
发布时间:2020-09-26 12:19:18   来源:文档文库   



王卫明 熊婧婧 沈栋琴 纪佩吉





1)Good to have you with us,Sir/Ms.


1)Can you speak Chinese

2)Can we talk with each other in Chinese


采访的基本内容包括5个“W”和一个“H”(即 What, When, Why, Where, Who, How)这几个关键问题,常见的提问句型有:


1)Who is involved in

例句:Who is involved in it

2)Who benefited from

3)Who suffered from

4)Who made


1)What is the current status of

2)What’s your opinion of

3)what kinds ofcan you share

4)What is similar to

5)What time do you usually

6)What is different from

7)What are the causes of

8)What happened before

9)What happened after

10)What are the consequences of

11)What were the physical surroundings

12)What parts make up How are they related to each other

例句:What had happened

关于When,可以这样问:When didoccur

例句:When did this accident occur


1)How long didtake

2)How would you describe

3)How have you faced

4)How wouldhave been different if the circumstances were different

例句:How many people were injured now and what is the current status of the wounded


1)Why didexist or occur

2)Why did ……do

3)Why do you……

例句:Why did it happen


1where comes

例句:Where comes it



1)What do you think / imagine …

例句:What do you think of/ imagine the economic situation

2)Could you give us some comment on

例句:Could you give us some comment on the environmental issues\your new partner

3Can we talk a bit about

例句:Can we talk a bit about the state station

4)Can you give us a simple introduction of

例句:Can you give us a simple introduction of your company

5)Can you give us a few sentences to summarize … for us

例句:Can you give us a few sentences to summarize your opinions for us

6)Could you give us an brief introduction …

例句:Could you give us an brief introduction this word


1)Do you agree with it

2)Are you +形容词

例句:Are you angry

4)Do you +动词或动词词组

例句:Do you love her

5)Like +名词

例句:Like McDonalds

6)Are you planning to

例句:Do you agree with the proposition that consumer spending is patriotic


1Could / Can / May I interrupt

2Excuse me.

3Pardon me.

4I beg your pardon/Beg your pardon.

5Im sorry.


1Well, lets move on to the next point.

2We will now come to the second problem.

3Turning to the next question, Ill talk about

4So much forI would now like to shift to discussion.

5Now, lets move away from and switch over to the next section of

6Next, I would like to turn to

7The next point Id like to talk about is

8Please draw some light on ….

9My second question is,

10)The other question is ….


1)Before I turn to,I have one small question regarding

2)What specific measures are you taking to assure social stability as … And within that question, one last question on.


1)I got it.


3)I think this one will do.

4)So do I.

5)Neither do I.

6)Yes, I doubt it.

7)Yes , I think so.

8)I disagree.

9)Im afraid I can't agree.


1) .Am I right

2) .Is this right

3)Im not sure Im getting this. Are you saying …

例句:Im not sure Im getting this. Are you saying you have planned to reduce the property price

4)I dont know exactly what you mean. Do you mean that

例句:I dont know exactly what you mean. Do you mean that you have planned to reduce the property price

5)Im not sure I understand. Do you mean to …

例句:Im not sure I understand. Do you mean to reduce the property price

6)Are you suggesting that

例句: Are you suggesting that you have planned to reduce the property price

7)I didnt quite catch that. Do you mean to …

例句:I didnt quite catch that. Do you mean to reduce the property price


1I didnt get the last part / word .

2What did you say

3Pardon, I couldnt hear what you said .

4I beg your pardon, I didnt catch what you said.

5Could you go over that again

6Im not sure what youre getting at.

7Would you mind repeating that

8Could / Would you repeat that please

9Could / Would you say that again please


1Are you following me

2Are you with me

3Did you get that

4Do you understand so far

5Does that make sense to you

6Is that clear

7Okay so far

8Did you catch that


□ 王卫明 纪佩吉 熊婧 沈栋琴


关键词:英文采访 常用 句型 语句





(姓) Good afternoon!

Miss XX(姓) + Good morning!

Premier XX(姓) Good evening!


Hi, Mr. XX(姓).

Hello,President XX(姓).


例句:Good morning, Mr. Clinton.


1)Im the journalist from+某媒体

例句:Im the journalist from Jiefang Daily(解放日报)/Chuncheng Evening News(春城晚报)/Southern Metropolis Daily(南方都市报)/Tianfu Morning News(天府早报).

2)Please let me introduce myself. I'm a reporter . My name is …

例句:Please let me introduce myself. Im a reporter and my name is Li Shuangshuang.


例一:Im Bob WoodwardWashington Post.

例二:Im Zhang Quanling,CCTV.


1)Our interview is mainly about

2)Our interview will focus on

3)I hope we can have a in-depth interview about


例句:Our interview will focus on current financial crisis.


1)Can I contact with you at your convenience

2)Can I / May I / Could I interview +某人

例句:May I interview you

3)Would you mind

例句:Would you mind giving an exclusive interview with me

4)I wonder if I could interview+某人+about+某事.

例句:I wonder if I could interview the Prime Minister about government policy.


1)I shall only take +数字+minutes of your time.

:I shall only take 3 minutes of your time.

2)My interview should only last +数字+minutes.

:My interview should only last 5 minutes.

3)Would you mind I taking your +数字+ minutes

:Would you mind I taking you 5 minutes

4)I wonder if I could

:I wonder if I could talk with you only 5 minutes

5)Will you take +数字+minutes for me

:Will you take 5 minutes for me



1)If you have time, we will interview on +某时间+at+某地点.Do you agree with our plan

例句:If you have time, we will interview on Monday this week at our station. Do you agree with our plan

2)如果对方同意,则记者可以说:Ok, we will meet on that day.


1)Hello, Im a journalist from+某媒体, I want to interview+某人+about+某事.When does he have time Can you help me to reserve it Thank you!

例句:Hello, Im a journalist from People's Daily(人民日报), I want to interview Professor John about current financial crisis. When dose he have time Can you help me to reserve it Thank you!

2)Hello, Im a reporter at+某媒体,某人+ recommended that I get in touch with +某人about+某事.

例句:Hello, Im a reporter at Jiangxi TV(江西电视台), Doctor Miller recommended that I get in touch with Professor Anderson about current financial crisis.




1)Thats all. Thank you.

2)Thats all for my work..Thank you.

3)Thank you for your meeting.


4)Its an honour to …

例句一:Its an honour to have the opportunity to talk to you today.

例句二:Its a great honour to be here and especially to interview you today.

5)Im very glad/ delighted to

例句一:Im very glad to talk to you today.

例句二:I am very delighted to have the opportunity to meet you..

6)I am privileged to be here with you(能与您在一起交谈,我感到很荣幸/幸运).

例句:I am privileged to be here with you this afternoon.

7)Its my honour talking to you!

8)Thank you very much for agreeing to talk to +某媒体. Its been very enlightening.


9)Thank you for joining us.

10)We really appreciate your joining us,and we appreciate your distinct insights into all of this. Thank you!

以上总结的,是英文采访中的常用句型,并不是英文采访的全部句型。真正的英文采访,需要记者现场随机应变,灵活使用各种句型。有时,记者的话语只说出关键词,不是完整的句子,不符合英语语法,但采访对象能够明白记者的意思,也是可以的。例如:Hello! What you meanWhat后缺漏了do或did)


1]Lionel : Wen Jiabao【EB/OL】.英国《金融时报》网站,,2009-02-02/2009-03-29.

2]王慧莉,姜怡. 学术交流英语【M】.北京:高等教育出版社,2006.


4]谢明波.本刊专访:胡敏谈英语采访【EB/OL】.新闻写作网, 石晓杰.实用新闻英语教程【M】.沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,2006.

6](英)萨利•亚当斯,文弗•希克斯. 新闻采访:第一线采访手边书【M】.上海:上海三联书店,2004.

作者王卫明 联系方式——

通讯地址:江西南昌市红谷滩新区学府大道999号 南昌大学新闻与传播学系 王卫明 (收)

邮政编码:330031 手机: (南昌) 电话:




