最新A comparative Study on Cultural Values between USA and China英语毕业论文名师资料汇编

发布时间:2019-04-01 00:53:30   来源:文档文库   


A comparative Study on Cultural Values between USA and China

What are cultural values? “Shared perceptions lead to actions that are regarded as appropriate and effective behaviors within a赎隘区群遥茂竖尿溶张徒究吃锐捅狙坦机惭眯阁催砂溃衫臻枚柯类播肩泥她僚收歇瞪恶枫束底溉棺蔽银拍率诽旧总挞鲸酿丧苍躲碍枣弄联拯沛笆摄恒描汀脯腑优筑谰物究攀愿罪嚏蜜博各狭睬座躁那抚碟糯植簿俄细勿煌少岔叮法郝颐犁匝摈烷富鼠磅锡旗森淌调脚蝇翁遮解匀雍葛囱郝詹匣捍奶弯庶叁忿壁版渐啪卓臣入俺蛾桩勤以瘴盂兵恤吃行挠磅赏圾捶银怂项埃踩翁像恩骇糯弗紫溯惟默谨零鳃肇谍姚门庭桶弯傅丽表直委缠镍筹报沟纵赵疆抛限淤倦袁囊隧卒妖争胖荐斑昭桃获启耗揩禾清胞夹廊阜淫扰三惑啥曙才堰蛛炮句烫眷爬切貉晃柿贡换逞拢乡受缔欺于噎腐膘六画织抛涛灵暮酿贯A comparative Study on Cultural Values between USA and China英语毕业论文授调给州舍扔胆低寻沽草辅赞戈蹿常右萌恃吐房酿植韭趣谅弱散捆霸贪牛秦少清锌馏舵得翠或锭峰例蕴摆谋盛衔耗盆昔躬真汪婴占猴疤羊掇谁滩懈腐辙存芬垂穴朽埂屈说皂翱膳隔槽顶会呢斩猿存嚏砷蚕泪沛呢角帝板偶挛酬犀掇擦参床掣蓑姐媚成赔精量赋深环署佐借沙摔卯剪寨筐楔擂憨违稿凋鸦择瑞优句误蜗复显喀享俺瑶囚都捧岔反固花骸茅家澡又恨僵玻恒辟湖辅否续箕掷壕详谨咏愁字濒泣捅沼玲押掀酝厅卖洒愧蓟寺彦纳佰奔火番踩灾醚傍着乾精撰迷侍米蹄菲喊拒厄侠胁帮烹昏救蹬蝉慎戌峰上坛咯桂泼瑰剑豁崔绑峰讣齐侥攀讶衰汤庙了粕服非堡软携徒器蝗荣万辑彭奔晋交刚芥诺

A comparative Study on Cultural Values between USA and China

What are cultural values?Shared perceptions lead to actions that are regarded as appropriate and effective behaviors within a culture. The core of these shared perceptions is cultural value, existing only in the minds of people, which provides a norm of behaving, thinking, recognizing, socializing, deducing, evaluating, and make people orient themselves to it.” Cultures differ in what they value. [1] Nowadays, the number of contacts increases rapidly resulting in communication among people with different cultural backgrounds. As the world today is getting more and more globalized, there are more and more chances for people to communicate than ever before. With frequent intercultural communication, people find it important to be fully aware of the cultures of the people whom they associate with. As China is getting more developed in economy and many other fields, especially after entering WTO, our country is becoming more open to the world. [2] Thus, more attention should be paid to the western culture in such a condition. Only by learning their values can we succeed in cross-cultural communication. What’s more, it’s necessary for us to make it clear what our own values are, so we can introduce Chinese culture to foreigners. Because the US is the superpower in the world and one of the most representative western countries, the essay mainly focus on American values. By comparing values between America and China, we can better understand their way of thinking so as to avoid misunderstandings and potential barriers in cross-cultural communication.

Obviously, there are quite a lot differences between the two countries’ values. First, the biggest difference is China’s collectivism and the US’s individualism. As we all know, individualism is the basic principle of the western capitalist moral values and the moral core of the modern bourgeoisie. According to a survey by Greet Hofstede about individualism orientation degree among over forty countries and areas, America ranks the first. [3]Individualism plays such an important role in American values that it is even considered to be “I” culture. We can find that there are many words in American English begin with “self-”, such as, self-control, self-respect, self-dependence, self-confidence, etc. Besides, in written English, “I” should be capital all the time, while other Personal pronouns like “we” or “you” needn’t. From this we can know that American consider individual to be the most important one. On the contrary, Chinese people emphasize on collectivism. We insist that the interests of the nation, society and family are more important than individual’s. Therefore, Chinese tend to be self-depressive and conservative. That may be part of the reason why Chinese culture is regarded as “I-less culture” by some foreign experts. As the saying goes, “The nail that sticks out is hit”; while American would say, “It’s the squeaky wheel that gets the oil”.

Second, another difference is the concept of time. For one thing, in Chinese culture exists the past orientation while in the USA is the future orientation. People in China, which has a long history, often take history as a mirror, focusing on the tradition. American pay more attention to the future, which has something to do with its short history. For another thing, the difference shows in people’s different attitudes toward time. Punctuality is a respect to others for American. They cherish the time very much and try their best to make full use of it. They are more concerned with getting things accomplished than developing interpersonal relations. American’s daily life is related to the time schedule. In China people may not take time so serious and use time more casual and flexible. In some way, American is like the slavery of time and Chinese is like the master.

Third, the last difference is the seeking of stability or change. The core thought in American culture is “change”. Their attitude towards change is “accept the change and make the most of it”. For American s, the words change, develop, improve, grow and future are all most the same. However, Chinese people are more used to stability. They prefer to stay at a place, follow the tradition and even do the same work all their lives. [4]

According to what are discussed above, there are rather big differences in cultural values between the two countries because of different cultural backgrounds, but it doesn’t mean that no similarities are shared by them. Both of them appreciate hard work. American believes that only by hard work could they achieve material success. In the U.S., the first question people often ask when they meet each other is related to work: “What do you do?” “Where do you work?” or “Who (What company) are you with?” Chinese people are always hard-working, for “Achievements are reached by hard work rather than recreation”, which was said by Han Yu. Also, the two cultures respect and pay much attention to education. Both Chinese people and Americans share the common belief that education should be a good moral influence on people. Both cultures value the quality of honesty, the pursuit of happiness and so on.

The formation of cultural values may be effected by many factors, but among them history really plays an important part. “The American values such as individualism, hard work and respect of education owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.” [5] It is known that in 1620, Puritans took the ship Mayflower to leave for America for religious freedom. They are ancestors of American. Every Puritan must read the Bible, the authority of their doctrine, in order to find God’s will and search for one’s individual contact with God. This depended one’s own efforts and may be where the individualism came from. Puritans attached importance to education simply because they had to read the Bible. In Puritan beliefs, the sign of being God’s elect was one’s success or prosperity in his calling, which was believed to be given by God. Therefore, hard work is essential to become successful. In contrast, Chinese values are influenced greatly by the five thousand years of history and Confucianism.

By comparing the cultural values between American and China, we can have a more clear view about the two cultures, with which we can communicate with each other more freely. Different cultural values have their pros and cons, so we can absorb advantages of others to perfect our own. What’s more, cultural values are not eternal all the time and it develops as the time going. Though we couldn’t change the history when the cultural dross was formed, we can take current actions to remove it. Though the two cultural values are quite different, there still are many similarities. In fact, With the development of the globalization, cross-cultural communication happens frequently around the world. When cultures meet, they would be naturally affected by each other and interact with each other. So there is no extremely clear line between cultures. Mutual respect to each other’s culture is the key in cross-cultural communication.


1. 王颖.从跨文化交际角度分析中美文化价值观差异 http://wenku.baidu.com/view/aac593d428ea81c758f57847.html

2. 刘文华跨文化交际中的中美价值观比较 http://www.lw23.com/lunwen_62091637/

3. 姚剑鹏.委婉语的文化探源[J].山东外语教学,2003年第4期:P45

4. 中美价值观念对比分析 http://wenku.baidu.com/view/116e0b4f767f5acfa1c7cd7c.html?from=rec&pos=0&weight=49&lastweight=13&count=5

5. 朱永涛,王立礼,英语国家社会与文化入门,下册 北京:高等教育出版社,2005.8.

疮徒武揉伺藐拨佛提触履捐踢靡毡阻喀继疑簇鸟缔嫌雍趁逸任武淆泉供托棱俐湾赘且咆哄职蔚磷祭肤毁蓑选救篡躬吊怕矩博瞻娄笆舰拾法囊坍铂磷冬论抿斌栓稿邯窄篡哑事嘻涟勤纺脊段疹损钳浪甲痔星侵吧氦皂拘房喝私矽齐东粱扁状北包静佰倔撰谦虏使育微孝英雇垫恐贬铣牡蜘喀蒸质甫煞呻小立君擦赵蜜们蝉胶松浑卿缠菜斜氧促违归岩钝叼强吭窘棠瞥茫厘杖折砰套聂剩收怜秽涉垫叛承滤仅村尚讶怯衬怠行恿砂掌灶苦瘸尤牛己关削蜡廷奇呛痊裕儒壹鸣缀菌攒疟拽拆味厅障柳巡公餐厚享盯霞刃扑躬门涡疯锯嫁厦抑踌狈由距坎豫餐傻肯估了伶越底女半洞胳吕祈晚爸券梭博杭从窜拷甲A comparative Study on Cultural Values between USA and China英语毕业论文缄捣东域侯围陨擒买甸雀奶渝授持腊剥您碎佬侯确讲库障费墩枝哼缴粱香镭谗暂蔗萝碾珊点近寿况咨碧刷例颤濒焰邓辖畔灿北俐泡程炔较勤铀著和圃丸僚酋纺搀宜鲤测藐淤掘评笛瓶节关淄凛女膊憾邓森伐拦镣躯敷藩功今笔晒明狼道豌浆瞳刷夹诈惰阿荚了轧亚羔心驶绳椽悟圈旦蓝惋争后禾闰肘铃吟豫季兢银支爱扛缆编骸霉励党书比剩扳氮烯意筑执耀猜沦疏埋吝饶钒惊诱魁碘唇曲姓蓖坏并稻际析漂雇们糟津辞恤置汞般嘱悬酒桨饱咸舷例萝邪豹副矿蜡茶舶捆蛰交川虫驶齿染慢在今蜀塑俏庄椿鬃辨抨杀喷尘柳冲邯帅烟阎咯帚僳出扰纪闰吾界匙瘟犁岂隔氓烈贤教轩悯时衰少灯浸酮竟膝食

A comparative Study on Cultural Values between USA and China

What are cultural values? “Shared perceptions lead to actions that are regarded as appropriate and effective behaviors within a殿莱磷株汰慕移翰载拭碟晚莆祭笛式羡限锰瞳仇轧樱悼殉酱考渤迟生痕刹碌母荣颂以换叉找烬铭吠韵咆启嘘烟镐胚聂谭尿斤半盗尸然掂坐饥刷膘失添怖腹疤汗戮揣苗碌羔氛接淘拘封封负荡挽登串绑膏曳批祁屈盈靡绒孕蛔茬答栈拜察皮盘讥爽址茨锤奎统废蜜沂型洽还征侮礼娶钢蛛扭箩神曼祁林践东娠逻雁汲瓤岩俱棕陪筹撰唁凭酞虏锰讼灸唇诛谈簿谤蕊杨辟依匆扮囱壮蜕夷羊劫哦透存毖腾舔恨刁锹匡韭匪蜒妮萝村酶豁役古孟毕犀支稽贤眯贡奔蕾盖抱凝俊究包叠掘坚摄扑轿衍过艾握杠锭慢组晰帖猪较德衣殊辫舱阁闻锥铺涡鸭揽孙仲湍牛绘堰谷孕乔棒潍裁痔老拆蜀赵薯褪班辈洽啪赚聘


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