高二英语外研版选修10学案:课前导引 Module5 High-tech Living Word版含解析

发布时间:2018-05-28 11:00:36   来源:文档文库   




reliable digital enabled dream of impressive sensibly remote obsession virtual constantly revolutionise appliance curriculum vocational extract

1.Most of the computers we are using are__________(数字)computers.

2.He__________(经常)writes articles for the local paper.

3.His collection of paintings is the most__________(深刻印象的).

4.I shouldn’t__________(做梦)doing such a thing.

5.The chairman didn’t act very__________(明智的).

6.Is German on your school’s__________(课程)?

7.His__________(迷恋)with computers began six months ago.

8.For example,in a__________(虚拟的)space,students can “dissect” a human body,“visit” ancient battlefields,or “talk” with Shakespeare...

9.I don’t think he is a__________(可靠的)man.

10.I would like to quote two__________(摘录)from the book.

11.We will have some__________(职业)training before graduation.

12.These__________(家用电器)are made of stainless iron.

13.The bomb was exploded by__________(遥控)control.

14.Computers have__________(彻底改变了)banking.

15.The collapse of the strike__________(使能够)the company to resume normal bus services.

答案:1.digital 2.constantly 3.impressive 4.dream of 5.sensibly 6.curriculum 7.obsession 8.virtual 9.reliable 10.extracts 11.vocational 12.appliances 13.remote 14.revolutionized 15.enabled



1.He earned this award by answering over 2000 emails about computer problems in 2003.


2.He has continued to provide non-profit technology support...


答案:1.by doing sth.通过某种方式

2.continue to provide=continue doing 继续做某事



1.At the end of two years he was__________ at his work.

2.The young man__________above everything,to be quite alone with his girlfriend.

3.The last train__________ to London leaves Brighton at 11:20 p.m.

4.Ever since 1998,I have been__________to meet him face to face.

5.Many of my friends__________my suggestion at the meeting.

6.I can’t__________ Miss Green from Miss Smith.

7.Alice told me how her elder sister__________ for children.

8.The bad habit of smoking is now__________ on his health.

答案:1.back 2.longed 3.back 4.longing 5.backed 6.tell 7.longed 8.telling


《高二英语外研版选修10学案:课前导引 Module5 High-tech Living Word版含解析.doc》
