2017年高二英语人教版选修8教案:Unit4PygmalionPeriod2 Word版含解析

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Unit 4 Pygmalion

Period 2 Language Study



The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new wordsphrases and sentence patterns in Warming UpPre­readingReadingComprehending and Discovering useful words and expressions in Learning about Language.There are altogether 53 new words and phrases in these five parts.14 of them are marked with triangleswhich shows that the students needn't learn them by heart.It is enough to recognize them when meeting them while reading the passage.The other 39 should all be rememberedamong which the following words and expressions are even more importantmistakenpass...off as...generally speakingsuperiorrobhesitatebetrayclassifyremarkcondemnacquaintancein terms of.They are all very useful and important.So are the sentence patterns “Professor HigginsH):an expert in phoneticsconvinced_that the quality of a person's English decides his/her position in society.” “What if I was” “Butsir,(proudlyonce_educated to speak properlythat girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.” “But they betray themselves every_time they open their mouths.”


Knowledge and skills

1To get the students to learn to use the following important new words and phrases freelymistakenpass...off as...generally speakingsuperiorrobhesitatebetrayclassifyremarkcondemnacquaintancein terms of.

2To get the students to understand and use the following important and useful sentence patterns

1Professor HigginsH):an expert in phoneticsconvinced_that the quality of a person's English decides his/her position in society.

2What if I was?

3Butsir,(proudlyonce_educated to speak properlythat girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.

4But they betray themselves every_time they open their mouths.

Process and methods

1To help the students understand the meanings of the above useful new words and expressions in the contextand then give some explanations about themand at last offer some exercises to make students master their usages.

2To ask the students to make their own sentences by imitating the above sentence patterns.

3At the end of the classmake students do more exercises for consolidation.In doing sothey can learngrasp and use these important language points well.

Emotionattitude and value

1To stimulate students' interest in learning English.

2To develop students' sense of cooperation and teamwork.


1Important new words and expressionshesitatebetrayclassifyremarkcondemnacquaintancein terms of

2Important and useful sentence patterns

1Omission in the attributive clausethe main clause and the adverbial clause.

2“Every time” is used to introduce an adverbial clause.

3Some difficult and long sentences in the text.


Step 1 Revision

1Check the homework exercises.

2Ask some students to tell something about the characters of the play.

Step 2 Reading and finding

Get students to read through Warming UpPre­readingReadingComprehending and Discovering useful words and expressions in Learning about Language to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in these parts.Read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book.

Step 3 Exercises for useful words and expressions

1Turn to Page 32.Go through Exercise 2 in Discovering useful words and expressions with students and make sure they know what to do.

2Ask them to finish the exercises within several minutes.First do them individuallyand then discuss and check them with their partners.

3Check the answers with the whole class and explain the problems they might meet where necessary.

Step 4 Vocabulary study




There you are and you were born in Lisson Grove if I'm not mistaken.



1You are mistaken in thinking that they will help you.


2You are mistaken about him.你误会他了。


mistaken adj. 错误的

be mistaken in doing sth.(某种行为或想法)是错误的

be mistaken about sb./sth.误会某人


mistake vt. 弄错,误会,误解


He is often mistaken for a famous singer.他常常被误认为是一位歌手。


The twins are so alike that their parents mistake one ______ another.

Aby    Bto    Cfor    Dfrom

Suggested answerC

2pass...off as...P30


...that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.



1She passes herself off as an American.她冒充是美国人。

2He passed his secretary off as his wife.他让秘书冒充他的妻子。


pass sb.off as……冒充为……




Suggested answerShe passed herself off as an experienced actress.

3generally speakingP30


Generally_speakingpeople are more polite to those who they think are of a higher social class...



1Generally speakingwe enjoyed the trip.总的来说,这次旅行我们很愉快。

2Generally speakingwe feltthatthe plan is practical.


3Generally speakingwomen live longer than men.一般而言,女性寿命较男性长。


generally speaking为分词短语,意思是一般来说,总的说来,在句中用作插入语。


______the coldest weather comes in January.

AGeneral speaking BSpeaking general

CSpeaking generally DGenerally speaking

Suggested answerD



1The carpet is far superior to that one in quality.这块地毯的质量比那块好得多。

2I'll report you to your superior officer.我要向你的上级告发你。

3I hate his superior manner.我厌恶他那高傲的态度。


superior adj.优秀的,较高的;上级的;高傲的

be superior toin sth.)(在……方面)比……优秀/高明






Suggested answers

1Johnson is superior to Mr.Wang in mathematics.

2His superior manner made people hate him.



someone who steals sth.or robs sb.偷东西或抢劫的人


1Not only do they rob youthey smash everything too.


2They knocked him down and robbed him of his briefcase.



rob vt.“抢夺,抢掠,剥夺,习惯搭配:rob sb.抢劫某人;rob sb.of sth.抢劫某人某物




A gentlemanG passes and hesitates for a moment.



1She hesitated before picking up the phone.


2Don't hesitate to tell me if you have any requests.


3She hesitated over/at/about the choice between the two dresses.


4We seldom hesitate about where to stay in Paris.



hesitate vi. 迟疑,踌躇,犹豫,感到迷惑

hesitate to do...迟疑于做……

hesitate over/at/about 关于/……犹豫不决


hesitation n.犹豫,踌躇 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地

hesitant adj.犹豫的 hesitantly adv.犹豫地


He ______me he was brought up in a shabby and dirty town.

Ahesitated tell Bhesitated to tell Chesitated telling Dhesitated to telling

Suggested answerB



But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.



1He betrayed the news to all his friends.


2His best friend betrayed him.他最好的朋友背叛了他。

3His face betrayed that he was angry.他的脸色显露他很生气。


betray vt.泄露(机密);出卖,背叛;显露,显示

betray oneself 无意中露出本性


betrayal n. “背叛。如:

I hate the act of betrayal most.我最痛恨背叛行为。


1That was not the first time he ______ us.I think it's high time we ______ strong action against him.

Abetrayedtake Bhad betrayedtook

Chas betrayedtook Dhas betrayedtake



Suggested answers:(1B (2I won't betray his trust.



Simply phonetics studied and classified from people's own speech.



1Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other?


2The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.


3As I've already told youarticles can be classified into definite articles and indefinite articles.



classify vt.分类;归类;把……分等级

classify sth.as ……归类为

classify sth.by/according to 根据……为某物分类

classify sth.in/into 把某物分成


1classified adj.“分类的;分等级的。如:

We can never find classified advertisements in the magazine.


2classification n分类法;分类。如:

The classification of bony fish is extremely complicated.









If you look in the ______ part of the telephone bookyou will find plenty of hotels.

Aclassified Bclassifying Cclassification Dclassify

Suggested answerA



You can place a man by just a few remarks.你可以根据几句话就判定一个人来自何地。


1They made rude remarks on/upon her appearance.


2The editor remarked that article was well written.


3I couldn't help remarking on/upon her youth.我脱口而出说她那么年轻。


remark n& v.评论,谈论

make a remark/remarks on/upon...……发表意见,对……评头论足

remark on/upon...谈论/议论/评论……




People ______ ______ ______ ______ his performance.


The similarity between them ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.

Suggested answers:(1made different remarks on (2has often been remarked on



...the English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days.



1His bad leg condemned him to a wheelchair.他的残腿使他坐上了轮椅。

2His illness condemned him to be in bed all the time.他的病使他注定一直待在床上。

3Most people condemn any sort of violence.大部分人谴责任何方式的暴力行为。

4The criminal was condemned to death.那个罪犯被判处死刑。


condemn vt. 注定;谴责

condemn sb.todosth.使……注定……

be condemned to death(= be sentenced to death)被判处死刑



He ______ ______ ______ ______ a life of loneliness.

Suggested answerwas condemned to lead



And I came to England to make your acquaintance!我也正是到英国来找你的!


1Mr.Smith is an acquaintance of mine.我与史密斯先生相识。

2I have some acquaintance with the language.我懂得这门语言。

3I made his acquaintance long ago.我很久以前就认识他了。


acquaintance n[C]相识;熟人;[U]认识;相识

make one's acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人


1on/uponfurtheracquaintance 经过(更深入的)了解后

2gain acquaintance with 得以熟悉

3cut/drop one's acquaintance with ……绝交

4acquaint sb.with vt.“使……知道,告知,使……熟悉。如:

He acquainted me with the change of the plan.


You should acquaint yourself with the facts before you make a decision.



The musician had little acquaintance ______ modern science.

Ain Bwith Cto Dof

Suggested answerB

7in terms ofP31


Correct all these sentences in_terms_of grammarspellingetcso that she can use them properly.



1In terms of money we're quite rich but not in terms of happiness.


3In terms of natural resourcesit is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.


3Let each child read in terms of his own tastes and choices.



in terms of……来说;从……角度;根据


come to termswith sb.)(与某人)达成协议,妥协

come to terms with sth.迁就顺从;接受;适应

be on good/bad terms with ……关系很好(坏)

on equal termswith sb.)(与某人)平等相处;地位相等

in the long/short term 长期/短期


I'm ______ good terms ______ Mary and she is my good friend.

Aon/ B/with Conwith Dwithon

Suggested answerC



1)前几天我认识了我们班的一个新同学。(make one's acquaintance


3)我犹豫是否告诉她事实,因为我担心她会误会我。(hesitatebe mistaken about

4)有一天我错拿了她的一本书。(by mistake

5)我多么希望早一些告诉她啊。从那时起我们一直相处得很好。(be on good terms with

Suggested answers

1I made the acquaintance of a newcomer in our class the other day.

2To my amazementshe told me she had known about the matter.She said what I had done these days betrayed her trust.

3I hesitated to tell her the truth because I'm afraid that she will be mistaken about me.

4One dayI took her book away by mistake.

5I wished I had told her earlier.From then on we have been on good terms with each other.





One possible version

I made the acquaintance of a newcomer in our class the other day.But one dayI took her book away by mistake.I hesitated to tell her the truth because I'm afraid that she will be mistaken about me.To my amazementshe told me she had known about the matter.She said what I had done these days betrayed her trust.I wished I had told her earlier.From then on we have been on good terms with each other.

Step 5 Sentence focus

1Professor HigginsH):an expert in phoneticsconvinced_that the quality of a person's English decides his/her position in societyP28


句中convinced that the quality of a person's English decides his/her position in society为定语从句的省略现象,前面加上who is后可构成一个非限制性定语从句,修饰an expert



Suggested answerI'm convinced that he is honest./I'm convinced of his honesty.

2What_if I was?(P29)如果我是又怎么样呢?

此句为省略了某些成分的主从复合句,what为主句,其后省略了will happenwill you do等;if I was为条件状语从句,其后承前省略了born in Lisson Grove。在不同的条件下,what后省略的具体内容可能会有所不同。如:

Whatshall we doif it is true?如果这是真的又该如何呢?

Whatcan I doif he doesn't agree?如果他不同意该怎么办呢?






Suggested answers:(1What if I fail? (2What if the train is late?

3But they betray themselves every_time_they_open_their_mouths.P29


every time 在句中引导时间状语从句,相当于一个从属连词,这类词还有each time(每次),(thenext time(下次),any time(随时),the last time(上次),the first time(第一次)等。如:

Each time I meet an Englishmanhe starts off the conversation with some comment on the weather.每当我遇到英国人时,他的谈话总是以议论天气开始。

Next time you come inplease close the door.下一次你进来时,请关上门。

I sent you the news the instant I heard it.







Suggested answers

1I recognized you the minute I saw you.

2He had impressed me that way the first time I met him.

4Butsir,(proudlyonce_educated_to_speak_properlythat girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.P30


句中的once为连词,引导条件状语从句,意为一旦…………。注意此类状语从句的省略现象:由onceifasunlesswhenthoughalthough等引导的状语从句,如果主句主语和从句主语一致,且从句中谓语动词是“bev.­ed/v.­ing”形式,或从句中主谓结构为“it iswas)+adj.”时,其从句可省略为以上连词+v.­ed/v.­ing/adj.”。再如:

Once setthe time cannot be changed.时间一旦设定就不能更改。


______the ecosystem(生态系统)will take many years to recover.

AEven if damaged BIf only damaging

CWhile damaged DOnce damaged

Suggested answerD

Step 6 Using words and expressions

Turn to Page 32.Ask the students to do Exercise 3.The following procedures may be followed

1Go through the exercises with students and make sure they know what to do.

2Several minutes for students to finish the exercises individually.

3Check the answers with the whole class.

Step 7 Homework

1Finish off the Workbook exercises.Do Exercise 2 in the exercise book.

2Learn the useful new words and expressions by heart.

Step 8 Reflection after teaching





《2017年高二英语人教版选修8教案:Unit4PygmalionPeriod2 Word版含解析.doc》
