
发布时间:2015-09-17 12:00:13   来源:文档文库   


1. 通过E-mail by e-mail

2. 拨出(腾出) set aside

3. 与时俱进…keep the pace with the times

4. 全国各地all over the world

5. 而出名(闻名于世)be famous for…in the world

6. 捐献给…donate …to

7. 众所周知it is well known to all that

8. 一事无成achieve nothing

9. 制定(采取)措施 take measures

10. 的年龄(价格)在之间 range in age (price) from …to…

11. 感谢某人be thankful to sb for

12. 抱怨,发牢骚complain about

13. 投诉complain to sb…about…

14. 辞职 resign one’s position

15. 代替…substitute ….for…

16. 阻止某人做…prevent sb from doing

17. 致力于(主旨在)…aim at doing

18. 伸出援助之手give (lend) a helping hand to…

19. 让座give one’s seat to…

20. 不遗余力做…spare no efforts to do…

21. 坏了go wrong/ There is something wrong with

22. 参加体育锻炼 take physical exercise

23. 抽时间做…spare time to do

24. 从某种程度上来说to some extent

25. ..置若罔闻 turn a deaf ear to..

26. 停做keep doing

27. 负责be responsible for / answer for

28. 以书为友regard books as one’s friends

29. 亲眼with one’s eyes

30. 实现目标accomplish one’s goal

31. 百看不厌be worth seeing a hundred times

32. 应用于…apply…to

33. 知之甚少know little about…

34. 没有心情做…be in no mood for doing…

35. 误把当作(误认为mistake …for…

36. 命名be named after sb

37. 难怪It is no wonder that…

38. 在节食(在减肥)be on a diet

39. 独生子女be the only child at home

40. 得以managed to do / succeeded in doing

41. 鼓励私人购买汽车encourage people to buy private cars

42. 免费开放be open to the public free of charge

43. 归功于…owe…to…

44. 带某人参观…show sb around

45. 唾手可得……be at hand

46. 孜孜不倦地学习persevere in studying

47. 走去 head for

48. 维持公共秩序keep the public order

49. 把计划付诸于实施put the plan into practice

50. 老大不小了 be no longer a child


52. 一无是处be completely bad

53. 无私行为 deeds of selflessness

54. 没有恶意mean no harm

55. 不负众望live up to the expectation of the whole nation

56. 满足人们对住房的需求(要求)meet the needs of people for housing

57. 无法can’t

58. 坐在窗口be seated at the window

59. 门打不开the door won’t open

60. 无济于事It is no use doing

61. 是徒劳无益的It is useless doing…

62. 狡辩find any excuses

63. 规定 make it a rule that…( to do…)

64. 考虑方方面面 take many things into consideration

65. 忍俊不止can’t help laughing

66. 的票子the ticket for

67. 停电there is a power cut

68. 还不得而知(尚不清楚)…remains unknown

69. 是至关重要的It matters (is important) that

70. 含有丰富的…be rich in

71. 倒胃口sth upset sb

72. 千篇一律

73. 我们有责任做…It is up to us to do…

74. ….的地方, 就有…Where there is…, there will be…

75. 愁眉蹙额be very worried

76. 安居乐业live in peace and enjoy one’s work

77. 辍学drop out of school

78. 相媲美match sth/ sb

79. 之后某人才before It was … before sb did…

80. 感染了be infected with

81. 做斗争struggle against

82. 几十年如一日 have been doing…in the past several years

83. 患者those suffering from…

84. 我几乎无法用语言来表达我对你的感激之情I can hardly express how thankful I am to you for …

85. 使一夜成名make sb famous overnight

86. 充满活力be full of vigor

87. ….的原因是因为…The reason why….was that

88. 和睦相处get on well with

89. 响应党的号召做…respond to the Party’s call

90. 温室效应greenhouse

91. 符合环保要求fit in with the requirements of protecting environment

92. 本打算做…had intended to do

93. 逐字逐句word by word

94. 随着的兴起with the rise of…

95. 如此凑巧的是…It so happened that

96. 不断了解be kept informed of

97. 各种 a variety of

98. 还给…return…to

99. 相比之下By comparison, …

100. 和我早先想的相反Contrary to what I did…

101. 与他愿望相反Contrary to his wish, …

102. 把注意力集中在…focus one’s attention on

103. 面试时 in the interview

104. 能胜任做…be capable of doing

105. 组成consist of

106. 在老师的鼓励下Encouraged by the teacher

107. 赶往营救某人come to one’s rescue

108. 想到…think of

109. 度假spend one’s holiday

110. 兴趣相同 share the same interest with

111. with the help of 帮助下

112. under the leadership of领导下

113. under the care of 关心下

114. be strict with sb. ...人要求严格

115. be strict in sth. ...事要求严格

116. in the sun在阳光下

117. lie in 在于

118. in the eyes of ...观点看来,在...眼里

119. on the eve of ...前夕

120. fall behind the times 落在时代后面

121. with interest饶有兴趣地

122. with difficulty难以,有困难地

123. with ease轻松地,容易地

124. with vigor精力充沛地,充满活力地

125. with success /成功地

126. with confidence 自信地

127. be beyond comprehension 无法理解

128. be beyond description 无法形容(描绘)

129. be beyond expression 无法表达

130. be beyond compare无与伦比的

131. admit doing 承认做

132. advise sb. to do; 建议某人做

133. advise doing 建议做

134. allow doing; 允许做

135. allow sb. to do允许某人做

136. be anxious about.担心

137. be sound asleep熟睡

138. pay attention to; 注意;重视

139. draw /catch sb’s attention…引起某人注意

140. sb be to blame for…某人因而应受责备

141. be on business出差;

142. be in business 开张

143. by way of… 取道,经由

144. was caught in the rain.淋雨

145. There is a chance that= Chances are that 很可能

146. charge sb. with (doing) 控告某人

147. charge sb $…. for…某样东西向某人索价(开价)

148. collect stamps 集邮

149. common sense常识;

150. have much in common with 有很多共同点(相似之处)

151. be covered with 覆盖银装素裹 be covered with snow

152. a short cut捷径

153. be in danger处于危险

154. be determined to do sth. 决心做

155. die of /from 死于

156. draw a conclusion 得出结论

157. dream of 梦想做

158. further education继续教育

159. have an effect on 有影响 ,(作用)

160. be engaged in (doing ) sth. 忙于

161. be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚

162. equip sb. / sth. to do sth. 使具备条件做

163. 愿意做…be willing to

164. 不愿意做…be reluctant to do

165. 去国外进修(深造)go abroad to study further

166. 有待于今后(做,看,解决,讨论)remain to be done, seen. Solved, discussed)

167. 来判断(看)Judging from

168. 他的言行what he says and what he does

169. 鼠目寸光be short sighted

170. 40元钱的水果40 yuan’s worth of fruit

171. 某人无法做(impossibleIt is impossible for sb to do sth

172. 无法做…can’t do

173. 谢谢你做了…Thank you for doing sth

174. 这么多的书so many books

175. 这么多的信息so much information

176. 全力以赴做…go all our do sth

177. 不遗余力做…spare no effort to do

178. 按计划as planned

179. 按时on time

180. 提前ahead of time

181. 受益匪浅sth benefit sb greatly/ sb benefit from sth greatly

182. 远不令人(远不是)…be far from

183. 为了满足的需要meet the needs of

184. 20世纪in the 21th century

185. 20世纪初at the beginning of the 21th century

186. 80年代in the 1980s

187. 业已证明…It has been proved that

188. 结果是(proveIt proved that

189. 把注意力集中在老师讲的内容上focus one’s attention on what the teacher said

190. 居住空间housing space

191. 厌倦了(做厌倦了)grow tired of doing

192. 为什么不呢?Why not do…?

193. 分配go around

194. 不久(句型,表示将来)It won’t be long before…

195. 某人很可能It is likely that…

196. 安居工程 Housing Project for low income families

197. 嘉宾 distinguished guest

198. 加班 work overtime

199. 可持续发展 sustainable development

200. 年夜饭 family reunion dinner

201. 三好学生 merit student

202. 西部大开发 West Development

203. 希望工程 Hope Project

204. 抓住机遇 seize the opportunity

205. 大开眼界 open one's eyes

206. 黑客 hacker

207. 心理素质 psychological quality

208. 八成 most likely

209. 把握时机 seize the opportunity

210. 精神饱满 be full of vigor

211. 不辞而别 leave without saying good bye

212. 不知不觉before sb realized it / unconsciously

213. 诚然 true, indeed

214. 驰名中外 be famous at home and abroad

215. 迟疑不决 hesitate to make a decision

216. 充其量 at most

217. 忧心忡忡 be deeply worried

218. 憧憬 look forward of / dream of

219. 愁容满面 look extremely worried

220. 踌躇不前 hesitate to move forward

221. 出点子 offer advice

222. 出乎意料 unexpected

223. 触目惊心 shocking

224. 气喘吁吁(上气不接下气)out of breath

225. 吹毛求疵 find fault with

226. 从容不迫 be calm

227. 面带笑容 wear a smile

228. 单枪匹马 all by oneself

229. 得心应手 without difficulty

230. 喋喋不休 talk endlessly

231. 丢三落四 forgetful

232. 精神抖擞 be full of energy

233. 独一无二 unique

234. 所见所闻 what one sees and hears

235. 三番五次 time and again

236. 一去不复返 be gone forever

237. 纷纷 one after another

238. 付诸实施 put into effect

239. 如释重负 as if relieved of a heavy load

240. 赶时髦 follow the fashion

241. 各抒几见 each sticks to his own view

242. 孤苦伶仃 orphaned and helpless

243. 刮目相看 look at sth /sb with new eyes

244. 全神贯注 be absorbed in

245. 持之以恒persevere in doing

246. 记忆犹新…be still (remain) fresh in one’s mind

247. 回心转意change one’s view

248. 无济于事It is no use doing…

249. 加班work overtime

250. 家喻户晓be well known to every household

251. 截然不同complete different

252. 筋疲力尽be exhausted / be worn out

253. 精益求精constantly improve sth

254. 久违I haven’t seen…for a long time

255. 举国the whole nation

256. 举棋不定be unable to make up one’s mind

257. 聚精会神concentrate one’s attention on…

258. 慷慨解囊help sb generously

259. 刻不容缓be of great urgent

260. 一声不吭without saying a word

261. 热泪盈眶one’s ears are filled with tears

262. 助人为乐be ready to help others

263. 老一辈old generation

264. 置之不理pay no attention

265. 听他口气judging by the way he spoke

266. 良机 golden opportunity

267. 良师益友 good teacher and helpful friend

268. 寥寥无几 very few

269. 严于律己 be strict with oneself

270. 屡次三番 over and over again

271. 深思熟虑 think over sth. carefully

272. 略见一斑 get a rough idea of

273. 略有耳闻 have heard a little about

274. 漫不经心 careless

275. 茫然若失 be at a loss

276. 没精打采 in low spirits

277. 心花怒放(欣喜若狂) be wild with joy

278. 讴歌 sing the praise of

279. 平易近人 be easy to approach

280. 迫不得已 be forced to

281. 半途而废give up halfway

282. 不同凡响outstanding

283. 不遗余力spare no effort

284. 大公无私selfless

285. 大惑不解be extremely puzzled

286. 大名鼎鼎well known

287. 丰富多彩be rich and colorful

288. 风雨无阻in all weathers

289. 不速之客uninvited guest

290. 日以继夜 night and day

291. 穷年累月 year after year

292. 霎时间 in an instant

293. 深更半夜 late at night

294. 时过境迁 Time has changed

295. 瞬息万变 change at every moment

296. 无时无刻 all the time; constantly

297. 助一臂之力 lend sb. a helping hand

298. 一无所知 know nothing about

299. 一心一意 heart and soul

300. 三三两两 in twos and threes

301. 四面八方 in all directions

302. 不厌其烦 be patient

303. 不甘落后 be unwilling to lag behind

304. 不可思议 unimaginable

305. 名不虚传 deserve the reputation

306. 井然有序,井井有条be in good order

307. 跃跃欲试 be eager to have a try

308. 全面发展 develop in an all-around way

309. 安然无恙 be safe and sound

310. 默默无闻 be unknown to the public

311. 世世代代 from generation to generation

312. 心不在焉 be absent-minded

313. 无时无刻 all the time

314. 无所事事 have nothing to do

315. How Time flies. 光阴似箭,日月如梭。

316. 毫无疑问,毋庸置疑 Without doubt/question, ... There is no doubt that … It is out of question that…

317. 显而易见It is obvious ( / apparent / clear/ distinct / evident) that … Obviously, /Apparently, / Clearly, / Distinctly, /Evidently, …

318. 易如反掌 It’s very easy for sb. to do…尚待改进remain(s) to be improved

319. 重蹈覆辙repeat the same mistake(s)

320. 日子已一去不复返了Gone are the days when…

321. 一些治的药some medicine for…

322. 初来乍到 n new comer

323. 水土不服be not accustomed to the water and the climate here

324. 纯属正常It is natural for sb to do…

325. 口是心非say one thing but mean another

326. 迫不得已have no choice but to do

327. 无依无靠have no one t depend on

328. 微不足道be too little to be mentioned

329. 助人为乐be ready to help others

330. 杳无音讯sb has not been heard from

331. 十全十美be quite perfect

332. 鼠目寸光be short-sighted

333. ..而告终end up in doing

334. 提供了前车之鉴draw a lesson form…

335. 插肩而过

336. 是白费口舌It is a waste of time doing…

337. 难以承受…be difficult to afford it

338. 规定make it a rule to do…( that…)

339. 搞砸了;泡汤了;流产了be spoiled

340. 朝夕相处 have stayed with…for long timre

341. 梦寐以求dream of getting…for long time

342. 玩忽职守neglect one’s duty

343. 当今(时代)nowadays

344. 密切相关be closely related to…

345. 让你随时了解…keep you informed of…

346. 噩耗the bad news

347. 他的健康每况愈下He has been failing in health.

348. 人缘不好be not popular with

349. 足不出户without leaving home

350. 国家大事the notional events

351. 过分做do…too much

352. 不尽人意be far from satisfactory

353. 孤身一人live alone

354. 无亲无故have no relatives and friends

355. 含着热泪with tears in one’s ears

356. 被授予诺贝尔be awarded the Noble Prize for…

357. 造福子孙万代…benefit the future generations

358. 海内外游客the tourists from home and abroad

359. 以独特的风韵with its unique charm

360. 大量消耗了…be a great drain on

361. 受到的青睐be greatly popular with

362. 历经磨难experience countless hardship

363. 令人肃然起敬…be admirable

364. 迫不及待要can(could) hardly wait to do

365. 随着的临近with the approach of…

366. 一片狼籍be in a complete mess

367. 事过多年,某人才…It was many years before..

368. 得知…Leaning (Knowing)that

369. 一窍不通be ignorant of

370. 分享成功的喜悦share the joy of success

371. 余生the rest of one’s life

372. 吹毛求疵(挑剔);找茬find faults with

373. 不足挂齿be not worth mentioning

374. 到(在)场的人the people present

375. 周末at the weekend / at weekends

376. 加班work extra hours

377. 不容(被)can’t (be done…)

378. 机会难得the chance of….is hard to get

379. 他的一席话what he (had) siad

380. 大相径庭(迥异)A and B differ greatly ; A differs greatly from B

381. 兴趣相投share the same interest

382. ..因人而已…vary from person to person

383. 不耻劳苦take the trouble to do…

384. ..感到吃力have difficulty in doing…; It is hard(difficult) for sb to do…

385. 关系重大…play(s) an important role in …

386. 喜闻乐见be fond of enjoying

387. 后果不堪设想The result can’t be imagined

388. 山里娃the country child(ren)

389. 资助某人sponsor sb

390. 逐渐做…come to do

391. 各抒己见express one’s own opinion(s)

392. 善待treat…well

393. 凡事没有主张have no one’s opinion on anything

394. 人云亦云repeat what others say

395. 素不相识;素昧平生didn’t know

396. 轻敌look down one’s opponent

397. 莫名其妙;平白无故 for unknown reason

398. 如释重负sth relieved sb; sb felt relieved.

399. 结果…It turned out that

400. 一鸣惊人surprise the world with one’s first success

401. 坚守岗位stick to one’s post

402. 奋不顾身have no thought for one’s own safety

403. 忍无可忍can no longer put up with…

404. 三心二意be absent-minded

405. 寸步不离follow sb closely

406. 他俩互不相让Neither of them wouldn’t give in

407. 不负众望didn’t let anyone down

408. 勇夺第一名;名列第一come first in the…

409. 提前半年half a year in advance

410. 出色地完成了任务finish the task excellently

411. 筋疲力尽be worn out

412. 强人所难force sb to do…

413. 座无虚席there was no single vacant seat in the…

414. 一意孤行persist in doing…

415. 问心无愧have a clear conscience about…

416. 尚未通车be still inaccessible to vehicles

417. 打工do part-time jobs

418. be involved in卷入,

419. be jealous of 妒忌

420. be keen on 喜爱, 渴望

421. keep a close watch on 密切注视

422. in life 一生中

423. major in 主修(某课程)

424. as a matter of fact 实际上, 事实是

425. mention sth. to sb. 向某人提起某事

426. by mistake(由于粗心,健忘原因而)错误地

427. by nature 天生的, 生来

428. owe…to… 归于

429. go to great pains=take pains 下功夫,努力

430. be out of practice 荒疏,不熟练

431. take pride in(=pride oneself on) 自豪

432. in private (=privately) 私下, 秘密地;

433. in public 公开地

434. …in progress …在进行中

435. on purpose 故意

436. be caught in the rain 被雨淋了

437. bring up抚养,培养

438. catch one’s eyes引起某人注意

439. check in办理登记手续

440. compare...to .....比作

441. compare… with ...

442. in the course of...过程中

443. be out of danger脱离危险

444. be out of date过时的,陈旧的,

445. be up to date现代化的

446. in detail详细地

447. in the face of在面临时,面对着

448. fall behind落后

449. make fun of取笑,嘲弄

450. head for,,走向

451. learn… by heart记住,背诵

452. heart and soul全心全意地,完全地

453. lose heart丧失勇气,失去信心

454. in honor of为向...表示敬意,...庆祝/纪念

455. as long as只要

456. on schedule按预定时间,

457. 物有所值be worth the price

458. 做临时工take part-time jobs

459. 很好地掌握have a good knowledge of

460. 被剥夺了…be deprived of

461. 实践经验practical knowledge

462. 书本知识book knowledge

463. 同甘共苦share happiness and sadness with sb

464. 旗鼓相当be equal to sb in..

465. 而不是…do…instead of doing…

466. 自暴自弃give oneself up

467. 很谈的来get on well with

468. 高考the college entrance examination

469. 呼吁某人做…appeal sb to

470. 迎合某人的兴趣sth appeal to sb

471. 轮到某人做…It’s one’s turn to do

472. 老百姓common people

473. 寓教于乐combine education with entertainment

474. 分道扬镳go in different directions

475. 挨家挨户from door to door

476. 圆了的梦realize one’s dream of

477. 多才多艺be of many gifts

478. 还好使(用be still in good condition

479. 祝贺某人…congratulate sb on doing

480. 横贯(穿,扫)get across / sweep off

481. 与生俱来be born with

482. 讨好please…

483. 一次千载难缝的机会a rare chance

484. 一个人口众多,历史悠久的国家a country with large population and long historya

485. 整夜睡不着觉keep awake



