久远。

What does this word mean?这个单词是什么意思?

mean to do sth. 的意思是“打算;意欲做某事”。例如:

didn mean to ____________ 我不是有意伤害你。

25.The style is in fashion here in China,and red is my favourite colour!


in fashion 意思是“时尚的;流行的”。例如:

Long skirts for women are in fashion again. 女式长裙又开始流行了。

26.I made wish. 我许了个愿。(L18)

make wish 意思是“许愿”。例如:

Make wish and _______________ the candles. 许个愿,然后吹蜡烛吧。

27.Then took deep breath and blew out the candles immediately.


take breath breathe 意思是“呼吸”。take deep breath 意思是“深呼吸”。

小练习:Complete the dialogues using the words in the box.

turkey  celebrate  bigger  festival  meal  same  together

Lily:Good afternoon, Han Mei! I’m glad you can come for our Thanksgiving dinner.

Han Mei Thanks for inviting me. Why do you call it dinner when you are eating at noon?

Lily:Because it’s a big ____________. We call it dinner when we have a lot to eat.

Han MeiIs that a chicken? It’s so big.

Lily:It’s a ____________. It’s much ____________ than a chicken.

Han MeiWhy do Americans and Canadians ____________ Thanksgiving?

Lily:It’s just like your Mid-Autumn Festival in China. Families get ____________ and celebrate the bright, round moon. In America and Canada, families get together to celebrate the harest.

Han Mei So we each have an autumn ____________.

Lily:Yes, and both of us celebrate it with our families. Some things are the ____________ in China, America and Canada.


《秋八年级英语上册 unit 3疑难解析(新版)冀教版.doc》
