
发布时间:2011-12-10 12:06:06   来源:文档文库   
[基金项目]湖南省自然科学基金联合基金项目(07JJ 6039)[作者单位]中南大学湘雅二医院肾脏病研究所,中南大学湘雅二医院肾内科,湖南省肾脏疾病与血液净化学重点实验室(长沙,410011)[通讯作者]彭佑铭(E-m ai:l pengy m 5577@yahoo .co m.cn )2009年版权归 肾脏病与透析肾移植杂志 编辑部所有原发性Ig A 肾病中肥大细胞浸润与肾小管间质损害的关系刘 虹 李玲艳 彭佑铭 刘映红 成梅初 袁 芳 许向青 刘伏友摘 要 目的:了解肥大细胞(m ast ce l,l M C)在人类原发性Ig A 肾病(IgAN )肾组织中的浸润及与肾小管间质损害程度、蛋白酶激活受体2(pro tease acti va ted recepto r -2PAR-2)表达的关系,探寻肥大细胞在IgAN 肾小管间质损害过程中的可能作用机制。 方法:以35例IgAN 肾活检石蜡包埋肾组织及5例肾肿瘤患者行肾切除的远离肿瘤部位的肾组织作为研究对象。根据L ee 氏分级及K ata f uchi 半定量积分法分组。采用免疫组化法检测肾组织中M C 和PAR-2的表达,分析它们之间及其与肾小管间质损害程度的相关性。所有数据均使用SPSS 13 0英文版统计软件进行分析。 结果:(1)随着L ee 氏分级等级的升高和肾小管间质损害程度的加重,M C 数目和PAR-2的表达水平逐渐增加。(2)肾小管间质中M C 、PAR-2的表达水平呈正相关(r =0 844,P <0 01)。肾小管间质中M C 和PAR-2的表达水平均与肾小管间质病理积分呈正相关(r =0 948,0 840,P 均<0 01)。结论:(1)M C 浸润与原发性IgAN 肾小管间质损害程度密切相关,M C 可能是原发性IgAN 肾小管间质损害过程的重要参与者。(2)类胰蛋白酶和PAR-2可能共同参与了原发性IgAN 复杂的肾小管间质损害过程。关键词 肥大细胞 蛋白酶激活受体2 IgA 肾病 肾小管间质损害R elationsh i p bet w een m ast cells and renal tubu loi n terstitial da mage i n patien ts w ith Ig A n ephropathyLIU H ong ,LI L i ng-yan,PENG You -m i ng,LIU Y i ng-hong ,CHEN G M ei -chu,YUAN Fang,XU X i ang -qing,LIU Fu -y ou Research Instit u te of N e p hro l ogy,D e p ar t m ent of N e p hro logy,2nd X iangya H osp it al ,Central Sout h U ni ver sity,Changsha 410011,Ch i naCorres p onding author:PENG You-m ing (E-m ail :p engym 5577@y ahoo.com.cn )AB STRACT O b ject i ve :T o i nvestigate the corre l ation of mast cells i nfiltration and t ubu l o i nte rstiti a l da m age and a l soto ex a m i ne the relati onsh i p bet w een m ast ce lls and pro tease activated receptor -2(PAR-2)express i on i n pa ti ents w ith IgA nephropathy . M e thodology :R enal b i opsy spec i m ens fro m thirty five pa ti ents w ith a cli nicopatholog i ca l diagnosis of IgA nephropathy and no r m al rena l tissue sections fro m 5nephrecto m ized patients f o r nephro m a w ere co ll ected .T he changes o f pathom orpho l og ical t ypes w ere accordi ng to Lee S M and K atafuch i se m i quantita ti ve scoring syste m.T he expressi on o f tryptase and PAR-2w as de tected w ith i m munohistoche m istry .T he possible co rre lati on among the expressi on leve l o f tryptase ,PAR-2and h i stopa t ho l og ica l score was ev al uated .A ll data has been analyzed by SPSS 13 0. R esu lts :T he percentages of m ast ce lls and the expressi ons of PAR-2w ere i ncreased w ith the aggrava ti on o f t ubu liointerstitial damage and the elevati on o f Lee grad i ng in pa itents w ith IgA nephropathy .The percentage of mast cell amoun tsw as po siti ve l y correlated w it h t he expressi ons leve l o f PAR-2(r =0 844,P <0 01).In additi on to ,there was a sign ifi cant positi v e correlations among the score o f renal tubu le h i stopa t ho l ogy ,t he i nfiltration of mast ce l,l and the expressi on level of PAR-2.Conc l u sion :The po siti ve correlati on be t w een t he pe rcentag es of i n filtrati ng m ast cells and tubulointerstitial da m age s ugges -ted t hat the m ast ce lls be proba l y invov l ed i n the deve lop m ent o f the tubu l o i nterstiti a l damage ,and tha t the m ast cel-l der i ved tryptase and PAR-2be a lso probably contr i buted to t he tubulo i nterstitia l da m age i n patients w ith IgA nephropa t hy . K ey word s Ig A nephropathy m ast cell prote i nase -activated receptors -2 tubu l o interstitial da m age 417 肾脏病与透析肾移植杂志 第18卷 第5期 2009年10月


