2019年高中英语Module2FantasyLiterature单元加餐练一 - 二完形阅读组合练含解析外研版选修620190829415

发布时间:2019-09-10 23:06:10   来源:文档文库   

Module 2单元加餐练(一)~(二)完形阅读组合练

加餐练() 完形阅读组合练


When I was young, I read only comic books. My mother, who was a keen reader, tried to get me to read regular books, but they seemed __1__ to me. Why would anyone want to read a book without pictures, I wondered? It would be __2__ watching a movie with your eyes closed. And novels seemed to be too __3__ In my mind, a comic book was a roller coaster ride __4__ a novel was five hours in rush hour traffic.

Whenever she saw me with a comic book, my mother would complain, which totally __5__ my comic book reading experience. One summer, she even __6__ me. If you don't read at least one book this summer, we're not going to go on our camping trip” she said. What could I do? I had been looking forward to that __7__ for months!

“Fine” I __8__ I'll read one book. __9__ my mother took me down to her evil dungeon (地牢), the local __10__ where the librarian __11__ The lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the first book of The Chronicles of Narnia by CS. Lewis. I unwillingly __12__ the book while my mother and the librarian exchanged a(n) __13__ glance.

When we got home, I cracked the book open and started reading. I __14__ I'd read the first few pages then skip to the end because I knew my mother would __15__ me about it. Imagine my __16__ when my mother called me to dinner and I was halfway through the book! __17__ a comic book was a roller coaster ride, the novel was all the rides at Disney world rolled into one!

I __18__ reading the entire The Chronicles of Narnia series that summer, which I consider the __19__ of my great friendship with books. Now I read an average of one book a week, and sometimes my wife __20__ that I read too much!


1A.strange        Bboring

Ccommon Deasy

解析:选B 由下一句的疑问为什么有人会读没有图片的书?可知,作者认为“regular books”看起来很无趣(boring)

2A.through Bof

Clike Dfor

解析:选C 承接上一句的疑问,它就像(like)闭眼看电影一样

3A.thick Bthin

Cshort Dlong

解析:选D 由下文中的比喻:读小说像在高峰期的车流中行驶五小时,可知作者认为小说太长(long)

4A.while Bbefore

Cafter Das

解析:选A 作者把读漫画书的感受和读小说的感受进行了对比,故选while(然而)

5A.shared Bruined

Cbroadened Drecorded

解析:选B 母亲一看到作者看漫画书就指责抱怨的行为毁掉(ruined)作者读漫画书的体验。

6A.comforted Bpunished

Cthreatened Dreassured

解析:选C 母亲威胁(threatened)作者说不读书就不去度假,而作者期盼这次旅行(trip)很久了。

7A.summer Btrip

Cbook Dtent

解析:选B 参见上题解析。

8A.agreed Breported

Casked Ddenied

解析:选A 由“Fine”可知,作者同意了(agreed)母亲的条件。

9A.Suddenly BSecretly

CExcitedly DGenerally

解析:选C 终于说服了儿子,母亲一定很兴奋(Excitedly)

10A.bookstore Boffice

Csupermarket Dlibrary

解析:选D 由“librarian”可知,作者被带到了一家图书馆(library)

11A.described Brevealed

Crecommended Darranged

解析:选C 图书管理员向我推荐了(recommended)路易斯写的《纳尼亚传奇》系列丛书中的一本《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》。

12A.accepted Bprinted

Cposted Dshowed

解析:选A 由上文中的提到的母亲很爱读书及“her evil dungeon (地牢)”一词可知,母亲和这位管理员熟悉,故当作者不情愿地接受了(accepted)被推荐的书时,他们互相心领神会地(understanding)使了个眼色。

13A.nervous Bcasual

Cadmiring Dunderstanding

解析:选D 参见上题解析。

14A.remembered Bfigured

Csuggested Dpromised

解析:选B 基于作者对小说的反感,作者估计(figured)自己为了应付母亲的检查(quiz)会读一下小说的开头和结尾。

15A.tell Bconsult

Cchallenge Dquiz

解析:选D 参见上题解析。

16A.sorrow Banger

Cfear Dsurprise

解析:选D 但事实却出乎意料(surprise),作者被那本书深深吸引:母亲叫作者吃饭时,作者已经读了一半。

17A.If BUnless

COnce DBecause

解析:选A 作者的感受发生了改变:如果(If)读漫画像坐过山车,那么读小说就像一次性把迪士尼的游乐设施玩个遍。

18A.gave up Bturned up

Cended up Dpicked up

解析:选C 作者被吸引的结果(ended up)是那个夏天读了《纳尼亚传奇》系列丛书里的所有书,那是作者和书结下不解之缘的开始(start)

19A.start Bresource

Cspot Dgoal

解析:选A 参见上题解析。

20A.confirms Bcomplains

Chopes Dsuspects

解析:选B 由“too much”可知,妻子是在抱怨(complains)


Writing poetry can seem frightening. However, with the right inspiration (灵感) and approach, you can write a poem that you can be proud to share with others in class or with your friends.

A poem might start as a piece of a verse, a line or two that seems to come out of nowhere, or an image you cannot get out of your head. You can find inspiration for your poem by doing writing exercises and using the world around you. Once you have inspiration, you can then shape your thoughts into a poem.

You may also be inspired by going for a walk in your neighborhood or to your favorite spot in the city. You may observe people on a park bench or in a public square and use moments from your observations as the inspiration for a poem. You could try writing a poem about a person who is important to you in your life, such as your mother or your best friend. You could use the person as inspiration for your poem.

You can start your poem by focusing on a specific (特定的) theme or idea that you find attractive or interesting. Picking a specific theme or idea to focus on in the poem can give your poem a clear goal or point. This can make it easier for you to limit what images and descriptions you are going to use in your poem. For example, you may decide to write a poem around the theme of love and friendship. You may then think about specific moments in your life when you experienced love and friendship as well as how you would characterize love and friendship based on your relationships with others.

There are many different poetic forms that you can use, from free verse to sonnet to rhyming couplet. You may go for a poetic form that you find easy to use, such as free verse, or a form that you find more challenging, such as sonnet. Choose one poetic form and stick to that structure so your poem feels cohesive (连贯的) to your readers.

1When it comes to poem writing, both Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 show the importance of ________.

Alooking for inspiration around us

Bhaving a gift for poem writing

Cknowing the structures of poems

Dbeing supported by people around us

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Once you have inspiration, you can then shape your thoughts into a poem.”以及第三段的“You may also be inspired by going for a walk in your neighborhood or to your favorite spot in the city.”可知这两段都强调了寻找灵感的重要性。

2What does the example of writing a poem around the theme of love and friendship show?

AInspiration is everywhere around us.

BWe can be encouraged by love and friendship.

CPicking a specific theme or idea is important.

DWe should write about things we're familiar with.

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第四段的“Picking a specific theme or idea to focus on in the poem can ...going to use in your poem.”可知这个例子是为了表明选择一个特定的主题的重要性。

3Who would most probably try writing a sonnet?

ASomeone who wants to feel cohesive to his/her readers.

BSomeone who wants to try a difficult form of poetry.

CSomeone who tries to write a poem the first time.

DSomeone who dislikes the structure of poems.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第五段的“... a form that you find more challenging, such as sonnet.”可知想要体验更难的诗歌体裁的人会尝试十四行诗这种体裁。

4What does this passage mainly talk about?

ASome forms of poems.

BSome tips to write poems.

CThe author's experience of writing poems.

DSome tips to overcome the fear of writing poems.

解析:选B 主旨大意题。综合全文内容可知,本文主要向我们介绍了一些写诗歌的方法。

加餐练() 主观题规范增分练


Hemingway once said that all modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain __1__ (call) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. There was nothing before. There __2__ (be) nothing as good since. Although he was referring to the famous sequel (续集) to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Hemingway's __3__ (admire) for all Twain's children's books is evident.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is directed more towards adults than children. __4__ has a darker view of the human condition and a __5__ (great) emphasis on the evils of society. This book is written as a bitter denunciation (谴责) of slavery. In contrast, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is __6__ (wonderful) humorous and light­hearted.

Twain is also well­known for the historical novel, The Prince and the Pauper, __7__ is set in 16th­century London. The plot depends entirely __8__ the intertwining (交织) of two stories.

Twain's books frequently involve completely different __9__ (lead) characters linked together by circumstances. For example, Tom Sawyer comes from a respectable society, Huckleberry Finn lives a poor life, __10__ they become friends and both desire freedom from society's limitation.

答案:1.called 2.has been 3.admiration 4.It 5.greater

6wonderfully 7.which 8.on/upon 9.leading 10.but


As a warm­hearted boy, I often do what I can help others. In my opinion, help others is both meaningful and rewarding. More importantly, it makes me feel happy.

Yesterday, I was on my way to school while I saw a foreigner, who looked very anxious. I went up to him without a hesitation. By talking about him, I learned that he has lost his way and couldn't find his hotel. Seeing his worrying expression, I offered to lead him to his hotel. On arriving there, he expressed his deeply thanks to me. Because I was late for school, I still received my teacher's praise for helping other in need.





第六句:aboutwith; hashad



第九句:BecauseThough/Although; otherothers






Dear Karolina

How's your holiday? I am sorry to bother you, but I do need your help. Recently, the English club in our school wants some articles and I have written a short fantasy story for it. I am wondering if you could be kind enough to spare some time to revise my story for me. I will be very glad to follow your advice on it. And by the way, I have sent it to your e­mail box.

I would be appreciate it very much if you could reply me before the end of this month.

Wish you have a nice holiday!


Li Hua


《2019年高中英语Module2FantasyLiterature单元加餐练一 - 二完形阅读组合练含解析外研版选修620190829415.doc》
